Songhai-Umuode Eco-city Project
Good health is increasingly becoming a luxury in Umuode community. Whereas the lifespan of the average Nigerian is 55 years, the average life span of the resident of Umuode is 47 years (Woomer, 2018). This is majorly linked to the food system of the community – consumption of high carbon food.
Against this backdrop, Umuode contracted the Songhai center as a technical partner to reverse the prevalent agri-food system. In a holistic manner, the Songhai’s model of integrated agriculture is aimed at solving a quadruple challenge of food insecurity, unemployment/mass rural emigration, low life expectancy caused by unhealthy food intake and environmental degradation. Songhai will deploy its solution through an experiential fashion by building the agro-ecological capacity and technical competence of Umuode farmers to produce more and better low carbon food with fewer resources. This intervention is also expected to scale and have a spillover effect across the neighboring communities.
The conundrum of farming practices that degrade our environment and unhealthy food intake in Umuode calls for a total reversal to secure their land and human labor capital. The Umuode community with a population of 3 million has agriculture as a major occupation and source of livelihood. However, the farmers are mostly practicing it on a subsistence/survival level. Issues such as poor soil and environmental degradation that affect the harvest yields are rife(Songhai, 2018). This invariably affects household finances and health of the community. Little wonder the average life span of the resident of Umuode is 47 years (Paul,2018). if a holistic solution is not deployed as opposed to the periodic symptomatic therapies applied by the farmers within the limits of their knowledge, then a greater challenge in the agri-food ecosystem as never seen before await Umuode community.
As a remedial strategy and also a launch pad to rebound post-Covid-19 era, Songhai seeks to integrate in Umuode, good nutrition within a healthy environment, i.e. food systems and physical environments that provide healthy living, healthy aging and disease prevention. In the implementation, this will be done through capacity building and development of human resource in Umuode in a training of trainers (TOT) fashion. In an experiential learning model where mentors who are practitioners themselves provide practical and theoretical knowledge and assistance, their competence will be built on developing authentic technologies that generate positive effects/benefits to the producers, consumers and the environment at the same time. These authentic technologies are bio-mimic technologies that discover the hidden patterns in nature and harness them to create products and services that enhance nature instead of producing goods and services that go against the dynamics and patterns of the principles of nature (environmental degradation). These trained farmers will not only go on to implement these acquired technologies in their farms but will also go on to transmit the technical competence to other farmers and scale the impact of this solution.
The residents of Umuode, more especially the youths and young women are the main beneficiaries of this intervention. Being a fertile ecosystem for agribusiness, albeit operating on a subsistent level at the moment, a massive intervention on the needs and challenges of the community will boost both their revenue streams and their nutrition/health.
Since 2012, Umuode youth have made up 30% of the migrants to the more urban capital of Imo state, Owerri in search of greener pastures. The rising apathy in agriculture, caused mostly by the discouraging yields on the field and the unattractive nature of the conventional practice, has seen less youthful workforce in the fields, leaving the heavy burden on the shoulders of the aging population(Songhai, 2018). Targeting and equipping these youth with modern agro-ecological technologies will reinforce the workforce on the field and transform Umuode into a viable agribusiness ecosystem. Wielding the Songhai integrated model of agriculture as a solution will transit Umuode from the subsistent cum conventional practice of agriculture to a more competitive, remunerative and sustainable agriculture that will enable them to overcome the quadruple challenges of food insecurity, unemployment/mass rural emigration, low life expectancy caused by unhealthy food intake and environmental degradation.
- Promote the shift towards low-impact, diverse, and nutritious diets, including low-carbon protein options
the challenges of food insecurity, rural unemployment, low agricultural yield ,low life expectancy caused by unhealthy food intake present in umuode community are not alien to Songhai. Songhai in its over 35 years of operation have provided practical feasible model and there are results to show in the African continent including Gambia, Mali and Nigeria. our solution for umuode community puts forth a model improved with newer technologies that are pro-biotic, systematic and an integrative agricultural system that Promote the shift towards low-impact, diverse, and nutritious diets, including low-carbon protein options and thus attack the low-life expectancy challenge proportionately.
