Carbon Recycling
Vision and value proposition
Carbon recycling. I'm interested in Organic farming.
Carbon emission by traditional farming methods.
Converting agricultural waste into fertiliser and briquettes.
Business model.
Orders are place online and offline, we serve Omoro district, we get clients through our agent, advertising and promotion.
Traction and validation
500000 unique visit on our network, 50000 new lead capture, 10.5% average conversion rate, 0.5% churn rate, 20 month our lead time value.
Market and sales strategy
Promoting products where ordinary competitor can't promote, advertising through radio, websites, and social Media.
A leader with tremendous network, investors asked me to keep them posted interested in investing in me, we are skilled team, we value team work.
Charcoal burning and artificial fertiliser.
Sales of products is sustaining.
Investment and use of funds.
Construction of drier, warehouse and paying accountant for bookkeeping.
Growth Will attract NEMA and NARO
Carbon emission by traditional methods of farming.
There are huge carbon emission gas from agricultural waste burning.
Tree cutting for fuel
90% of Ugandan citizen use fuel from charcoal and firewood.
The scale of the problem is huge if about 30 millions of the citizen in Uganda use charcoal and firewood for cooking, and 0nly 3% of climate fund flow in Africa, keeping the world's temperature below 2 degrees has started in very ill way in Africa.
Use of charcoal and firewood has kept African poor, they have use this source of energy for years, but they can't save, meaning it is costly energy source for prosperity.
Health challenge.
Women and girls suffers health challenges after inhaling carbon emitted gas from firewood.
Poor agricultural practice like subsistence farming can't supporting growing population around the globe, and refugees as result suffers too
Inequality challenge.
Charcoal and firewood as source doesn't helps women to save money and realise growth in business.
Refugee challenges
Refugees are faced with challenges of safe energy source for cooking distributed food in camps, briquettes can be distributed too
Climate change.
In 2017 Gulu and Omoro District experienced prolong drought, water dam, fish ponds dried out.
We trap carbon from agricultural waste under a very low oxygen supply before it escape to our environment, we stick the extracted carbon particles using organic plants waste into a strong bigger particles to produce briquettes
We mixed extracted carbon particles with decomposed agricultural waste and ash from burnt briquettes to produce organic fertiliser.
my solution reduces excessive carbon emission from agricultural waste by trapping and converting carbon particles into briquettes and fertiliser before escaping to our environment and my fertiliser boost organic food production, it decompose easily, non toxic, and accelerate carbon sinking, using briquettes as a source of safe energy is environmentally friendly, its reduced carbon emission, protects our environment. Organic food has been recommended by UN as being healthy for consumption, this solution helps quality organic food production
Biomass technology produce briquettes, and fertiliser.
We Trap and extract agricultural waste into solid carbon particles and we use agricultural waste of a particular plants to combine extracted carbon particles into larger particles and shaped it to provide safe energy for households, schools, hotels, Restaurant, small industries and local brewing industries, depending on charcoal and firewood as source of energy is environmentally unfriendly as compared to our solution.
Target population.
Our solution directly target women using charcoal, wood and agricultural waste as source of energy for cooking, brewing alcohol, and operating poultry farm.
Our solution improves women's health, their economic status especially single parents in developing country, it is affordable and cost effective for Women.
We are currently testing what women wants in terms of safe energy in their homes, business, and their farms, using briquettes, they tell us, they need reusable briquettes and what keep the fuel more powerful giving steady heat for cooking for longer hours, giving energy with no carbon, for the poultry farm it should burn for the whole night.
We talk to them about the challenges they face when using other sources of fuel, and they speak about how charcoal and wood is marking life, business hard for them in hotel and restaurant.
Our solution will help business grow, and it's a sustainable energy for economic success, hence their life will improve, becsuse they are able to save some money, which should go into buying more expensive charcoal and wood to support cooking at home, hotels, restaurants, and schools.
Our solution will serve more than 20 millions in the next 10 years.
- Promote the shift towards low-impact, diverse, and nutritious diets, including low-carbon protein options
climate change is impacting on the whole globe, our solution will shift to low impact carbon emission from agricultural waste, and municipal waste are converted to safe energy(environmentally friendly energy source) and fertiliser which acts as carbon sink, improving soil texture for better yield, and control soil erosion.
