Pathways to Resilient Livelihoods
Vulnerable eco-system, devastated livelihood, ravaged resource base, deteriorated quality of life, malnourished environment, lack of confidence and capacity for entitlement and access to resource base has created immense imbalance and embarrassing caused impoverishment of vulnerable sections .
- Foodsecurity & Social Security , Well-being issues
- Livelihoods Issues of farmers , marketing linkage
- Issues related to skill building & employment generation,
- Development poor enterprise, market linkage establishment, value addition of agro-produce and sustainability
- Climate Change & Global Warming ,
- issues on WASH, Energy, Hygiene , Carbon credit and Inclusive Growth
- Sustained capacity building & financing
- Networking & micro-macro linkage,
- DRR, Environment , Desertification
Plan is to strengthening and building capacities of local communities towards rejuvenating human, ecological, social, economical capital & well-being improvement with a view to changing the culture of cultivating solutions towards Resilience added with technology transformation , development communication incorporating inclusion, innovations to address next development challenges,udyama&ei=aOh4XuzwNpDgz7sPwoyUsAY&start=50&sa=N&ved=2ahUKEwjsxKrChrHoAhUQ8HMBHUIGBWY4KBDy0wN6BAgLEDQ&biw=1024&bih=48
The problems of poverty , deprivation are complex and intense and not fairly addressed due to poor political will and governance.Malnutrition & immunity deficiency for women, children in rural & tribal areas have emerged as a silent national emergency and the greatest human development challenge that accounts for 68 % of the total under-5 mortality, and the leading risk factor for health loss for all ages, responsible for 17·3 per cent (16·3–18·2) of the total disability-adjusted life years .Despite the rapid economic growth, the country is faced with the biggest challenge of providing optimal nutrition to 1.3 billion people. The NFHS-4 (2015-16) reports that nearly 36% Indian children under five are underweight, 21% are wasted & nearly 38% are stunted. Diarrhoeal diseases continue to be a significant cause of childhood morbidity and mortality. Annually, India loses over US$12 billion in Gross Domestic Product to vitamin and mineral deficiencies particularly that of iron, iodine, zinc and Vitamin A with multiple burdens of malnutrition, whereby stunting, wasting and micronutrient deficiencies co-exist with rising rates of overweight and obesity . There is a critical need to address the burden of malnutrition in the country by scaling up core nutrition interventions in food system.
There are strategies to support resilient food systems :
Promotion of ecosystem based climate change resilient integrated livelihood models
- Ecosystem based Preventing Degradation & Agro-Ecology Development
- Life cycle based Micro-water resource development, Water Harvesting, Conservation, Restoration, Rejuvenation, introduction of post harvest technology, Biodiversity conservation, crop intesifcation
- Gearing Green Energy, Greening , circular economy & development
Community institution building, Technology transformation scaling models
- Information, communication & knowledge management platform
- Skill building for women , Eco-prenureship towards revenue models
- Stregthening Farmers producers Organisation, marketing , processing
- Connecting community with craft-culture-Nanutre & eco-tourism
- cross sector engagement as add on with digital innovation & inclusion
Further connecting to green energy, circular economy , refurbish & reuse of waste , low emission development initiative may support the sustainable consumption production , market, green procurement, safe shelter for changing the lifestyle and add value to ensure a sustainable community as we want our future. Thus protecting land mass from degradation, utilizing ecologically sensitive indigenous and alternative methods for land & water utilization, rejuvenation followed by adoption green energy, biomass conservation can help to achieve important prerequisites for environmental sustainability & livelihoods empowerment on enterprising mode with local targeted action.
