Direct To Market (DTM)
The DTM is an autonomous, non-discriminatory, global online marketplace. The DTM allows anyone, who wishes to sell their digital content, access to the world market. There are neither corporate ententes nor shareholders to pay. The majority of each sale goes directly to the content producer instantly. Creators retain full ownership and are assisted to copyright their material. A level playing field for all, intended to interject wealth and stability into all communities on all continents. So if you are a small independent researcher in Zambia, a documentarian in Korea, a local band in any city that is exhausted and grinding it out for the last 30 years, a young book writer in the Middle East, that one hit wonder with a million dollar song, you now have access to the world without giving up control and a majority of the revenue to corporations without your best interest in mind.
1. The lack of global market access for the majority of the world population.
2. The lack of income and wealth building opportunities in all communities.
3. Cultural preservation.
Digital Content Creation (DCC) is the process of creating ideas and gathering information from any media in specific contexts. DCC offers many benefits such as low-cost operation, huge return on investment and easy measurement. Global Digital Content Creation Market valued approximately USD 10.69 billion in 2017 is anticipated to grow with a healthy growth rate of more than 16.82% over the forecast period 2018-2025.
According to a study published by Midia, global recorded music revenue grew by $1.7 billion in 2017. This represents an 8.5% increase over 2016’s $16 billion.
Yet, Midia made a surprising discovery. When compared to major label revenue, ‘self-releasing acts’ (unsigned artists) collected only $472 million. Compared to the rest of the major labels, $472 million only constitutes 2.7% of all global recording sales.
Musicians, artists, writers, researchers, film makers exist in all sectors of society. By developing income opportunities in the DCC economy not only does the DTM directly help these content providers, their increased income will enrich and uplift the communities around them.
The DTM is comprised of a public global cloud storage, block chain technology, encryption and innovative indexing protocols. Everything is open source and secured through consensus protocols. The combination of these technologies result in a system that is easy to use and inexpensive to maintain.
Digital content is uploaded to the DTM either by the Agent or creator through a web portal. Price, description, samples and any other marketing material are added to help advertise.
Consumers browse content via an application on a phone, PC, tablet or other web enabled device. When a consumer makes a purchase content is delivered encrypted so that it can only be accessed by the intended recipient address. Revenue from the sale is paid quickly and simultaneously to the proper recipients. The creator, the agent and the DTM receive payment directly and in real time.
By assisting in the registration of copyrights, producers are not only better financially protected but are also better educated on modern market practices. Record keeping is automatically done. For financial, legal, tax or data analytical purposes, all transaction data can be had at the touch of a button.
A host of new small businesses would support this new economy.
Musicians, Video/Movie/Documentary/TV Producers, Researchers, Writers of all kinds, Podcasters or anyone who produces digital content in any community in any country. In addition there are Agents and Agencies, plus a host of other service industries that will be created to support the producers. Marketer, Promoters, Designers, Financial Services and many more business will be needed to support this large economy. Any community that wants to preserve its culture and share it with the world.
- Enable small and new businesses, especially in untapped communities, to prosper and create good jobs through access to capital, networks, and technology
Our target population is any person with Internet access. The scaling ability allows the DTM to grow as more creators and consumers join. The increase of revenue opportunity for existing creators and the access for new creators, plus the business needed to service them speak directly to the job and wealth creation of this Challenge. We believe that the DTM address the issues and represents the sprite of the MIT Solve Challenge better than any other submission.
- Prototype: A venture or organization building and testing its product, service, or business model
- A new application of an existing technology
Block Chain (BC) technology has been called “The Most Important Invention Since the Internet Itself”. The distributed nature of BC makes it more stable and secure then current centralized solutions. There are BC solutions currently being applied to securities, land titles, voting, finance, supply chain management and the list goes on. We have combined the advantages of BC technology with a distributed cloud storage system to create a global digital marketplace that does not require a centralized authority to function. The rules are the same for everyone so there is no bias or discrimination. Designed to be a properly regulated capitalist market there are economic incentives built into the system to encourage entrepreneurship and job creation. In addition to access to a global market the DTM will bring more people in to modern banking, educate people in the use of technology and inspire new innovations.
competitors are the centralized corporations that distribute content under the
current economic system. The DTM intends to disrupt the current system,
to create a better, more robust system. Any and all competitors are
encouraged to join the DTM and even leverage their current advantages within
the rules of the system.
