Ijabo creates franchisees of irrigation as-a-service businesses to foster better yields for smallholder farmers and emission reductions. The solution is specific to a situation where arable land is found on hillsides and where land is highly fragmented with the average farm being 0.4 to 2ha of land.
Ijabo proposes the installation of high flow and high head irrigation kits in those rural areas which combines several farms and the water is managed based on volume used by each farmer.
With Ijabo, a pump is installed in a borehole or surface water in the valley, pumped to an uphill storage area, where the water is then distributed by gravity to different farms. In case there is no drinking water available in the area, the system is also equipped with a filter to sell safe water to walk-up customers who bring their own containers through the now proven INUMA(TM) Mini-grid model.
Ijabo takes into consideration three market realities in Rwanda:
1) Small average farmlands (0.4 to 0.7 ha)
2) requirement for high heads and high yield pumps when doing hill-side irrigation in Rwanda where most farms are at high altitudes.
3) low access to capital for farmers as well as low access to maintenance services when warranty of pumps expires.
4) non-existent models of managing several farmers on one same irrigation pump.
Ijabo uses pre-paid meters to manage the water sales, allowing for no dispute on usage or water revenue losses (considering neighboring farmers will have different land sizes and crop water needs). Ijabo is also specifically focused on creating opportunities for youth in the sector.
Currently, Water Access Rwanda is providing farms with off-grid solar-powered borehole irrigation points on payment by instalment system through our Uhira project. Each system usually costs around Euro 8,530 with farmers paying 25% upfront and the rest through equal monthly installments. Through Uhira program and our various work with farmers, we have come to notice a real opportunity for what Ijabo proposes. Uhira leaves a big gap for small holder farmers, who make up a bigger market and are most likely to be organic food producers.
Ijabo will feed water from a borehole source or a surface water source if available. These will be located in the valleys where yields tend to be higher given Rwanda's specific water conditions.
The pump used for the kits will be in a range to offer up to 16m3/hr yield and a max head of 185m. This will mean between 104m3 to 384 m3 per day depending on irrigation time, allowing to irrigate 7.5 ha (in the case of 50m3/ha/day demand per ha) up to 64 ha ( in the case of a 6m3/day/ha demand).
The pump will pump water to an uphill storage area taking advantage of Rwanda's mountains to create a gravity-fed irrigation from thereon. From the tanks (10m3 of storage to 100m3), all farmers within an 1,000m radius from the tanks can be connected and each will have a pre-paid meter inlet into their farm. A nozzle to facilitate irrigation will be included as well after the prepaid meter. The pre-paid meter is rechargeable via a token and closes off when the bought balance runs out.
The technology in used is widely available on the market, but is now distributed in an innovative model for faster adoption.
The solution is serving youth, small holder farmers and the planet.
Firstly the small holder farmers who don't have capex and cannot obtain loans to afford irrigation equipment will benefit from Ijabo as they will only pay for the water they use and not worry about capex or system maintenance. It is widely understood and proven that irrigation increases yields and farm incomes especially allowing small farmers to go into higher priced horticulture business and provides farmers resilience to the changing climate.
Second, the youth in rural areas will find employment through running an Ijabo Franchise.
Lastly, we will reduce carbon emissions from using solar pumps instead of renting diesel pumps. Diesel pumps are currently more widespread on small farms.
- Support small-scale producers with access to inputs, capital, and knowledge to improve yields while sustaining productivity of land and seas
The project will drive small scale farmers' yields from their existing lands by allowing them to have irrigation water easily and immediately. This means production during dry seasons can continue, and farmers can plan high value horticulture crops to get more income from the same piece of land without employing harsh chemical fertilizers.
- Pilot: An organization deploying a tested product, service, or business model in at least one community
- A new business model or process
Ijabo creates franchisees of small irrigation as-a-service businesses in rural areas of Rwanda.
The project offers a solution specific to situations where most arable land is on hillsides and where land is highly fragmented (average land holder less than 2ha).
Ijabo proposes the installation of high flow and high head irrigation kits in rural Rwanda which combines neighboring farms and the water is managed based on volume used by each farmer. A pump is installed in a borehole or surface water, pumped to an uphill storage area, where the water is then distributed by gravity to different farms. In case there is no drinking water available in the area, the system is also equipped with a filter to sell safe water to walk-up customers who bring their own containers. The hillside can be between 2 to 8 ha of land with mainly horticulture crops and can be divided in as much as 10 singular farms. With Ijabo, solar irrigation can be made affordable for farmers who usually resort to using diesel pumps as solar pumps tend to perform at low yields when operating at high heads (common in Rwanda mountainous Area. ) The project will also focus on farmers willing to invest in cultivating high-value horticulture crops such as: onions, cabbage, spinach, watermelon, eggplants, etc. so as to incentivize them with crops that do need reliable water but which sell for a higher price.