UDYAMA will implement this project in collaboration with small holdings. Farmers are first, their participation, contribution & involvement is highly important that UDYAMA has prioritized.Dedicade teams. UDYAMA has proven track record towards development initiatives particularly resource conservation and mobilization working with networks and various stakeholders. UDYAMA has proven track record towards development initiatives particularly resource conservation and mobilization working with networks and various stakeholders.UDYAMA has partnered with Sir Dorabji Tata Trust, Mumbai towards well being improvements on ANRM along with gravity flow irrigation, Minimizing adverse impact of distress migration, Skill-building at source & destination,
ICCO, The Netherlands an international Donor has been supporting on Sustainable Livelihoods & fair climate initiatives in Odisha and together with supporting community based WASH , Nutrition with a broad based livelihoods. UDYAMA has been benfing from One Planet Network on various theme, thoughs, tools technology to scale & spped the initiaives of sustainable food systems along with fullfilling the concepts for doubling framers income , NABARD has extended support for promoting farmers producer Organisation to accelerate food production, processing, marketing & making farmers are shareholders, ICRISAT has been extending support for Enhancing Agricultural Productivity and Rural Livelihoods through Scaling-up of Science-led Development in Odisha: Bhoochetana
- Support small-scale producers with access to inputs, capital, and knowledge to improve yields while sustaining productivity of land and seas
Issues are the opportunities to engage-huge labour-force towards at this COVID19-Pandemic. “Prevention saves-lives” with systemic-risk and cascading disasters , protection of communitites & provide a humanitarian response on how soon to recover , build- back-better , work-forward to resilient-livelihoods & institution-building , promote culture-nature-science based solutions to accelerate to enhance immunity with better nutrition, health boosters, safe water, hygiene,sanitation & building capacities for adaptation & capability for building social, cultural, natural, ecological and economical capital in order to improve wellbeing to address the next development challenges to leave no one behind . because odisha is one-of the poor states.
- Concept: An idea being explored for its feasibility to build a product, service, or business model based on that idea
- A new business model or process
Ther are two important issues on poverty that can be innovatively addressed: 1- Ecological Poverty , 2-Water Poverty . This project delegently integrate not to make people hungry and thirsty , resource poor, diseased & poor immunity & nutrition defficient. Since climate induced threats are getting compounded this project will minimize loss of bio-diversity, prevent accelerating degradation & promte to conservation in reducinge vulnerabilities & social gap with added convergence & coherence in program, policy, practice, partnership and simultaneous programming with action-reflection-advocacy-action-research at cyclical process . Innivation is that can start any point of time based on community participation & contribution. Food & water security, Social Security and Well-being: Access to health, nutrition, education, drinking water & sanitation ,hygiene , green energy , capacity building ,tecchnology transformation ,water borne & climate induced diseases will be programmed simultaneously. As problems of poverty, drudgery and deprivation have become complex and intense and not fairly addressed that needs an inclusion and innovations with regard to incorporation of six “Ts” under doubling farmers income and Integrated Rural Development, There are two major components: I) Promotion of disaster resilient integrated ecosystem based livelihood models with adoption of green energy and, ii) setting up institutional processes for learning, management and sustainability of project interventions based on six Ts.
- Trees : Agro-Ecological-Development
- Tanks (Micro-Water-Resource-development, Micro-watersheds,
- Toilets under Mainstream WASH
- Technology: Low-Carbon-Development-Green-Energy &integrate with education,
- Transfer of Skills and Knowhow for entreprenureship & value-additions Trade & marketing & process products with Eco-Tourism on revenue-model
Our approach aimed at to support people to reduce disasters/vulnerabilities & mazimize resilience , however importance will be given well-being improvement of small-holdings , solar-based post-harvest-technology to minimize-food-loss in blending with time honored improved technology transformation with well articulated development-communication incorporating inclusion-innovations to address next-development challenges with cross-sector-integration for people & planet:
- Prepare for, plan to withstand and recover from stresses, shocks & drudgery
- Take in hand root causes of degradations & disasters , impacts with lasting-solutions for entrepreneurships and Innovation
- Landscape-Based ecological-advancement in clusters towards larger food-system ,
- Community Climate adaptation to responsive-development in harmony with Nature-Water-Culture, Crafts-Life-Style ,Habitation & Settlements
- Inclusion of Women & Children in WASH system & in Education system,
- Application of Digital Learning & ICT knowledge-transformation
- Life-Cycle baed & employable market led Skill Development
- Ecosystem based Model building on wise-water use & watersheds
- Nature & science-based action on Nutrition Fortification
- Promoting Groups/collectives ,Farmers--Schools,
- Mainstreaming Resilient Process integrating with Green Energy & School for Carbon minus
- Gearing Greening , local biodiversity conservation,
- Minimizing Distress Migration at source/destination
- Practicing Do No Harm , Peace, Community Harmony & Justice
- Citizen Action on climate Justice , Fair Climate Initiatives
- Preventing degradation, Desertification & Ecological Sustainability
