Permitir que famílias vulneráveis alcancem crescimento econômico inclusivo e sustentável por meio da aquisição de conhecimento em tecnologia e produção audiovisual usando dois veículos aéreos não tripulados - UAV, uma câmera digital e um computador para criar empregos, oportunidades de negócios e renda. Esta é uma solução que pode mudar a vida de milhares de famílias vulneráveis em todo o mundo, porque pequenas equipes de jovens aprendizes podem adquirir conhecimento sobre como produzir vídeos publicitários, institucionais ou artísticos, usando drones para capturar imagens aéreas, uma câmera fotográfica digital e um computador para editar a matéria-prima, tornando-a um produto. Com esse conhecimento em mãos, essas pequenas equipes de produção podem prestar serviços e ter como clientes pessoas físicas, governo, empresas privadas e organizações não-governamentais.
Nas últimas décadas, houve um aumento da desigualdade econômica em diferentes partes do mundo. No Brasil, por exemplo, existem muitas famílias vulneráveis que sofrem desigualdade, vivem na pobreza e têm fome.
A desigualdade é o principal fator que mantém o IDH do Brasil baixo. O relatório mundial divulgado em 9 de dezembro de 2019 pela Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU) mostra que o IDH brasileiro era de 0,761.
Em fevereiro de 2020, o salário mínimo no Brasil subiu para 186,94 dólares.
O último censo no Brasil, realizado pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística - IBGE, aponta que o Município de Cabo Frio, com 226.525 habitantes, possui o Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano Municipal - IDHM em 0,735.
Em Cabo Frio, 34,5% da população vive em favelas e possui renda mensal de até meio salário mínimo, 93,47 dólares por pessoa, o que coloca a cidade na posição 3675 de 5570 em relação à desigualdade no Brasil.
Podemos ajudar a mudar essa situação, permitindo que equipes de jovens aprendizes entre 14 e 17 anos, de famílias vulneráveis, adquiram conhecimento em tecnologia para gerar empregos, oportunidades de negócios e renda.
Desenvolver a Escola de Audiovisual do Instituto Escola do Mar - IEMAR significa treinar, capacitar e contratar equipes de produção audiovisual. A idéia central é promover o crescimento econômico e inclusivo, gerando empregos, oportunidades de negócios e renda para pequenas equipes de jovens aprendizes com idades entre 14 e 17 anos, provenientes de famílias vulneráveis.
As equipes de jovens aprendizes da Escola Audiovisual do IEMAR, através da aquisição de conhecimentos em tecnologia e produção audiovisual, produzirão vídeos publicitários, institucionais ou artísticos, de maneira profissional.
Dois (2) drones e uma câmera fotográfica digital serão usados para capturar imagens e vídeos, e um computador e capacidade criativa serão as ferramentas a serem usadas para transformar a matéria-prima em um produto bem recebido pelos consumidores.
Na Escola Audiovisual IEMAR, os membros das Equipes de Jovens Aprendizes serão designados para executar tarefas, de acordo com suas habilidades.
Cada equipe será composta por (1) roteirista / jornalista; (1) produtor / editor; (2) pilotos; e (1) diretor, onde todos participam de todo o projeto e discutem o processo de produção audiovisual, mas cada membro da equipe em sua área e responsabilidade específica.
Nosso público-alvo são jovens entre 14 e 17 anos, de famílias vulneráveis da Favela do Jacaré, Cabo Frio - RJ, Brasil.
Todos os candidatos devem estar matriculados na rede municipal ou estadual de ensino e seus responsáveis devem comprovar que residem na Favela do Jacaré, demonstrar que possuem renda familiar mensal igual ou inferior a 1 (um) salário mínimo, através do cartão de trabalho , ou ser autônomo registrado no município de Cabo Frio.
Nós, do Instituto Escola do Mar - IEMAR, entendemos as necessidades das famílias vulneráveis da Favela do Jacaré porque, há cerca de dois (2) anos, realizamos projetos para crianças e jovens desta comunidade.
Como exemplo, convidamos você a assistir:
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Ao frequentar a Escola Audiovisual IEMAR, os jovens, através da aquisição de conhecimentos, aprenderão sobre: o que fazem, como fazem e quais são as responsabilidades de cada membro de uma equipe de produção audiovisual.
Dessa forma, queremos que os jovens trabalhem em equipe para gerar empregos, oportunidades de negócios e renda, empregando tecnologia para transformar imagens e vídeos brutos em produtos para os consumidores.
