Engendering an enterprenurial & skilled youth and workforce
- Pre-Seed
1)Train youth,girls and women and the disabled in basic computer skills and life skills and enteprenurial skills,position them for gainful self employment and job creation for their communities.
2)Equip youth with with artisanal engineering skills
1)We will conduct training in Basic Computer Skills (over 5 days) and entrepreneurial (life skills), namely Financial skills for Small Business Entrepreneurs, Women Entrepreneurship, Starting, Managing and Growing my Business workshops (each) over 5 days. Thus, these business related and computer courses will equip disadvantaged members of the community with basic skills to start their own businesses and proactively create their own and other community members’ gainful employment.
2)Secondly, the Mining sector in South Africa is a vibrant market, yet it is plagued by a chronic lack of skilled labour force. Part of our solution is to, equip youth within their communities and within the vicinity of mining ventures, with artisanal engineering skills. We will, train youth within a 6 month technically and practically oriented course, at the end of which they are awarded an N3 Certificate in Boiler Making, Mechanical, Electrical or Civil Engineering. Hence forth as qualified artisans the disadvantaged youth of a given area are not overlooked in mining (and other) companies’ recruitment drives. Also by nature of the skills set herein; being practical, it is also envisaged that such youth can determine their own destinies by going into self-employment and setting up small to medium enterprises, to start with. In the first instance, we would address our efforts to the Limpopo region as it is the province in South Africa with the highest poverty levels. We envisage a setup whereby; say after a two year period all employees within a given mine are computer literate and are thus moving in tandem with future technological advances.
We believe such approaches minimize the demand on government and corporate entities in addressing the pandemic youth unemployment rates we face as a nation.
1)Chronic levels of unemployment , a disenfanchised and unproductive youth increasingingly engaging in crime and substance abuse -The high levels of unemployment amongst SA youth today will not be solved by government alone. It is a mammoth task, which requires a multi sectoral approach. We believe,this is where we come in.
We are of the firm belief that an engaged youth is a productive cititizentry.We further, assert that in large part there is a positive correlation between the chronic levels of crime, violence and drug and substance abuse prevalent among our South African ,thus our emphasis on upskilling our youth.
- Unskilled current mining staff upskilled to N3 and Computer Literacy
- Local community unemployment down to 20 % in 5 years
- New business start-ups yearly and continued business profitable sustenance year on year
certification amongst miners and community on 6 monthly intervals
•trainings conducted on N3, business skills and life skills on 6 monthly basis.
• trainings conducted on N3, business skills and life skills on 6 monthly basis. - 500 Certifications in year 1
• Track business start-ups quarterly - number and make up(women,disabled,disadvantaged)
• Track sustainable and profitable ongoing operations of business start-ups one year on, yearly for 5 years
• Track new employment opportunities generated - Buisness Start Ups and buisness continuity
Provincial Statistics - 20 % unemployment rate after five years from current 50% +
- Adult
- Low-income economies (< $1005 GNI)
- Secondary
- Female
- Rural
- Sub-Saharan Africa
- Civil engineering
- Digital systems (machine learning, control systems, big data)
- Electrical engineering
- Management & design approaches
- Mechanical engineering and hardware
- Our model hopes to address the social and physical issues that prevent girls and women in particular in assessing life skills as well as robust mentorship and role models.
The short courses will be instructor led , in local area, community halls for instance. Our vision, is that these local community centres will ultimately morph to be a safe and recreational space for youth, with also assess for the girl child to sanitary products (a real challenge to girls from disadvantaged families in consistent attendance in school), contraceptives for youth and career and life counselling and mentoring and coaching in a non-judgmental and assessable space.
- In their own local communities at local community centres at no personal financial strain to themselves.
- 0 (Concept)
- South Africa
We trying to encourage and engage mining companies as part of their social responsibility for the communities in which they operate, an initiative in which they train their current, unskilled labour skill to upskill and selected disadvantages members of community(from whom they may later draw potentional,skilled workforce), by doing same N3 Engineering courses outlined above. Further, modern business operations require proficient computer skills. We propose to conduct training mining staff on a short Computer Literacy Course (as above).Thus sustenance through partnerships.
Capacity constraints to roll out initiatives
Being overtaken by events i.e. technology advancements
- Less than 1 year
- 1-3 months
- 3-6 months
- Technology Access
- Income Generation
- Future of Work
- 21st Century Skills
- Post-secondary Education
We are particularly cognisant that addressing the challenges facing our youth today requires a multi sectoral approach to augment and support government efforts, in order for the outcomes to be effective. This is where we believe we come in-playing our small yet significant part in addressing skills shortage of our youth at community level. We believe the cumulative efforts of such community efforts will contribute in addressing significantly an unskilled youth force ,with skills required to be relevant players on the global stage and in the future.