Skies Greenhouses
Commercial Agriculture has been fronted for long as an enterprise for people with large tracts of land, huge machinery and colossal amounts of capital rendering it a no venture for most Ugandans as they have no access to the afore mentioned means of production.
This has consequently led to a wide spread practice of subsistence farming that leaves the available land underutilized, families living in perpetual poverty and malnourished leading to poor communities and a stagnant economy that is ultimately dependent on the commercialization of the activities of the subsistence community.
SKIES Greenhouses is a climate smart intervention aimed at addressing food insecurity, malnutrition and poverty by enabling season-independent farming in greenhouses with rainwater harvesting tanks capable of holding water for over 3 months of severe drought. The greenhouses are constructed on a cost sharing basis between groups of farmers and the company
Agriculture employs 72% of Uganda’s population and accounts for 52% of the country’s exports however; over 60% is still subsistence due to a host of reasons among them being the smallholder acreage, lack of expertise and the inadequate access to capital and markets. This keeps the rural population in a perpetual cycle of poverty; malnutrition and high susceptibility to hunger as they depend on natural climatic conditions to grow their food crops therefore face the most losses in this era of erratic climate change.
In addition, to earn an income,these people either sell off their land assets to their detriment or hire it out at very low charges seasonally to wealthy individuals thereby fostering the inequality gap as the benefits of owning land and productively using it far outweigh the money earned from selling or hiring it out.
In light of the globally recognized United Nations sustainable development goals, it is important to address this problem to achieve these goals, as there are numerous available opportunities that can be harnessed and most importantly to alleviate and improve the lives of these people. The particular goals are zero poverty, zero hunger, decent work and economic growth and reduced inequality respectively
Our solution is efficiently maximizing the benefits of greenhouse technology on small plots of land for commercial agriculture in the country.
We intend to setup greenhouse parks in different parts of the country producing high quality vegetables for both local and export markets and at least 45% of the profits from the greenhouses used to finance the setup of greenhouses for smallholder farmer groups in different parts of the country[ . This will be done at a cost payable through a percentage of the value of vegetable produce generated from the constructed greenhouse. This is known as the “Greenhouse Vegetable Out-grower Program (GVOP)” whose main vision is to empower smallholder farmers with tools to earn significantly from their small pieces of land
This initiative seeks to make smallholder farmers partners in commercial agriculture instead of buying these farmers out or hiring their land, we finance them through greenhouses and provide market for the produce that acts as the means of payment. In the long run, the farmers, through this program will own income generating enterprises thereby improving their livelihoods and growing the economy.
Smallholder farmers constitute majority of farmers in the country today due to the widespread land fragmentation practices among families and the population explosion in recent years that requires reassignment of land uses. Therefore, families are required to make do with a plot of land either inherited or bought by the family.
The land is used as a source of livelihood and food for the family as the net generated produce can only support the immediate food needs of the family. In most cases, the food is composed of mainly carbohydrates and protein food crops that is maize, cassava, beans, peas and this limits the diet of the said family with subsidization only generated from bought vegetables and fruits that are hardly available to them in the community.
Therefore, these farmers will be our immediate customers and beneficiaries of the greenhouses as a way to improve on their meal options and generate more produce that can be sold within the community and outside the community to increase on their incomes and grow their economies.
Additionally schools/hospitals with unused land will be targeted to make them more productive and able to meet their food and nutrition needs.
- Support small-scale producers with access to inputs, capital, and knowledge to improve yields while sustaining productivity of land and seas
Small scale farmers mainly practice subsistence farming which keeps most families in perpetual cycles of poverty and limited access to the money economy and credit to invest in other income generating activities.
Skies greenhouses offers farmers a proven way to increase their qualitative and quantitative productivity immensely by providing them with the means of production and a ready market for their produce.
- Prototype: A venture or organization building and testing its product, service, or business model
- A new application of an existing technology
This initiative is innovative because it seeks to make smallholder farmers partners in commercial agriculture without the usual need for vast amounts of land that they do not possess and have no means to acquire. Instead of buying these farmers out or hiring their land, we finance them through greenhouses and provide market for the produce that acts as the means of payment and diversifies meal options for their families. Additionally, they will be trained on how to manage the greenhouses and their services paid for hence providing employment and monthly income to them and their families. In the long run, the farmers, through this program will own income generating enterprises thereby improving their livelihoods and growing the economy
Our solution is efficiently maximizing the benefits of greenhouse technology on small plots of land for commercial agriculture in the country. The idea uses proven greenhouse technology that greatly improves agricultural yields by creating a controlled environment that eliminates pests, diseases, and climatic disasters.
The listed factors are some of the major causes that hinder commercial agriculture by the smallholder farmers. We use the existing land asset owned by smallholders to help them create income and generate wealth that will ultimately improve their livelihoods instead of offering them a one-time lump sum amount of money for their land or hire it at a meager value.
Greenhouse Technology is one of the novel ways that farming has evolved into over the years in a bid to eliminate and control the unpredictable forces of nature for the benefit of the crops and humanity in terms of quality and quality produced to march the population growth and growth needs.
Greenhouses are used to grow a variety of vegetables such as tomatoes, strawberries, green peppers, yellow peppers, lettuce, kale, cabbage among others in controlled environments.
The veggies are provided with the right amount of all nutrients required for their maximum growth these include sunlight, water, moisture, soil nutrients, protection from pests, diseases and harsh weather. This ultimately results in the most efficient, climate start and innovative standard of growing crops that limits wastage of water, fertilizer, space and promotes productivity on the smallest scale hence ensuring return on capital investment.
