In the Limpopo and Maputo corridor, cassava production was intended for consumption, as many of the farmers did not use the improved high-yield varieties due to the lack of knowledge about them and did not use good agricultural practices, nor did they practice cultivation. Use of appropriate organic fertilisers in the production process. Farmers were also unaware of cassava processing and there were no policies related to prices, technical assistance and frequent rural extension. The low adoption of improved inputs to increase incomes was mainly due to the low extension services caused by low numbers and the capacity of extension agents. Thus, the project proposes to strengthen the capacity of extension workers in production (adoption of new technologies through the implementation of Demonstrative Fields for Results), processing and commercialisation of cassava, in order to improve the income of producers in the region.
Before the intervention of the project, the production of cassava was directed only to subtenancy without the vision and knowledge of production for business. More than 20,000 farmers have not used the improved high yield varieties created and recommended by the Institute for Agricultural Research of Mozambique (IIAM) and have not used good agricultural practices, nor used the appropriate organic fertilisers and advised by the specialised company BIOCHEM on the supply of botanical fertilisers . These products were introduced in this program to guarantee the success of the productive capacity of the new varieties. Farmers also lacked technical assistance and frequent rural extension. The low adoption of improved inputs to increase yields was mainly due to low extension services, caused by low numbers, and the weak capacity of extension agents. Thus, the project proposes the strengthening of the capacity of extension workers and community agribusiness entrepreneurs in the production, processing and marketing of cassava, in order to improve the income of producers in the region, complementing the work of the Value Chain Development Project in the Corridors, Maputo and Limpopo.
The main objective of the project is to increase the capacity of rural extension agents to help cassava producers to improve agricultural production with a view of agribusiness, along the Limpopo Corridor, through the adoption of two technologies, improved cassava varieties and practices integrated soil management. The massification of cassava production is carried out in a rain fed system, applying good agricultural practices that consist of observing aspects such as good land preparation, use of the correct compass, inter cropping, mulch and others.
The transmission of the aforementioned technologies is done through the establishment of profit demonstration fields, carried out by extension workers who were trained for the first time on issues of good agricultural practices. 28 fields were established in the 11 districts, where two new varieties were established, Tapioca and Umbeluzi 2, with desirable characteristics, such as resistance to drought, certain pests and diseases, and highly productive when their production is combined with the observance of good agricultural practices. practices. These fields are being used as production field, demonstration plots where producers were able to learn in a practical way about new varieties combined with good agricultural practices.
The project created and continues to create a positive impact on the quality of life of most producers in the Maputo and Limpopo Corridor, as the increase in production is reflected in the increase in households income and, consequently, in the improvement of their living conditions. The transmission of technologies to producers was carried out through the establishment of demonstration plots for results, training in terms of good practices in the production and processing of cassava with a view to agribusiness. The project also created favourable conditions for cultivation and opportunities in the cassava markets for beer and flour (industrial unit and small cassava processors, as associations) in the Limpopo corridor. Therefore most producers are able to increase the production and involve structured markets due to the high performance resulting from the use of correct inputs and knowledge about them.
- Support small-scale producers with access to inputs, capital, and knowledge to improve yields while sustaining productivity of land and seas
The project proposal has the challenge of improving household, livelihood conditions of small farmers families. The intervention of the project arouses the interest of these producers in increasing their production on a large scale, due to the introduction of new improved varieties. This increase in production constitutes a positive change achieved by the program, as it radically uses the previous cultivation practices. This also brings the increase in households income. Producers demonstrate complete mastery of new ways of growing cassava.
- Growth: An organization with an established product, service, or business model rolled out in one or, ideally, several communities, which is poised for further growth
- A new application of an existing technology
The Project aims to increase the productive capacity of cassava in the provinces of Gaza(5 distritcs) and Inhambane(6 districts) and was designed and carried out in the within the persistentclimate change. Thus, the project considers good practices that demonstrate more resilient agricultural production systems, that is, the use of cassava varieties resilient to drought, combined with the application of liquid organic fertilisers. The project's proposal, as a result, changes the household livelihood of small farmers, as, with the intervention of existing technology, producers arouse an interest in increasing production in large areas.
