Youth Skills & Enterprises Development
- Employment opportunities for youth
- Empowering rural and pre-urban youth and provide out of school youth with vital employment skills through training in business development and financial literacy, Information and Communication Technology as well as technical skills in Renewable Energy in the sub sectors of Solar, Biogas, Improved Cook Stoves and Briquettes. The solution will use an innovative combination: skills development (push); match supply and demand of skills an employment creation (pull) in Renewable Energy sector
- The solution facilitates internship, on the job training and placements in private and public enterprises in Renewable Energy and it will promotes the establishment of new youth led enterprises by means of training, coaching and connecting youth to financial services. The training programs will be tailor made to contain both theory and practical training with the intention of equipping youth with the correct knowledge to be employed or start their own businesses.
- About 47% of the Tanzanians are under 15 years and 32% are between the age of 15-34. It is estimated that 13.4% of the total youth work force is unemployed and a much higher percentage is underemployed. Unemployment among young women 14.3% is higher than among young men 12.3%. In rural areas youth are informally employed in subsistence agriculture and family based livelihood activities such as handicrafts, fishing and merchandise retailing. The majority of rural youth lacks skills that are required in order to access employment opportunities.
- Informal sector enterprises are usually owned and operated by youth and women, with women making up the largest proportion of the work force in these enterprises. Their activities have disproportionately low rates of return compared to the activities undertaken by men. Young women can be 'invisible' and are therefore often left out of many youth focused interventions.
- Things which brought out youth employment and entrepreneurship includes:
- Labour market conditions are challenging for young people, especially for who those seek to enter the labor market for the first time.
- Female youth employment is growing however female youth are more likely to be engaged in vulnerable employment.
- Consumer demand for Renewable Energy goods and services is high, with nearly 60% of surveyed rural households indicating preference for Renewable Energy Technologies over traditional and modern energy products. The Renewable Energy sector is aimed at achieving sustained and commercially viable access to appropriate Renewable Energy technologies.
- Our approach is to develop scalable and locally viable distribution chains for the provision of affordable and reliable Renewable Energy Technology options to underserved consumer markets, which promote youth employment and enterprise development opportunities.
- The solution focuses:
- Improved Cook Stoves (ICS) - The focus will be to develop viable means for the production of wood burning ICS technologies targeting rural households, who account for 75% of the market. This development requires and provide opportunity to increase technical competencies among rural youth. Integrated with ICS application will be the development of alternative Biomass Briquettes enterprises. Increasing market access to this alternative fuel, present a massive opportunity for the entry of new enterprises in local rural markets.
- Second is the Solar subsector which represents the Renewable Energy Technology for which demand among Tanzanian consumers is rapidly growing.
- Third is the Biogas subsector, there is increase demand of Biogas digesters.
- The target population the solution want to serve are rural and pre-urban Tanzanian out of school by creating employment opportunities in the Renewable Energy sector. The solution will engages the government, private sector, civil society organizations and financial service providers to ensure that ambitious young people develop skills, matching them with concrete opportunities for employment or self-improvement.
- Our innovation approach will be followed in skills development of the target group. The approach will be based on the extensive experience in vocational training and with incubation program development. The approach will be characterized by:
- A combination of apprenticeship (learning by doing) and theoretical training modules.
- Full involvement of existing technical training institutions. Practical and theoretical training modules will be developed and organised with and through existing technical and vocational training centres. This to ensure mainstreaming and sustainability.
- Engagement private sector in skills development through apprenticeship and involvement in curriculum development. This will ensure skills development to be demand driven.
- Active support in post skills development matching by supporting relationships between employers and potential employees by means of apprenticeship, a web-based job centre, and on-line career guidance.
- Enable small and new businesses, especially in untapped communities, to prosper and create good jobs through access to capital, networks, and technology
- Tanzania, youth unemployment accounts for 30% of the total unemployed figure, it is proven that a much higher percentage of youth is stuck in vulnerable employment with few chances to earn a decent income.
- The problem is partly caused by limited employment opportunities in rural economies, whereas, many rural youth lack the skills that are needed in rural market.
- The solution work to empower youth with vital employment skills through training in business development and financial literacy, as well as technical and life skills. The solution facilitates internships, on-the-job training and placements in private and public enterprises.
- Concept: An idea being explored for its feasibility to build a product, service, or business model based on that idea
- A new business model or process
As indicated in the illustration above, the project innovation focus on providing market relevant skills development to out of school youth. Modalities of skills development delivery will be characterized by:
1. Learning by doing: a combination of apprenticeships, field based and classroom based training modules.
2. On line enterprise development support and training services: where applicable, theoretical training modules will be accessible through Information and Communication Technology based platforms in order to ensure cost effectiveness of the program and encourage the youth to embrace ICT
3. Involving of Technical Vocational Education Trainings (TVETs) and business training institutions: modules will be developed and provided by technical and vocational centres, and through organisation like the Small Industries Development Organization and universities.
