Transition to Low Carbon Agriculture.
To achieve SDG2, any agricultural transformation must be accompanied by climate change adaptation measures in order for it to be resilient in the long-term. The project aims to assist farmers to continue with the transition to the development of climate resilient and low-carbon agriculture through the following components;
1: Implementation of climate smart agriculture and agroforestry.
2: Restoration, protection and preservation of classified forest areas.
3: Promotion of renewable energy (RE) and energy efficiency (EE) technologies
4: Capacity Building.
In relative terms, the Project will benefit 60% of the population The innovation uses traditional, climate-resilient agricultural techniques, including for soil conservation, solar pumping for irrigation and improved stoves. The project includes specific capacity building activities and communication to share knowledge and lessons learned and the creation of an enabling environment for income-generating activities (IGAs) such as the introduction of forest species with high commercial and nutritional value.
Cameron's vulnerability to climate change affects all vital sectors of the national economy. Agriculture is directly dependent on climatic variables such as temperature and precipitation, which determine crop selection for a specific location, the choice of cultivars / varieties, and the timing of planting / sowing. This direct dependence on climatic variables makes agricultural yield highly vulnerable to climatic changes. Any change in these climatic variables can change agricultural productivity in a variety of ways.
The main climate change risks on agriculture include reducing agricultural production and water supplies, low and variable rainfall, poor soils, high temperatures etc. The project is a multi-sector program that aims to contribute to solving the problems associated with developing agriculture and agribusiness in Cameroon. The program has a section specifically dedicated to the promotion of entrepreneurship of young people and women, because of the economic and social importance of these two sections of the national population. In addition, the main program wants to adopt, through this project, appropriate adaptation measures to address climate change, foster resilience and increase agricultural production while reducing Green House Gas (GHG) emissions.
1) Introduction of innovative, resilient agriculture and agroforestry
2. Development and implementation of techniques for Water and Soil Conservation / Soil Protection and Restoration aimed at controlling erosion, maintaining organic matter and the physical properties of the soil.
3. Reforestation, assisted defense of natural regeneration (fence to prevent cattle from entering) and protection against over-harvesting and
4) Facilitate the access of farmers and herders to the acquisition of solar pumping equipment, at both individual and community level, for the irrigation of agricultural perimeters as well as boreholes / pastoral wells (as a substitute for diesel pumps).
5) To improve energy efficiency and reduce woodfuel consumption, the project envisages: (i) the promotion of improved cookstoves to reduce the amount of wood and coal used; and (ii) the development of biogas from
livestock waste.
6) The Project will build staff’s capacity as well as that of project beneficiaries to improve scientific understanding of Climate change and to increase awareness among decision-makers and other target audiences of Climate Change impacts: Train, guide and engage farmers and herders to adopt and implement climate resilient practices; Develop, replicate and implement participatory climate-resilient agriculture management systems involving locally trained farmers and youth.
Low income farmers,
Small Scale garden Farmers,
Medium size agricultural firms, groups, associations and campanies
- Promote the shift towards low-impact, diverse, and nutritious diets, including low-carbon protein options
This project aims to increase the adaptive capacity of the above beneficiaries and build resilience to Climate Change in the agricultural sector in the Border area of the Babasjou and Santa (Matazem River), (ii) reduce exposure to climate change risks in order to reduce vulnerability and sustainably use agro-sylvo-pastoral ressources, water and land. At the
same time, the project will contribute to the mitigation of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
- Growth: An organization with an established product, service, or business model rolled out in one or, ideally, several communities, which is poised for further growth
- A new application of an existing technology
The Project to Support the Transition to a Resilient, Low-carbon Agriculture in Cameroon. It is a multi-sector program that aims to contribute to solving the problems associated with developing agriculture and agribusiness in the country. The program has a section specifically dedicated to the promotion of entrepreneurship of young people and women, because of the economic and social importance of these two sections of the national population. In addition, the main program wants to adopt, through this project, appropriate adaptation measures to address climate change, foster resilience and increase agricultural production while reducing Green House Gas (GHG) emissions. Use of traditional, climate-resilient agricultural techniques, including for soil conservation (which had been abandoned). Introduction of solar pumping for irrigation and improved stoves
- Behavioral Technology
- Women & Girls
- Refugees & Internally Displaced Persons
- 2. Zero Hunger
- Cameroon
- Cameroon
- Nonprofit
- Business model