Our solution will boost organic farming methods in our community, hence reducing cost of organic food, it help women save from less expensive source of energy as compared to charcoal and they are able to afford organic food, compared to when using charcoal and wood as source of energy.
- Pilot: An organization deploying a tested product, service, or business model in at least one community
- A new business model or process
Carbon sink
The Organic fertiliser from the solution helps to accelerate carbon sinking, which should have escaped to our environment, trapped carbon are use as nutrients for plants which are not taxic to plants, hence high yield of organic food production, healthy for consumption.
Briquettes from agricultural waste.
Our solution is more innovative, briquettes as source of energy support complete combustion, hence reduced carbon emission gas, it is healthy for use, it improve economic status of the poor, because it's affordable, and cost effective, and it is a good measure to protect our environment with reduced carbon emission gas, and create more jobs for the youths as compare to use of charcoal and firewood.
Our briquettes are use in poultry farms, we have had in the past brooders, which looks like pots, uses charcoal, and it requires a lot of attention at night, our solution produce briquettes specifically for brooding in the poultry farms, with amazing brooder.
Our solution improve women's health in the kitchen, women suffers from health problems originating from excessive carbon emission gas originating from charcoal and firewood as source of energy, our solution stop inhalation of huge carbon gas orginating from charcoal and firewood burning, which brings many health challenges.
Briquettes is big carbon block made by sticking solid carbon particles together, initiating its burning using matchsticks might doesn't work, but we have fire starter to initiate briquettes burning, stick carbon particles to beeswax to make firestarter.
Our technology help us to make briquettes of different shapes and sizes from carbon extract of agricultural waste like rice hask, coffee hask, cereal hask and cotton hask into a very low carbon emission briquettes. Our technology converts agricultural waste material which takes very long to decomposed into organic fertiliser.
we are working towards producing zero carbon emission briquettes using our technology, we convert municipal waste like saw dust into briquettes, which has a reduced carbon emission, with prolong combustion, which makes our briquettes cost effective and affordable, and the ash from our briquettes, we reuse for improving our briquettes qualities, and as ingredient for mixing fertilisers, making our fertiliser better for organic farming.
Our business model rely on our technology for large production to meet the demand, we have a merge Business to Business with Business to Consumers to work as a system, which is unique, we produce quality products to compete in the market for fuel, where other sources of fuel are cheap to get, community little knowledge about environmental value and the cost of carbon emission imposed on our environment, impact negative to economic emancipation.
Biomass gas(Bio gas)
Our technology will engage in production of bio gas as one of the product for safe energy, with reduced cost of bio gas. We have biogas, petroleum gas which are currently use in the market, they are not affordable, little impacting on to today's business.
Our technology help us to produce briquettes just like in the first world and they are available in the market of developed nation to produce energy for industrial activities, but it is not effective despite it high energy production level in watts, production without environmental consideration is what is failing them technology and those technology depletes agricultural waste instead of production for sustainability.
Our briquettes making does create links between organic farm which reduces how long biodegradable compound takes to decompose into soils, a form which plants wants for living, very short decomposition period integrate organic farming, create jobs, we have a merged business model of B2C and B2B, which makes organic farming inspiring to all age groups, it is innovative compared to other old business model.
We have so many charcoal stoves, energy saving stoves, fire places in our respective households using charcoal and firewood to prepare meal, our technology is replacing charcoal use with all its associated charcoal burning in every households of all class in the region, replacing use of charcoal and firewood in preparing meals for students, replacing charcoal use by hotels, restuarants using briquettes, and our poultry farm has started using brooders that use briquettes which are stress free.
We have our trash bin distributed to clients, we supply to get back our waste for further recycling. Our ash from briquettes, we reuse for production of fertiliser and improving our briquettes quality.
We have our trash bin in municipality for sorting municipal agricultural waste.
- Ancestral Technology & Practices
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
- Big Data
- Biotechnology / Bioengineering
- Internet of Things
- Software and Mobile Applications
Theory of change.
Carbon emission from Charcoal, agricultural waste and firewood if burnt destroys our environment, changing climatic pattern, leading to poor agricultural production and leads to food insecurity.
Carbon emission from charcoal and firewood are causing a lot of health challenges to our women in the kitchen, hotel business, distilling industries.