Ijabo is an irrigation water mini-grid franchisee that bases its mode from our INUMA(TM) Safe Water mini-grids.
Ijabo will feed water from a borehole source or a surface water source if available. These will be located in the valleys where yields tend to be higher given Rwanda's specific water conditions. The pump used for the kits will be in a range to offer up to 13m3/hr yield and a max head of 185m. This will mean between 104m3 to 156 m3 per day depending on irrigation time, allowing to irrigate 3 ha (in the case of 50m3/ha/day demand per ha) and up to 26 ha ( in the case of a 6m3/day/ha demand). The pump will pump water to an uphill storage area taking advantage of Rwanda's mountains to create a gravity-fed irrigation from thereon. From the tanks (10-100m3 of storage), all farmers within a 800m radius from the tanks can be connected and each will have a pre-paid meter inlet into their farm. A nozzle to facilitate irrigation will be included as well after the prepaid meter. The pre-paid meter is rechargeable via a token and closes off when the bought water balance runs out.
Ijabo uses the following already highly utilized technologies:
- Submerssible solar pumps
- Prepaid Meters
- Pipelines
- Water Storage
The only innovation in our solution is the innovative distribution model that addresses market pains and obstacles to solar irrigation experienced by small holder farmers living at high heads from a water source
- Behavioral Technology
Ijabo proposes an innovative business and distribution model that would allow for solar irrigation as a service for the specific arable land conditions in Rwanda. It takes into consideration three market realities: 1) Small average farmlands 2) requirement for high heads and high yield pumps when doing hill-side irrigation in Rwanda 3) low access to capital for farmers as well as low access to maintenance services when warranty expires. Ijabo uses pre-paid meters to manage the water sales, allowing for no dispute on usage or water revenue losses (considering neighboring farmers will have different land sizes and crop water needs). Ijabo is also focused on creating opportunities for youth in the sector.
The ultimate output is: Affordable solar irrigation through land use consolidation among small holder farmers that is regulated by technology (pre-paid meters).
- Women & Girls
- Rural
- Peri-Urban
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- 2. Zero Hunger
- 7. Affordable and Clean Energy
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 13. Climate Action
- Burundi
- Congo, Dem. Rep.
- Rwanda
- Uganda
- Rwanda
Ijabo is new but a continuation of two services already in Water Access Rwanda, namely:
- INUMA(TM): Clean safe water for 67,000 people already, projected to reach 150,000 next year and 2 million+ in five years.
- Uhira: Our irrigation program, currently servicing 10 farmers who are large farm holders (20-1,000 ha), projecting to service 12 large farmers this year and reach 100 small farmers next year with introduction of the Ijabo distribution model. 1,200 farmers to be reached in the next 5 years.
Each farmer represents about 6.5 people (according to Rwanda average household size). Thus what we mean is currently 65 direct beneficiaries, 728 people in one year, and 7,800 people in the next five years.
The project will have the following impacts: 1) reduce carbon emissions from using solar instead of renting diesel pumps. 2) Increased yields for directly affected farmers without requiring capex from them. 3) Regular income for youths (will be selected to be at least a 60% women representation). 4) Will invest in the productivity of small farmers yet using principals of large irrigated lands, leading to more inclusive development. 5) Improve food security and climate resilience.
Our goal is to start a pilot with 9 franchisees irrigating for 100 farmers. Then roll out 30 new franchisees every year for the next five years.
This will mean, 159 total empowered youth franchisees, 1,200+ farmers, 1,000 ha irrigated and providing increased yields for the farmers.
Lastly, the project will lead to a 12,652 tCO2 emission reduction.
- Ability to fund the capex of the new franchisees is a barrier.
- Presence on the market of initially cheaper diesel-powered alternatives that come subsidized by the government.
From there others are risk in terms of:
- Revenue collection from farmers
- seasonal variations in the use of systems (less use during wet seasons).
- Destruction/vandalism of infrastructure
- Drying up of water sources in case of drought.
- High turbidity of water source from lack of erosion control
We plan to:
- Raise enough capital for a pilot and prove profitability for banks and financing institutions to take on financing the capex.
- Work with government of Rwanda, Ministry of Agriculture, to also subsidize franchisees through their irrigation subsidy scheme.
