Poverty and unemployment are signifcant problems in Cameroon and there is an urgent need for a new source of living wage jobs for low income residents with barriers to employment, a population that includes youth and adults who do not have a high school degree, have been out of the labor market for a long time, have limited education and/ or labor market skills. We are looking forward to introducing a whole new productive job market within the employment sector, and this is made possible by providing new skills. With the environmental challenges the world faces right now, green entrepreneurship and green collar jobs will be the hot new employment sector In the next 2-3 years from now and green skills will be highly needed. Cameroon needs green entrepreneurs and green collar jobs to effectively build a green economy, and Green World will be there to serve this purpose.
The Cameroon today, records an unemployment rate of 13.7% and 75.8% rates of underemployment (Source : Ministry of Public Works) which disproportionately affects young people. This is a major setback on youth empowerment and about 90% of youths rely on the government for public intergration, we all know it's impossible to absorb everyone into state civil services. Every year, Cameroon welcomes more than 50,000 young graduates into the job markets and less than 1000 successfully gains employment. Today, there's a new trend in the job market, with the concerns about the environment at an all-time high, green entrepreneurship and green collar jobs is idle for the Cameroonian job market as it is capable of absorbing 25-30% of these young people.
Green entrepreneurship and green collar jobs ranges from manual to managerial, but they all have common goals of improving the quality of our environment by reducing waste and pollution. Green World seeks to provide productive green skills, which are the technical skills, knowledge, values and attitudes needed in an eco-friendly workforce with the interest in the domain of entrepreneurship, arts and culture, science and technology, agriculture and craftsmanship (recycled artsworks). White or blue collar skills that an individual will like to make it green, will come to us for total skill transformation, for example, a graduate in civil engineering who will like to contribute in making the world eco-friendly, will come to us in order to acquire green skills such as the installation of green roofs on buildings.
Young people wanting to improve the environment. Green World will be providing green skills that can cover an even broader range of topics and initiatives that are more concrete and practically-oriented, with skills projects focusing on recycling, organic/permaculture gardening, sustainable food production, ecological construction, maintenance and renovation, handicrafts and alike. According to estimates (Source : Macmillan), by the year 2030 , 40 million people or 1 in 4 American workers will be in field such as renewable electricity production, alternative fuels, amongst others. 4 in 10 Young Cameroonians stand better chances of becoming self employed after acquiring green skills because green entrepreneurs and green collar jobs matches any level of education.
- Enable small and new businesses, especially in untapped communities, to prosper and create good jobs through access to capital, networks, and technology
Providing green skills to Young people will help reduce unemployment and over depency on the government. Young people can contribute in practical ways to the Green Economy with new ideas to tackle social, economic, cultural and environmental challenges. Training young people in Green skills will require Green World to first of all train the trainers on the topic,grow sets of green entrepreneurs who will provide more green collar jobs and train environmentally conscious workers.
- Concept: An idea being explored for its feasibility to build a product, service, or business model based on that idea
- A new business model or process
To have innovative ideas is not enough, One needs to bring innovations to the society. Green World is a relatively new concept when it comes to the enterprising community in Cameroon which needs to be developed, denoting a bottom-up approaches to solutions to environmental challenges, broader than cleantech. Currently,many jobs and businesses in Cameroon are concerned only by the benefits they gain, regardless of the threat posed to environmental sustainability. The solution Green World is bringing is unique in it's business model of entrepreneurial dues as we are dedicated to the acceleration of economic growth and decent jobs in Cameroon and region through it's projects and initiatives assisting Small and Medium enterprise towards developing a more eco-friendly business system. Green World will be different from other traditional profit-based businesses in the sense that, we will be bringing some really special products and services that will be transformed into sustainably successful businesses using green components.
When it comes to green skills and entrepreneurship, the core technology that powers this area is the green technology innovation processes that includes new technologies such as the conversion of renewable resources like the sun light, wind, and water to energy that we can use, products, services, or business models that have positive impact on the environment and society while fulfilling the needs of customers with lesser harmful impacts than the alternatives. Report of Green skills working group, skills to design and adopt technologies, development of core skills in targeted sectors. The value of Green technology is that, it is largely decentralised, it doesn't require major infrastructure investment and more of technical skills.
Energy efficiency, recycling, health and safety concerns, renewable resources and more, all go into the making of a green product or technology. A report from the UN Global Compact-Accenture CEO study 2010, A new era of sustainability, stated that 93%of CEOs saw sustainability and green technology as important to their company's future business. The market for green products is growing rapidly. In 2009, the Australian government signed a Green Skills Agreement to enable vocational education providers to expand their greener course offerings. A report by the Business Growth Hub in 2015/16 state that, in greater Manchester ,there were more than 2,400 green companies applying the green technology and employing over 45,000 people in this sector with annual sales of £6.2 billion achieving a higher growth rate in sales than the rest of the UK, meaning this sector is responsible for 13.6% of greater Manchester GVA and 3.2% of the region's employment. In Cameroon, an invention of a hand washing machine against COVID-19 in the North West region under the canopy of Awareness Technology, a solar store.
- Ancestral Technology & Practices
Green Collar Jobs, an analysis of the capacity of Green businesses to provide high quality jobs for men and women with barriers to employment. Invest in training green collar workers for a greener future. Taking into account our resources, activities, outputs, outcomes and impacts, We will employ the "the theory of change" framework as a road map during our first year of operations as this will help us know whether our work is contributing towards achieving the impact we envision.. We will deploy ,in teams a plausible and sustainable solution to address a unique problem, for example, in the energy sector, training and empowerment of youths interested in the installation of solar panels will be deployed to plant solar panels in every streets within a chosen municipality to supply constant street lights, provide the population with discounted price in solar panels installation in their homes as a way to attract other municipalities to accept the use of eco-friendly renewable energy. Being entrepreneurial is a mode of thinking, One that can help us see things we normally overlook and do things we normally avoid. See opportunities in pain, see hope when the future is bleak, sometimes having a 6 figures paying job isn't all that matters, sometimes we need to take one look at our immediate environment and see the damages we are causing. Green skills brings that extra rethink of our actions towards the environment, expand our perceptions and increase our abilities to finding/creating new gateways for personal and career development.
