Dense Nutritional Agriculture
All current agricultural practices bypass natures’ method of taking up nutrients to plants. Fewer minerals absorbed by the root system reduces the plants metabolic processes. The plants' immune system is weakened inviting pests. The resultant crop lacks probiotic bacteria, antioxidants, phytonutrients and minerals. Humans consuming those plants are malnourished with weak immune systems and open to infectious and non-infectious disease.
Plants have evolved through a symbiotic relationship with soil microorganisms. They have mutual dependencies and signal each other to satisfy their nutrient needs. The bacterial and fungal species provide the minerals needed to the plant.
Agriculture must respect this process and enable it by mimicking nature. The best approach is by replicating hundreds of critical soil microorganisms and inputting them into the soil.
Creating the microbiological technology to help plants grow naturally will provide all humans full dense nutrition, regenerate all environmental elements and halt global warming.
Current agriculture technologies depend on the input of macro nutrients into the soil, only focused on production. This is done directly by applying nitrogen, potassium and phosphorous or indirectly by using microorganisms to fix these same elements. Neither of these methods provide the truly needed nutrition to the plants and therefore, to humans. Plants like humans need many trace minerals daily.
In Ecuador there are 400,000 children under the age of 5 who have malnutrition. They mostly live in rural areas and this is similar throughout the world.
Small farmers focus on selling crops to markets and not producing their own foods, so they buy most of what they need from the same markets that they sell to, which primarily use macro technology. Children throughout the world suffer from malnutrition and under nutrition because the food lacks micro nutrients.
By using this innovative nutritional agricultural technology, farmers will see an increase of yield by 15% and a reduction in cost of production. This will result in two key results, greater freedom to plant gardens and also improve the nutrition of children and adults globally. The better the nutrition of all humans, the better their immune systems can thwart disease.
By using this innovative technology, farmers will see a yield increase of 15% and a reduction in cost of production. This will result in two key results, greater freedom to plant gardens and also improve the nutrition of children and adults globally. The better the nutrition of all humans, the better their immune systems can thwart disease.
The solution is to provide all farmers a true organic biological method to input hundreds of super soil microorganisms that will mineralize the plants in the exact way that the plants require. There are two ways, artisanal and the other is a production laboratory.
An artisanal produced biological compost will possess up to 100,000 species of bacteria and fungus, that when applied to the soil in the correct equilibrium, will guarantee that the plant is able to uptake all of the nutrients it needs.
The industrial method is to use a production laboratory that identifies and replicates the critical soil microbiology, per plant crop or in general, and to be applied to the soil and plant leaves. This is the better of the two processes because it is globally scalable. We have developed the laboratory protocols to accomplish this anywhere.
This technology will provide a maximum nutritional density to all consumers to guarantee robust immune systems to counter disease. Plants transduce the soils nutrients to human’s diets. The healthier the plants, the healthier the humans.
It will help all farmers improve their financial situations through lower costs, higher productivity and just market prices. By producing an all-in-one product, farmers will see immediate economic gains. By producing a crop that is certifiable organic ensures higher prices at the market. Small shareholders will see the greatest positive results since even a moderate improvement is significant and they can expect a 25% increase in revenue.
It will help the global environmental ecosystem through a reduction in irrigation water, improved soils, remediating the water system, regenerate flora and fauna and reduce global warming. By applying microbiology to the soil, the bacteria will remediate any existing chemical compounds in the soil and increase soil organic matter. It will require less water because the chemicals are slat based which absorb a great percentage of the irrigation. An environmentally friendly farm will help the biodiverse flora and fauna reproduce. By sequestering more soil carbon and eliminating nitrogen fertilizers, the earth can return to a natural carbon cycle.
- Promote the shift towards low-impact, diverse, and nutritious diets, including low-carbon protein options
There is no standard, uniform method for small-scale farmers to use. They are left up to their own devices to try and learn agroecology from university trained engineers who are skilled in chemicals and limited biological approaches. They desperately need a technology that is consistent, easy to apply and based on the true science of the relationship between the plant and soil.
This technology is an all-in-one solution for each crop in any climate, any soil, and in any environment. It is universally consistent because it mimics the exact way that nature works and produces excellent results each time.
- Growth: An organization with an established product, service, or business model rolled out in one or, ideally, several communities, which is poised for further growth
- A new technology
After WW2 ended, the bomb making materials potassium and phosphorous were diverted towards agriculture, with nitrogen being the third macro element. Since then, synthetic chemicals have dominated the agricultural inputs for soils led by three recently merged multinational corporations, Bayer/Monsanto, DOW/DuPont and ChemChina/Syngenta.
