Ancient traditional Natural Farming
In India the usage of chemical pesticides and fertilizers is very high in order to produce more yield. But this creating Agri pollution, Water Pollution and spoiling the fertility of land. We want to propose Indian Traditional Natural Farming which helps in reductions of chemical pesticides and fertilizers. If the Natural Farming is promoted and if scaled globally farmers investment on cultivation will decrease. The pollution will reduce. This can be done by grouping the farmers as an organisation and teach them about the techniques of Natural Farming. We also can provide mini processing plants for their produce and give access to the market to increase their incomes because natural farming produce has high value of nutrients. So, this increase the value of their products and reduce the carbon emissions and agri pollution all over the world.
In India almost 11 crores of farmers are their, in this 90% of the farmers are small farmers who has less then 2 acres of land. They need huge investment for chemical pesticides and fertilizers and for farm machineries. So, they taking loans from local financiers at 15 to 18% interests which is huge for small farmers. After the produce they has to sell their farm produce to middleman or a local dealer for below market price. After that the middleman will sell this produce to wholesalers, traders etc. All the hard work of the small farmers was ending of profits earning by the middleman. Farmer is getting cheated by every one . This is the biggest reason of Farmers suicides. In order to earn profits farmers using high chemical fertilizers and pesticides which helps in development of yield. But lack of awareness they adopting these type of agriculture practices. This farm production has dangerous chemicals that effects humans, animals and environment directly. Soil fertility will be reduced and future generation has to face crisis in all factors. Because Farming has a huge demand in future which population is increasing were as farming is decreasing.
India traditional Natural Farming mainly contains of four formulas such as 1)Bijamrita(Seed treatment using desi cowdung and cow urine), 2)Jiwamrita(applying inoculation made of local desi cowdung and urine), 3)Mulching(activities to ensure favorable microclimate in the soil), 4)Waaphasa(soil aeration). This four sutras help in reduction of chemical fertilizers and pesticides and helps in providing natural fertility to soil and plantation to produce more yield. This helps small farmers to reduce their farm investments and debts which will also help in reduction of agri pollution. The agri produce through natural farming will have high nutrient values and very good for human health. we can promote the idea by creating farmers organisations and clubs by creating awareness to achieve the target. We can also provide mini processing units to these groups and provide access to market which helps in maximization of their profits. The produce of natural farming will have huge demand. So, that with this solution we can decrease the chemical usage,Agri Pollution, Farmers investments and can increase yield capacity, Nutrients of produce, Soil fertility and farmers income and environmental sustainability. By providing small environmental friendly food processing units will help farmers to produce and market their products which increase their profits.
My solution serve small farmers in reduction of agri investments like chemical fertilizers and pesticides. This helps environment in reduction of agri pollution which chemicals emits green house emissions. The collection of cow dung and urine will help additional income to farmers and can be sold for large farmers at a low price to promote natural farming. The Natural farming is very good and proved farming practices in ancient India. The best example is how forests provide such a huge plantation without any usage of chemical pesticides and fertilizers. So, Natural farming helps small farmers economical development and environment friendly. This idea helps millions of farmers, Earth, animals and environment.
- Improve supply chain practices to reduce food loss, scale new business models for producer-market connections, and create low-carbon cold chains
By creating Farmers as a groups or associations or organisations we can teach and make awareness programs in order to adopt natural farming techniques. We will show the models and explains the market demand and environment crisis through promotions. So, that we can change the environment and helps in increasing the farmers economical growth through innovative sustainable solutions. The additional income of cowdung and urine collection to provide to large farmers and global supply can also promoted.
- Pilot: An organization deploying a tested product, service, or business model in at least one community
- A new application of an existing technology
Indian Traditional Natural Farming is a proved theory and solution is taken from nature not from any form of man made chemicals or from other planet. The method is simple and can easily adopted by farmers. The cow dung & urine and mulching can be easily done available. We can also collect from desi dairy farmers and sell it for lower price. The produce of the product will have high nutrients and yield which increases the profits of farmers and helps environment. This solution has a huge positive elements and highly practically proved elements with a sustainable goal. This make the idea unique.
Our core technology is Nature, cow and promotion. No need of machine interventions. Simple, cheap and productive. only technology needs for farmer groups is to cultivate their produce and sell it in market
Indian finance minister promoted this idea at many states. This helps in adoption of natural farming by many farmers and experienced high yielding and high quality of the produce. We promoted plantation of cashew nut, pineapple, millets and jackfruit through natural farming in 10000hac in Seetampeta mandal, Srikakulam, Andhra Pradesh, India, which has high yield and produces high quality.
- Ancestral Technology & Practices
- Manufacturing Technology
Farmers are the backbone of the country. But due to their unavoidable situations of debt, middleman involvement and to increase their yield farmer is compromising for short term benefits through chemical fertilizers and pesticides for farm practices. This effecting the sustainable growth of the farmers and effecting environment and agripollution. So, this effecting future generation and earth which has to solve urgently. But how can we reduce the investment of farmers debts and middleman involvements. The best and easy solution is natural farming which is very easy and good for environment. This solution helps in bring social impact and sustainable growth for farmers, environment, earth and also decrease water pollution which fisheries are deeply effected.
- Women & Girls
- Rural
- Urban
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- 1. No Poverty
- 2. Zero Hunger
- 3. Good Health and Well-Being
- 5. Gender Equality
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
- 13. Climate Action
- 15. Life on Land
- 17. Partnerships for the Goals
- India
This solution is serving more than 10000 farmers. In 1 year we can support 25000 farmers and by 5 years we can support more than 1 million farmers.
We want to promote many farmers clubs and organisations. So that we have an opportunity to create awareness for millions of farmers in India. In 5 years we can achieve more than 1 million farmers if we have proper assistance in promotion of the solution. Their are 10000 farmer clubs in India. Now its very easy to reach farmers clubs and to promote the solution.
Technology and Funds are the main problems inoder to achieve the target. The financial barrier is the biggest and basic problem in achieving our target.
We are requesting many CSR founders and European agencies to support finically and technological to promote the solution in order to bring social impact.
- Nonprofit
Presently Three people working. N.Sanyasi Rao Director of Arts, N.Anoop Associate, K.Priyanka Associate.
- Organizations (B2B)