Technology has reach the point where not only laws and governments can protect the rights of all people but market forces will play a growing role in guaranteeing personal freedom.
The Interplanetary File System (IPFS), makes up the bases of the storage solution. The DTM creates a double layer encrypted storage area within the IPFS where all content is stored.
The Ravencoin (RVN) Block Chain, provides several functions in the system. There are features specific to the RVN BC that allow for the delivery of encrypted content to a specific address or entity readable only by the intended receiver. RVN BC also allows for near instant payments and complete transaction record keeping.
The last major component is Open Index Protocol (OIP), is an open source specification for a persistent worldwide index and file library useful for data publishing, file distribution and facilitating direct payments. OIP uses BC technology and distributed networking to operate with no central authority: record indexing, file storage/distribution and transaction management are carried out collectively by the decentralized network.
By combining the functions of each of these systems in innovative ways the DTM delivers content directly and securely to the consumers while simultaneously delivering the payment funds directly in to the individual accounts of the receiving entities. No, middle man or financial institution needed.
While there is no demo combining all of the aspects of the DTM at the moment you can use many of the different features now.
We use functions developed by MangoFarmsAssets to encrypt and deliver content to consumers. The process is outlined Here: . The site is free and everyone is encouraged to use it.
Ravenland and their service provides the encryption and storage functions. Ravenland has developed some unique uses of IPFS that will be incorporated in to the DTM.
Open Index Protocol (OIP) is an open source specification for a persistent worldwide index and file library useful for data publishing, file distribution and facilitating direct payments. OIP uses Block Chain technology and distributed networking to operate with no central authority: record indexing, file storage/distribution and transaction management are carried out collectively by the decentralized network. The system uses a Salutary Protocol model, which creates financial incentive at both the application and protocol layers. .
- Audiovisual Media
- Big Data
- Blockchain
- Software and Mobile Applications
The DTM is a Global Online Digital Marketplace, with non discriminatory, low barrier access for content creators. The DTM allows creators from anywhere to offer their digital content to the world market, thus better monetizing their work while retaining ownership and majority revenue.
Economic incentives built within the DTM encourage entrepreneurship. An Agent/Agency business model is created to market the DTM and service content creators. This new economic model incentivizes the generation of a host of support companies in areas such as analytics, finance and banking, service and management.
With every creator having the same access and freedoms to profit from their hard work, love and sweat, the direct interjections of wealth in to all communities will create sustainable jobs and income to help close the global wealth gap.
We have conducted research in a small target music market to assess the interest of creators in Direct To Market. The response we have received has been overwhelmingly positive. Even though the DTM is not functional yet we have had dozens of creators sign letters of intent to offer content on the DTM.
The two major points of interest have been retention of ownership and control of revenue. These are two current points of instability for many artists across the globe. There is no true freedom without economic freedom and the DTM is one tool that can help many people around the world achieve that goal.
- Women & Girls
- Elderly
- Rural
- Peri-Urban
- Urban
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- Minorities & Previously Excluded Populations
- Persons with Disabilities
- 1. No Poverty
- 4. Quality Education
- 5. Gender Equality
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
- 10. Reduced Inequalities
- 17. Partnerships for the Goals
- Korea, Rep.
- Russian Federation,
- United Kingdom
- United States
- Brazil
- Jamaica
- Mexico
The current system is in development and does not server the public in any current manor.
In one year, after the launch, projections are for between 20,000 and 50,000 consumers and content providers to be active on the DTM.
The 5 year projection would be 1 million to 5 million on the low end.
There are some plans to expand the DTM in to other areas. Due to the nature of the system we expect for creative people to start using the DTM in ways that we can not for tell at this time.
First goal is to have the code development done and in beta testing by 4th quarter 2020.
There is one agency in active development with a goal of having 10 to 20 agencies setup by the end of 2020.
We are currently working with industry insiders to market the DTM to content providers. Our goal is to have 250 content provider active at time of launch. We may revise this number upward based on current interest.
