- Pre-Seed
Uganda has the second youngest population (48.3%) in the world. Establish! seeks to provide an alternative to the government provided educational model to equip the young people who have dropped out of formal education systems with business development and incubation skills using technology as a vehicle.
Establish! seeks to build an online and mobile platform to offer high quality skills based education for business incubation and growth to young people from 16 to 24 years who dropped out of the formal education systems in Uganda.
Uganda bureau of statistics suggests that nearly 30% of female and 21% of male youth of secondary school age are secondary school dropouts. Establish! intends to focus on this proportion of youth who are not currently participating in the education system and who are, therefore, missing out on the benefits of school. It is assumed that this group has the basic literacy and interest to navigate though the e-learning platform
The online and mobile learning hub will with end users collaboratively develop a competence based learning model based on the 21st century learning skills that will be designed to provide the most relevant skills for business development and or growth. It will provide its learners the opportunity to plan for their lessons based on their business skill training needs and provide the required instruction that will yield growth in the needed skill set. It will also provide the necessary assessment of the competency of the learner based on the needed skill set. Certification at graduation of learners will be a reality too for those who would otherwise have not got an opportunity to proceed with formal education.
The e-learning platform will also provide mobile business health and position tools to enable the learners perform basic business tasks such as invoicing, receipting and basic book keeping.
On successful application of this e-learning platform in Uganda it will be scaled up to other countries with similar characteristics as these that Ugandans learners will demonstrate. Opportunities to include additional learning outcomes outside the business skills will be sought too after the successful pilot
Establish! seeks to solve the challenge of "access" to high quality skills based business education for secondary school drop outs though an online and mobile learning hub. Through this e-learning platform learners will be given an opportunity to receive the benefits of a formal education using an accredited learning process and program.
This program seeks to provide a disruptive capacity building solution based on the 21st Century skills that open up livelihood options for the nearly 30% of female and 21% of male secondary school dropouts in Uganda.
Establish! seeks to change livelihoods, improve communities and transform standards of living of secondary school drop outs through business education. In order to achieve this we seek grow the number of school dropout business initiatives as well as increased access to formal business development and growth networks. This will be achieved by the increase in the number of beneficiaries practicing 21st Century business skill offered on a mobile and online platform in Uganda.
The major assumption here is that the school dropouts will be able and interested to use and online and mobile platform to pursue a skill based educationIn the pilot Establish! will change livelihoods, improve communities and transform standards of living of 500 secondary school drop outs through a 21st century business competency skills curriculum provided on an online and mobile platform.
Track the alumni through a tracer study using the online and mobile education platform using a questionnaire - 500 school dropouts will have or in the process of starting a business initiative
Track the numbers of beneficiaries completing the online course - 1000 beneficiaries will have taken the online and mobile 21st Century business development skills course
Track the numbers of beneficiaries using the online platform provided networks for business development and growth - 100 beneficiaries are using the business development and growth networks to enhance their business
- Adult
- Low-income economies (< $1005 GNI)
- Secondary
- Urban
- Sub-Saharan Africa
- Consumer-facing software (mobile applications, cloud services)
- Digital systems (machine learning, control systems, big data)
- Management & design approaches
In Uganda the most sought for education provider of choice is the Government of Uganda. However suggests that, the the part of the population seeking this government education are seeking an outdated education curriculum.
Establish! Seeks to introduce 21 century business skills enshrined in a competency based education model and provide it free in order to encourage millions of beneficiaries to access it online as well as via mobile.
Establish! Will deploy the have a team of school dropouts be part of the curriculum and online education system research, development and implementation. They will be involved in idea generation, product testing and scaling up the implementation of the workable solution.
The school dropouts will give the Establish! team an opportunity to calibrate the prototype of the online education system as it is developing and to provide useful actionable feedback.
The online and mobile education system will be offered free of charge to the public.
The Establish! team will seek opportunities to appeal to the CSR departments of telecommunications companies to provide free mobile access to it's subscribers (our beneficiaries) to consume our services. Other opportunities will be sought to enable Establish! become a viable and sustainable entity.
- 0 (Concept)
- Non-Profit
- Uganda
- Less than 1 year
- 18+ months
- 6-12 months
- Technology Access
- Future of Work
- 21st Century Skills
- Online Learning
- Secondary Education