4. Private sector involvement: in skills development through apprenticeships, as well as by involving private sectors in curriculum development of TVETs to ensure that the skills developed are tailored to market demand.
Our solution relies on Renewable Energy technology. The Renewable energy projects are viewed as a resources for the development of rural and pre-urban communities. Going beyond the simplicity understanding of renewable energy technology as an independent variable, the current study looks into what the interaction between renewables and host communities brings in terms of innovation and development. Given the fact that majority of renewable energy projects are deployed in rural and pre-urban areas it was stressed that those have a positive impact on the development of rural and pre-urban settlements.
The main objective of the solution is to build the technical capacities of young people in energy efficiency technologies and empower them to become active proponents of renewable energy approaches. The long-term goal is to enable young people to develop viable green business plans and start profitable green businesses that improve their livelihoods while reducing the negative impacts of unsustainable resource consumption.
The technical skills component on energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies and the soft skills training in green entrepreneurship and business development will identifying the gaps in the market and setting up of enterprises in renewable energy technologies that will not only help them earn an income, but also protect the environment.
The hands-on training in energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies, green entrepreneurship and enterprises development carried to 115 selected youth drawn from 12 districts across Tanzania in Dar es Salaam city in July 2019.
The training focused on empowering young entrepreneurs to start income generating enterprises in the renewable energy sector, becoming active proponent of energy efficiency and renewable energy approaches with a clear understanding of the issues and application around climate change, act as positive agents in their communities and bring about behavioural change among their peers and across their communities.
- Manufacturing Technology
The solution seeks to promote technological transfers in the area of climate change mitigation and information dissemination relating to youth-led initiatives to generate employment and income.
The solution will develop a knowledge base of good practices, and pilot demonstration sites for promoting renewable energies through a community and business development model.
The solution will raise awareness of the climate change impact and its causes among youth, and will share the link between renewable energy development and youth employment needs. It will be part of the global effort to meet objectives of the SDG 7 and United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in supporting communities to reduce their dependence on fossil fuels and Green House Gases (GHG) by moving towards renewable energy sources.
The goals of UNFCCC and SDG 7 will be promoted among the youth and their communities. It is recognized that the global climate change is impacting all communities, but the adverse effects on vulnerable groups are immense.
- Women & Girls
- Rural
- Peri-Urban
- Low-Income
- 7. Affordable and Clean Energy
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 13. Climate Action
- Tanzania
- Tanzania
The solution is currently serving 155 youths. The programs foreseen an intake of 5500 young people which will meet the criteria set by the selection committee. 1500 young people will be served for first year and the five year will be served 3845 young people men and women.
All 5500 selected candidates will participate in a combination of basic skills and technical training. It is envisaged that 4500 of the intake trainees will successfully complete the training. We anticipate the remaining 1000 to have improved and increased their chances of employability.
In order to reach the project objective of having 5500 young people employed within 2 to 3 years, they will receive post training in navigating the labour market in Renewable Energy sub- sectors of Solar, Improved Cook Stoves, Biogas and Briquettes. The second avenue is to connect to the market by means of technical apprenticeship and mentorship, as well as by linking them to employment with existing and emerging enterprises in the Renewable Energy sub sectors.
- Renewable energy holds great potential for the creation of green jobs for young people, therefore we want:
- To promote the use of renewable energy, thereby promoting technologies which are less harmful to the global environment through youth-led enterprises.
- Establishment and in particular maturing of youth-led enterprisrs to a state where they will survive without presence of a mentor, that can be completed in one year pathway.
- To disseminate the learning globally to allow a broader audience to understand the possibilities of such activities and how they might be replicated locally in other countries.
- To make available to users an easy to access website and publications with up to date information about promoting renewable energies through income-generating activities with youth in their communities.
- To disseminate globally the information generated via the global knowledge resources.
- To promote the use, production and marketing of renewable energy technology by youth groups, including development of the capacity for youth-led small enterprises to produce and market renewable energy in the future.
- Youth will have developed business plans for renewable energy enterprises.
- Greater awareness and understanding among youth and their communities about UNFCCC, SDG 7 and other global environmental goals and ways in which they can be implemented at the level to deal effectively with issues related to climate change.
- Increase in sustainable livelihoods and employment opportunities for youth.
- Financial barriers: Limited access to capital by youth- led enterprises for business development such as (grant, credit and loan), with the result that high interest rates and increasing cost of materials translates into higher costs of renewable energy products for end user.
- Market barriers: A lack of demand for renewable energy products to many potential users is key barrier to the adoption, on supply side, distribution, marketing and sales are major barriers, sales are irregular and the business are not sustainable.
