In Ghana, most of the smallholder farmers are confronting a lot of challenges and pag'wuni company was established to support in solving those challenges. the company's mission is to empower smallholder farmers through access to input credit, warehousing and marketing in order to alleviate poverty and banish hunger in the region. in order to achieve our mission, pag'wuni limited has over 500 acres of land where the cultivation of the crops are done, and also assists smallholder farmers (both men and women) who are in to maize farming, groundnuts, soybeans, and rice.
The company has able to contributed positively on the lives of the smallholder farmers on the following achievements;
1. Strengthen the capacity of smallholder farmers in sustainable agriculture practices.
2. Strengthen women’s self-reliance.
3. Increase smallholder farmers’ access to timely input credit.
4. Increase market access to smallholder farmers.
5. Alleviate poverty among smallholder farmers.
Pag’wuni Company limited is located in the northern part of Ghana. Northern region has 50% of the total farmers in the country, of which Pag’wuni Company limited assists 20% of the total smallholder farmers in the region. Pag’wuni limited operates in three districts in the northern region. Actually the region have been ranked as the poorest region in the country meanwhile it is the region with many farmers. The farmers in the region especially the districts that the company operates, faces a lot of challenges that has to do with insufficient funds, limited farm inputs, difficulties in tractor servicing, fertilizer, chemicals,etc. so therefore, these challenges have caused the districts, and that let the people to be suffering with hunger and poverty.
Pag'wuni company limited is much concern and worried about the endurance of the people in the districts and have taken steps to solve some of the challenges in the districts by capacity building of smallholder farmers in basic entrepreneurship and modern agronomic practices, promotion of inventory credit (tractor service, seeds, fertilizers, herbicides), storage, and linking farm produce to marketing outlets in Ghana.
Pag’wuni Company limited is a Ghanaian based company. Ghana is located in Africa. Africa is the continent with many countries and the 2nd most populated continent in the continents of which Ghana is the 13th most populated country, 3rd strongest currency and as well as 7th strongest economy in the continent. Ghana has a population over 30 million of which 70% of the country population is into agriculture.
Pag’wuni Company limited is located in the northern part of Ghana. Northern region has 50% of the total farmers in the country, of which Pag’wuni Company limited assists 20% of the total smallholder farmers in the region. Pag’wuni limited operates in three districts in the northern region. the company has over 500 acres of land where crops are cultivated and also assists smallholder farmers who are in to maize farming, groundnuts, soya beans, and rice. We also assist women who are into Shea butter processing. We support smallholder farmers with capital, fertilizers, insecticides, pesticides, and seeds to farm and as well as plough their lands for them and also helps them in the harvest of their farm produce.
Pag'wuni company limited main focus is on the smallholder farmers especially the women. The company supports the smallholder farmers with capital, promotion of inventory credit (tractor service, seeds, fertilizers, herbicides), and also helps them in the harvest of their farm produce. the company also taken a step in capacity building of smallholder farmers in basic entrepreneurship and modern agronomic practices, storage, and linking farm produce to marketing outlets in Ghana.
The company hope that their contribution on the lives of the smallholder farmers will help in the following ways;
1. Strengthen the capacity of smallholder farmers in sustainable agriculture practices.
2. Strengthen women’s self-reliance.
3. Increase smallholder farmers’ access to timely input credit.
4. Increase market access to smallholder farmers.
5. Alleviate poverty among smallholder farmers.
- Support small-scale producers with access to inputs, capital, and knowledge to improve yields while sustaining productivity of land and seas
- Scale: A sustainable enterprise working in several communities or countries that is looking to scale significantly, focusing on increased efficiency
- A new business model or process
- Women & Girls
- Elderly
- Rural
- Poor
- Low-Income
- 1. No Poverty
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 12. Responsible Consumption and Production
- 17. Partnerships for the Goals
- Ghana
- Nigeria
- Nonprofit
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
- Business model
- Product/service distribution
- Funding and revenue model
- Marketing, media, and exposure