Women, and girls are inhaling carbon gas produce from charcoal and firewood, gets affected by world's deadly killers diseases like cancer, heart disease, and stroke that's so expensive to be treated.
Technology Do
Our technology is reduces carbon emission from agricultural waste burning.
The technology converts agricultural waste carbon particles into fertiliser and briquettes
Our technology is replacing charcoal, it provide safe energy, which protects our environment, reduced carbon emission and briquettes makes clay stove ecosmart stove, better for environmental protection and it will improve the following:-
1. health.
Our technology will reduce toxic carbon being inhale by our women, and youth from charcoal and firewood, which is causing lots of health challenges, hence they can save money instead too much expenses for medical treatment.
2. Our technology helps to produce healthy organic food free from toxic chemical compared to other forms of agricultural practices, and our fertiliser decompose easily, its make from agricultural waste makes it sustainable.
3. Environmental protection
Our technology produces briquettes, and our briquettes burn longer than wood and charcoal, with reduced Carbon emission gas, it's a better option for energy source which protects environment and ash from our briquettes is good for fertiliser since it carries percentage of soils to accelerate easy carbon sinking.
4. Economic status of women.
Fertiliser from agricultural waste is cheap and affordable, which improve quality, volume of organic food production, which has been expensive for ordinary citizen.
Our briquettes are affordable and impact on the life of women, women are able to save money using our products as compared to expensive charcoal an firewood. We encourage burning without carbon gas emission.
5. Our technology will transcend education boundaries, and for the first time in decades, young people will find agricultural activities an exciting busines through its social process.
- Women & Girls
- Pregnant Women
- Elderly
- Rural
- Urban
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- Refugees & Internally Displaced Persons
- 1. No Poverty
- 2. Zero Hunger
- 3. Good Health and Well-Being
- 4. Quality Education
- 5. Gender Equality
- 6. Clean Water and Sanitation
- 7. Affordable and Clean Energy
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
- 10. Reduced Inequalities
- 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
- 12. Responsible Consumption and Production
- 13. Climate Action
- 15. Life on Land
- 17. Partnerships for the Goals
- Uganda
- Burundi
- Congo, Rep.
- Kenya
- Rwanda
- South Sudan
- Tanzania
People we serve.
We are currently serving 150000 People. These are people whom we gave seedlings to plant trees in Omoro District.
Omoro District and Gulu district has population of 10 millions.
These population depends entirely on charcoal and wood as source of energy and fuel for their lifelyhood, our existence in the market is changing the way they think about our environment, their health, and agricultural production in the region due to the changing climate, as results of cutting trees our products is changing a lot as regards safe energy.
1 year target.
We are targeting five millions citizens within 1 year, but due to this COVID-19 pandemic, it has made our efforts reduced since we need to have social distance, we are getting high demand, during this lockdown, and due to low supply of charcoal and wood as source of energy. We believe this is the moment to penetrate the market too.
5 years target.
We hope in the next five years we shall be operating in five districts in Northern Uganda, because we need to take our services closer to our consumers and having it in only two districts of Gulu and Omoro district, will not help us achieve the dreams of stopping carbon emission, and stopping citizen from using alternative source of energy which put our environment at risk.
We hope to start exporting to neighbouring country South Sudan to help improve life where conflicts has made life strange on earth.
Next year goals
A leader in reaching out to farmers, we shall target 7 million people to make contact with small size farmers and commercial farmers to get their agricultural waste and we will be completely free from these lockdown brought about by this COVID-19 Pandemic.
We want to start producing energy saving stoves next year, we have our machines for briquettes, and we need to produce energy saving stove that use these briquettes, because those in respective homes uses charcoal
We want to lead in sensitisation of communities about our environment, sensitisation is expensive, but it is not more expensive compared to environmental ignorant of today's global warming.
A Leader in climate mitigation, by giving tools to women and youths.
Goals within Five years.
A leader in exporting environmentally friendly safe energy products to neighbouring districts and countries, we hope to have our warehouse, drying areas constructed to support large supply.
We want to a leader in exporting briquettes and fertilisers to neighbouring countries in the next five years.
We want to be a leader in manufacturing energy saving stoves that uses briquettes in East Africa, we shall use cargo vehicles and cargo planes to transport our briquettes across boarders, energy saving stoves and fertilisers to our agents, clients across boarders, and we hope to establish our self fully in East African market to supply briquettes, fertiliser and all that we make and of great value to our environment, our organic recycling and emancipating to the citizen.
