The focus is on environmental degradation, poor yield and low income caused by unsustainable arable crop production system by small holder farmers. The current system involve deforestation to increase production, use of inorganic fertilizers and agro chemicals which end products are hazardous to health (WHO) and contribute to global green house gases emission (IPCC). The Proposed solution is Integrated Soil Fertility Management (ISFM) which is knowledge driven and comprises combination of technologies for sustainable land use intensification. The technology is an holistic approach that involves use of improved climate smart/ low nutrient tolerant germplasms, fortified organic fertilizer, good agricultural practices(GAP), improved cropping system with lesser legumes well adapted to SWNigeria humid climate for fertility improvement, erosion control and cheap source of protein. The solution impact will result to sustainable land use intensification, improve nutrition, increase C sequestration, reduce soil erosion and increase output and farmers’ wealth.
UN data put Nigeria and West Africa population at about 206million and 321million respectively. The demand for food is increasing, thus there is pressure on farmers to produce more. In spite of genetic improvement of most arable crops, they have not been able to meet their genetic potentials to produce maximally due to unsustainable cultivation methods Consequently more land are opened up to increase production resulting to deforrestation with consequent effects of increase level of atmospheric CO2, erosion, nutrient runoff and water pollution. deforestation contribute up to 15% of global carbon emission. The small holder farmers produce about 70% of food crops depend on inorganic fertilizer and agro-chemicals to boost production and these inputs add toxins to soils which are carcinogenic and contribute to CO2 emission to the atmosphere. Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) protocols provide an average N2O emission factor of 1.25 kg N2O-N/kg N applied and from NPK fertilizer 2.792kgCO2/Kg N, 0.738/Kg p205 and 0.352CO2/K20. production of high carbon nutrition from livestock is increasing to meet protein needs in diets of poor resource farmers which constitutes about 60% of Nigeria populace. there is need for sustainable intensification of production system for improved environmental health and nutrition .
The proposed approach is a paradigm shift from conventional methods known as integrated soil fertility management (ISFM). Vanlauwe et al. (2009) defined ISFM as a set of soil fertility management practices that necessarily includes the use of improved germplasm, organic fertilizers and combined with the knowledge on how to adapt these practices to local conditions following sound agronomic principles aiming at maximizing agronomic use efficiency of the applied nutrients and improving crop productivity. the focus is to produce maximally in space for a long term without causing environmental degradation. the technology enhances sustainable intensification of production systems, reduction in deforestation, and increase in organic fertilizer usage to boost production of nutrient deficient soils. cropping systems with lesser legumes which are well adapted to Nigerian environment will be introduced to farmers to reduce use of agro chemicals in weed and soil fertility improvement.Tthe consortium will boost this initiative through training to expose farmers to ISFM protocols and provide strong linkage among stakeholders along food value chain through IT and social medium. package of recommendations will ba made available in local languages. Direct linkage of producers with consumers will reduce harvest wastage, production glut and reduce carbon foot print.
The proposal targets producers of arable crops, all players in food value chain starting from Southern Nigeria of population 68.5million and selected West Africa countries (Niger, BOukina-Faso, Senegal, Mali) with population of about 321million. These include farming communities in region which constitute about 60 % of the total population, the consumers, public and private extension workers, researchers, policy makers. Currently they are linked through Research extension input linkage system through which problems are shared and solution propounded. Farm visits, extension agents, media promotion disseminate the technology. This approach will boost production on available land without the need of deforestation through sustainable intensification of production on available land and value addition. The inclusion of grain legumes will reduce soil degradation in terms of reduction in erosion and fixation of Nitrogen from the atmosphere and improve carbon sequestration. Organic fertilizer in form of compost will improve soil quality and boost sustainable crop production with better environment health. Training on sustainable production will enhance production of quality products for consumers and up-takers. The target to double the yield small holder farmers to improve in income will be achieved through Direct linkage to up-takers.