This increase in production constitutes a positive change achieved by the program as it radically changes the cultivation practices previously employed, causing an increase in income and therefore an increase in family income. This action causes a multiplier effect that allows 154 exemplary producers with Demo plots to expand their own production experience to 18,000 producers. Giving greater guarantee of production at the level of two provinces of the Country. Thus, it can be said that the technologies are well accepted by the producers because during the days of the fields, the producers can witness the knowledge acquired and the recognition of the benefits observed from the introduction of the new technologies combined with good agricultural practices. The material that will be obtained from harvesting the beneficiaries' fields will be delivered to other producers and thereby further increase the number of beneficiaries.
The project considers good practices that demonstrate more resilient agricultural production systems, thus the use of cassava varieties resilient to droughts, pests and crops diseases, combined with the application of liquid organic fertilisers and good crop management practices.
The investment was made in the use of improved varieties, good agricultural practices, such as good land preparation, with the Agriculture Conservation method, with the elimination of any type of burning, mono-culture and correct density, in order to increase the productivity. The planting is 1m x 1m, contributing to greater soil coverage through the canopy of plants.
The project discloses three improved and recommended varieties for the Limpopo corridor, one of which (the Chinhembwe) is being used by producers, for the remaining two (Tapioca and Umbeluzi 2). Another traditional technique recommended and used is to maintain the stubble resulting from the removal of weeds from the soil to preserve the moisture in the soil and replenish its organic matter, as a result of the decomposition of the residues of the weeds removed.
The improved varieties are not known to most producers, they produce cassava using local varieties that have characteristics that are not desirable to the producer and are directed only to their livelihood, without the vision of production for the business.
Many of these producers are unaware of the production techniques that involve the application of fertilizers, and good cultivation practices such as the proper compass, the way of planting, the intercropping of crops, among others.With the intervention of the project, producers will benefit from new cultivation practices, improved highly productive and drought-resistant varieties and management practices aimed at increasing yield.
The project also proposes to strengthen the capacity of extension workers, in order to increase the knowledge inherent in the production, processing and commercialization process of cassava, in order to improve the income of producers in the region.
Thus, it can be said that the technologies were well accepted by the producers, because during the field days, the producers witnessed the knowledge acquired and the knowledge of the observed benefits of the introduction of the new technologies combined with good agricultural practices. The material that will be obtained from harvesting the beneficiaries' fields will be delivered to other producers and thereby further increase the number of beneficiaries
- Ancestral Technology & Practices
- Behavioral Technology
- Biotechnology / Bioengineering
- Manufacturing Technology
With the intervention of the project, a large proportion of producers will have the capacity to increase production and engage with structured markets, due to the high yield resulting from the use of correct inputs and knowledge about them.
The project starts with the devaluation and depreciation of the price of cassava. Producers are forced to sell cassava at a very low price, imposed by the processing industries and local buyers. Thus the project fights the depreciation of the market price. Local factories will allow the price of local production to rise to 50% of the value, to the benefit of small farmers producers.
Facing the problem of lack of market, the program foresees the establishment of mini-factories for processing cassava into flour and grated (granulated cassava) in the 11 districts, as well as creating commercial establishments aimed at selling fresh or processed cassava, benefiting 20,000 peasant families. The establishment of markets and mini-factories in the project areas by local production will constitute an important source of income for the producers involved and will stimulate the cultivation of cassava. It should also lead to a reduction in retail prices, thereby stimulating consumption and expanding the market.
It could also expand the project to other communities in the districts already covered by the project, continuing with the dissemination of technology based on the use of improved varieties and integrated management of soil fertility through the availability of cuttings of cassava trees from the harvest of the Demonstration Fields of Results already established.