Cost of constructing warehouse.
The market for safe energy(briquettes) is too huge if barn is put on charcoal burning, encroaching our forest for fuel, we need to have warehouse for storage of briquettes, fertilisers, organic farm products
Constructing drier and water supply.
Briquettes requires drying before it is stored for sales, and due to change in climate especially raining season, it slow down our process of production, and having a natural way of drying in Africa is a barrier.
Cost of transporting raw materials and distribution of products.
We still don't have truck vehicles to deliver our products in the market, and for transporting raw materials from other farms to our processing plant is still a challenge we face.
We still don't have enough funds that can support paying employees, and yet we need enough people in our production line to speed and diversify our units of production to meet the demand in the market.
We luck excavators, production of briquettes, we need special soils, clays, which needs excavators to do the most difficult part of the job, and agricultural waste are heavy, excavators and truck vehicles is our barrier, once we get funds, we shall be in position to increase our production.
We have land, but this land isn't big enough, we need a big space to set up drier house, warehouse, and production units in the production lines.
Distributed system of production.
We are having different areas in the communities for production of briquettes, hence we minimising cost of storage and drying, we still have difficulty in gathering, we shall improve on this distributed units.
We are encouraging individuals who are passionate about the initiative and skilled, who are in staff probation to become our staff, they are our out producers, just like out growers to keep our production in communities.
Drying briquettes.
Having a distributed production units in various communities where we serve, it brings various qualities of dried briquettes, we will give more time for drying in our warehouse before dispatch.
We have local labourers for extracting clays and soils that support our production, and we hire truck for transportation, where an individual members can get in small quantities to where they can produce, and later bring it for sales.
Land challenges,
Since we are having distributed production unit in different areas in our communities, we are able to occupy fairly big areas, even though we are in different areas, but we still face challenges in our make, the shape of our briquettes are destroyed, because the place of drying isn't flat, we plan to construct better drying places.
Financial challenge.
We are using what we have, and what get from sales of the products to support the organic recycling.
We shall put enough emphasis to have good products to achieve good sales to have a sustainable finance with growing income income statement.
- Other, including part of a larger organization (please explain below)
Solution Team.
Our Team is part of Destiny Alive(CBO) in Omoro District. As an applicant of Transformative action programme(TAP), of local government for Sustainability(ICLEI), i submitted a projects of Destiny Alive for funding, i knew about Destiny alive tree planting activities and briquettes making for 5 years, Destiny Alive project was selected among others for screening in 2020 to access TAP funding.
Our Team are from Destiney alive, and SADA they value Team work, they are in briquettes making activities, my team is a formed from Destiny Alive(DA), Sons and daughters of Africa(SADA)
Director 1
General Secretary 1
Human resource. 1
chief administrative officer 1
Chief Accountant 1
Marketing manager1
Sales 2
Managing and eveluation assistance. 1
Coordination officer 3
Procurement and logistic1
Field officers 4
Production officer 1
Public health science1
Environmental officer 1
Driver 3
Mechanical engineer 1
Agricultural officer 1
Secretary 2
We have 27 active skilled people, working on this solution, we have excellent emotion quotient, we value team work, and we love to work on the solution, without being supervised, because we all know what one should do to achieve the success of the organisation
Holds Diploma in computer science, Certificate in Secretarial and information Management, he is a President/CEO of Sons and Daughter of Africa-Uganda, He is an Ambassador at Institute of economics and Peace, and innovative and creative manager at African Union students council in Rwanda.
She hold Master Degree in Public Relation, coordinator at SOS children village for 6 years, 7 years experience in field of public relation and management.
She hold a degree in mass communication.
Chief Accountant
He a Certified accounts from management institute, he has 9 years experience as an accounts and auditor.
CIO and Assistant.
She hold a degree in information technology, Certified in A+ 6 years experience.
Environmental office.
She Hold a degree in forestry, and Masters degree on water and Sanitation
Marketing Manager
Hold degree in Business administration with specialisation in marketing10 years of experience.
He hold degree in development studies and post graduate degree in project management, he has experience of 7 years as coordinator of NGO.
Public health officer.
She hold Masters degree in Public health science, degree in psycology, and certificate in clinical science, she work with Uganda local government.
