eGurukul-Learn Character,Knowledge,Skill
Problem: The existing Education System of Character Building , Knowledge Creation and Skill Up gradation are missing because
- A content-based approach which are bookish and fixed
- Untrained teachers
- Not a priority with parents, Teachers and schools
Innovative Education using latest technologies wiz AI, AR /VR and ML that stimulates all aspects of human existence:
- Material – capabilities for physical, academic, material and vocational progress.
- Human – new vision and keen intellect.
- Moral – new heart that beats with the impulse of strong moral and spiritual values.
How we are changing the world
With e-Gurukul, we will be providing quality education and untapped potential of latest innovative technologies to reach the last person of country in learning which help parents to raise their kids to become good human with high moral and human value, acquire knowledge and build skill to improve their lives.
In India around 600 Million Peoples are living in rural area. There are a number of issues Indian education system is facing, and one is rural-urban gap. ... Poor infrastructure: Most rural schools lack good infrastructure, including well-trained teachers. This leads to poor quality of education being imparted.
Poor Teacher-student ratio – Huge no. of students in a class are tackled by a single teacher, which leads to less focus on each child. In addition, students are not encouraged to ask questions or clarify their doubts. Shortage of training— no or very less emphasis is given to teacher training in our schools.
Our educational system is of General Education in nature. Development of technical and vocational education is quite unsatisfactory. So our education is unproductive. Hence number of educated unemployed persons is increasing day by day. This has become a great concern for Govt.
The moral and high value teaching which are required to build character, completely missing in our Education System.
Our education system in India becomes completely commercial and students are treated like a commodity.
The crimes against women are increased since last few years and we are facing a lot challenges to cope up with these situation.
e-Gurukul help parents, kids, children and students get a rich learning content build by our educators and subject matter experts through a browser and Mobile app. The rich content will be available to them in the form of Audio-Visual with experiments and real scenarios. The content will be fed to them based on their profile with AI and it will be a personalized coaching for parents, kids, children and students. Whenever required the parent and students will be connected directly with a webinar to get the information, answers and many more learning content. e-Gurukul are providing with three major objective.
1) Character building: Responsibility, Perseverance, Caring, Self-Discipline, Citizenship, Honesty for kids, children and students which will help them to become good human.
2) Knowledge Creation: Traditional - Science, Technical, Math and Modern – Robotics, Entrepreneurship, Machine Learning
3) Skill Building: Creativity, Critical Thinking, Collaboration, Communication, Leadership, Team Work, Self Motivation
Educating the parents on how best to help the children both at home with their learning and how best to engage with their children based on personalized content and chatbot-like experience.
We provide personalized education/training for kids, children and students depending on who they are and what they want.
In India approximately 600 million peoples are living in rural areas and they not not having the opportunity to learn and keep informed with the knowledge and skill and how they can improve their lives. AS internet and smart phones reached to every corner of the country and with this we will be connecting with them through a mobile app in their local language.
Our approach would be building a Education Collaboration Network on a single platform, Digital Platform to offer education with holistic approach,
DIGITAL PLATFORM TO OFFER EDUCATION WITH HOLISTIC APPROACH Delighted Customers, a divine method in education to build nation and they will be invited to be part in building the society and nation and will be make them privileged to feel delighted human being. If we make them to give respect and regards, the citizens will come forward to share problems around with them and with our network of expert, agencies and non-profit organisation work with them to work together and build a better world for living. This are proven method and we worked and succeed in past.
- Equip workers with technological and digital literacy as well as the durable skills needed to stay apace with the changing job market
Our major beneficiaries are Kids of Parent of kids , based on different age group, Students, Housewives. The kids and students are age group of
•3 to 5 year
•6 to 13 Year
•14 to 18 Year
•19 to 23 Year
- Concept: An idea being explored for its feasibility to build a product, service, or business model based on that idea
- A new application of an existing technology
We will provide a technology -driven solution to parent, kids, children and student - by leveraging artificial intelligence, augmented reality and virtual reality technology, we will be able to personalize the education, training, learning through a data-driven, yet, accessible, and scalable solution way. We are keeping the solution in a very low affordable price i.e. US$ 3-5 in a year to reach to masses who are till now not yet taste the potential of technology. We are building the solution specifically for low-income, rural population in their own language. By contrast, other training programs are still exist but specific to age, class or any competitive examination.