In 5 years our goal is to have the foundation fully funded by the operation of the DTM. To have satellite offices in Central and South America, Asia, Africa, The Middle East and India to promote agency creations. We would like to see exponential growth in these areas as we believe these markets could best benefit from the DTM initially.
Our main barriers are funding and man power. Currently all development is done by unpaid volunteers and a couple of for profit corporations that volunteer their resources. We also have volunteer legal advice at this time.
We are very hesitant about where funding may come from because of our intent to build the DTM and then "Give it away" to the not for profit foundation for administration. Any funding source must understand the core principal of equal economic opportunity for all and that there will be no direct profit from the DTM.
A stable source of funding would greatly enhance the development and testing process.
Our other main issues are cultural barriers to acceptance and use of the DTM. Many communities are distrustful of outsiders and technology. We have so far be able to overcome this barrier by partnering with individuals from those different communities.
One way we intend to overcome our funding issues is through our marketing and promotion. With the help of promoters we intend to promote events with the proceeds to go toward the development of the DTM. The can help further our development on several levels.
Funds for the promotions will be razed through event token offerings. This is no different then some current promotional business models acceptance that BC technology will be employed to track investment ownership and payments.
The events themselves will be marketing events for the DTM and will add the performers and the attendees to the DTM.
This will spread the interest not only to the content providers and consumers but also to the investment economy about he possibilities of the DTM.
These events also help break down the cultural barriers to acceptance. In our initial test market we have been over whelmed at the interest in the DTM. Our "ambassadors" have found a great need for the opportunities the DTM provides. We intend to continue to refine this marketing model and others to better equip future agencies.
- Other, including part of a larger organization (please explain below)
Our current team is diversified. Our main developers are a for profit company that volunteers resources at this time. These developers reside in the UK, South Korea and Russia. Many of the projects they are currently working on would also be incorporated into the DTM.
Our current marketing development team is headquartered in Tallahassee Florida, USA and has presence in Texas.
We have several volunteers from the Ravencoin community that lend their skills as they can.
The DTM will ultimately be administered via a not profit foundation.
All work at this time is voluntary. 8 or so people are part time with less than 5 hours devoted to this project. There are 2 developers that put many hours a week into projects built on the Ravencoin BC. Much of this has direct development impact on the DTM. There are 2 business developers that put between 15 and 50 hours a week as needed.
On the development side I do not believe there is any other organization that currently works with the underlying technologies on a daily basis or has as detailed understanding of how all of them work together as the people working on and the community surrounding this project. On the acceptance and marketing side we are blessed to be working with industry insiders. They have agreed to work on the DTM because they believe in the underlying libertarian principals and the good that can be done. They understand that the only true freedom is economic freedom.
The combination of these resources and the communal shared principals between them make this the best team to deliver this project.
Our entire team is a partnership.
Ravencoin and the community around it. It is the specific functions of the Ravencoin block chain that allow the DTM to function. Many community members donate time and effort to help with different aspect of project development.
Jordan Promotions. Developing marketing procedures, conduction research, building a content producer base for launch.
Ravenland. One of the premier 2nd layer developers for all things Ravencoin. Developed and maintains distributed cloud systems of which the DTM uses.
Mango Farm. Another premier 2nd layer Ravencoin developer and creator of the encryption procedures that deliver content privately and securely across the network.
Open Index Protocol. An open source specification for a persistent worldwide index and file library useful for data publishing, file distribution and facilitating direct payments.
Our business model is both entrepreneur support and market intermediary.
The DTM is the market and collects revenue from each sale.
The DTM will provide training for agents to marketing and to help their clients get the most out of the market.
Creative distributed systems allow for high operating efficiency while low start-up costs allow agents and their clients to stay and work in their communities.
Access to market is key to building a stable economy, creating a tax base and building wealth in all communities. The DTM can promote not only these but also small business creations, education of modern market practices and modern banking acceptance.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
During the build out we are relying on donations, grants and personal funding. We are actively seeking help to fund the development.
Since the DTM is administered by a not for profit foundation we have limited the type of funding we will accept. We will not take fund in lieu of an equity stake in the DTM and the revenue it generates. We are also hesitant in taking loans that would put financial difficult financial stress on the DTM.