- Growth: An organization with an established product, service, or business model rolled out in one or, ideally, several communities, which is poised for further growth
- A new application of an existing technology
As opposed to the solutions being applied by other agricultural institutes like IITA and Nourishing Africa, Songhai’s model of integrated agriculture and sustainable development has proven over the years to be able to transform hitherto failed farm estates and subsistent farming into viable agri-hoods. Two crucial points blanket the uniqueness of this solution, namely, (i) Its application and (ii) Scale
- Application: In a distinctive manner, the application of the solution through learning-by-doing in a mentor-mentee relationship, where the trained farmers are put through by technically equipped mentors who are practitioners themselves, concretizes the uniqueness of the Songhai model and its impacts on the trainees. This is called deep knowledge – the fusion of theoretical and practical agro-ecological learning. The Songhai model goes beyond the basic training on agribusiness, but also emphasizes a holistic development of the moral, spiritual, socio-economic and organizational competencies of the trainee. What is imperative is that the trainee moves away from the science of the arrogant man that pays little attention to the nutritious nature of his yield to become the new man (this new human resource pool) that dances with nature and natural symphonies for a holistic agri-food system.
- Scale: The scale impact of this model is arguably widespread. The experiential learning described constitutes a training of trainers. In a sustainable manner, these trainers further transmit the acquired eco-literacy and newly acquired agro-ecological competencies to other farmers. These are the low-hanging fruits.
Bio-mimic technologies are the core technologies that power the unique Songhai’s model of sustainable development via integrated agriculture. As earlier buttressed, it is the science of the arrogant man that brought the world to the dire situations of climate change and most recently Covid-19.
The logic is that it is in understanding the nature – in comprehending that everything begins with the soil, in embracing the reality that there is zero waste in nature and applying it back in our agricultural practices – it is in being in sync with all these that nature can smile back at us with a harvest that solves not only our socio-economic constraints but also environmental degradation.
In deploying the bio-mimic technologies, integrated farming system is key. The primary production is harnessed to optimize the output of the system – (the wastes from animal droppings and sewage from the aquaculture unit serve as organic manure for the crop production, e.t.c.). In the same vein, the secondary sector (Value addition- processing-agro-industry), and the tertiary sector (Marketing- setting up farm-gate markets in the communities and other services) are developed.
This holistic approach enables the new agri-hoods to face the liquidity challenges of their financially vulnerability.
The Songhai initiative has been applied in several African countries since its inception in 1984 in Benin Republic. From having its flagship in Porto-Novo which remains the headquarters to scaling to five more locations in Benin Republic namely, Ikemo, Savalou, Parakou, Ikenwedji and Lokosa; the Songhai model has been applied across the continent through partnerships with Government bodies, the UN agencies (IFAD, FAO, UNDP etc.) and private investors. In 2009, Songhai was promoted as regional center of excellence by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).
It was in fact in recognition of Songhai’s effort and achievements in promoting sustainable development, prosperity and wellbeing that in 2015 the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization awarded their 70th anniversary commemorative medal to the Songhai director.
Songhai has also enjoyed the cooperation of USAID, Research institutions, universities and many development organizations. Today, the Songhai initiative has expanded to other African Countries like Nigeria, where besides its collaborations with numerous investors it currently has a signed contract with the Federal Ministry of Water Resources to develop the 12 River Basin Authorities covering the geo-political and geo-ecological zones of the country; Gambia, where the Gambia Songhai Initiative (GSI) is currently ongoing and has trained and equipped over three hundred youth as either farm managers and entrepreneurs; Mali, Uganda, where the Uganda Green Incubation Center (UGIC) project is running; Liberia, Sierra Leone, the Congo and most recently, Senegal and Rwanda. The objective is to have centers in at least 15 countries in Africa.
- Behavioral Technology
- Biomimicry
- Biotechnology / Bioengineering
- Internet of Things
- Manufacturing Technology
The theory of change underpinning the initiative’s methodology is based on the principle of “wheel of change” that creates growth over time. The wheel focuses on four main nodes:
- a)Questions: Identifying the existential challenges today and searching for solutions
- b)Ideas: Building credible knowledge from observation, questioning and research
- c)Application (Testing):Harnessing new ideas to build paths,technologies and solutions and evaluating them
- d)Reflecting: Evaluating impact and identifying challenges to generate new ideas and tools
In a research carried out by Songhai in Umuode, through a shared questionnaire which was filled up by the farmers and some consumers, an overwhelming consensus opinion of 75% stated that a total reversal of the prevalent logic of the agri-food system by applying the Songhai initiative is a panacea to their challenges. (ibekwe, 2018) Thus having identified the challenges besieging Umuode – poor nutrition and health which is consequent upon the prevalent agricultural practice and having built our solutions to the problem which is the Songhai initiative; in application of the proposed solution however, the Songhai initiative will support the set up of:
- Employable farm managers and technicians
- Agro-business leaders
- A service platform to incubate and seed graduates from Songhai’s training program.