We also creating a collaboration network of experts who will be working with us to provide a rich content and whenever required they will also make available with audio/video conferencing or chat-bot to provide them personalized training and help to learners.
We also use innovative technology to power our translation combining machine-learning and humans, allowing for culturally relevant translations to enable two-way conversations between expert and learner who may be a farmer, vendor or house-wife, which is becoming an increasing need.
With our analytical tools and application, we will measure the achievement of KRA and we will know our KPI in the right direction.
e-Gurukul use Artificial intelligence (AI) is giving a computer or computer-controlled device the ability to perform intelligent tasks such as reasoning or learning from experience. Citing obvious advantages of current artificial intelligence in use, we relying on AI digital assistants to help our beneficiaries to make simple decisions in their learning whenever and wherever. Speaking is a natural and straightforward method of interaction for humans and we will be using voice-controlled virtual assistants to feed rich content to them to make a better experience of learning. Users can simply talk to the system rather than “operate” it with hands or gestures. As AI is integrated into apps, it will help intelligent virtual assistants (IVAs) become more and more intelligent. Nevertheless, regardless of how smart IVAs get, users with poor eyesight or other physical disabilities—who use screen readers and other assertive technologies—could still face significant challenges.
The Augmented reality (AR) acts as a virtual layer on top of the world in front of all of us, and is in a new age of discovery and innovation. Our video content will be fully compatible to AR and will help user to learn and experiment and apply knowledge learning in their daily life. W
Virtual reality (VR) completely immerses users in a virtual world, and mixed reality (MR), sometimes referred to as hybrid reality, is the merging of real and virtual worlds. We use VR for virtual machine working, a tour to sea, a visit to some other country to understand culture etc.
Facebook has been working intensively on the development of artificial intelligence technologies for the needs of its platforms since 2013 and is using them in two ways. The first is security and content control, where it seeks to protect users. With the help of AI bots, Facebook is able to detect dangerous content.
Facebook is trying to use the potential of AI to bring users comfort and added value. Thanks to artificial intelligence, even blind users will be able to use Facebook and thus be connected with friends. AI technology and their screen readers add text captions to photos that blind users can listen to as audio.
With IBM’s Watson leading the way for companies like General Motors, Condé Nast, GSK, Citigroup, and Under Armour.
The history of augmented reality on Facebook dates back to 2017, when AR Studio was created, allowing users to create filters, animated images and other effects for photos, videos, group calls and live streaming. AR is able to combine the virtual and the real world together with special effects and tricks.
Facebook Developers – Augmented Reality.
Virtual reality fully immerses users in 3D virtual environments. Thanks to advanced hardware technologies, VR allows to explore new worlds and places and experience new situations. Facebook sees great potential in VR in changing the way of workng, learn, play and communicate. With VR, we can explore the universe, travel through history or connect with friends.
Facebook Developers – Virtual Reality.
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
- Audiovisual Media
- Behavioral Technology
- Big Data
- Software and Mobile Applications
- Virtual Reality / Augmented Reality
We will be building a rich content to provide the learning on 3 skill sets which are Character, Knowledge and Skill. The users (Parent, Kids, Children and Students) start learning through Audio-Visual content, they will experiment it and apply the knowledge in their lives. They will be get access to subject matter experts and mentors online and learn continuously and improve in their lives. The kids will learn with motivational stories, creativity tools to muscle their brain. The parent will know how to raise their kids, what kind of education is required to their children and where and how will be available to them. The students will get a quality understanding of the traditional and modern education with the available platform.