In the run up to launch we will have a token offering for funding a music festival. We are in discussions with promoters on the best way to proceede.
Once the DTM is up and functioning it will receive 30% up to $3 of each sale to fund the administration, upkeep and marketing of the DTM. As the the DTM grows the % received from each sale may be adjusted downward for the DTM depending on operational expenses.
We believe that access to market is the single greatest factor in growing a community's economy. Farmers can grow bumper crops but without roads and trucks there is no way for them to get to market. Today many of the markets are digital and global but the majority of the population lack access to them.
The DTM provides low barrier, equal access to everyone. It encourages entrepreneurship, job growth and wealth building. It can provide a stable tax base and educate more people about modern banking and economic practices.
The Digital Content Creation, DCC, market is over 30 billion dollars a year and is expected to have double digit growth for the next 5 years. But despite the size the majority of creators have limited or no access to this market. The DTM clears away layers of corporate control and bureaucracy allowing for more stable income opportunities for the world's population.
- Business model
- Solution technology
- Funding and revenue model
- Talent recruitment
- Marketing, media, and exposure
We would like to partner with individuals or organizations that can help with the creation of business, funding and revenue models. Increased expertise is needed to properly expand the business and pursue development funding.
Our goal is to expand the number of agencies currently marketing the DTM and recruiting content creators. We are working to open agencies to move into ebooks, documentaries/videos and other music genres.
By increasing the number of agencies we hope to greatly increase the exposure of the DTM.
We would also like to partner with software programmers. There are many applications that need to be coded. Many of these application have uses outside of the DTM also. We are looking for help with web development, distributed applications, block chain and encryption coding. While we have the knowledge and ability, additional members would greatly speed up the development time line.
There is a wealth of talent that could further the development and reach of the DTM. While any software developers would be of great assistance there are a plethora of other areas that need attention.
The main reason for entering this challenge is exposure. We believe the exposure to world governments, and especially cultural ministers, that presenting at the UN would provide is unlike any other.
Ultimately we would most like to partner with governments in developing countries. With the increase to access to the DCC market there are opportunities to increase citizen wealth, create an audit-able tax base and bring more people into modern banking and economic systems. There are also the aspects of cultural preservation provided by access to a global market. By partnering with local governments to achieve these goals we would have access to resources that would greatly enhance the adaptation of the DTM.
Much like what Medici Land Governance has done with land titling on block chain technology in Rowanda, Zambia, Mexico and St. Kitts, the DTM can bring similar wealth building opportunities to digital content. MGL is lifting people out of poverty, giving land value, by making ownership verifiable and marketable. The DTM gives people more opportunities to do the same thing.
The DTM is non discriminating and allows anyone with Internet access to create wealth. The opportunities open to Refugees are the same for all people and provides job opportunities not normally available to these groups.
Women are very under represented in most of the DCC economy. Music, Books, Movies, Research are all dominated by men. Much of this is due to prejudice at market access points. The DTM provides equal access to all people regardless of gender. In every instance where women are given a level field to compete on they have proven they are at least on par with their male counterparts. We believe there is an enormous amount of untapped talent among the worlds female population and with the DTM we hope to exploit that talent to make a more just and equitable world.
One of the main goals of the DTM is to give an increased revenue to creators who are already working. In a large percentage of working class creators an increase of 10% to 30% in annual income would turn their current jobs into sustainable wealth building opportunities. In addition to these and all the new creators that we hope to join the DTM there are multiple opportunities in marketing, promotion, design and engineering that will be created. The DTM is built with incentives that encourage economic innovation and growth. A properly regulated capitalistic economy with non-discriminatory access for everyone. This type of system has the potential to enhance hundreds of thousands of current job and create millions more.
The DTM will provide a unique opportunity for data analytics that no other system could provide. Through the use of block chain technology the DTM can provide transnational date down to the eighth decimal point at the touch of a button. All the data can be delivered without endangering the personal data of individuals. Along with Open Index Protocol all the data can be analysed against many different informational value points. Many different types of economical, psychological and sociological areas of research present themselves with this type of access. We believe most of the opportunities using strong data science, artificial intelligence, or machine learning presented by the DTM are beyond our foresight at this time.