Bizy Learning
- Pre-Seed
Bizy Learning will close the skills gap between today's youth and tomorrow’s workers. We recognise that as human knowledge is supplemented by intelligent machines, more humans are becoming a function of their ability to interact with them. We will prepare youth in the Global South for the future of work.
Bizy Learning teaches Design Engineering to prepare youth in the Global South for the future of work.
We use modern technologies, such as 3D printing and Robotics, to create engaging learning experiences that develop strong STEM skills. Preparing the youth of the Global South for the Future of Work.
Bizy Learning will teach youth from the Global South how to interact with modern intelligent machines, and develop STEM skills in the process.
We develop contextualised learning tools and projects that incorporate intelligent machines, which assists educators, parents / carers, and students to deliver engaging STEM lessons.
As human knowledge is supplemented by intelligent machines, more humans are becoming a function of their ability to interact with intelligent machines. Therefore, equipping people with technical skills is of growing importance.
Knowledge has become currency in the global economy, and the Global South are on the precipice of widespread skill shortages. To prepare for the Future of Work, greater technical skills are essential with a strong STEM foundation.
Particularly important are the technical skills that enable people to build, manage, and improve the software and hardware powering intelligent machines.
Technological disruption will be most acutely felt in the Global South. Lower-skilled jobs are at the greatest risk of automation and the majority of lower-skilled workers live in the Global South. The implications of skill shortages are serious. They result in economic inequality and social unrest. So preparing youth in the Global South for the higher-skilled demands of the future is critical.
Through systematic education and training we can raise the hidden talents and untapped potential of the Global South. We know that Future of Work will require more interaction with intelligent machines. So developing greater technical skills is essential.
Impact: The initiative directly supports SDG Goal 4, Target 4: By 2030, substantially increase the number of youth who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship.
Outcome 1: Provide contextualised access to STEM education programs in Papua New Guinea for youth aged 8-16 years.
Outcome 2: Development of a participatory program that works directly with educators, community stakeholders, and governments to deliver tailored STEM education programs - including industry partnerships and career preparation.
Deployment: Delivered through a blended model (mixture of face-to-face intensive sessions and online courseware) that is contextualised to each operating environment.
Functional ‘Minimum Viable Product’ assessments. Higher level skill acquisition observation and reflections. - Student learning growth according to STEM learning objectives.
Functional ‘Minimum Viable Product’ assessments. Qualitative based assessment. - Relevance of content and its application for the operating contexts Future of Work requirements.
- Adolescent
- Adult
- Lower middle income economies (between $1006 and $3975 GNI)
- Low-income economies (< $1005 GNI)
- Manufacturing & process optimization
- Mechanical engineering and hardware
- Physics
- Robotics
- Something so new it doesn’t have a name
We adapt our learning materials and courseware to the unique contexts and needs of our learners. This is based on our extensive experience in International Development (partnering with Humanitarian Institute) and education program design. As the demands of the Global South are wide and varied, solutions that address skill shortages must necessarily be unique.
We design project-based learning activities to help solve real problems in the community. This could be designing and developing a simple medical device to help with rheumatoid arthritis, or custom-built energy capture systems. Our projects teach students about the Scientific Method to frame a problem and develop skills to interact with modern technologies.
We incorporate modern intelligent machines into all of our learning projects. This enables students to develop and apply their STEM skills by learning the practical skills of using modern technologies. Project-based learning helps develop a foundational understanding of STEM - it allows students to demonstrate skills through the use of modern technologies that shape the future of work.
Having a deep understanding of the unique needs of where we deliver our programs is central to our approach. The variance of learning needs in the Global South is significant. So our STEM learning projects are designed to accommodate for these unique needs.
Contextualised blended learning programs facilitated in partnership with industry and government targeting vulnerable and disadvantaged youth. Bizy Learning designs STEM learning programs that cater for the unique needs of a region and eventually a country.
As the in-country offering evolves more learning resources will be progressively moved online and ownership shifted. This will enable students and teachers to access more STEM projects and further develop their skills. By having a blended learning model, we can help ensure quality learning experiences are achieved at scale.
- 9 (Commercial)
- Australia
There are three main sources of capital that will fund the development and scale of Bizy Learning:
Seed capital - To establish, pilot, and research our in-country STEM learning programs.
Service delivery capital - Partnering with governments and international institutions to deliver and scale our STEM learning programs in Global South countries.
STEM learning online marketplace - Sell our online courseware and repository of learning resources to educators, parents, and students wanting to develop practical STEM skills. These online sales will help fund our expansion plans in the Global South.
Access to seed capital - To take our learnings and adapt them to areas in the Global South, we require seed capital. Raising capital will speed up the process and increase the likelihood of us achieving scale.
Foreign government partnerships - Developing strong in-country partnerships is critical and a key challenge for us. Strong partnerships will provide the platform to achieve both high quality learning outcomes at the individual level, and the opportunity to create impact.
Service contract revenue - Beyond seed capital, it’s critical for us to secure enough revenue through service contracts, particularly in the first 12 months.
- 1 year
- 1-3 months
- 6-12 months
- Technology Access
- Human+Machine
- Future of Work
- STEM Education
- Teacher Training
To help improve the growing skill shortages in the Global South. The implications of skill shortages are serious. They result in economic inequality and social unrest. And as knowledge becomes the centrepiece of the modern economy, demand for high-skilled labour with strong STEM skills is increasing.
Lower-skilled jobs are at the greatest risk of automation. Specifically, routine cognitive and physical jobs. This is concerning because the majority of the world’s lower-skilled workers live in the Global South. Not nearly enough is being done to prepare youth for the future demands of work.
Humanitarian Institute
Development Manager