- Mainstreaming DRR ,Minimizing loss of lives, infrastructures ,
- Undertake a circular economy and science-based approach to reinvent and innovate adaptation Process
- Climate Change Modeling , Institution building engaging multiple stake holders
- Enabling environment for elimination social stigma discrimination support health system
- Result Based Management Training , Study, Research & capacity building, connecting to networking,
UDYAMA has inspired by actions, demonstrated evidence based initiatives on sustainable livelihoods and environmental richness working directly with community in engaging partner NGOs and carved out good learning on resilience processwith strong evidence on micro-development perspectives & protecting land mass from degradation, utilizing ecologically sensitive indigenous and alternative methods for land & water utilization, rejuvenation followed by adoption green energy, biomass conservation can help to achieve important prerequisites for environmental sustainability & livelihoods empowerment on enterprising mode with following initiatives:
- Community led Livelihoods Resilience & Model building on Sustainable Agriculture, local-biodiversity-conservation, preventing degradation, promoting Micro-Water conservation initiatives on IANRM ,Accelerating household Sanitation, Nutrition, Hygiene & bringing forest to farm
- Life Skill Development , income diversification of ultra poor ,entrepreneurships ,Advocacy towards City Resilient program integrating Green Energy and Gearing Greening Promoting Eco-prenureship towards environmental sustainability , Implementing Minimizing Adverse impact of Distress Migration ,Networking, Citizen Action on climate Justice involving Women , Children and multi stakeholders towards mainstreaming DRR and Institution building,
- Ancestral Technology & Practices
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
- Audiovisual Media
- Behavioral Technology
- Blockchain
- Crowdsourced Service / Social Networks
- GIS and Geospatial Technology
- Imaging and Sensor Technology
- Internet of Things
- Software and Mobile Applications
- Virtual Reality / Augmented Reality
Theory of Change is to trigger the localization-process to achieving SDGS in order to maximize production-productivity-innovation and inclusion-process that will minimize-risks. It is reported that food & water insecurity, conflict & distress migration will be more, peace will be destroyed, fragmented . But things will be improved soon with added vigor & vitality if there will be more response, readiness for people and planet. This crisis of COVID-19 & climate-crisis have given huge-opportunity to rethink , educate our children, farming community and even our cultural-customs & to realign with social, economic and environmental-sustainability as crises are cascading. Thus need to recover and build-back better & work forward to resilient -livelihoods & institution building and promote culture-nature-science based-solutions to accelerate to enhance immunity ,efficiency with better-nutrition, health-boosters, safe-water, hygiene,sanitation & building capacities on social-cultural-natural-ecological-economical-capital in order to improve wellbeing in maximizing-risk-informed resilent-development as global solidarity is crucial to leave no one behind in focusing health systems, food system, WASH system, immunity system, education system simultaneously with regard to economies & livelihoods for all and bring innovative partnerships to ensure interventions go to scale and efforts to prevent transmission reach down at community & people first “The Future We Want” with planned recovery plans and local disaster risk reduction strategies as per SDGs startegies. Because Climate change, one of the biggest challenges for the 21st century is a key factor in the increase of extreme events disasters & the poorest countries. Thus a resilient livelihoods along with natural resources comprises of land, water, forest and biodiversity resources along with acceleration & augmentation of better immunity is greater focus of pathways to resilient livelihoods Further connecting to green energy, circular economy , refurbish & reuse of waste , low emission development initiative may support the sustainable consumption production , market, green procurement, safe shelter for changing the lifestyle to ensure a sustainable community . Thus protecting land mass from degradation, utilizing ecologically sensitive indigenous and alternative methods for land & water utilization, rejuvenation conservation can help to achieve important prerequisites for environmental sustainability & livelihoods empowerment on enterprising mode .
- Women & Girls
- Pregnant Women
- Infants
- Children & Adolescents
- Elderly
- Rural
- Peri-Urban
- Urban
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- Refugees & Internally Displaced Persons
- Minorities & Previously Excluded Populations
- Persons with Disabilities
- 1. No Poverty
- 2. Zero Hunger
- 3. Good Health and Well-Being
- 4. Quality Education
- 5. Gender Equality
- 6. Clean Water and Sanitation
- 7. Affordable and Clean Energy
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
- 10. Reduced Inequalities
- 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
- 12. Responsible Consumption and Production
- 13. Climate Action
- 15. Life on Land
- 16. Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
- 17. Partnerships for the Goals
- India
- Bangladesh
- Bhutan
- Nepal
It is serving to 12000 households now we expect our project will serve 60000 in number directly & close to .6 million in directly
Goal is to trigger localzation process , bring sustainable communitites with process, program . This program will create a pathways to resilient livelihoods with solid evidences on adaptation on following issues & to bring innovation & change with greater collaboration with multiple stakeholders towards health systems, food system, WASH system, immunity system, education system with regard to economies & livelihoods for all.