Human Resource manager
She Master Public relation and management, she has 12 years of working experience.
Management and evaluation (M&E).
Has degree economic, has 4 years experience in evaluation.
Procurement and logistic.
She Has degree in logistic management, has experience of 5 years.
Agricultural officers
He hold degree in agriculture, has 6 years working experience as agricultural officer.
Omoro district local government.
We are working well, in the past we were able to distribute seedlings to our communities, we gave out seedlings to the community through local government programme of wealth creation which support boosting agricultural production under omoro local government, we planted over 200000 trees.
International Council of local government and environmental initiative(ICLEI) with their project Transformative action programme(TAP) Asked me to have memorandum of understanding between Omoro district local government and Destiny Alive which they did on climate action to have resilient town in fight against climate change, and Destiny alive will work under supervision of Omoro local government, if funded by TAP. Our team are from Destiny Alive and SADA, we are working well in partner.
TAP is still going through financial tools DA, which we hope by July the feasibility financial tool could be confirm by TAP if all goes well, we are keep Destiny alive among the team.
Sons and Daughter of Africa and Destiny alive are in Partnership, we are working toward having youth service in Agriculture, Youth service programme, which will take place during plantation and during Harvest, where students will engage in agricultural activities to transcend education boundaries, we shall have youth to get acquainted with what takes place in farms, it will be some social events which drive change in mindsets towards agricultural activities as being hard job, we believe we shall achieve lots of benefits in our partnership.
Business to Business.
1. Key proposition.
I) Carbon recycling online transaction in 6+ Africa in 55 States.
2. Key activities
I) Network management
II) Online transaction management
III) Training
IV) maintenance
3. Customer Relationship.
I) Self-service.
II) Email.
III) Transaction information
IV) RentalTruck Delivery service.
4. Key partners
I) Super Market
II) Banks
III) Wholesales shops
IV) Market.
V) Tourism
VI) Retail shop.
VI) Cargo flight.
5. Customer service
I) Self directed.
6. Key resources
I) Households briquettes
II) Commercial/Business briquettes
III) Briquettes for other business institution
IV) Fertiliser for farms
V) Household stove and business stove.
7. Channel
I) Self-directed cost.
8. Cost structure
I) Machines for briquettes
II) Websites
III) Truck vehicles
IV) Fuel.
9. Revenue stream.
I)Sales of products.
a) briquettes( institutional briquettes, households briquettes, small retail business briquettes).
c) fire starter( start briquettes burning)
d) gas cooker( small mobile gas cooker).
e) Household stoves
f) business stove.
g) Institution stove
II) Partner reffered
III) Credit card
IV) Commercial Eco-smart stove
V) Household Eco-smart stove
- Organizations (B2B)
SOLVE will help me on Mentorship and strategic advice.
Our technology biomas works in any country around the world as long as there is agricultural waste, municipal waste, we expect growth of the organisation, and market shares not only in Africa, but through out the globe, SOLVE will give me mentorship and Strategic advice to achieve short term and long term goals.
Access to Fund.
SOLVE will help us access fund to advance our innovation.
We still don't have enough funds that can support paying enough employees, and yet we need good number of people in our production line to speed and diversify our units of production to meet the demand in the market.
We luck excavators for extracting soil for production of briquettes, we need special soils, clays, which needs excavators to do the most difficult part of the job, and agricultural waste are so heavy, we need excavators and truck vehicles, and SOLVE will help us access to funds which will help us over come this barrier.
SOLVE will help me join a network of peers, innovators, investors, and SOLVERs Team to help me grow, and prepare for the most challenging solution in the future, Which is not possible to achieve without SOLVE.
Attend SOLVE at MIT.
SOLVE will help me attend the annual events which brings over 5000+ amazing solvers together, where they share their experience, meet investors, and share opportunities, success and transcend their network all over the globe.
- Business model
- Solution technology
- Product/service distribution
- Funding and revenue model
- Monitoring and evaluation
Business model.
We need partnership in setting up advance merged B2B with B2C to working efficiency and effective using modern technology, where computer form the core barkbone of the business
Solution technology.
We need partnership in solution technology when comes to scientific part where bioengineering is required.
Funding and revenue model
We need partnership in this areas because we need to take caution when comes to handling funds from solve because we don't need misuse of fund, and we do need a partner expertise to achieve our objective, we need partnership in our revenue model to help us grow all over the world.
