Reputation is the measurement of how much the community trusts you. Our vision is that every individual should be able to own their data and utilize it to prove trust in any transaction. At the moment, we're focused in the employment space, but the product has multiple avenues and applications.
For job seekers, it’s difficult to “stand out” and showcase employability in an authentic way. For businesses, current methods for shortlisting and screening job candidates are time consuming and costly.
We allow job candidates to utilize their online reputation to prove qualities important to potential employers or recruiters and simultaneously provide hiring managers an additional data point about an individual.
While everyone we talk to agrees that online ratings and reviews are and will only continue to be valuable sources of information to assess someone’s trustworthiness, no one else is doing what we’re doing. The true value of our product is that it’s information that others have said about an individual, not what they’ve said about themselves in their CV, LinkedIn profile or social media. As more platforms and websites like Airbnb, Uber and Airtasker continue to become a part of our daily lives, this reputational information will only continue to be a hygiene factor when determining an individual’s trustworthiness.
Cofounder Dee struggled to secure a Melbourne tenancy agreement when migrating to Australia for an Engineering Manager role due to lack of local Australian references.
She had the idea of providing her rental agent a print out of her Airbnb testimonials, socially proving she was a good guest and finally secured a rental.
We’re fed up of discrimination, lost revenue/opportunities and time and money wasted due to unreliable, restrictive, unfair, slow and antiquated reference, background and credit checks.
Cofounder Dee struggled to secure a Melbourne tenancy agreement when migrating to Australia for an Engineering Manager role due to lack of local Australian references.
She had the idea of providing her rental agent a print out of her Airbnb testimonials, socially proving she was a good guest and finally secured a rental.
We’re fed up of discrimination, lost revenue/opportunities and time and money wasted due to unreliable, restrictive, unfair, slow and antiquated reference, work, background and credit checks.
- Other
My life mantra is to "make a significant improvement to the world".
We remove human biases from job application processes levelling the playing field while providing employers a holistic view.
Employers gift job applicants a data ownership tool allowing them to claim ownership of their online ratings from anywhere (e.g. guest score Airbnb, trust score eBay, welding skills on TaskRabbit, tech skills and willingness to help others on Stackoverflow).
This helps them overcome mistrust, lack of local references and experience - for example in just Australia 70% of 300k yearly skilled migrants have to do unskilled work e.g. Uber driver.
- Pilot: An organization deploying a tested product, service, or business model in at least one community
- A new technology
We help the disadvantaged, refugees and migrants overcome lack of local references and work experience by allowing them to prove they own their online trust, reliability and skill ratings to secure jobs, housing, financial services or startup trusted on freelancing gig worker websites.
We enable organisations to pay us for concrete ways to increase diversity and inclusion by looking beyond antiquated unfair requirements of local references/experience for determining trust laying the foundations for a great culture.
Websites like Airbnb and Uber are solving trust for themselves via our reviews and reputations locked away within their platforms.
So why do we have to build our reputation over and over again at every point in our lives?
Trust can flow online to offline - Dee secured an offline tenancy agreement based on online social proof I’m a good Airbnb guest.
The time is right - we live in an age where companies own ALL our data and sell it without our knowledge.
And with blockchain, user’s can not only own their data, but also the massive value locked away in their reputation that they’ve invested time carefully building on various websites.
Reputationaire user’s get a secure blockchain vault where they can link their ratings from *any website - for example a guest score on Airbnb or reviews as a freelancer on Upwork.
Any organisation reliable on an application or signup process, for example employers, estate agents, insurers and peer to peer websites like Airtasker can then instantly risk profile their applicants and signups.
They do this by requesting 1 click or API access to user’s *existing* verified reputation profiles at other relevant websites the user already uses.
This is done without revealing the individual's race, age, gender e.t.c to avoid human biases and fast track proof of trust and skill.
Blockchain backed MVP built and launched after testing and refinement in private betas.