Food Security, Social Security and Well-being issues: Access to health, education, drinking water & sanitation and nutrition security breaking down the immune system, diseased, feeble, looking short
- Livelihoods: Issues of farmers and farming communities; post harvest loss, market linkage for forest produce & support forest dependent communities; artisans; wage labourers including migrant labourers; issues related to skill building in different livelihood sectors; skill promotion & employment generation,
- Development of tribal and other marginalized communities for entitlements, poor enterprise, market linkage establishment, value addition of agro-produce and sustainability
- Climate Change & Global Warming ,Disaster Risk Reduction, Disaster Preparedness and Disaster Response & ecosystem service management.
- Deepening Governance on WASH, Energy, Hygiene , Carbon credit, land Management and Inclusive Growth
- Sustained capacity building & financing
- Networking & micro-macro linkage, Real Alignment of Climate Change, DRR, Environment , Desertification
- Recurrent Natural Disasters
- Poor Mainstream support
-Sustained Financing & Capacity building
-Frequent policy changes
- Poor Political will
There are several processes to overcome the barriers . fact that Odisha is endowed with rich natural resources and glorious cultural heritage. The long term stability in the Government over more than a decade in the State provides great opportunity for structural changes.It is evident that, development challenges in Odisha are a “many hands problem” and need a multi stakeholder approach. For too long the Government, the social sector and the private sector have been operating in isolation from each other with different priorities and agenda.
- create a platform for multiple stake holders like government, civil society, academia, research institutes and private sector for a shared understanding on the development challenges
- identify and prioritize issues for immediate, medium and long term action for the State in harmony with the globally agreed Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs);
- provide the Government with grassroots perspective and best practice solutions from the ground;
- build synergy between the Government, civil society organizations, research institutes and private sector for convergence and multi-stakeholder collaboration
The proposed initiative would facilitate larger participation of different stakeholders in the development process, inform people about the innovations & best practices, and influence the policies and programmes so as to achieve the goals as reflected in the SDGs.
- Stimulating public debate and creating an informed discourse around Sustainable Development Agenda 2030
- Articulation of a clear road map for addressing the development challenges
- Building an effective Collaborative framework
- Creation of an Institutional mechanism for follow-up;
- Devising an independent monitoring mechanism
- Nonprofit
UDYAMA strives four strategic pathways to resilient livelihood & risk reduction to contribute SDGs
- Private-Public-Partnership with various like-minded institutions/organizations for specific-themes
- Institution-Building & Process Development through social and economic empowerment
- Facilitating to enabling environment for risk-reduction and livelihood promotion
- Program-diversity with value-based-assurance and insurance.
With our steady and sustained effort on resilient-development-process, UDYAMA has bagged UNECOSOC status, Accredited to UN-Global-Compact, UN-CONGO, UNISDRR, 10YFP-UNEP,CTCN, STP,SBC,SFS, UNFCCC, GEF, UNCCD,CIVICUS, ESP, WOCAT, UNURBAN-GATE-WAY, Global-Citynet ,GWP ,UN FAO,IFAD, GCF,stakeholders ’forum, NIOS, GoI-NPO , TISS-CSR HUB, IICA, FICCI, CII, WCC weAdapt, CANSA,GNDRR, ACCCRN, WSSCC, End EWP, SAMHITA, SWA, CAF, GCF,CDRN, AADRRN, GACC, CLEAN ,SPHERE-India. Water-Allies.
There will be maximum 50 persons will the team.
- One Secretary will be supported by five thematic professional, one accountant, one adminstration & support staff
- Five part time thematice consultants/advisors
-Five professional thematic Managers supported by one coorodinators
-Each Coordinators will be supported by two front line wokers
- Each fronline coordinators will be supported by two community resource persons
A proffesional team is necessary to undertake this huge resonsibility. One Secretary will be supported by five thematic professional, one accountant, one adminstration & support staff will be at Head quarter with frequent field visits
- Five part time thematice consultants/advisors- will be maximum time at field & during review /reflention all will be in hearquarter.