The users get knowledge, information and idea and improve their competencies in skills. The will improve in their behavioral changes to build good character, the traditional and modern subject will make change among them and they will know how to apply the knowledge. The experiments which they are doing will help them to sharpen their skill and this will help them better employ-ability, improve their lives. A strong network of the collaboration of the parents and students with mentors and subject matter expert and a big confidence will be improved among them.
Short Term Outcomes:
This will bring initial a change in the rural population and they will get better access of quality education. This will help them to stop migration to urban and start utilization of the huge potential resources available with them. The society will see the respect to each other, specially women and they can start working in team to achieve a short term goals and will start a bigger thought process development among the all of the peoples who involved.
Long Term Outcomes:
The universal spread of knowledge, peaceful society, improved ecology and environment and world and universe will be with peace, justice and strong moral values among the peoples, society and nation. This will help us to make our world a better place for living.
- Women & Girls
- Pregnant Women
- Infants
- Children & Adolescents
- Elderly
- Rural
- Peri-Urban
- Urban
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- Persons with Disabilities
- 1. No Poverty
- 2. Zero Hunger
- 3. Good Health and Well-Being
- 4. Quality Education
- 5. Gender Equality
- 6. Clean Water and Sanitation
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 16. Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
- India
- India
e-Gurukul, As we are in development stage of the product and content are development stage now so, we do not have any user with us now. Our product and services will be launched for users in December, 2020.
In the next one year, we expect to be serving at least half a million low-income, parents, families and students together and around 50000 mentors associated with us using the e-Gurukul platform. For the parents we expect them to have increased their capacity and knowledge to support their children's learning, leading to improvements in student performance and confidence in their learning ability.
In 5 year, by 2025, we expect to reach at least 100 million beneficiaries in India through the platform. We will be expanding and reaching to the beneficiaries of our neighboring south Asia countries. We will be associating with government schools in Rural area of India to provide quality education to students of primary and middle school which will be based on technology and the problem we enumerated here will be solved with e_gurukul platform and mentors associated with us. The marginal farmers will be learning on technology based farming and their reach to bigger market and they will lean social engineering and integrated farming.
One Year Goal:
1. E-Gurukul, we will be developing our platform in next 6 month and will be launched our services to beneficiaries after 6 month in languages of English and Hindi to reach the services to maximum peoples with the technology.
2. Content Development: The rich content for kids and parents and students will be build and hosted on our application. We will be reaching to minimum users of half million peoples and would like to see the impact of 50% users will see their life improved and path towards a good humanity will be having the direction.
3. Grow to impact at least 0.5 million users
4. Engagement: e-Gurukul will facilitate 10 million conversations between parent and students with mentors.
5. Product and technology: Fully build out the current prototype version of the multilingual engagement platform with personalized nudges and content for users and mentors.
Five Year Goal:
1. In the next 5 years will be reaching to maximum region of country in the regional language content and will be delivered our content in AR and VR and other channel of mediums.
2. e-Gurukul will be having 100 million users in India on its platform and we will see a exponential impact and changes
3. e-Gurukul will expand services to the government schools to provide quality education to the poor students.
4. The users will be having good knowledge of humanity, science and technology especially in the rural population, will help them to work in collaborative manners.
1. Financial: Our limited financial sources are few stopover to make our technology based product and services in the market. These will be making us to start full-fledged product development and launch in the market for the users. e-Gurukul to reach to a massive user in the nation, need a good amount to implement the services and provide a better customer services.
2. Partnering with Mentors and Subject Matter Expert: Partnering with Mentors and Subject Matter Expert to associate with us in the bigger area and number of subject will be very laborious work. We want to be able to work with educator training organizations/programs who can work with e-Gurukul in refining to build content for users.
3. National expansion: our solution has potential to scale massively across all the states in India but its diversified culture, regional language and geographical location will be a bigger challenges in 5 years.
1. Financial: e-Gurukul will start to get crowd funding from the prospective users of future to resolve these barriers and we are looking forward to receive seed funding in next 6 month.
2. Partnering with Mentors and Subject Matter Expert: We will be expanding our network with our social media platform and e-Gurukul would have a good list of mentors and subject matter expert.