Learnt from live pilot with a mid sized IT recruiter, eleven written intents to partner and several organisations in pilot term negotiations.
Provisional patent prepared and funded by RMIT University Melbourne.
Prizes won for vision & tech and received Australian R&D grant twice.
- Blockchain
- Software and Mobile Applications
Everyone knows the world is moving towards data ownership and data privacy.
Everyone knows that current methods of assessing trust, skills, reliability, credit worthiness e.t.c are antiquated, biased, unfair and sub optimal.
We have a working solution that addresses both issues and will be the way of the future.
- Elderly
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Refugees & Internally Displaced Persons
- Minorities & Previously Excluded Populations
- Persons with Disabilities
- 5. Gender Equality
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 10. Reduced Inequalities
- 17. Partnerships for the Goals
100+ non paying all time users from B2B pilots (450 signed up to app wait list).
We charge organisations to accept user’s reputation data in their application or signup process.
Today, 25% of the world’s (40% of the US) workforce are gig workers relying solely on siloed reputation to get their next gig. This rises to 40% worldwide in 10 years with a predicted turnover of $2tril.
Bottom up TAM based on the predicted number of gig workers in AU, US and EU. Assuming a sellable market of 0.05% for 1 year rising to 2% in year 10 we aim for revenues of $50k in 1 year rising to $100+mil in 10 years.
Reluctance of companies to embrace new ways of working - especially the first company in each vertical.
Similar case studies, statistics, logic and empowering decision makers to be part of the solution to today's problems while making it as easy for them to get started as possible (i.e. minimum disruption/integration pilots).
- For-profit, including B-Corp or similar models
CEO Andrew previously exited his Web Development company using an inhouse built CMS, and his Masters at Oxford University was sponsored by the UK Intelligence Service where he later worked. He has 18 years of IT contracting experience leading teams building tech from API services to Big Data.
Jack worked for 3 years in analytics and marketing. He has been learning and honing his skills in business development since starting with Reputationaire in September. He is passionate about asking good questions, listening to customers’ pain points, and guiding them through how Reputationaire’s solution can provide the most value.
While online dating I overcame inherent mistrust by including my testimonials from my students as a private Maths, Physics, Chemistry and IT tutor on my online dating profile.
Co-founders have both independently solved lack of offline trust by leveraging our online reputations. So we understand the massive value locked away in everyone’s existing reputations.
I have strong technical backgrounds having worked at massively successful startups. Tech comes second nature and we’ve built a working, secure, tested SaaS with web and native Android and iOS apps using best practices and the latest tech.
Having worked for the UK Secret Service who sponsored me at Oxford University and later a private IT Security company, I understand the importance of security, privacy and data ownership.
Always being an entrepreneur, I made my first successful exit with my handcrafted web development CMS. In 2005 I built a “targeted marketing” system to sell my “business automating” websites to SMEs in London, getting a 25% reply rate.
Learnt from live pilot with a mid sized IT recruiter, eleven written intents to partner and several organisations in pilot term negotiations.
Organisations will subscribe to our services on a PAYG / all you can eat recurring revenue model.
We offered initial pilots free of charge.
We charge organisations to accept user’s reputation data in their application or signup process.
- Organizations (B2B)
SaaS cloud service developed in house with minimal outgoings - 75% profit margin?
My life mantra is to "make a significant improvement to the world I am remembered for".
Solve will allow me to do just that.
- Product/service distribution
- Marketing, media, and exposure
- Other
Two techie co-founders "suck at sales" so Jack head of BD and partnerships joined us full time. But we're a small team with limited commercial sales and partnership experience.
Forward thinking organisations that know current reference check processes are broken and want to be part of the solution to create a better, fairer and more efficient business and future for humanity.
Our tech is best suited to help those overcome lack of trust and human biases which describes the world's current view of refugees.
Our tech allows individuals to prove their job and social skills to overcome lack of trust and human biases.