- Lack of technical skills: Youth in rural and pre-urban areas frequently lack the technical know how to maintain and service the equipment.
- Lack of information: Communities frequently have limited availability or access to existing knowledge bases that promote the use of renewable energy through economically and financially sustainable model.
- Lack of youth involvement: Youth have the energy, the vision and belief to get involved with new and innovative projects, but there is a lack of infrastructure to support youth employment project.
- Resources barriers: The availability of materials for making renewable energy products are geographically limited and this in turn increases the costs of transportation and thus the cost of the products, most rural communities still collect fuelwood in an unsustainable way with little regard for widen environmental risks and more immediate health concerns.
- Limited Community awareness on the importance of using renewable energy products economically, socially and healthy.
- Financial barriers: Donor funding is a key component to scale up renewable energies. We will partner with MIT Solve Challenge to make our solution have good impact on creation of jobs and income generating activities to youth. Efforts will also be made to encourage and to promote financial institutions, banks and other organizations whose main role is to fund renewable energy projects and youth empowerment by providing capital through loans, equity and guarantees.
- Lack of technical skills: Developing of user guides, manuals and other renewable energy techniques and habits through organized events and producers and distributors, retailers to be trained on the same since are the people meeting most end users of the technologies.
- Lack of youth involvement: The solution entrepreneurship and vocational education training has been considered as a vital key that opens the door of youth employment and employability, our commitment is to remove poor perception of entrepreneurship and vocation education training to youth by the public.
- Marketing barriers and Strenthening business skills for renewable energy entrepreneurs: Producers and distributors of renewable energy products will be trained on Entrepreneurs Development Skills (marketing, book keeping, business planning, economies of scale, production costs and pricing) Business extension strategies will be facilitated through business coaching and mentoring of growing and new renewable energy businesses.
- Nonprofit
Currently we have 15 staffs, 11 are full-time staffs and 4 are part-time staffs.
The full-time staff includes Head of the organization, Administration and Finance officer, Accountant, Projects Coordinator, 4 Training officers and 3 Technicians.
Our team constantly and diligently subscribe to a culture built on the following values:
- Passion and professional excellency in discharge of our duties.
- Committment, teamwork and dedications to our vision
- Integrity, accountability and transparency.
- Creativity and innovations for energy technologies, services and delivery mechanisms.
- Our experience:
- To build capacity and mobilization among the community and the trainees about the importance and necessity of vocational skills
- Provide training programs that have tailor made contain both theory and practical with the intention of equipping youth with the correct knowledge to be employed or start their own businesses.
- To promote the use of sustainable energy for productive uses.
- Manage and disseminate energy awareness information to stakeholders.
- To adopt unique and innovative technology to initiate quality renewable energy products making skill development training
- To provide necessary guide to beneficiaries to get appropriate trainings and employment ability.
- Support sustainable energy enterprises.
We have a partnership with TaTEDO organization, The organization is committed to facilitating majority access to sustainable energy services in Tanzania.
TaTEDO has been collaborating with different partners, in the efforts to enable the majority in Tanzania to access sustainable energy services through two energy carriers and related technologies, solid biofuels and electricity, On solid biofuels, efforts have been on efficient cook stoves and charcoal production. Onelectrification, efforts have been on promoting stand alone and mini based renewable energy technologies.
Major focus has been to build capacity for assessment, designing, installation, maintenance of technologies, businesses and marketing for individuals, institutions, organizations, Local Government Authorities and entrepreneurs.
Organisation goal:
Improve quality of life of Tanzanians by contributing to availability of improved and sustainable energy services, employment and income generating opportunities, which are essential for poverty reduction.
Partnership goal:
To facilitate increased access to sustainable energy technologies and services in Tanzania, while enhancing developmental sustainability in partnerships with communities, entrepreneurs, and other stakeholders for environmental conservation and poverty reduction. Also the partnership will be mainly to build the technical capacities of young people in energy efficiency technologies and empower them to become active proponents of renewable energy approaches, and enable them to develop viable green business plans and start profitable green businesses.
Value of population we serve: We will produce the renewable energy products that possess inherent characteristics that fulfill requirements of customers, which include saving fuels costs and time for obtaining the fuel, protection of the environment, health, safety, and conservation of energy and natural resources. In this case we aim for enhanced reputation for quality, an increased market share, greater customer loyalty, lower liability costs, fewer production or services problems.
Customers and Beneficiaries: Our customers are households living in remote areas using inefficient cooking and lighting energies. The beneficiaries are rural and pre-urban out of school youths.
Products and services: Our renewable energy products will be based on contributing to environmental conservation, reduce health hazards related to cooking devices, cooking fuels and lighting energy. The products which yields higher productivity, fewer complaints from customers and lower production costs.