Products and service distribution.
We need partner in products and service distribution, because we don't have permanent transport for distribution of our products and services, and i believe in partners will support to help us deliver our products and services in time
Partnership with MIT.
We want to partner with MIT, we need expert researchers, who able see clearly, where we should go, we shall need their expertise in testing of technology as grow to other relevant areas of our technology like biogas, MIT will support us in areas of tremendus research, MIT will help us in issues which requires advance technological use of computers to make our easy, and provide security options that matters to data generated by our technology.
We want to partner with MIT because we need more training to advance our knowledge and skills in running an organisation, which has a merged business system of B2B and B2C powered by modern technology to advance our success.
We need to partner with MIT to help us with their expertise, market and the capital in term of their money to help us achieve our goals and in time.
We need to partner with MIT to help us in developing information system which will work best for this business model
We need to partner with MIT to help in the area of extracting bio gas from Agricultural waste and municipal waste, and make bio gas affordabale safe energy as compared to bio gas in today's market, and have a reduced size of bio gas tank to the size of fire extinguisher tank, for purpose of mobility, cost of refilling and have reduce risk incase of accident, have a refilling shop closer to the beneficiaries
Biomass technology.
We produce briquettes, which are affordable and life impacting to refugee, it's source of safe energy, cheap for any citizen and cost effective to use, since it takes long to burn, and refugee can use this energy to support their livelyhood in camps, where energy source is a big challenge for cooking, instead of cutting trees from forest for firewood, which put our environment at risk, our technology produces briquettes which makes life barable, UN Can contract us to produce briquettes to provide safe energy for refugee.
Our briquettes are affordable and has reduced carbon emission, refugee face lots of challenges when comes to accessing health services, our briquettes reduces the chances of getting health related challenges which comes as a result of carbon inhaling from other sources of energy like charcoal and firewood, where you have to blow using your mouth to supply oxygen to support burning, briquettes we make does not require blowing using mouth, because it makes our stove ecosmart stove with it reduce carbon emission.
Engaging in small business activities
Refugee face challenges to start small business like restaurants, chapati business, and coffee shops due to cost of energy.
Our briquettes are affordable and cost effective for anyone who start business does not spend huge in cost of energy.
Biomas technology
We produce fertiliser from organic waste materials, which a refugee can use this fertiliser in a small piece of land and make good harvest.
Our technology helps in improving the health of women and girls.
Our briquettes has reduced carbon emission, healthy safe energy, and causing tremendous reduction on health challenges, which our women and girls face and will face if they continue to use other old technology, and since their health improve, they are able to strive in business, save due to less expenses to medical attention, our women and girls are able to afford education and women are able afford short training courses in entrepreneurship business
Our technology improve economic status of women.
Our briquettes is affordable, cost effective for women in business, they are able to grow because their profit are invested in business instead of expense to expensive source of energy, when a woman business grows, the economy of a nation grows because they are not extravagant.
Our women in agricultural activities will grow, because they will use fertiliser from agricultural waste which support high yield of production.
Our women will not put too much efforts, and if they do put lots of efforts, it destroys their creativity to shape this world, and our technology gives them opportunity to innovate more.
Our technology is fantastic because it help in production of organic food, and it's healthy for consumption. The way we eat determines our health, maternal mothers give birth to healthy babies which can survive in this world.
Biomas requires research, we already know how imperfect human can be, and in research we need to see where we are going where we have seen, and Artificial intelligent will help us see where we have seen with realistic data relating to our environment and carbon sink in organic farm
Analysing data.
Biomass generate lots of data, and Carbon recycling involve capturing lots of data from our activities and from our clients, data analysis requires artificial intelligent because M&E will delay progress without artificial intelligent.
Relevant Data once captured processed, needs to stored and protected from cyber attack, and we value artificial intelligent potential to keep the organisation safe from growing cyber attack and cyber crime, there are high level growth in IoT, and this technology should be taken care of, and it's only artificial intelligent that can help a merged business system.
Artificial intelligent of quantum computing can help in analysing big data, and we hope to grow all over the world, we shall be overwhelm with understanding and interpretation of big data, artificial intelligent will reduce the burden which human takes lots of time to come to a conclusion, and artificial intelligent can do it within short time.