- Support small-scale producers with access to inputs, capital, and knowledge to improve yields while sustaining productivity of land and seas
Current production system has resulted to environmental degraded, low yield, increase green house gases, poor nutrition and health through deforestation, agro-chemicals, nutrient mining, and soil erosion.The proposed solution is sustainable intensification of land use through innovative ISFM that include high yielding, low nutrient tolerant germplasms, good agricultural practices, fortified organic fertilizers,cropping system that incorporate legumes well adapted to the climatic condition. These technology will increase out put, improve nutrition/health, reduce environmental degradation and increase income.the resilience and holistic approach of the technology couple with climate smart inputs, sustainable land use intensification will be achieved and enhance community's wealth and health
- Growth: An organization with an established product, service, or business model rolled out in one or, ideally, several communities, which is poised for further growth
- A new application of an existing technology
The solution has no competitor in that agricultural technologies are usually promoted singularly thus there is no synergy. All other solutions are not aggregated together holistically like ISFM. In ISFM, the solution combined all relevant technologies and also take into consideration the local adaptations like slope, soil variability if need be and also concern about the agronomic and economic efficiency of production. other solutions is about agronomic efficiency and increase crop production without taking into consideration the environmental health. Thus crop production impoverishes the soils and degrade the environment causing erosion, nutrient mining resulting to empty empty subsequently. this solution in addition will use fortified organic fertilizer to reduce green house emission. the organic fertilizer will be fortified with macro and micro nutrients based on proximate analyses of compost and green manure This technology carry along all stakeholders in the crop value chain to ensure products gets to market and the end user. other approaches have poor linkage of farmers to market and other stakeholders such that any of their benefits in terms of increase in production are lost to glut. consequently farmers get discouraged and thus continue in their old ways.
The core technologies include seed technology, organic fertilizer, tillage methods, check dams to combat climate variability, good agricultural practices (GAP), local adaptations , soil testing and incorporating of grain legumes into cropping system. seed technology involve use of climate smart variety that matures early and or can tolerate low nutrient in the soil. heterogeneity in soil properties are taken into consideration through soil testing so fertility management is site specific to maximize the use. Fertilizer use is more of fortified compost and green manure. farmers are trained to recycle farm residues and wastes instead of burning and use it to build organic matter in the soil. good agricultural practices is also emphasized such as timeliness of farm operations such as application of fertilizer, weeding, thinning, pest and disease control. Local adaptation include appropriate tillage which take the slope direction, texture and moisture into consideration during operation. most farmers plant and use blanket application of fertilizer, this technology encourages management of soil fertility base on soil testing and geo-spatial analyses. where there a small streams, check dams are encouraged to adapt to climatic variability which has become a major issue due to cessation rains in rain fed agriculture
The technology has been tested widely and promoted in west Africa and East Africa countries with Alliance for Green Revolution in Africa(AGRA). These country include Nigeria, Niger, Ghana, Senegal and Boukina-fassou. In west Africa the technology was promoted among small holder farmers through training and development of package of recommendations for different crops.these include: ISFM for maize and tomato; soil fertility management; construction of check dam and erosion control. publications about the technology in journals are also available to promote the technology. Examples :
B. Vanlauwe, K. Descheemaeker, K. E. Giller, J. Huising, R. Merckx, G. Nziguheba, J. Wendt,and S. Zingore (2015): Integrated Soil fertility management in sub saharan Africa: local adaptations doi:10.5194/soil-1-491-2015.
Ande O.T., Jerome Huising, A. O. Ojo, J. Azeez, S.O. Ojeniyi, S.A. Olakojo and I.O. Fademi (2017). Status of integrated soil fertility management (ISFM) in Southwestern Nigeria. International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Research. 4:(2) 28-44" DOI:10.18488/journal.70.2017.42.28.44
The latter was written by the working group that were involved in the various aspects of the integrated technology southern Nigeria. we also have farmers testimonies who have learnt to use soil base on site specific soil characteristics in the south western Nigeria.