3. National expansion: e-gurukul will open office in each region of the nation and will be taking help from our network help and if required will get help from MIL Solve.
- For-profit, including B-Corp or similar models
e-Gurukul is a product and services under organisation Qubeta Systems Private Limited to develop and launch the product.
Full Time staff - 5
Part Time Staff - 10
Contractors - 10
Our team member has average experience of 20 year with technical skill in computer and engineering. Our team members are also founders of a charity organisation working in rural development in 3 central regions with education primary focus.
Our team has very good research experience in the subject area and technical team members are having string technical skill to develop the product with scalable solution.
Our team has very string marketing skill to reach e-Gurukul services to every corner of the society.
e-Gurukul team has strong customer services experience and will have our delighted customers with the services.
e-Gurukul and Parent organisation are not partner with any oragnisation and will be doing after 1 year with best educational institute in country.
e-Gurukul will have beneficiaries of Parent of kids , based on different age group, Students, Housewives. The kids and students of age group are
•3 to 5 year
•6 to 13 Year
•14 to 18 Year
•19 to 23 Year
e-Gurukul will be offering services in a Subscription on year basis @US$ 0.25/month to customers which would be US$ 3.0 only.
e-Gurukul Growth Strategy:
- Customer Product Advisory Board to drive customer features
- Highly talented team will develop the product with AI, AR and VR and high performance product.
- The content will be developed by subject matter expert who are excelled in the industry.
- Development of Android / iPhone App and a Portal
e-Gurukul Sales and Marketing Strategy:
- Online Marketing using SEO, SEM, SMM and daily deals
- Social Media usage and reach to the highest volume
- Workshop and Seminars in the housing societies, institutions to reach directly to the customers
- Referral program with gift vouchers from the companies endorsed on portal
- Incentive program for the respective team on volume customer acquisition
e-Gurukul Customer Service Strategy:
- Dedicated customer service representative for each customer
- A dedicated team make available to the customers to resolve their problems and issue with 1 on 1
- •Dashboard of customer feedback system and continuous improvement
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
1. Will be funding from our own initially to develop a product to a level of MVP.
2. The next level funding from angel investment and seed funding.
3. We will get Series A funding later.
e-Gurukul Subscription Services
Revenue from Ad
e-Gurukul Digital Revenue
Month 1
Month 2
Month 3
Month 4
Month 5
Month 6
We would like to be part of a peer network with organizations who are doing excellent similar work to exchange learning, advice and supporting to the poor peoples across the world and will help us to learn their experience. Through Solve’s global network, we want to learn from and meet with potential partners of our country and even technology partners of USA.
We also looking forward to be partner with institutional partners who are doing great work for the society and nation. As we are in development stages and do not have networks or exposure in our country or other country. Also, given our resourcing requirements to meet our scaling goals, Solve's connections will be invaluable to ensuring access to a broader pool of technical/financial/strategic resources and our reach to the masses.
- Solution technology
- Product/service distribution
- Funding and revenue model
- Board members or advisors
- Marketing, media, and exposure
1. The exiting similar organisation will help us to mentoring to development of our product and services.
2. The partner organisation will help us to get funding and other resources to achieve our objectives and change the world.
3. The Board members and advisers will help us to expansion of our services in other developing market and valuable advise on each aspect of our product development stages.
Not know to us now but happy to connect with any of them as they are highly respected faculty members and scholars in the world.
1. We will be encouraging the community to respect women.
2. We will be encouraging women to part in each and every aspects in building society and be part of main stream in the rural areas.
1. With our services the users will be learners lifelong and will be learning digital literacy which would help them to get more information and apply their knowledge in right direction.
2. The content which we are providing will be useful for them to learn and experiment in every day's life and which could help them to learn and earn.
3. The users of rural will understand the power of networking and will help them to improve their lives.
1. We are providing contents for kids and children and helping them to build a good character with high moral and value education.
2. We will be receiving feedback and review with our application to know the individuals who will be doing excellent in their humanity and will be awarded for their noble cause and making others to do better in their actions.

Chief Executive Officer