-Five professional thematic Managers supported by one coorodinators: all will be at different fields
-Each Coordinators will be supported by two front line wokers- at field/ operational areas
- Each fronline coordinators will be supported by two community resource persons- al villages
UDYAMA is working with department of Agriculture , Government of Odisha and ICRISAT towards Science led livelihoods and accelerating production and productivity, soil mapping and crop planning with added demonstration, capacity development where DDAs of Nayagarh, Boudh & Jagatsingpur
• there has good demonstration of Pigeon pea for an areas of 500 Hactars, Ground nut 200 Hact, pady for an area of 100 Hactars, at Boudh
• In Nayagarh , there will be sixty Demos & for Jagatsingpur 100 demonstrations done in collaboration with DDAs ,
• DDM of NABARD from Nayagarh & Bolangir are supporting for promoting FPOs with added skill building and building collectives and marketing of Agro Products.
• For DRR and risk reduction with Global Network for Civil Societies for disaster-risk-reduction ( GNDR) & member of National Focal Point and South Asia
• Food , Nutrition & livelihoods Resilience with Sustainable-food-Systems powered by FAO and UNEP- Under SCP-10YFP now it is One planet Network & Integrated Natural Resource Management with WOCAT & UNCCD
• Micro-Watershed & Resource conservation under micro project with WOTR & INNEC & NABARD has awarded a micro watershed in Dasapalla block of Nayagarh
• Nutrition & Food Security with Coalition of Food and Nutrition Security, New Delhi
• Promoting Farmers Producers Organisation, institution building, Marketing linkage establishment with NABARD & guided by SVA & FICCI
• For Sustainable livelihoods & fair climate and Post harvest &Agri-business, ICCO Netherlands
• Promotion of Green Energy Solar water lift, Village Solar-Lighting with CLEAN & MNRE,
The whole crux of business model is to bring a broad based partnership towards Demonstrating Community-based Rural Livelihoods Linking Water-Energy-Ecology-Empowerment-Entreprenuership in order to reduce drudgery, health hazards impacts resilient integrated livelihood models is that includes post harvest technology, prevent food loss, generaing assured-income support-immunity-system & health boosting ,bring- community-harmony.
- Building Community Assets & Promotion of ecosystem-based climate change resilient integrated livelihood models on sustainable food system
- Enabling Environment & Setting up an institutional process for learning, management and sustainability
- Impacts on communities: creation and/or capacity, benefits interms of rising income especially for women folks from farm & nonfarm based products , bring gender equality,
- Social benefits in enabling environment for income enhancement entrepreneurial/employable skills ,
- Envirnmental benefits by availing carbon credit from community biodiversity, local forest ,
- Environmental impacts on to conserve ecosystem and services Carbon impacts reduction , accessing carbon credits over the lifetime of the project
- Other benefits that Drought Mitigation, Resource conservation, protection of Environment and addressing Climate change, Alliance building/facilitating collective actions emerged as an important prerequisite to address the complex web of poverty and environmental sustainability .
- Strengthening Community Forest Management efforts for all is the highlight and this has become Overwhelming Response & wide spreading and expanding,
- Benefit without investment :Good amount of fertile silt-forest-manure and large amount of biomass- thatwill helps to get soil carbon curtailing expenses on fertilizer . Important thing that flow water will vbe available in the rivulets for longer period and double crops naturally wii be ensured.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
UDYAMA is practicing community-resilience , aims towards strengthening and building-capacities of local-communities towards rejuvenating-human-ecological-social-economical capital & well-being-improvement with a view to changing the culture of cultivating-solutions with time honored improved technology transformation with well articulated development-communication incorporating inclusion, innovations to address next development challenges. becuace Odisha is in hot spot of all disasters & it has impacted recurrenly starting from COVID-19 Pandemic & climate crisis.
Climate-change is likely to increase mass-migration, to put increasing strain on health-systems due to an increased incidence of disease, threaten food and water-security, lead to loss of shelter, land, livelihoods and culture, not to mention the threat of conflict. However, the climate-change debate has, so far, given little attention to human rights aspects. The most severe effects of climate-change will occur in the poorest-countries .There will be more natural-catastrophes in future. But these will not always involve horrific headlines and images of hurricanes and tsunamis. More commonly and will be cumulative and unspectacular. People who are already vulnerable will be disproportionately-affected. Slowly and incrementally, land will become too dry to till, crops will wither, rising sea-levels will undermine coastal-dwellings and spoil-freshwater, species will disappear, livelihoods will vanish. Mass-migration and conflicts will result. Climate-change will, in short, have immense human consequences.This concept will create opportunities for meaningful-collaboration and synergy building among the Government, Civil-Society-Organizations, Corporate-Houses, Research Institutions and Donor-Communities to have dialogue on the developmental challenges and collectively agree upon a common-agenda to strategically overcome those challenges in the State to contribute to achieving SDGs .