To achieve this, the Songhai initiative will ultimately train about 30 young Umuode people in the two tracks of employment and entrepreneurship (50:50 ratio) leading to the creation of 120 work opportunities for youth. These jobs will be created across multiple agricultural value chains over a three-year period. Promising job and business opportunities for graduates have been identified across varying value chains, such as:
- Soil improvement and regeneration activities
- Sustainable and integrated pest management
- Seed production for the maize, sorghum, rice and soybean value chains
- Cassava production and agro-processing
- Fish farming and processing
- Poultry farming for both meat and egg produce
- Farming of small ruminants such as goat and sheep for both meat and milk
- Market garden management
- Advanced vegetative propagation services
- Value-adding commodity handling and food processing
The enterprise opportunities shown are expected to trigger additional opportunities in other sectors.
- Women & Girls
- Rural
- Low-Income
- 2. Zero Hunger
- 3. Good Health and Well-Being
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
- 13. Climate Action
- Benin
- Gambia, The
- Nigeria
- Uganda
- Benin
- Gambia, The
- Ghana
- Nigeria
- Rwanda
- Uganda
The Songhai initiative which currently is actively spread across Benin Republic, Nigeria and Gambia with respect to human resource development and transfer of competence and capacity, impacts on a yearly basis an average of 500 farmers and agro-entrepreneurs, more especially the youthful demography. With a batch of an annual intake of 80 youth in The Gambia, a regular half a year intake of a minimum of 200 young students in Benin Republic, and a large number of self-sponsored agronomists across the globe trooping in to be technically equipped in agro-ecology at the Songhai Regional center, this summarizes the large outreach of this fast-spreading initiative.
Going forward, Songhai and IITA are teaming up their resources in a recent agribusiness program funded by IFAD and co-funded by BMZ where Nigerian youth will be trained on two tracks- employment track as employable farm managers and entrepreneurial track as agro-entrepreneurs. This program will run for 5 years: 2020-2025 and will see 2200 youths and young women as direct beneficiaries of this human resource development and job creation; with the number of indirect beneficiaries spanning to over 6000 youth. A similar program of training youth and providing them with dignified employments is also at the discussion table where MasterCard Foundation (MCF) Young Africa Works (YAW) is expected to fund Songhai in partnership with other service provision institutions to carry out the human resource development of 3360 Nigerian youth comprising 70% of young women in the two track already provided above for 3 years.
The replication of the Songhai model in various countries and farming centers is key to scaling the Songhai initiative.
Songhai’s goal is to develop sustainable broad-based and socio-economically viable agribusiness centers across Africa. This is being achieved through wielding a five-component framework that constitutes the foundation of the Songhai initiative:
- Songhai is an environmental, cultural and mindset reorientation center, where youth will be exposed to new and emerging world views.
- Songhai is a technology park where new technologies and organization patterns are developed and contextualized in collaboration with research institutions and universities.
- As a research and production center where the new technologies and organization tools are harnessed and turned into productive enterprises.
- As a training and incubation center, where new competencies are developed and a new human resource pool build to setup sustainable enterprises.
- A service center that links, leverages, amplifies socio-economic units and individuals in participating communities. Graduates from the training programs will be provided with services such as marketing, input procurement, networking, financial/loan and advisory services and advocacy programs to enable them to stand on their own and create synergies and cooperation among themselves.
Also, the Songhai model includes training in marketing and services that will enable graduates to bypass middlemen, to reverse the culture of producer exploitation and link consumers directly to the producers, thus increasing the revenue streams of farm managers. Entrepreneurs will also be able to increase the revenues of their business, leading to further expansion and employment of staff.