- Enable small and new businesses, especially in untapped communities, to prosper and create good jobs through access to capital, networks, and technology
Com um IDHM de 0,735, o município de Cabo Frio possui cerca de 78.151 habitantes, com renda mensal de até metade do salário mínimo (U $ 93,47), morando em favelas. A Escola Audiovisual IEMAR é um modelo de negócios que visa capacitar equipes de jovens aprendizes com idades entre 14 e 17 anos, provenientes de famílias vulneráveis da Favela do Jacaré - Município de Cabo Frio, RJ - Brasil, para que, através da aquisição de conhecimento na produção tecnológica e audiovisual, ajudam os familiares por meio do crescimento econômico e inclusivo, geração de empregos, oportunidades de negócios e renda.
- Prototype: A venture or organization building and testing its product, service, or business model
- A new business model or process
We used as a tool to search for competitors in the municipality of Cabo Frio and found that there is no technical communication course that combines sound and image. The existing course in the municipality is of Higher Education in Cinema and Audiovisual, offered by the Veiga de Almeida University, a private higher education institution. We expanded the investigation and found out that there is not any Audiovisual School for Families in Vulnerable Situations in anywhere.
This finding makes the IEMAR Audiovisual School unique, an development inclusive enterprise that, through the acquisition of knowledge in technology and audiovisual production, can generate jobs, business opportunities and income for small Teams of Young Apprentices aged between 14 and 17 years old, from the poorest strata of society, which are vulnerable families, those who earn up to a minimum monthly wage in Brazil.
IEMAR's Audiovisual School is a business model that is fully linked to technology.
Initially, the IEMAR Audiovisual School needs its own space to develop and grow, equipped with university-type chairs, paper, pens, LED smart TV 65”, light, water and internet.
Then, the IEMAR Audiovisual School needs the technological equipment that has as main objective to expand the acquisition of knowledge, skills in technology and audiovisual production, of the young apprentices, such as: drones, augmented virtual reality glasses, digital photo camera, universal tripod photographic and laptops.
Subsequently, after acquiring knowledges, adaptation to the equipment’s and expanding skills, during any broadcast, recording or filming made outside the IEMAR Audiovisual School, or during audiovisual editing for clients, the young apprentices will use professional equipment, specifically: (1) drone Magic pro 2; (1) VR box for virtual reality; (1) professional digital photo camera; (1) photographic universal tripod; and (1) specific laptop to edit images and videos.
Basically, the success of the IEMAR Audiovisual School depends, among others, on these specific materials and equipment and in sufficient numbers for what the young apprentices to can training and improve, before being hired and / or pursuing a solo career.
Bem-Te-Vi is the name of a Brazilian bird that lives in our region.
In 2019, a friend entrusted us his two drones and a computer he had. One drone was used for training and another to capture aerial images, and the computer to edit videos for some local customers. Thus, was born our experiment: BemTeVi Project.
Part of the results of our experiment or Pilot Project can be seen by accessing the links below.
The first video points to the teaching-learning capacity of the components of our experiment: providing poor children from a public school in the region with their first contact with a cutting-edge technology.
The 2nd video highlights the editing of a video for the Rio de Janeiro Yacht Club, ending with the interview of the President of the Headquarters Cabo Frio.
We highlight this successful experimentation was carried out by five young people from 14 to 17 years old, all coming from vulnerable families in Favela do Jacaré, Municipality of Cabo Frio - RJ, Brazil.
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
- Audiovisual Media
- Imaging and Sensor Technology
- Robotics and Drones
- Virtual Reality / Augmented Reality
The IEMAR Audiovisual School intends to transform the lives of countless families in vulnerable situations in the Favela do Jacaré over the next five (5) years.
The way to transformation is possible through the acquisition of knowledge in technology and audiovisual production that will be offered FREE by the Audiovisual School of IEMAR to the young people aged 14 to 17 years established in Favela do Jacaré and other communities.
What makes the path to achieve this change visible and real is the fact that the IEMAR Audiovisual School is a business model that aims to train teams of young apprentices so that they help their families to have economic and inclusive growth, generation of jobs, business opportunities and income.
In the planning of the IEMAR Audiovisual School, it is expected, as an immediate result, that a complete team of five young people will be absorbed by the Instituto Escola Do Mar - IEMAR.
As long-term results, we emphasize that a drone and a computer will be donated every six months by the Instituto Escola Do Mar - IEMAR so that, periodically, some teams can develop their own domestic business; others will be recommended to be hired by private companies or by the government as Young Apprentices, according to Law No. 10,097 / December / 2000, Law No. 11,180 / September / 2005 and Decree No. 5,598 / December / 2005; and some will enter the adult phase of life, which in Brazil begins at 18 years of age, more confident to face the job market.
All of this can have a positive impact on the domestic economic growth of vulnerable families. Through education, knowledge and technology, we can generate jobs, business opportunities and expand family income, in an entrepreneurial, inclusive and sustainable way.