- Rural
- Low-Income
- 1. No Poverty
- 5. Gender Equality
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
- 13. Climate Action
- Mozambique
- Mozambique
The project starts with 3080 multiplication fields (corresponding to the same number of producers) of the varieties in the provinces of Gaza and Inhambane, this number, after 12 months, multiply to more than 18,000 multiplication fields, Where each of the 3080 families trained, they must influence at least five to 5-10 producers, thus, passing the know-how. Therefore, taking into a consideration the minimum attainable level of influence, it is expected to reach 15,400 producers after 12 months. With the massification of production by the new varieties it is expected to reaching above 100,000 beneficiaries in 5 years.
Enhance the capacity of public and
private extension service providers to impact farmer groups, commercial and
emergent farmers with the skills and knowledge needed to increase productivity
including adoption of improved cassava varieties and integrated soil fertility
management practices.
Introducing more new varieties, more cultivation techniques aimed at increasing production and productivity, as cassava generates economic income aimed at improving the population's living conditions!
Expansion of mini cassava processing plants and commercial establishments across the 11 districts. In the next 5 years, the project will focus on the commercialization of fresh and processed cassava, follow the flow closely and ensure that all the product is disposed of, except for the product that should remain in the families themselves, after its due treatment, for the self-support.
With the explosion of production, maintained with permanent attention on the part of the SDAE’s and their trained Extensionists, the semi-industrial activity will evolve, creating more jobs for families and therefore changing the lifestyle of the local population.
Financial barrier constitute the main barrier, it is perceived in our daily lives that many people, cassava producers try to do their own business, but find difficulties, perhaps due to the fact that the labor market is getting smaller or simply do not know the improved farming practices for cassava, among other reasons.
To highlight the importance of the study of the economic and financial viability determining the possibilities of success or failure of the proposal, to carry out a good planning, to observe the risks that may happen, to make a good buy and sell relationship, among others.
- Goal: expand cultivation areas,
2. Specific objectives
2.1. introducing more new varieties, more cultivation techniques that aim to increase production and productivity,
2.2. as cassava generates economic income aimed at improving the living conditions of the population! the project will focus on the commercialization of fresh and processed cassava, follow the flow closely and ensure that all the product is disposed of, except for the product that should remain in the families themselves, after their due treatment, for self-support. how to plan, build and manage the enterprise in the best possible way, always evaluating costs and expenses in relation to revenues, so that new investments can be made, thus obtaining a continuous growth of the company.
This work aims to help those producers who wish to expand their cultivation area, showing all the stages of this process.
A program to promote the production of cassava has already been carried out and the program has sensitized many communities to engage in Increased Production and in innovative ways to increase their production and commercialization.
The program, however, cannot stop and needs financial funds to maintain a rural development technical team as well as the logistical means for its movement.
- Nonprofit
The Project intends to coordinate a technical team established at the central level by the National Institution Director (KULIMA) in coordination with the Project coordinator and a consultant.
A level from each of the two provinces has been indicated, two technicians who make the coordination of all activities at the level of each province.
Solution Team Quantity Time Worker
Coordinator(lead investigator) (1) Full time
Extension workers (7) Part time
agronomists (2) Full time
Accountant (1) Full Time
Driver (1) Full Time
Kulima, as an organization that aims to raise the level of well-being of poor communities in Mozambique, fighting against all obstacles that facilitate the increase of poverty within the same communities through integrated activities aimed at promoting productivity in Agriculture and the commercialization of products, the promotion of rural micro-finance programs, the sustainable use of water, the promotion of environmental sanitation, health and education for all, the training of appropriate technicians for different areas of action, the promotion of sectors of women, the elderly, youth and children, always valuing the culture of PEACE, with actions based on human rights and good governance.
To be and always remain an Organization that is attentive to the needs of the people who suffer and available to give our support to these most disadvantaged strata in Mozambique, joining the efforts they make to grow in an integrated way at their socio-economic level , becoming actors in their own development.