- Biotechnology / Bioengineering
- GIS and Geospatial Technology
Current status of low soil productivity, soil degradation, low yield and farmers poverty will be addressed through training, making available climate smart inputs and good agricultural practices. At least 30% of trainees will be women for gender equality since women also manage their own plots apart from assisting their husbands in agricultural processing. are These are expected in the short term to increase yield, reduce soil degradation such as erosion. The promotion of land use intensification will be gradually achieved subsequently through fortification of compost with macro and micro nutrient base on local variations in soil properties. This will enhance optimal production by increase yield on a given land area without expansion through deforestation. Incorporation of grain legumes will improve nutrition, soil fertility and better carbon sequestration that will translate to environmental health. Good agricultural practice such as timeliness of operations will results to maximization of inputs and operations resulting to increase yield. Decrease in weed impact, reduction in pests and disease infestation will be achieved by integrated pest management. This is to reduce further impact of ago-chemical pollution of soils through inclusion of bio-pesticides and legumes as cover crops to control erosion, weeds and enrich the soils. While on the long run the environmental health is achieved through reduction of green house gases emission by deforestation , farmers income increased through increased output without environmental degradation, more carbon sequestration and improved human nutrition through improved soil health and quality through bio fertilization (fortified organic fertilizers) , less pollution of rivers due to reduction of soil pollution by ago-chemicals and consequently better livelihoods, sustainable intensification and food production with low carbon print is achieved
- Women & Girls
- Rural
- Peri-Urban
- Poor
- Low-Income
- 1. No Poverty
- 2. Zero Hunger
- 3. Good Health and Well-Being
- 5. Gender Equality
- 6. Clean Water and Sanitation
- 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
- 12. Responsible Consumption and Production
- 15. Life on Land
- Nigeria
- Burkina Faso
- Mali
- Niger
- Nigeria
- Senegal
Currently the solution has impacted 2000 farm family in south western and south south Nigeria through when it was promoted by Alliance for Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA). Farmers and extension agents were trained on ISFM protocols. Package of recommendations were distributed in their local languages. Farm visitations were conducted to give advisory services. in the next one year we hope to serve 5000 farming families in the south west and east Nigeria. while in the next five years we hope to serve 50, 000 farm families. the solution will directly affect about 321million people that depend on small holder farmers product for food. Other that will benefit are agro –industries that depend on farm produce for raw materials. Thus, in the next five years 68 millions in southern Nigeria and 321million people in West Africa would have benefited in terms better nutrition, environment and growth of ago-industries with quality inputs consequently more jobs availability and sustainable development of the region and self-sufficiency and food security.
within the next one year i intent to have created national awareness of the potential of ISFM not only among farmers, but also extension agents not yet reached and notable policy makers that can local adoption of the technologies. thus within the next one year, at least 35 million people ought to have benefited from the technology access to food in terms of quality and quantity as a result of empowerment of small holders farmers through training, linkage to all stakeholders along the major crops value chain. thus quick access to input, self reliant on bio inputs sourced from the farm materials and direct linkage to up-takers will remove middle men and increase farmers income. within the next five years focus will be on reaching more than 68millon farmers in southern Nigeria and enhance access to food to about 321million people in the region.The farmers will be reached through media such as radio and television programes. formation of active commodity group and strengthen of existing ones by linkage to credit providers will enhance the potentials of the farmers to meet the increasing food demand as the population increase.we plan to reach more poor resource farmers in other countries by replicating the process of impartation in Niger, Boukina-Faso, Mali, Senegal and in Nigeria.
Major barrier envisaged is financial to scale up the programme. financial support is crucial to reach out since the product is knowledge driven. Paying for knowledge imparted to farmers is not popular unlike when inputs are supplied. Direct financial gain will take time to build as the programm results become more visible. secondly, current activities of aggression of Fulani herdsmen in some location will limit access or will mean more on security when programmes are planned. moreover many farmers that have left their farms need to be thought safe biological barristers from intruders. Thirdly the current covid 19 pandemic will limit movement especially to hot spots already identified.
Finance: -sourcing for funding through grants; production of knowledge products, rendering technical services to farmers such as soil testing
Terrorism/ tribal aggression: teaching of stakeholders on conflict management; involvement of local village and community heads in project planning and implementation
Covid 19 Pandemic: adhesion to protective directives of the government and also teaching farmers ana all stakeholders to adhere to directives on keeping safe such as good social distancing, passing messages though IT and encourage communication through social media.
- Nonprofit
It was part of West Africa Soil Consortium but after expiration of the project, the plan for sustainability was that each country consortium continue as an independent body to continue promotion of the technology by sourcing for fund for continuity.
Full time worker- two, but depend on when activities are at peak
Part time-13 consultants and associates
Contractors- no varies based on number farmers we plan to empower with inputs
At regional levels, regional coordinators will be empowered to sustain the project.
