- Pre-Seed
Agroforge is an agricultural hub for introduction and continuous learning of agri enterprise development.
Agroforge is an innovative center for skill acquisition of Good Agricultural Practices and highly productive new technologies with special focus on aeroponics and hydroponics.
The center reaches out to financially disadvantaged young people who could not afford high education. It also reaches out to physically challenged and other vulnerable groups, empowering them with neccesary wealth creation skills in relation to Agribusiness and agro enterprise.
A special scholarship is also given to women.
The center provides services for everyone who want to learn a thing or the other, however not at scholarship rate like the previous categories.
The advantages of Agroforge include(and not limited to), youth empowerment, on going learning situations, reduces poverty rate, food security in communities and a provision of hitherto scarce skills particularly in this part of the world.
The center offers training in both online and physical formats.
Agroforge trains disadvantaged and physically challenged youths on 21st century agricultural skills.
It also ensures for women empowerment, giving special slots for this purpose.
AGROFORGE also serves as a center of continuous learning for people of all ages and backgrounds.
Overall aim of havinga secured future for the younger generation involves equipping such skills necessary, which have to be on various fields; in this case agriculture.
This in turn provides source of income for them and their families, aside providing food security.
Growth is monitored by number of families affected by the scheme among other indicators
Agroforge Will equip people with necessary agricultural skills needed for food security
Young people in rural communities, plus unemployed urban youths will be engaged.
Trainees are exposed to manufacturing and will develop farm processors and equipment which are relevant to their immediate communities
Farm centers will be located at various settlements based on comparative advantage, at this centers selected youth will be exposed to agribusiness training, technology know how and Good Agricultural Practices.
Have a register of all participants - 1000 people trained on GAP, agribusiness and use of machinery and equipment
Keep inventory of equipment produced and sales - Techincal studebts fevelop relevant locally produced equiomnent and machine
Have a register if names plus income generated - Train active agriculturists and graduates under the continuous learning scheme
- Adolescent
- Adult
- Upper middle income economies (between $3976 and $12275 GNI)
- Bachelors
- Male
- Sub-Saharan Africa
- Agricultural technology
- Manufacturing & process optimization
This is a training center that teaches innovative agricultural technologies such as hydroponics, aeroponics; innovations which are not common in my part of the world.
In its uniqueness, it will thus serve two broad points; tranimg of youths and urban sustainability. The latter being that many of these centers will be sited in urban settlements.
These centers also runs a business model which allow for people to invest their funds in it.
A saying goes that it is better to teach a man how to fish than giving him a fish.
This even plays out more in a region there is large arar land but a dwindling farming population. Unemployment rates are high and the poverty can be seen in high proportions. Food they say is closely tied to poverty rate.
This innovation which thus stands to provide skills, improved livelihood, food security for engaged communities is not just some innovation, it is a winning model.
We will work with community based organisations and NGOs towards reaching our special focus group. While we also open up to other people in the region who will be trained not on scholarships.
- 0 (Concept)
- Nigeria
We have been involved in freelance agricultural consulting over time. We have helped people set up and manage farms, this has been yielding profits and it is at the point of formalising all aspects of the business.
The consulting arm will continue generating profit, while trainings for privileged individuals on latest technologies will add to income stream.
Also, we have farm (geoponics), products from which also serves as a source of income.
1. Capital toward acquiring such technologies
2. Land and space acquisition
- Less than 1 year
- 3-6 months
- 6-12 months
- 21st Century Skills
- Lifelong Learning
- Food Production
- Food Processing
Being a Solver helps me to leverage on the community extensive links with functioning sustainable agri technologies such as aeroponics, solar silos and other real and not assumed technologies needed in this part of the world. Thus, unleashing the potential of a generation and the coming ones.
Food security still remains key to stability and economic prosperity, becoming a solver will help in translating the experience I've garnered over the years as a researcher in an agricultural institute, consultant for agribusinesses and marketer of agro produce into a greater good.
Ron Omotunde (Mel Mellis Farm Resources)
Ayo Oyedotun (Afrimash Ltd)
Synergyblends Ltd
No major known competitor in the region.