Virtual Bizcubation program
Globally start-ups contribute a huge percentage to the growth of economies of many countries. However most small and medium enterprises registered a stagnant growth or completely seize to exist due to lack of knowledge and skill on how they can run and grow enterprises. At the same time investors shun to invest in them as they are risky businesses due to lack of security.
Through the Virtual Bizcubation program we will support young people in Malawi with skills and knowledge to developing business ideas, running a business and growing their enterprises. We will also support them by providing access to financial resources that are had to secure from the commercial financial service providers.
Bizcubation supports innovations that brings a positive impact to people, economy and the environment. the program support social entrepreneurs that are ready to make profits, conserve environment and create jobs for others.
Every year, over 10, 000 fresh graduates walk out from the Malawi tertiary institutions graduating with advanced diplomas and degrees. However, the Malawi economy only absorbs one third of the total graduates leaving many unemployed.
Due to the high unemployment rate in the country, most young people opt to start businesses as such experiencing losses due to inadequate knowledge a capacity to running enterprises. At the same time they do not have access to productive resources including land and finances due to security and in other cases cultural factors
According to a report by MENON publications of 2010 on SME growth in Sub-Saharan Africa, Growth opportunities in Africa are severely hampered by access to finance and stable supply of electricity. Where micro companies meet several assisting financial measures, there seems a lack of instruments supporting the more established, yet still vulnerable SMEs.
Bizcubation aims at nurturing startup businesses through business development support for
growth and success. Through the program we shall build the capacity of the enterprises with focus
on their networking skills, openness and willingness to learn and passion to grow their enterprise.
Through the program, participants will undergo three months intensive training and three months
implementation support which include a 7-day boot camp on pitching and investment readiness,
one on one coaching and learning visits to existing successful enterprises.
The solution targets young entrepreneurs who want or are currently running a business. The solution will impact their lives by
- increasing knowledge, focus and direction on entrepreneurship opportunities in Malawi,
- Increase in productivity of startup entrepreneurs in a period of 2 years,
- Creation of new job opportunities every 2 years through the startup enterprises in Malawi,
- Increased partnership and client base among entrepreneurs,
- Improved access to financial support
Increased investments through the established angel investors network as well as the
enterprise development fund
- Enable small and new businesses, especially in untapped communities, to prosper and create good jobs through access to capital, networks, and technology
Most start up and early stage businesses display stagnant growth or failure due to lack of direction and knowledge on how to grow their enterprise with a 90% rating the throughout Africa. Mzuzu E-Hub has been a major support system for startups at seed and early stage levels and we have identified some of the key challenges that lead to stagnant growth for startups in Malawi including; market research, limited knowledge on financial management, lack of leadership skills and professional etiquette, limited access to business development support services and access to financing.
- Growth: An organization with an established product, service, or business model rolled out in one or, ideally, several communities, which is poised for further growth
- A new business model or process
This will be the first virtual business incubation program to be run in Malawi which is designed to be cost effective and more productive while addressing unique and diverse problems of the societies
The solution will be powered by a number of technologies for the facilitation of the trainings and tracking. the solution will use zoom, slack and emails to facilitate learning and a number a system will be developed to monitor performance of the entrepreneurs under the program
Zoom has widely been used to support online trainings as such there is enough evident that this technology will supports the learning needs of the solution
- Audiovisual Media
- Big Data
- Internet of Things
- Software and Mobile Applications
- Virtual Reality / Augmented Reality
When startups are empowered with knowledge and skills and provided with productive resources, they will have increased productivity and at the same time sustained businesses. this will lead to creation of more job opportunities to others in the society whilst improving the general livelihoods of people. That's creating a health and sustainable economy for all
- Women & Girls
- Peri-Urban
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- Refugees & Internally Displaced Persons
- Minorities & Previously Excluded Populations
- Persons with Disabilities
- 1. No Poverty
- 2. Zero Hunger
- 5. Gender Equality
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
- 17. Partnerships for the Goals
- Malawi
- Malawi
- Zambia
We are currently serving 50 people per year, however, we plan to serve atleast 200 people every year in the next five years
Reach out to 1000 business in the next five years that are sustainable and thriving
The Major barriers to accomplishing the goals currently is community resistance in the sense that most communities in Malawi have been a victim of handouts as such they join programs expecting handouts.
At the same time connectivity will remain a barriers in one way or the other
We are conducting massive awareness campaigns for behaviour change for the prospects giving them a clear understanding of what they should expect and not from the program
- Nonprofit
Full time 5
part time 0
volunteers 6
We have the relevant knowledge and experience delivering training program through our engagement in other social movements in Malawi
We are currently working with Mhub from Lilongwe that supports with the expertise in implementing and mentoring our startups. We also work with government department and institutions who provide with relevant information of running a business in malawi
The organization provides Trainings to start up entrepreneurs which will cover the following topics; business ideation, strategic planning, business planning and business model canvas, leadership, financial management, marketing and communication and team building (human resources) - Coaching and mentorship sessions both online an physical session
we also provide Business Expo where Local innovators and entrepreneurs will showcase their products and services every once a month. Learning visits for startups to existing successful enterprises. We also run Pitch events where startups will pitch their enterprise to an stakeholder at a platform called Mzuzu Pitch night and #Pitchday to identify potential of customers, angel investors and partners
This is all to support the entrepreneurs gain visibility and confidence to running their enterprises
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
The major sustainability plan will be donations from other partners to scale up the project. However, this project will be self sustaining from the proceeds to be made from the startup investment fund which will be created as a revolving fund for the entrepreneurs to have access to finances