As the team leader I have expertise in sustainable land use intensification based on my PhD degree in soil survey and land evaluation. i have carried several research work on soil quality assessment and management. I have coordinated the Nigeria Soil Health consortium south since 2016 under West Africa Soil Consortium (an initiative of AGRA) during which period I have international exposure and interacted with other experts in other country and CGIAR centre (e,g International Institution for Tropical Agriculture, IITA). currently I coordinate Research extension Input linkage system of southwest Nigeria. The team is made up of experts in the major food crop value chain. Soil experts in land evaluation, soil conservation and fertility management. Thus the need for proper tillage, organic fertilizer production, soil testing and land use planning for sustainable land use will be well addressed. the team agronomists have expertise in farming system research, breeding, entomology and pathology. Hence, improved germplasms, proper training on weed, pest and disease control are guaranteed. In view of current climatic variability, water engineer is among the team composition to ensure low cost irrigation facilities for farmers. Extension experts and sociology-economists are also included in the team to support in proper dissemination of technologies using extension methods and for market survey to ensure income is guaranteed after production we have experts on IT for information management among stakeholders and for media promotion. Experts are also available for value addition to train on processing and storage of agricultural products.
the consortium partner with
-National Agricultural Research Institute for improved technology and expertise. our partnership also include private and public extension providers.
- Agricultural Development Programme of States In NIGERIA and subsequently in Mali, Boukina -Faso, Senegal and Niger.
- Social Enterprise : Agro-infotech, Agribusiness Dynamics Technology Limited for IT, web information management and streaming of events
-Farmers organization : Commodity Growers Association, All Farmers Association of Nigeria
-Youth representation : IART young farmers club
-CGIAR Centre (IITA) for technology innovation and collaboration for training and empoerment
- AGRA for technical support through CGIAR Centre
- Civil Organizations for security during events and seminars on conflict resolutions
The technology brings knowledge to small holders farmers with low productivity that are struggling to increase income by expansion of land thus increasing carbon print by deforestation and increase use of agrochemicals. The consortium will make knowledge available through training at little or no cost to farmers to attract them to patronize the technology components. The integrated use of the components is the key to sustainable land use. The consortium will ensure ISFM components/inputs get to farmers at a cost comparatively lower than the conventional production cost. soil testing, fortified organic fertilizer, advisory services for GAP, cropping system with grain legumes for improved soil fertility/erosion control/ human nutrition and integrated pest and disease management will be provided. the integrated application of these technologies is the fulcrum for sustainable intensification of reducing carbon print, improving productivity, increase income and improve environmental health. The team will work directly with farmers to ensure success by proper monitoring and supply of these components timely for efficient utilization. when impart are being made the consortium will benefit through technical support subsequently to farmers and new generation of youth and other investors in agribusiness.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
The small holder farmers produce about 70% of food crops of the West Africa population at about 381million ( UN, 2018 ). These farmers do not have access to improve technology and inputs to produce maximally without degrading the environment. soil loss in Nigeria annually is estimated at 2.5 tonnes/ha in sub sahara Africa (FAO, 2015) due to land degradation. Once a land is opened up for agriculture degradation set in. thus there is need for sustainable intensification of land use to reduce deforestation at the same increase yield without compromising the environmental health. Lack of knowledge of local farmers about sustainable production has made food production difficult and farmers are ridden with poverty due to poverty of the exposed landscape. Hence this project solicit the support of SOLVE in supporting promotion of ISFM technology which is focus on sustainable intensification of land use
Specificaly, SOLVE support is needed in providing financial support for trainings of trainers and farmers, production of knowledge products and equipping with materials, IT/media products and logistics for the successful implementation of the project.
- Product/service distribution
- Funding and revenue model
- Marketing, media, and exposure
Partnership goals include strong support financially to carry out the activities of promotion of sustainable land use intensification through ISFM. The goal of partnership also include technology review, development and proper dissemination. Thus, National Agricultural Research Institutes will be focus for technology development and review. there is need for policy formulation to cater for land in view of aggressive land degradation. thus partnership with policy makers will enhance better promotion of the technology through policy formulation based on policy briefs developed. partnership with media houses for sustainable awareness creation is important to the success. ISFM programmes will be supported by companies to promote their products especially those that constitute part of the component of ISFM. commodity association will be involved to reach the local farmers.Organizing and strengthening the groups will enhance success of the programme since they carry the technology to the grass roots.