- Rural
- Peri-Urban
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- 1. No Poverty
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
- Cameroon
- Ghana
- Nigeria
- Rwanda
Cameroon is presently facing unplanned slums and informal settlements which presents systemic problems to the country. In general, green technology solutions helps brings down cost such as household, and between 50-70% of Cameroonians budgets are spent on food, water, energy and transport. Green World plans to serve 10 underprivileged communities by training young people in these areas on exploiting the green economy through small income generating businesses such as green house farming, solar panels installation. Also with the unemployment rate ever on the rise in Cameroon, introducing green skills is a great job creator. People are needed to install solar panels, biogas, digester, energy savings devices or set up green house farming. The purpose of our training and placement program is to prepare men and women with barriers to employment to become ready and obtain entry-level green jobs, with our our target population being from 18 - 35years who do not have a high school degree and/or want to be independent and creative. We will also implement the case management and follow up services to help our trainees.
Green World is looking forward to establishing a workshop centre by March 2021, this centre will serve the community by providing hands on deck training opportunities to the youths in an attempt to reduce unemployment and over dependency on the government. We will be providing a six months training programs in areas such as green technology, green craftsmanship and green entrepreneurship. Each batch will consist of 60 working students that is, 30 students for green technology, 20 for green entrepreneurship and 10 for craftsmanship. By November 2021, We will commence the marketing of products created from our workshop centre and as well be preparing to empower our trainees after the completion of their programs.
To resist new ideas and new perspective is to resist growth. One of the main barriers currently existing is core cost coverage and flexible long-term funding is scarce, lack of collective response to the PROBLEM of unemployment. In order to bring on board green employees and green entrepreneurs who can both do a good job and keep the community clean, there's is a need to Invest in training programs that are creative and scalable. Typically,funders want to "p at for impact" but some what reluctant to cover the cost of the people, assets and processes that produce the impact, leaving immature, under-resourced organization in a bind. People are yet to fully understand that the unemployment problem our communities face isn't going to be solved by somebody other than us, this an "all hands on deck" problem. We need everyone who believes in the potential and impact of Green collar jobs, will engage in some good old fashioned collective problem solving.
Firstly , it is important to note that investing in green collar jobs will translate insights into effective interventions. So we are going to map out better and sustainable strategies to keep our finances afloat without over depending on funds or supports. Secondly, making adjustment in job opportunities to benefit the people by creating awareness of how everyone could be useful in One way or the other.
- Not registered as any organization
We currently have 6 staff who are working as part time due to the fact that we are still at the conception stage. We are working on better implementation of this business model to disrupt our society and make it friendly.
My team is made up of creative experts who are independently trying to build the community while fighting against climate change. With my team, you can find an agric technician who teaches local farmers to leverage Greenhouse farming for greater productivity. You can find a civil engineering young graduate who advocates for the use of solar panels in various homes to meet the power difficiency in local communities. You can find environmentalist who redifining the responsible way of resource exploitation. As much as we all do our possible to kick start Green World and build green entrepreneurs and green collar jobs, we are also working on ensuring consistency in this area.
No partners
The business model for Green World is not complicated and operates as a social enterprise. We have perfectly identified our beneficiaries who simply people who are interested in the green economy. Our product and services are focused on training sessions, various green product development such as solar lambs which will be sold to customers, paid corporate training sessions to redirect the minds and productivity of corporate staffs. We have done our research and realized that, due to the environmental challenges the world is facing, from government bodies, organizations and corporate institutions to individuals seeking to venture into green collar jobs, everyone is geared up towards resource sustainability and the green economy is the answer. Green World seeks to offer services such as Green economy Consulting services, trainings, production of locally made sustainable green products that are better alternatives to their counterparts such as resuable organic plastic bags. Our consulting services and part of our training sessions will operate on a B2B business model while our green production and part of our training sessions will focus on individual beneficiaries, customers and stakeholders.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
The financial sustainability of Green World is feasible and achievable. We intend funding our works with 60% of our profits gotten from sales made from our other services such as corporate trainings and consulting, sales made from the production of green products locally made by our trainees no affiliated to corporate trainings. With clear distinction between our corporate trainings made strictly for corporate staffs paid by the company so we train them on corporate green economy and individual trainings for people interested in creating green collar jobs for themselves, however it will be agreed upon that at the end of their training and empowering them to starting a small scale green startups, they will support the enterprise by accepting an equity investment from Green World with 10% shares of their companies. With this, Green World is sure of a consistent funding funnel for her activities.
Everyone has a great idea, but not everyone works towards bringing it to life. With the United Nations Sustainable development goal No17, partnership for the goal. I am applying to solve because I believe with the right tools , professional development and expert guidance, Green World will be fortified to successfully run its operations and achieve set goals. As a solver, the target does not lies on my community and with partnership, we work to solve global challenges one step at a time.
- Business model
- Funding and revenue model
Working with Global partners gives us diversity in unity. Sharing ideas and understanding global perspectives on how other people approach the same model is part of our partnership goals.
MIT faculty of Business management.
Patagonia. Funding and Partner on renewable power infrastructure, regenerative organic agriculture, Sustainable material usage
IKEA. Sustainability through business operations
Seventh generation