The socioeconomic impact in the Favela do Jacaré will be measured on two fronts:
- Defining the coverage of the IEMAR Audiovisual School in the Favela do Jacaré; and
- Measuring how the IEMAR Audiovisual School influenced the different dimensions of poverty in families in Favela do Jacaré.
- Women & Girls
- Children & Adolescents
- Peri-Urban
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Minorities & Previously Excluded Populations
- Persons with Disabilities
- 1. No Poverty
- 2. Zero Hunger
- 4. Quality Education
- 5. Gender Equality
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
- 10. Reduced Inequalities
- 17. Partnerships for the Goals
- Brazil
The IEMAR Audiovisual School is a business model generated from the Pilot Project denominated BemTeVi Project carried out in 2019 by the Instituto Escola Do Mar - IEMAR, an innovative social impact institution whose mission is to contribute to solving global challenges.
In 2019, through the realization of the BemTeVi Pilot Project, we instructed a group of five young people from the Center for Attention to the Young Happy Space - CAJEF and we assure that dozens of poor children from municipal public schools in the region had the first contact with the latest technology.
We also publish two videos for local customers. Then, we had to postpone the development of the project because the equipment was borrowed, and wait until the right time to reactivate it.
We currently see an opportunity to reactivate the initial project, once we get to know MIT Solve.
Therefore, today, the current number of people we are serving through the IEMAR Audiovisual School is zero. However, the Escola Do Mar Institute - IEMAR, through its other projects, has helped more 200 families in vulnerable situations.
Our desire is to double the number of families served in one year.
In five years, we want to take the concept of the IEMAR Audiovisual School to other poor countries on the American continent, such as Peru, Ecuador and the Dominican Republic and, if possible, to the African continent, thereby serving thousands of families in a situation. of vulnerability.
Currently, the Instituto Escola Do Mar - IEMAR helps around 200 vulnerable families. Our desire is to double the number of families served in one year.
In five years, we want to take the IEMAR Audiovisual School concept to other poor countries, starting with the American continent and even the African continent. Thus, making the concept of the IEMAR Audiovisual School in an innovative project that help to generate jobs, business opportunities and income for thousands of vulnerable families.
On the other hand, if we take into account that during the realization of the BemTeVi Project, with a team of five young people, we were able in one week to visit three elementary schools and thereby stimulate the lives of hundreds of students, we believe that in less than five years the IEMAR Audiovisual School concept will impact millions of lives.
The Instituto Escola Do Mar - IEMAR is a non-governmental organization - NGO, non-profit, created by specialists who voluntarily dedicate themselves to work to promote respect for life by using education, innovative and sustainable mechanisms as a tool to strengthen society, develop the philanthropy, transform and improve the world.
We are up to date with tax taxes in the spheres (federal, state and municipal). We do not have a labor agreement, because we encourage and act with volunteers, we are not negative with any financial institution, we have a good track record (orderly and reliable accounting records). However, access to capital is a barrier that IEMAR needs to overcome in order to resume the development of the “IEMAR Audiovisual School” project.
An established NGO is not entitled to free legal services, but to overcome this barrier, we have the support of a lawyer and an accountant who work voluntarily on behalf of IEMAR.
Due to its size, of the Brazil there are huge cultural differences between states. However, under a good agreement, IEMAR is willing to overcome this barrier by transferring know-how from its business plan or carrying out mergers as a strategy to disseminate the IEMAR Audiovisual School and benefit millions of vulnerable families in Brazil and in the world.
When choosing new paths to complement our strategic planning, IEMAR reinvents itself to grow by building a strong mentality and capable of facing daily and recurring obstacles in a positive way.
In order to overcome barriers and at the same time comply with our strategic plan to resume the development of the BemTeVi Project, now called IEMAR Audiovisual School, we, from Instituto Escola Do Mar - IEMAR, want to enable ourselves, establish partnerships and strategic alliances to build alternative paths that do not compromise our scarce financial resources, which today are donations from small businessmen and friends. The idea of empowering us arises to structure our expectations, options and expected results, comply with national and international regulations and technical standards, as well as conformity assessment procedures, so that in this way others will understand us better, to create new opportunities and to make the IEMAR Audiovisual School develop and grow in a short period of time. And, to make this transparent, IEMAR counts on volunteers who support us and give us professional assistance both in matters related to the legal environment and bookkeeping of accounts, as also in operation unmanned aerial vehicles and audiovisual production. The market barriers will be overcome as we comply with the technical requirements whose fulfillment is necessary for export, when giving knowledge, methods and procedures as a strategic tool to disseminate the IEMAR Audiovisual School.