Partnership goals include collaboration on improve technology for sustainable land use intensification with National and international Agricultural Research Institutes. improved seed and technology for local adaptions for examples are to reviewed to ensure good performance. Examples include Institute of Agricultural Research and Training, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, National Cereals Research Institute
Partnership goal for sponsorship with SOLVE team of activities is germane for sustainability since the organization is not profit oriented.
partnership goal also include strong public- private extension for proper dissemination of technologies. Faculty of MIT will be useful in training of trainers and in empowering the farmers in agribusiness goal.
partnership with commodity groups and cooperatives in order to reach major targeted stakeholders for empowerment. Examples include maize growers association and soyabean growers association,
with policy makers is essential for technology validation. moreover
policy makers can formulate policies to encourage use of the
technologies for the benefit of the entire populace. these will include State/provincial/Federal ministry of Agriculture.
Moreover, there is need for partnership with civil organizations for conflict resolutions and security e.g Justice and peace organisation in Nigeria,
I am qualified for this prize based on experience and activities with local indigenous people who have benefited from our activities in time past. i have passion for empowered down trodden members of the society through welfare schemes . There are many people that are displaced from their land in North eastern Nigeria, part of Cameroon, Chad Republic, Benin Republic and other borders around Nigeria in my list. These set of people are constantly roaming the cities and villages and some are in camps and need assistance to start making living again. Some do not have houses on their heads and their children are out of school. Some are thus subjected to hard labour or become beggars to make ends meet. This team will link up with them and if supported by Andan will relocate them to suitable land and introduce them to sustainable food production. Fund will be needed in the first two years to support their lively hoods until they are well equipped to stand on their own. The fund will be needed to put their children back to school and provide low cost accommodation and medical resources for them. Training and empowerment on sustainable intensification of land use will be available to them. these actions will help them develop skills and pick up their careers if so wish for proper integration into the society again.there is already a linkage already where helps are being solicited for refuges for their relocation to safe places and for aids.
I have passion for women especially widows and girls who need welfare support to move on in life. I currently coordinate Research Extension Input linkage system in south western Nigeria where women in Agriculture are part of the targets we cater for. Am also linked with agricultural processing programme of States Agricultural development in Nigeria where women are being trained on processing of agricultural products to add more values, to preserve and store harvested product. Although Women and girls are part of the agriculture production system in Nigeria they are generally marginalized in terms of access to inputs and during trainings and empowerment. ISFM activities will ensure gender equity and insist that at least additional 3000 women and girls participate in training. Survey will be conducted to identify women and girls to be empowered and to take advantage of the increase in output by proposed ISFM solution. The identified women and girls will be taken care of through training on appropriate processing and storage to add value. Most farmers due to lack of knowledge on preservation, sell out their ouput at low cost and thus erode the gains from increase output. women and girls will be trained to take advantage of this through training to convert raw food crops to industrial products. example is cereal and legume grains to flour, production of soymeat, soypaps and cassava flour and which are also low carbon nutrition since their production lines are simple with low energy consumption.
I am qualified for this prize because my solution involve database of farmers and a platform through which they can be linked to other stakeholders to access input and also market. I have expertise in site specific land management through of geographic information software.I obtained post graduate certificate in geoinformatics at International Centre for Aerospace Science (ITC) Netherlands. My solution will use the prize to create a robust database of stakeholders in order to access relevant information. one of the weakness of agricultural production system in west Africa is lack of access to relevant information to plan. thus the solution will use the prize to create land information and market information system to enhance sustainable intensification. Land information will include inventory of the soil, land use, management history, pest and disease infestation, climatic, and management history to guide technical experts on local adaptions and on suitability of a given land for a proposed use. Market information inventory will be carried out. Most farmers loose the gains in increase in output due to lack of information about access to market. The prize will be used to develop market information system to guide farmers for proper price fixing and where best gains will be made in space. Web portal will be developed where researchers can post solutions to prevailing problems on the field. The prize will also be used to train trainers such as extension agents on how to access information to help farmers solve problems of production and marketing.
