Rwandan Aquaponics Network
The problem being addressed is malnutrition and food insecurity.To solve this problem, establishing a model aquaponics farm at the Catholic University of Rwanda (CUR) which is in the village of Save (pop. fifty thousand) in the southern district of Huye in Rwanda is the goal. Through its outreach program and its food and nutrition faculty, it will involve the villagers of Save with many innovative ways and educational programs in the nature, benefits and operation of the aquaponics farm. Through its business faculty CUR will develop an entrepreneurship curriculum specific to hydroponics and RAN and CUR will seek funds for villagers to start small family aquaponic farms. These small aquaponic systems could be replicated throughout Rwandan villages and throughout Africa and the world. CUR will share the plans for a model aquaponics system as well as its curriculums specific to aquaponics with other universities throughout Africa
Save suffers from many problems typical of African countries: 38% of the children under 5 years suffer chronic malnutrition. 33% of the population experience food insecurity. And poverty levels are reaching 62% of the people who live on $1.25 per day. There is a lack of education which is reflected in their 30% illiteracy rate above the age of 15 years. These underlying problems are compounded by decades of agricultural practices which have left the soil depleted. Most poor and undeveloped nations have similar statistics globally. Malnutrition is a major factor that contributes to impaired child development, low IQ levels and poor overall health. This is attested to by many studies done by USAID, CRS, and United Nations’ organizations. Aquaponics is an integrated approach to efficient and sustainable intensification of agriculture that meets the needs of water scarcity. It has been applied globally and proven its effectiveness in sustainable food production. A successful aquaponics farm coupled with an integrated aquaponics curriculum from elementary to university levels, would help resolve the myriad of problems affecting the collective health and well-being of the villagers of Save and other villages in Rwanda.
Our solution is to eliminate the malnutrition problem in Save and beyond. In the past year RAN and CUR have done extensive research on aquaponics and have partnered with Roger Shaw, the founder and operator of the highly successful Lake View fish farm in western Rwanda. He has visited the CUR campus and has written a detailed business plan for the construction of the model aquaponics farm initially beginning with two to four fish tanks with 800 gallons capacity. The plan also includes a greenhouse, solar panels and the equipment and supplies needed to raise fingerling Tilapia(fish) to market size adults. The other essential solution is the development of integrated curriculums from elementary to university levels in both vocational and academic areas that are either specific or related to aquaponics. This solution also involves outreach programs to involve villagers in the aquaponics farm at CUR. Aquaponics is a proven and successful biotechnology that along with education will help solve nutritional as well as other problems that malnutrition fosters. The long range solution to malnutrition is to apply this educational aquaponics model on a global level.
Our Solution is aimed to serve the developmental needs of the villagers of Save who are largely composed of subsistent family farmers. Through a diverse outreach program which will include: monthly educational visits to the aquaponics farm at CUR
for elementary and secondary students, workshops in aquaponics for elementary and secondary school teachers and village leaders, ongoing educational tours for families and small groups, development of a vocational course in aquaponics in secondary schools. CUR and Ran will seek funds and grants from Government and private foundations small aquaponic farms for families and family cooperatives. These initiatives of
village outreach in education and funding resources will give the people of Save a sense of hope and self confidence in participating in their own development. CUR’s main mission is to serve the needs of the Save village. This aquaponic/educational project will contribute to fulfill the practical, social, and educational needs of the people CUR serves and could be applied throughout Rwanda and beyond.
- Support small-scale producers with access to inputs, capital, and knowledge to improve yields while sustaining productivity of land and seas
A successful aquaponics farm, operated in partnership between students and faculty, will stimulate interest among an ever-widening audience of villagers, some of whom will initiate building their own aquaponics farms, either as individuals or as community groups. Provisions to assist such entrepreneurial undertakings will be developed with the help of RAN and CUR. CUR will use some excess food produced to research and develop methods to prepare, package, preserve and market their products. A culinary arts and food science program may be developed, leading to various jobs and opportunities for students. CUR may become a Regional Aquaponics Training Center.
- Concept: An idea being explored for its feasibility to build a product, service, or business model based on that idea