- For-profit, including B-Corp or similar models
Currently the SMT (5 Full time People) of Water Access Rwanda is the one involved in the planning of this solution which combines two existing company offerings but optimized for better distribution and impact among rural small holder farmers.
Water Access Rwanda's team has been working in the water sector for five years now, including in providing drinking water and water on farms for livestock and for irrigation. The company has installed and operates 54 public water points, 23 water mini-grids and 162 private water connections (using prepaid meters). The company is recognized for leadership and innovation in the water sector through multiple awards including recently emerging third at the Africa Business Heroes Awards by Jack Ma Foundation.
The company is implementing a Gold Standard certificed CO2 Emission Reduction Project: water for Climate.
The company is lead by Christelle Kwizera, a Mechanical Engineer who founded the company 2014, a little before graduating Magna Cum Laude from the Oklahoma Christian University.
The Sr. management and Middle management team:
- Mourad Salahedrin Mahmoud, CFO- Master of Business Administration Honors, Boston University Graduate School of Management, USA
- Delphine Uwase, Operations Manager - WATER AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING, University of Rwanda / College of science and Technology, Rwanda.
- Christian Hirwa, Technical Director - WATER AND SANITATION TECHNOLOGY, Integrated Polytechnic Regional Center Kigali, Rwanda
- Alain Niyonshuti, Survey and Design Engineer , CIVIL ENGINEERING, UR / College of Science and Technology
- Angelique Mukankusi, INUMA Operations, MANAGEMENT WITH CONCENTRATION IN LOGISTICS AND OPERATIONS, Southern New Hampshire University
- Aurore Iragena, Impact and Quality Controller, BUSINESS MANAGEMENT AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP, Davis College /Akilah campus
Water Access Rwanda has the following current partnerships:
- CO2 Logic : implementation of a carbon reduction project
- Sidley Austin LLP : legal support.
- IDEGO : Acceleration and Volunteering Consultants.
- PUM (Programma Uitzending Managers) by the Dutch employers association (VNO-)NCW: Expert Volunteers
- District Governments: in operational areas for support on implementation and regulations.
- Transform Fund (IsDB): estbalishment of INUMA(TM) Water Mini-grids.
The project creates a valuable asset that is paid for and maintenance assured through earnings from the water (the output of the system). Our financial model calculates the income per day, per month, and expected break even point.
The total cost to establish one franchise ranges from Euro 10,500 to Euro 37,000 (2 ha kit to 10ha kit).
The water is sold by the franchisees at a per m3 cost to the farmers.
With a 100% utilization rate in the dry season, and a 70% utilization rate in the wet season, the franchisee selling at 100RWF a m3 (0.1 Euro)m then they would repay the full cost of the system in 4-5years, and go on to earn Euro 2,000 and higher per year.
The recurring costs considered are: royalty payments to the franchise owner: 10% to 25% depending on the per volume price, 3.5% for the mobile money transaction fees. Communication expenses of 5 euros monthly, and equipment replacement cost of 105.71 Euro each month (dependent on lifetime of each part).
The systems would have an IRR of between 17% and 35%.
- Organizations (B2B)
One of the barriers for the Ijabo solution is being able to run a good pilot that will facilitate future fundraising efforts to cover capex of new franchisees.
Being recognized as a solver will help with:
- advice from the Solve network will be essential for the good running of the pilot,
- Provide money to be used to unlock matching grants, as we seek matching grants from other sources such as EEP Africa.
- Assist with advise and talent recruitment for the solution.
- Solution technology
- Funding and revenue model
- Talent recruitment
- Board members or advisors
- Monitoring and evaluation
- Marketing, media, and exposure
Our goal currently with Ijabo is to run a pilot to test and refine our idea around an irrigation mini-grid for small holder farmers. Thus the above come into play and external help will boost existing internal capacity for the running or the pilot and proving the concept for future roll-out.
Experienced teams of engineers can also assist with optimizing the irrigation systems for ultimate system durability and knowledge transfer to our organization.
Foundation for Food and Agricultural Research
The World Bank Group
United Nations Environment Programme
Water Access Rwanda is a female led social enterprise with a track record of advancing women's participation in STEM. Our current proposal will create valuable income for youth franchisees in rural areas and small holder farmers in rural areas. The franchisees will be selected to be at least 60% female and the success of the project will continue to fuel our female led social enterprise: increasing female owned businesses participation in the agricultural value chain.
Our drinking water mini-grids reduce the time women traditionally spend finding water by bringing them a private pipe connection inside their compounds (currently african women use 200 million hours per day).
Managing Director