- Pre-Seed
The solution addresses the challenge of bridging the gap between students' higher education & the industry as well as ensuring the unprivileged & disadvantaged youth who have minimal access to university education are equipped with industry relevant & up-to-date training & qualifications
In today's competitive job market, university graduates on the one hand as well as youth who have not attained university education on the other hand are in need to ensure they are well equipped with training & qualifications that make their credentials more industry relevant. In addition & due to growing job competition, it is crucial for youth to be enabled to think outside the box & to be creative, be trained to unlock the potential of their minds, to think big & believe they can create jobs & not only look for ones.
To accomplish the above, we need to enhance the reach & access of the youth to invaluable training opportunities that are consistent with & aligned with industry needs (based on the field the trainee prefers) & that encourage and enhance creativity.
The solution represents an online platform where students can create a very basic profile outlining age, gender, background, place, education (if any) etc. They would be able to access advertised online or class room based training courses within reach & per their field preference. The platform will operate similar to job platforms except that it will be purely focused on training offering posts as well as educational workshops/events for youth. Training providers would be able to tag youth with relevant back grounds through the platform to raise their attention to a specific offering.
As this is an online platform & includes online training offerings (as well as classroom), the solution can be scaled to work anywhere around the world.
The solution addresses the following problems:
- Educated youth are taught much theory in universities, with little entrepreneurial creativity or up to date industry relevant education (this could include practical training on renewable energy solar panel installation for an engineering recent graduate, or customer relationship management for a business graduate, or life coaching or entrepreneurship training etc)
- Underprivileged youth with inability to access university education are highly uncompetitive and stand a low chance of attaining fulfilling sufficient pay jobs. Additionally, their access to training within reach is often limited to word of mouth or selective advertisements if encountered
Youth focus more on online platforms offering job opportunities (like indeed.com) or social media platforms. Little time is spent on platforms connecting with available up to date training offerings taking place around them.
This solution would create an environment where youth is always aware of highly affordable training offerings & workshops around that are more practical than conventional theory focused education in universities. A platform joined by youth of all educational backgrounds & capacities, hoping to create an engaging training based online environment that offers youth a stronger shot towards effective training & swifter industry penetration.
The impact is youth being more equipped with industry relevant, up to date, & creativity enabling training that enables them to more effectively obtain fulfilling jobs in today's competitive market.
The training would be mostly availed by youth from all educational back grounds and wider financial capacities. Those who are hoping for a better chance at attracting employers to hire them including university graduates, illiterate youth, university drop outs, & high school graduates with no capability to pursue university education.
Track through website - Number of profiles created. Expected 50,000 profiles minimum in West Bank Palestine within 6 months
Track through website - Number of course registrations done through Fursa website against offerings advertised by training providers.
- Adult
- Lower middle income economies (between $1006 and $3975 GNI)
- Low-income economies (< $1005 GNI)
- Male
- Female
- Middle East and North Africa
- Consumer-facing software (mobile applications, cloud services)
- Digital systems (machine learning, control systems, big data)
The solution makes effective use of technology to ensure the disadvantaged youth access training opportunities as well as educational workshops and seminars. It is innovative in capturing all possible education/training opportunities taking place or being offered within a specific area in one platform.
The solution is envisioned to make the inaccessible easily attainable for the disadvantaged youth. It is a solution providing a platform that would be accessible with a touch phone or computer where learning about a training course and enrolling is only a few minutes of browsing away. It ensures that the process undertaken is very simple and caters to those who have low literacy levels or non-technology savvy.
Accessibility would be achieved via:
- Mobile phone application
- Computer access through website
- 0 (Concept)
- Not Registered as Any Organization
An investment is currently needed to seed fund the pilot phase where the application would be developed and released. The team would be looking at further funding for scaling the solution once it proves useful in the initial phase & in the local market in which it is released.
- Less than 1 year
- 3-6 months
- 12-18 months
- 21st Century Skills
- Lifelong Learning
- Online Learning
Solve provides me with the platform to successfully take off the project. In addition, it provides access to a startup oriented entrepreneurial environment where the creative get connected together. Hearing & reading about new ideas from problem solvers is such an inspiration that can be capitalized on.
Solve brings solvers together, a privilege to be grateful for.
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