In Myanmar, there are very few part time jobs for students, which is an obstacles for them to become skilled professionals. Therefore, youth find difficulties in getting a decent job due their lack of practical skills .We, Opp:bridge, will bridge this gap by creating job opportunities by creating and introducing part-time culture to the local business owners and providing students with the opportunities which they all have been hungry for. As the result of our work we expect these results:
1.Students will get paid and they will be able to develop themselves into skillful professionals.
2.They will get practical experience in their specific fields and the real culture of the workplace, so that they can prepare themselves before they do enter the workforce after graduation.
3. Skilled labor forces and human resources in Myanmar are developed significantly, filling both a need for students and businesses
4. As soon as the business men in Myanmar got familiar with the part-time and internship culture, more professional opportunities are waiting for the younger generation of the country will be available.