Financial Constraint: Given that Umuode is a rural community in need of an intervening solution to solve the problems of their nutrition, health and environmental degradation, finance is the major constraint that we foresee may hinder the impact and scale we seek to attain in deploying this solution. Providing support services to the trainees is pivotal to job generation. Thus as the quarterback that connects and drives the other pillars necessary for this intervention, it is crucial that finance is made readily available, not only for the technical assistance fee of the technical partner in Songhai, but also for the “little support kits”, input procurements to be given to the farmers and agro-entrepreneurs of Umuode post training to enable them to stand on their own and create synergy amongst themselves.
Technical barrier(Linkage): Also, as is characteristic of survival cum subsistence agriculture practiced in rural communities, building linkages and marketing are other serious encumbrances in the success of this program.
Market barrier(Marketing): Poor returns as a result of Shylock purchasers (middle men) are rife in Umuode. Beyond equipping them with authentic agro-ecological competencies, they need the capacity to be able to get good value for their produce and bypass the bureaucratic middlemen that pose a threat to the profit of the farmers.
Finance: It is expected that MIT as the large donor will provide the seed financial support needed to impact Umuode and scale the solution beyond the immediate and direct beneficiaries.Also , the Umuode town union is a broad group that brings every umuode indigene under a single umbrella. those far away from the community are eager to contribute in cash and kind to ensure their community-umuode- experience some recorded progress
Linkage: It is expected that building the capacity of the human resource pool in Umuode in the present opportunity sets and value chains in the community will trigger additional opportunities in other sectors. The integration of additional opportunities to generate forward and backward linkages will result in more enterprises within the ecosystem. This is key to building scale and intensifying wealth and job creation. Established integrated systems and strong business information networks will boost the linkages created, while IT and advances in biological sciences will drive the changes required to create a sustainable agri-business in the entire South Eastern region of Nigeria.
Market: As already stated above, the Songhai model includes training in marketing and services that will enable graduates to bypass middlemen, to reverse the culture of producer exploitation and link consumers directly to the producers, increasing the revenue streams of farm managers. to this end Songhai will introduce and E-market platform to boost advertising and commercialization .
- Nonprofit
project officer(1)-full-time staff.
liaison officer(1)-full-time staff.
technical assistant(1)- full-time staff.
trainer hub assistants(2)-full-time staff
machine operator(1)- contractor worker
The Songhai initiative is a successful model that have been applied in several African countries since its inception in 1984 in Benin Republic. From having its flagship in Porto-Novo which remains the headquarters to scaling to five more locations in Benin Republic namely, Ikemo, Savalou, Parakou, Ikenwedji and Lokosa; the Songhai model has been applied across the continent through partnerships with Government bodies, the UN agencies (IFAD, FAO, UNDP etc.) and private investors. In 2009, Songhai was promoted as regional center of excellence by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).It was in fact in recognition of Songhai’s effort and achievements in promoting sustainable development, prosperity and well being that in 2015 the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization awarded their 70th anniversary commemorative medal to the Songhai director. with over 35 years in the agricultural field, we have trained efficient agricultual technicians ,high skilled workers; they are part of our solution team. Today, the Songhai initiative has expanded to other African Countries like Nigeria, where besides its collaborations with numerous investors it currently has a signed contract with the Federal Ministry of Water Resources to develop the 12 River Basin Authorities covering the geo-political and geo-ecological zones of the country; Gambia, where the Gambia Songhai Initiative (GSI) is currently ongoing and has trained and equipped over three hundred youth as either farm managers and entrepreneurs.this progress and achievements position us to provide a solution and solve Umuode problem.
Songhai Regional Center currently partners with:
- IFAD-United Nations:Songhai and IITA are teaming up their resources in a recent agribusiness program funded by IFAD and co-funded by BMZ where 2200 Nigerian youths and young women as direct beneficiaries of this human resource development and job creation Nigerian youth will be trained on two tracks- employment track as employable farm managers and entrepreneurial track as agro-entrepreneurs.
- River Basin Development Authorities:There are 12 River Basin Development Authorities spread across the geopolitical zones of Nigeria. The authorities cover more than 20,000 hectares of land and have signed agreements with Songhai. The intervention will be key to developing a very dynamic agriculture services department in the ministry and well-structured marketing networks.