Greenhouse technology has the potential to transform very small spaces into areas of mass production and productivity leading to the ultimate improvement of the livelihoods of the owners of these same spaces with minimal exertion of human toil and strength giving families time to engage in other livelihood activities.
- Biotechnology / Bioengineering
- GIS and Geospatial Technology
- Imaging and Sensor Technology
- Materials Science
The skies greenhouses will be rolled out through a set of programs that will kick start with the establishment of greenhouse parks around the country to act as references and training centers for the farmers, point of contact and primary market for the farmers produce.
Greenhouse Parks will be established in the different country regions.The central park operations will yield the necessary profits to support the smallholder farmers in the country.
In addition, the central parks will be used as an investment hub for the people of Uganda to engage in cooperate agriculture with affordable seed capital.
Investors will have the opportunity to visit and learn about their venture, investment will be protected by agricultural insurance and profits payable at the end of each harvesting season. Investors can choose to stay/keep their capital or move it to another investment. Return on investment will be calculated seasonally depending on the fetching price of all vegetables grown, markets accessed and final accrued return on the entire investment
As profits from the Central Parks grow, a percentage of this will be used to transfer the technology to rural smallholder farmers around the country at affordable rates and in some instances cooperate social responsibility especially for schools, hospitals, prisons, remand homes and churches.
A potential farmer will be trained in the operations of the Green House and construction done for him/her.
Our model will seek payment through the produce generated from the greenhouse over time. 25% of all produce generated in monetary terms will be remitted to the company as payment for the investment with interest of only 5%. With the standard adopted, we believe the farmers will be able to pay back in less than 2 years. Other than instilling the thrill of ownership of the greenhouse in the farmer, we shall improve his livelihood; increase the amount of food variety available to him and his family and the community.
We seek to reach at least 20 farmers (50% women) each month and establish these greenhouses. Markets will be sought throughout the world for or quality produce to avoid wastage.
- Women & Girls
- Rural
- Urban
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- 1. No Poverty
- 2. Zero Hunger
- 3. Good Health and Well-Being
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 10. Reduced Inequalities
- 12. Responsible Consumption and Production
- Uganda
- Uganda
At prototype stage,we are currently still seeking funding to start operations,therefore serve no one.
In one year, we shall serve at least 30 farmer households translating to 600 people depending on available funding.
In 5 years, we project to serve at least 4500 people that is 900 households.
Skies greenhouses seeks to successfully encourage the adoption and understanding of the immense benefits of greenhouses by the target communities in addition to the design and construction of the greenhouses are the most fundamental parts of the program. Understanding of the technology will create demand for the product therefore convincing farmers to make the 20% contribution while the successful design and implementation of the project distribution will create a sustainable project in the long run.
Success will be claimed when the profits from the greenhouse parks in are able to construct greenhouses for different farmers and groups in the country and these greenhouses able to supply produce to us for sale after which money is remitted back to the farmers to further improve their livelihoods.Success will be claimed when profits from each greenhouse every six months can support the setup of another greenhouse
Additionally, investment into the greenhouses will have gained traction with at least two investors per greenhouse contributing at least UGX: 1,000,000 per season.
The greenhouses will lead to reduced figures of malnutrition and poverty levels across the communities hence have a positive bearing on food security by reduced rates of hunger within these communities and the country at large. Because the households will have increased incomes, this will mean that more children will get back to school and with the reduced malnutrition; they will perform even better in school. The overall benefit is creation of healthier and financially better communities
- Our current barrier is a financial barrier to start operations.
- In the next 5 years,we anticipate barriers such as farmers defaulting on payments,limited access to international markets and emerging competitors
- We are actively sourcing for funding from potential funders, programs and angel investors
- Credit recovery system will be developed to ensure timely payment and tailored for each client.
- For-profit, including B-Corp or similar models
The following individuals are the core founding team of the company and will work full time for the initiative
- Patricia Nekesa - Agricultural Engineer /Team lead
- Alex Ssewanyana - Water and irrigation engineer /Greenhouse Lead
- Isaac Oluk - Agricultural engineer /innovation lead
- Willy Mwesigwa - sales and marketing manager
Our team is multidisciplinary and encompasses all the aspects needed to create a thriving business in the 21st century. Our local knowledge especially regarding agriculture in Uganda positions us as a formidable steam to execute our business in sustainable and proven way. We are a young, dynamic and result oriented team able and willing to transform the nation's agricultural economy effectively through greenhouses and smallholder farmers
A potential farmer or farmer groups will be identified and a 20% of the setup cost required from them. The clients will be trained in the operations of the Green House and construction done for him/her.
Our model will seek payment through the produce generated from the greenhouse over time. 25% of all produce generated in monetary terms will be remitted to the company as payment for the investment with interest of only 5%. With the standard adopted, we believe the farmers will be able to pay back in less than 2 years. Other than instilling the thrill of ownership of the greenhouse in the farmer, we shall improve his livelihood; increase the amount of food variety available to him and his family and the community.
We seek to reach at least 20 farmers (50% women) each month and establish these greenhouses. Markets will be sought throughout the world for or quality produce to avoid wastage.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
Our team has a solid vision and is eager to implement it as soon we get the required minimum funding
- Business model
- Solution technology
- Funding and revenue model
- Monitoring and evaluation
- Marketing, media, and exposure
- We seek partnerships with fruits and vegetable international exporters and importers