- Business model
- Solution technology
- Product/service distribution
- Funding and revenue model
- Legal or regulatory matters
- Monitoring and evaluation
- Marketing, media, and exposure
UDYAMA is an enbling organization with an emotional relationship with communities & working community-resilience-process and a lot to do .,udyama&ei=aOh4XuzwNpDgz7sPwoyUsAY&start=50&sa=N&ved=2ahUKEwjsxKrChrHoAhUQ8HMBHUIGBWY4KBDy0wN6BAgLEDQ&biw=1024&bih=489
The enhanced learning outreach UDYAMA is deeply advocating localize the SDGs and pursuing for local action towards risk informed resilient development,carbon sequestration, adaptation . UDYAMA envisages local action on food, water, sanitation & nutrition improvement & to undertake sustainable education, procurement, Eco- tourism & settlement & circular economy.
UDYAMA is embarking on citizen-actions on mainstreaming resilience building, green growth with the framework of UNISDRR, UNFCCC, UNCCD, UNEP in order to maximizing benefit of readiness, better restoration of livelihoods infrastructure rehabilitation at community , ecosystem -& nature-based solutions, wise-water-use, bringing small innovations in livelihoods infrastructure, skill-building, undertaking peace and harmony .
UDYAMA has kept on sustained effort to minimize loss, damages & capitalizing mainstream resources impact to livelihoods of small holdings through partnership for people & planet
Global Climate Fund,
Biodiversity Internation
Global Environment Facility
UDYAMA has undertaken huge responsibility of addressing distress migration & displaces communities at source & distination. it is number of close to one million. Job UDYAMA has completed starting from identification, registration,catalysation, Prosion of ID card for safe displace with adequate skill builng for enhancing capability for dinified & decent work. This process has endorsed by local governance system and local authoritites. This activity has undertaken in high distress migration, resource poor areas of western Odisha and scaled it to entire India.
since inception, UDYAMA one of the organisations has led by Women as President. Focus has given to women-folks with added skill-building, making in collectives, importance in agro-ecology-development , user groups. there are more and specific programs that has implemented in community resilience-programs . there has a huge-impacts on social, agro-ecological group building and resilience building:
Rise in women in Agriculture as a shifting-trend in rural agricultural-based livelihood, Net increase in the incomes of women from farm and non-farm based interventions , benefit-maximisation through adoption of innovative farming and non farming-practices, Increased-soil health and fertility to sustain agriculture-based-livelihoods, Improved food and nutritional-security of women and their families & enhanced income , Increase in area under cultivation, cropping intensity and food production by women ,Strengthening of community Institutions for better management and control of resources , Development of resource pool of facilitators ,Drudgery reduction for women in agriculture through use tools / technologies , Community-adaptation measures evolved to reduce vulnerability ,Enabling environment for income enhancement entrepreneurial/employable skills , Establishing effective network among stakeholders and initiate citizen action , process for availing carbon credit from community biodiversity, local forest ,Added value: creation of jobs, improved nutrition, gender equality, This platform has helped to raise the relative profile and positioning of women collectives and to disseminate learning to decision makers to guide regional, national policies and public investment schemes in natural resource management sector. · 2011-4-6!enclosure=.5b66b8e3&ad=1,
During last FANI Cyclone UDYAMA has used AI & drones for quick accurate dammage assesment as part of humanitarian respose in Puri distrct last year in May 2019. it had receive very good response from government and UDYAMA with Hunanitarian Aiid Internation did this initiatives follwd by gujuart & assam flodd damage assessment.
Very recently UDYAMA with HAI in collaboration of Bhubaneswar Municiplaity Corporation took the AI & drones for area sanitization of entire bhubaneswar municipality. Further locating place for persons stranded, crowded and provide immediate essentials at quarantine places and to find critical gaps and to find solutions to support the realities. It has received good respose with acurate and time saving responsed with immediate effect.
Looking at whole gamut of COVID-19 now & further vulnerability mitigation there has need for AII & drone usage for mass sanitation to bring stable and virus free zones s it is having short &long term action to make community resilient and stand enough towards sustainable communitites & to meet the forth coming health hazards & crisis of climate change induced diseases & vulneabilitites

Secretary & Co-Founder