Hummingbird Drill
- Pre-Seed
The Hummingbird Drill is just one option for projection in the outdoors to bring the school environment to nature, setting students on the right path to becoming a better workforce. Scaling this will only result in more and more people joining the generation running the world.
My solution is able to solve the incorrect method in which the education system teaches children to learn, only to forget, as well as disregard the need for students to apply their knowledge to real life situations. This universal education system leads to the potential of many bright minds being wasted, resulting in a less creative workforce. By putting students in an area with little contact to nature and often resort to using their phones, the education system only ensures that less minds will be able to make it out of school to pursue their dreams.
I believe that my proposal will solve this problem because humans simply become better in nature. Numerous experiments and studies have shown that people can even become smarter when in contact with nature, prefer natural photos rather than ones of industrial/technological incorporation, etc. Bringing the classroom environment into the actual outside environment will be able to take students away from their phones and engage them in a much more natural place to learn. Overall, the powerful force of nature being applied to the education system will better utilize the amazing potential of the creative minds of the world.
My solution will enhance the workforces that result from education through the many dreams that they wish to accomplish. It will benefit anyone that seeks an education or has an idea that they wish to bring to the world, whether it be buildable or a theory; anyone with some goal can be influenced. This new education environment will be deployed to anyone through projections on screens held by the Hummingbird Drill, or maybe even clouds if the technology will allow for consistent usage.
Embed visit counter widget on website - Large projection screen test on Hummingbird Drill is successful and put on site
Track schools that use it and their data in terms of average grades, attendance, etc. - Schools legally implement specific times to utilize the Hummingbird Drill
Continue to track schools and track purchases of Hummingbird Drills as well - Entire countr(y)(ies) have most of their schools using the Hummingbird Drill is some form
- Child
- Adolescent
- High-income economies
- Upper middle income economies (between $3976 and $12275 GNI)
- Secondary
- Europe and Central Asia
- US and Canada
- Electrical engineering
- Imaging and sensor technology
- Mechanical engineering and hardware
- Physics
- Robotics
My solution is unique because it is doesn’t change the education system in the way that students learn, but instead, changes the entire environment they are in. There are so many ways that the way students are taught can be changed, but changing the place that they learn is something new, and could pose much better results than trying to change the system’s method of teaching. It is also relatively new in the technology that it uses, with successful testing of it only two years ago.
This technology values the people that it influences because it takes their education into a natural state. Studies have already shown the countless benefits that being in nature provides, yet those valuable reasons are not being held as important. This technology can take a period of significant development of the workforce by utilizing important aspects of humans.
My solution will be deployed through the drone unit, the Hummingbird Drill, and will have information on my website as well. It will be affordable for the communities that I am targeting as several will be needed for an entire school. Those who pay for education also fund the purchasing of the Hummingbird Drills, as well as projection screens.
- 4-5 (Prototyping)
- United States
Have faith in us humans.
Believe in the me who believes in you.
Some factors limiting the ability of my solution's success: Possible patents, manufacturing capabilities, the ability of schools to adapt, and weather! Patenting probably won't be an issue, but I do see manufacturing as a possible limit. The drones would need to be produced quickly enough to support the demand of schools, BUT only if they wish to adapt. If they cannot adapt in the first place, there is no worry for manufacturing at all. And of course, weather could easily make it difficult for the technology to be rendered useless.
- Less than 1 year
- 6-12 months
- 12-18 months
- Future of Work
- 21st Century Skills
- Literacy
- Secondary Education
- Teacher Training
I am applying to Solve because of my vision that I hold of the world with a better workforce. I see Solve as a stepping stone for what I wish to accomplish, which is establishing an educational stepping stone for everyone. Aiming to give everyone such an educational opportunity is optimistic, and maybe even unlikely, but what's the point of leaving anyone out? My goals are not of an ideal, logical world, but one with minimal middle-grounds. I hope to be able to share this vision with the rest of the world, and how they can enjoy it as well.
Currently I am in contact with the lead on this technology, as well as the heir to a throne of galactic proportions.
All the lights in the sky are stars.