- Pre-Seed
e-classes and e-library,video lectures and video conference,online skills development courses,mock employment practices,live demonstrations and classes,small scale implementations etc. As we cannot expect volunteers to be physically present everywhere to teach or train the disadvantaged youth this can widely help and can be monitored via e-cards.
The root cause of this problem is that the disadvantaged youth is deprived of the basic education,they lack resources and basic educational amenities.Due to the lack of proper education they can hardly read or write their own regional language,then forget English which is a key to thrive in this progressive 21st century.
firstly the disadvantaged youth have to be given basic English knowledge through video calls and possibly through training sessions.So that they get exposed to the global markets.We can also introduce e-libraries,book-banks,edu-banks.As every citizen has a proof for citizen ship, every person who's availing these sessions should be given a card similar to ATM cards.Like ATM cards these cards can be used to withdraw information from a similar ATM which consists of all kinds of information related to the courses taking place.This card can also be used in the book-banks for getting books issued.These book-banks can be very easily constructed by collecting used books.The e-library concept is a little different from the edu-banks concept.The edu-banks are similar to ROM and are comparatively easier to operate . The e-libraries would have both read and write memory ,so any person can access it not only to retrieve information but also to write information which they wanna share and also they can contain video lectures recorded so that even if a person is not comfortable with the timings of the classes he/she can learn at any time possible and remain at pace with other people's progress .And thus through Edu-cards the progress of people can be monitored.
same theory can be later applied for skill keeping in mind the interests of the people and also agriculture can be promoted but cutting middlemen.small scale implementations can later check the working of the ideas and fetch people experience and money.
The problems my solution might solve are
- Lack of basic literacy.
- Lack of global communication skills.
- Unemployment.
- Agricultural problems.
- Lack of resources for gaining information.
- Peasants not receiving the pay they deserved for their crops.
- Even the unskilled labors can take help from their colleagues to get employment though internet.
- Progress monitoring problems.
- Time management problems.
- Unavailability of timely information.
- This idea is feasible and reasonable.
- Lack of fresh and organic veggies.
The above solution will definitely solve the given challenge as the biggest problem one faces in the 21st century is lack of communication and medium to put their thoughts and opinions into words and also into other people's minds.youth will be able to emplo temselves.
The problem of monitoring the progress will be conveniently solved through the concept of edu-cards.
This idea is very feasible and reasonable as installing a few desktops and collecting a few books should cost much I suppose.
This would also help NGOs and people who are interested to serve the disadvantaged youth and are passionate about teaching.
Their will be a rapid increase in the incomes of the peasants and consumption of fresh organic veggies which improves health .also the literacy rate of the region will grow. people will more efficiently be able to communicate and spread their ideas,resources,labors and skills.consumption of fresh organic veggies.
majorly the youth ranging from 15-25yrs will be benefited from this.
this will also help the peasants and people handling transport businesses.
this can b deployed to them with the help of NGOs by installing basic information introduction of apps as every person owns a handset nowadays.
edu-card linked with bank accounts or directly credited to edu-card - income of farmers
by the income again as the literate people will have some transaction of credit of money - increase in literacy of people
ratings for that particular peasant from consumer - delivery and consumption of organic and reasonable products resulting in improved health
- Adolescent
- Adult
- Non-binary
- Urban
- Rural
- Europe and Central Asia
- US and Canada
- Agricultural technology
- Biotechnology (genetic engineering, new biomolecules)
- Digital systems (machine learning, control systems, big data)
- Environmental engineering
- Materials & nanotechnology
I don't think the combination of banks,education,farming,employment,online stores and directly cutting the middlemen for peasant's benefit is till date implemented anywhere, that is why I find my solution unique.
it involves technologies such as agriculture,machines ,biotech and also nurtures nature.
this idea is purely human centered and linking their accounts or directly making the edu-card the atm,health or all in one card which can be operated using fingerprints or eyeball detection would make it impossible for anyone to keep the deserving deprived of their rights.
as the idea of edu card is very affordable and feasible it wouldnt take a lot to deploy this.even some small donations or help of ngos can make this idea come atm machine, a few cards, some books and some pcs are what it takes for this dream to come true.
- 0 (Concept)
- India
it's only a one person team and for sustaining myself financially i only have ngos to look upto for now but in the near future when i start working i would possibly sustain myself on my own
- finance
- workforce
- some good sources of information technically teachers
- people's agreement as most of people in rural India will restrict their kids from adopting this idea
- Less than 1 year
- 3-6 months
- 3-6 months
- Technology Access
- Human+Machine
- Financial Inclusion
- Transportation
- Inspection & Monitoring
I'm applying for solve out of my passion for serving the underprivileged people so the we all can grow together individually as a family and their is equality all over. every person should be able to generate income so that no person sleeps empty stomach. this is my only goal.
currently no one