- Imo State Ministry of Agriculture:One of the key success indicator is to employ 100,000 – 1 million Nigerians in dignified and fulfilling jobs. This is in line with the objectives of the imo state government, which under seeks to train, incubate and seed 15,000 youth in the next four years.
- Umuode Town Union is a broad group that brings every umuode indigene under a single umbrella. those far away from the community are eager to contribute in cash and kind to ensure their community-umuode- experience some recorded progress and a cloud of success hovering it hence they are partnering on this Songhai-Umuode Eco-city Project.
Songhai’s business model below features two operational vehicles:
A. The Incubation Center: Songhai provides a space for effective learning and incubation of enterprises where new competencies are developed to setup sustainable enterprises. Trainees will develop technical, organizational and managerial competencies by participating in design, development and production activities facilitated by mentors who are practitioners themselves through experiential learning. This will scale the reach of the program within reasonable costs, allowing for both cost effectiveness while optimizing on impact. A primary focus will be on training youth to embrace agriculture as a viable business by adopting technologies and developing their skill sets to benefit from the sector.this incubation center is also positioned for profit. as new students enroll,they pay tuition fee annually.
B.Technology Park and industrial park:The incubation centers will also include a technology park and an industrial park to encourage the development of new technologies and application of such technologies into enterprises. The technology park will be a space where new technologies and organization patterns are developed and contextualized and are turned into the long term, this parks will be rent out and the technicians sent on site for projects and revenue generation as they sell services. the enterprises established will create value and contribute to the value chain of agro-products harvested from the farm incubation center.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
Financial limitations, linkage and poor marketing of the products of Umuode Eco-city are the barriers that could pose as huge encumbrances to the success and scaling of this program. However the Songhai service center can provide the graduates from this training program with services such as marketing, input procurement, hospitality services, networking, financial/loan and advisory services and advocacy programs to enable them to stand on their own and create synergies and cooperation among themselves.
The graduates will be trained and enabled by the service center to bypass middlemen, reverse the culture of producer exploitation and link consumers directly to the producers, thereby increasing the revenue streams of farm managers. With respect to marketing, more interestingly, the Songhai service center will link the graduates of this intervention program to Songhai’s e-market platform, Timbuktu Market in which MasterCard features as one of the best online payment methods.
On the other hand, Solve is expected to help with respect to curbing the first and most significant barrier which is Limited access to finance and more literature resources and researches carried out by the MIT related to agriculture. Program funds from Solve will allow us to not only carry out a successful capacity building of Umuode indigenes but also provide start-up kits for women and men youth trainees.
- Funding and revenue model
- Board members or advisors
- Legal or regulatory matters
Board members or advisors: the Eco-city project is embarked upon with the right skill, techniques to deliver result as we have done in other African nation. even though we ride on our track record, we seek advisors who understand the terrain of umuode community very well to facilitate faster delivery of this project.
Funding and revenue model: Songhai has a well patterned revenue model that has worked and kept it financially stable for 35 years. however, the Songhai-umuode Eco-city project is initiated to make impact like corporate social responsibilities(CSRs) hence, the need for funding such as grants , donations and partnership at inception.
Legal or regulatory matters: in rolling out this project successfully we need the services of partners who know the project site,community and their laws and can push through all legal or regulatory matters as they arise.
Songhai partnership fall under 3 categories. they are:
a) Job creation partners: These partners will provide placement positions for graduating trainees. Based on the partnership development thus far, these partners are government institutions such as the 12 River Basin Development Authorities under the Federal Ministry of Water Resources. The River Basin Development Authorities that will provide significant job placements for farm managers and technicians given their high demand.
b) Financing partners: These are institutions that will provide credit support to graduate trainees, particularly those that seek to start their own enterprises. A financial institution such as Sterling Bank,Nigeria will be a financier to the project, with potential to add several microfinance institutions in the medium-term and long term.
c) Marketing partners: This will primarily be private sector driven to provide marketing platforms for the graduates as well as support services, with a partnership already in place with Unilever. Unilever will provide a suitable marketing platform for graduates focused on agro-processing opportunities.
Beyond the above identified partners, research institutions, top IT firms, universities, private investors and additional organizations could be considered potential partners. Songhai is reaching out to the new tech oriented organizations that are well aligned with the realities of the agriculture sector for collaboration.