Mode of providing services: 1) Village Level Entrepreneur model - Engaging local entrepreneurs through various incentive structures to distribute selected additional products within their communities. 2) Piggyback model - Partnering with supermarkets, hardware stores, community- based organizations, microfinance institutions or other network already operating in last-mile markets with access to Bottom of Pyramid consumers. 3) Proprietary sales network model - Setting up a new proprietary distribution channel, including direct delivery, to serve the target market.
Products are needed: It serves families energy costs, they are environmentally friendly to users, we provide after sales services, we better understand consumer preference and act on their feedback.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
The behavioral and attitudinal changes would brought by the project among the local communities. Target group will empower actively. Youth will come together in a common platform to discuss their social-culture problem bringing changes in age old social habits. Project will significantly affect the lives of the target group in their income generation activities.
Our organization will continue to play an active role to facilitate the vocational training centre to give better training. The project will build local capacities to increase livelihood opportunities for youth in the target communities. The project will motivate the youth to establish youth-led enterprises to start generate income, and connected to microfinance institutions to access fund to improve or start businesses as well as getting financial literacy, marketing and business skills training for making profitable businesses. After the project ending, all trainees will engage actively in income generating as well as self a employability enterprises. They can support their family members in education, health and livelihood development activities.
Many developing countries have as much as 50% unemployed youth, and the statistics on underemployed youth are even more dramatic. This is not only untapped potential, it is also a potential source of instability. But these young people lack the relevant skills for employment and also lack the means required to start their own business.
If my solution is selected it will create employment opportunities to youth, equipping youth with the correct knowledge to be employed or start their own businesses.
The solution facilitates internships, on the job training and placements in private and public enterprises in Renewable Energy and it will promotes the establishment of new youth led enterprises by means of training, coaching and connecting youth led enterprises to Microfinance Institutions.
- Business model
- Solution technology
- Product/service distribution
- Funding and revenue model
- Marketing, media, and exposure
The partnership goal:
The main objective of the solution is to build the technical capacities of youth in energy efficiency technologies and empower them to become active proponents of renewable energy approaches, and the long-term goal is enable youth to develop viable green business plans and start profitable green businesses that creates jobs, improve their livelihoods, while reducing the negative impacts of unsustainable resource consumption.
Therefore, the partnership goal is helping the acceleration growth of Youth Skills and Enterprises Development in Renewable Energy.
- Engaging, connecting and empowering young people - Strengthening cross-sectorial cooperation, allowing for greater synergies across different areas of action that matters for young people.
- Contributing to quality and innovation in youth work and its recognition - Support capacity building of youth workers and youth work practices.
- Promoting entrepreneurship and creative learning and social entrepreneurship among young people.
- Financial services - Solution needs financial services to keep up with all regulatory requirements.
Women not only they play a crucial role for the promotion of renewable energy products, they will be one of the major target of awareness campaigns, and are a major stakeholder in the overall production and supply chain of renewable energy products.
This sector significantly involves women as they are key actors when it comes to cooking and using cookstoves and fuels and lighting. By developing and strengthening the clean cooking and lighting energy, thousands of jobs and income opportunities for women and youth will continue to be created. The sector will also enable women to develop their business and entrepreneurial skills by building on their present knowledge of cooking processes and the impacts of traditional and new techniques.
Lack of skills training opportunities among women is a common issue. Often due to socio norms and financial crisis, they are unable to undertake vocational and skills trainings in the expensive training centers.
House wife women depend on the traditional work like housekeeping, collecting fodder and fuel wood to cattle and earn income. Some of them do casual labor work but it produce poor earning which is not sufficient to arrange meal twice daily, this impacts the health of women.
The solution will:
Enhance the capacity and employability of disadvantaged adolescent women through vocational training in Improved Cook Stoves, Solar sales and marketing, briquettes production and biogas digesters construction. We will also mobilise them after training to form and establish renewable energy enterprises.
The solution will focus on capacity building of the working age adults who are socially and economically disadvantaged to improve their livelihood through offering tailor-made vocational opportunities and enhancement of local opportunities for wholistic development in the areas of renewable energy in the sub sectors of Improved Cook Stoves production and distribution, Solar installation, sales and marketing, Biogas digesters construction and Briquettes making and distribution.
After completing vocational skills on the above sub sectors of Improved Cook Stoves, Solar, Biogas and Briquettes, these working age adults they will be provided entrepreneurship and business skills, marketing and sales skills and financial literacy.
The project will facilitates and promotes the establishment of new working age adults enterprises by means of training, coaching and connecting them to financial services.
The training programs will be tailor made to contain both theory and practical training with the intention of equipping them with the correct knowledge to be employed or start their own businesses.