Ethiopian Evangelcial chur developement
In agro pastoral area of Konso community, children are not accessible to schools. Children in the ago pastoral area are mandated for livestock rearing from their early infant stage. Even school might be opened, they can not attend in the day time due to their livestock business. For this, their whole life remains under darkness for ever and ever. Hence, the solution is to install off gird solar power production for running night school education. The solution will have positive change in the life of the children in accessing to school will highly contribute to their future life improvement in particular and their community in general. it will also play a great role for the girls who are disadvantaged due to cultural taboos which do not promote girls education. The approach is new and will be scaled up to other pastoral areas in Ethiopia and else where around the world.
IN the horn of Africa, Only 20-30% of the children of pastorals even get to primary school. This means that they and their parents are mostly not able to read or write and so unable to contribute to the future of their country. Ethiopia is situated in the horn of Africa where aggro pastoral and pastoral community takes the highest number for the total population of the country. In the target konso community, more than 70% of the children in the pastoral area are not having and access to basic education. There is no schools in these areas are they are situated in the remotest peripheral areas of the country where social and economic infrastructures are none. no electric city, no potable water and sanitation system, no education, no health system, no accessible roads in the rainy times. As the communities livelihood is based on livestock and agriculture, unbalanced population growth is affecting the whole ecosystem due to farming and over grazing. if this community is not addressed at the present time, their future life status will be disastrous to itself and the country in general. Contributing factors are the economic base of the pastoral community and lack of education.
The proposed solution is the install solar power in the remotest ago pastoral community of konso, Ethiopia. besides solar power installation primary school construction will simultaneously be carried out. after , school construction the solar power will be installed and children who are locked out of school will be enrolled for night schooling. teachers and text books will be availed by government educations sector as it will over take the project outcome after its completion. the children in the day time will attend and manage their livestock and in the night due to the existence of solar power they will be facilitated for night school. As water in the area is a serious problem, roof water harvesting will be facilitated in order to support the educational process and support of the children for sanitation.
The target population of the project will be 500(300 females children ) children in the ago pastoral community of konso zone in southern Ethiopia. they will be the ones who are devoid of school. the children that will be included are the ones form the age of 7 years in accordance to the educational policy of the country. As I am part of the community I know their life and I have been discussion with the community and even the government structure as these children should not remained out off school in the 21st century. For this, we have been discussing with the elders of the pastoral community and the government representative on the way to run the project.
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In may project the challenge is directly aligned to the target community; that is the children having no option for education due to the nature of their livelihood. hence, as these community are out of the source of electrify or power the option to support them in the night education is zero. hence, power is one challenge, their livelihood nature is an other and lack of school in the areas is remaining part of the problem to be solved.
- Scale: A sustainable enterprise working in several communities or countries that is looking to scale significantly, focusing on increased efficiency
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