Salvanon ,food boosting immunity
The rate of chronic malnutrition is very high in Burundi among children under 5 years of age (56%).It is due to incomplete meal which weakens the body and exposes them to different infections, which increases morbidity and mortality. substitution foods are incomplete. To respond to this problem, IPROSARUDE through its research and development unit is in the process of producing salvanon, hyperimmune nutritional supplement made from local products. It is a complete product made from foods rich in protein, in vitamins ,trace elements and antioxidants. The products will be made from mushrooms, stevia,guava ,curcuma,ginger as well as Moringa whose powders will be mixed with wheat flour.Once the finalized product will be made available to families so that children and adults can consume them regularly to boost their immunity and this will make them more resilient to different infections and keep the population healthy.
The Covid-19 crisis, which has become a global pandemic, continues to negatively impact people's lives. As of 6/18/2020, around 8,367,894 including 449,397 cases of death according to WHO. Burundi, its epidemiological profile does not differ from other African countries with cases that are beginning to appear gradually (104 cases including 1 death). The populations most exposed in terms of morbidity and mortality are the elderly,malnutrition, people with chronic diseases (diabetes, cardiovascular disease, HIV/AIDS, people with brochopulmonary pathologies). This would be linked to the weak immunity of the body.
Many Burundians, especially children under 5 years and pregnant women are chronically malnourished and contributing to the decline immunity. In fact, according to the Demography and Health Study, 3rd generation, 56% of children under the age of 5 have chronic malnutrition.
The combination of these factors will contribute in the near future to a high morbidity and mortality if measures are not taken on time in particular those aiming to increase immunity in the absence of a vaccine or an effective drug against the covid-19. Further studies have shown a great contribution of malnutrition in the genesis of these different chronic pathologies.It is why the products increasing immunity are of capital importance.
Salvanon is a hyperimmune nutritional supplement made from local products. It is a complete product made from foods rich in protein, in vitamins and trace elements without forgetting antioxidants. Nutritional analyzes of locally produced crops made it possible to identify the categories of plants with the desired vertices. Analysis of processing techniques was also carried out in order to keep a majority of the nutrients especially the vitamins which are thermolabile. The products will be made from mushrooms, stevia,curicuma ,guava as well as Muringa whose powders will be mixed with wheat flour.
Once the finalized product will be made available to families so that children and adults can consume them regularly to boost their immunity and this will make them more resilient to different infections and keep the population healthy, which will contribute to the development of the country by reducing spending related to health but also by increasing production.
Salvanon will be made available to families so that children and adults can consume them regularly to boost their immunity and this will make them more resilient to different infections and keep the population healthy, which will contribute to the development of the country by reducing spending related to health but also by increasing production.
The especially categories are elderly,malnutrition, people with chronic diseases (diabetes, cardiovascular disease, HIV/AIDS, people with brochopulmonary pathologies) ,children under 5 years , women with pregnant with different concentrations.
- Improve supply chain practices to reduce food loss, scale new business models for producer-market connections, and create low-carbon cold chains
Salvanon will be made available to families so that children and adults can consume them regularly to boost their immunity and this will make them more resilient to different infections and keep the population healthy, which will contribute to the development of the country by reducing spending related to health but also by increasing production.
The especially categories are elderly,malnutrition, people with chronic diseases (diabetes, cardiovascular disease, HIV/AIDS, people with brochopulmonary pathologies) ,children under 5 years , women with pregnant with different concentrations.
So ,people will bring natural plant for transformation(selling) in food and after they can come to buy product.
- Prototype: A venture or organization building and testing its product, service, or business model
- A new business model or process
It is a unique solution because it has a specificity unique in Burundi because it uses the various nutrients that the body needs to boost immunity. The product uses natural products, which protect the organism from harmful industrial, especially chemical, products. It is a product made to measure to avoid undesirable effects. The special nutrients, we will keep only the doses that the body needs but by focusing on the nutritional balance especially in rare nutrients. The product will take into account the specificities of the organism in particular childhood, pregnancy and other particular states, for example sugar for diabetics, salt for people with cardiovascular pathologies.
Our product is made on scientific knowledge in nutrition and the necessary technologies are based on agrifood techniques but also biochemical dosing techniques to see if the nutrients are in quantity wanted on the prototype for each constituent. These include machines extraction and particularly of mixes which are simple techniques and for control tests, recourse will be had to existing laboratories which make such assays.
The technology works because we have in different countries the kind of nutritional supplementation but the problem is more of product are incomplete and almost work with one product like protein .Here we have a prototype of a product which will be complete according of the composition of each plant in different nutrients.
- Ancestral Technology & Practices
- Biomimicry
- Biotechnology / Bioengineering
- Manufacturing Technology
- Materials Science
The theory of change is based on reducing the negative impact of weak immunity on the body. The nutritional supplement will help maintain a good nutritional balance, in particular by acting on antioxidants which will significantly reduce free radicals, sources of many of chronic pathologies diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, cancers, chronic and acute malnutrition, HIV / AIDS. the life expectancy of these populations.
- Women & Girls
- Pregnant Women
- Infants
- Children & Adolescents
- Elderly
- Persons with Disabilities
- 2. Zero Hunger
- 3. Good Health and Well-Being
- 9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
- Burundi
- Burundi
The number does my solution serve currently is 0 because we are at prototype stage.
Next one year ,the product will serve allmost 50,000 peoples and in five years,we can serve around 5,000,000 peoples.
The goal for next year is to provide the product to 50,000 peoples after to finilize the products with the certification of the product in ISO .Then we can begin the marketing of product and scale the production.
In five years,all most of 5,000,000 peoples will get products in different formulas.
The barries of next year is to get capital for pilot project of the product in differents areas of the project.It suppose to provide free cash or low price in the pilotage stage.
We may delaye the initial timework because of technology low in local area for the special test control.
In five years,due to a delay of initial stage (pilotage stage).We may lack sufficient raw material for the production of sufficient quantities of the product.
To bet on these barriers, we will mobilize more partners to join this project, in particular organizations working on people who are victims of these pathologies. This support could concern the purchase of equipment from an analysis laboratory and the equipment food processing
Then, for the question of the lack of raw materials, we will mobilize the population for the cultivation of these identified plants and, as far as possible, provide them with technical and financial support through savings and credit groups.
- Nonprofit
we are at prototype stage ,we have only the team form ordinaly staff who work on the solution especially the members of Research and Development Unit.We have almost 7 peoples who 2 are full-time et 5 part-time.
We have a multidisciplinary team of public health doctors, pediatricians, statisticians, agronomists, nutritionists, which will help us to easily deliver the product because all the necessary skills are there.
Cuurently,we don't have with other organization,we are working with our team for the first stage with the support of IPROSARUDE ,our native organization.But for the next stages,we will need more support.
Executive Director