For food and nutrition security program, it is the guarantee that peasants have of the disposal of the Products, with previous market study, with cooperation agreements both for commercialization as well as for support in agricultural inputs, accepting the serious and non-paternalistic use Rural Credit.Has implemented projects, whose existence since 1. And At the central level, the National Director has extensive experience in monitoring and supervising various food and nutrition security projects since 1984; the project coordinator has good experience in planning and managing agricultural projects.
Official partners: EU, MINAG, CEPAGRI, MANI TESE, German Agrarian Action, and other international NGOs.
Specifically, for this project we have a partnership with the Institute of Agricultural Research of Mozambique (IIAM), Biochem (Private company for the commercialization of botanical fertilizers), Eduardo Mondlane University (UEM), BINDZU (agrarian consulting company).
Biochem- availability of fertilizers.
IIAM-creation and availability of planting material used by producers.
EMU-linking farmers to markets, in partnership with BINDZU.
KULIMA in coordination with PROSUL focuses on rural extension, the introduction of new varieties and the management of soil fertility through Demoplots establishments.
Producers organized in associations can sell cassava fresh or processed.
As it is a complete crop, producers can also produce seed cuttings and sell them to other producers.
The bakery and pastry industries could benefit from cassava flour to make bread, cakes and other derivatives. Not to mention the brewing industry that currently adheres to the use of cassava.
Producers trained in the agribusiness component; they adhere to knowledge about the diversification of the ways of selling and processing cassava, as well as the existing market alternatives, increasing the family's economic capacity.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
The reason for enrolling with SOLVE is the fact that most producers direct cassava production to subsistence (without vision or partial to agribusiness).
Many farmers do not use improved high-yield varieties (yields 15-35 tonnes per hectare versus 2-4 tonnes per hectare), created and recommended by the Mozambican Agricultural Research Institute (IIAM) due to a lack of knowledge about them , and did not use good agricultural practices, just as they did not practice the use of organic fertilizers in the production of cassava. In addition, there are no policies regarding prices, technical assistance and frequent rural extension.
Producers must move from an ancient phase of subsistence production to production of increased production and productivity for the integral growth of their families. This is a right that has always forced us to operate on the ground.
The reason for signing up to SOLVE is that most producers direct cassava production to subsistence (without any vision for agribusiness).
Many of the farmers did not use the improved high-yield varieties (yields of 15-35 tonnes per hectare versus 2-4 tonnes per hectare), created and recommended by the Mozambique Agricultural Research Institute (IIAM) due to a lack of knowledge about them , and did not use good agricultural practices, just as they did not practice the use of organic fertilizers in the production of cassava. In addition, farmers were also unaware of cassava production and processing, and there were no policies regarding prices, technical assistance and frequent rural extension.
- Solution technology
Technological solution: Cassava processing machines in grated flour (a partner that provides), since the acquisition cost is quite high and 11 machines are needed to be placed in the factories at the district level.
The project partners (Instituto de Investigacao Agraria de Moçambique (IIAM), Biochem (Privately Held marketing of botanical fertilizers), Eduardo Mondlane University (UEM), BINDZU (agrarian consulting company ), contributed considerably to the success of the project. Biochem had its role in availability of fertilizers that helped in the process of increasing cassava yield. For your shift, IIAM, played a role in creating and making available the planting material used by producers. UEM linked farmers to markets, in partnership with BINDZU. And KULIMA in coordination with PROSUL focused on rural extension, the introduction of new varieties and the management of
soil fertility through Demoplots establishments.
Firstly, international organizations to be able to give weight to this type of program in order to achieve Millennium goals, such as FAO, WWF, UNICEF, IFAD, among others.
Then there are countries that have bilateral programs, especially Japan and the richest countries in America, Europe and the Middle East, that have the possibility to fight and have always declared to support the fight against Poverty in the World.
Also the private business sector that has, as an Obligation, social responsibility funds, either for its workers as well as for other humanitarian activities outside its specific organization.
In particular, Organizations working in the area of Agro-business and processing.

Organism For Integrated Socio-Economic Development