These industrial giants are a monopoly of agricultural technology that produce many thousands of chemical products that are primarily fertilizers, biocides (pesticides, fungicides and herbicides) and transgenic seeds. Biological organic technology have followed suit with hundreds of products also focused on the macro elements requiring the need for biocides for both technologies due to insufficient plant nutrition.
Plants need hundreds of trace minerals to deal with constant changing environmental conditions. Photosynthesis produces up to 100,000 unique sugar molecules for which the majority gets transmitted to the root system to attract tens of thousands of bacterial and fungal species. The microorganisms produce enzymes that frees up locked minerals in the soil aggregate of silt, clay and sand. Predator protozoa and nematodes consume the microorganisms and only use half of the energy with the rest being exuded to the roots. This complex system, evolved from the last 500 million years, is a continuous method for the plant to get all of the needed minerals from the soil for its many metabolic processes.
The solution that we propose is to increase the microbiological soil population to facilitate natures processes that will enable the plant to absorb all of the soils minerals, ensuring its health, growth and pest avoidance.
Our solution is to identify the tens of thousands of plants specific soil microorganisms, replicate and spray them back into the soil. This will guarantee that plants will be able to absorb all of the important trace minerals throughout a 24-hour cycle to get their needed nutrients for their metabolic processes, ensure their health and avoid all pests. The law of nature is that healthy plants never have pests, malnourished plants do.
Plants live in one place for their entire lives and must be able to manage all conditions to survive. To do this, they use more DNA than humans and produce their own amino acids to use a flexible metabolic system to adapt to climate and condition change.
To get small shareholder farmers started, the solution proposes and artisanal method using a biological compost to produce up to 75000 species of bacteria and 25000 species of fungus. The compost can be made from residual materials on any farm and is ready in 3-5 weeks. Once the compost is ready, a small sample is placed in a tank of water, mixed with a molasses, stirred and then sprayed. It is an aerobic microbiome which is perfect for all organic agriculture.
We have also developed a scalable industrial approach with the microbiological protocol Bio Targeting to identify the thousands of species of bacteria and fungus and Bio Catalyzation for replicating them. Both of these protocols are performed in a production laboratory that can produce thousands of liters of product per bioreactor.
For the past eight years, Sheldon Caref, has researched, written, and taught organic agriculture. He began his work with the Colombian agronomist Jairo Restrepo and Ignacio Simón, from Mexico, using anaerobic biologies. He then advanced his work with Dr. Elaine Ingham from the United States and Dr. Saul Molina, his associate, from Germany, working with large-scale aerobic microbes. In total, Sheldon Caref has taught and assisted many hundreds of campesinos throughout Ecuador in more than 20 rural pueblos and also university students in three universities. He has worked with communities and small shareholders in applying and testing the biological compost in multiple crops with multiple varieties that include: tomato, pepper, potato, heart of palm, African palm, roses, agave, sapote, cocoa, coffee, avocado, beans, onions, lettuces, corn, mango, banana, asparagus and sugar cane.
A formal scientific paper was written based on a three month rose trial, which is a very difficult crop to manage due to its sensitivities. The results were a 67% increase in buds, a 21% larger stem, and a 24% larger flower. We had similar experience in all the trials. In avocado we saw an improvement in flowering to fruiting percentage and an acceleration in fruiting. In potatoes, our experience was a no pest production with similar yields. We were able to eliminate fungus problems in banana, African palm, coffee and cocoa plants. Every test demonstrated at least a 15% improvement in production yield compared to no inputs and similar yields to chemicals without any other amendments.
- Ancestral Technology & Practices
- Biotechnology / Bioengineering
In 2013, fifty world class scientists wrote the UN Conference on Trade and Development Report titled, “Wake Up Before It Is Too Late”, in which they explained in great detail that the future of the human race depended on changing to agroecological farming practices, primarily with small shareholders.
The reasons were based on improving human nutrition, improving and using less water for irrigation, saving threatened species of flora and fauna and halting global warming for which industrial agriculture is the main culprit. The use of excessive nitrogen, which is totally unnecessary, the unsequestering of soil carbon with constant tillage, the application of chemical salts that both kill the soil microorganisms and absorb the irrigating water, the deforestation that removes trees that sequester carbon and the tremendous amount of land dedicated to cattle that also produce methane gas are the contributors to excessive greenhouse warming.
However, where will farmers turn to solve their economic problems and the crisis of society? The technology of today is controlled by a handful of multinational companies who also have a tremendous weight in decisions made by universities and ministries of agriculture. There are very few trained agricultural engineers who can complete a university study dedicated to true organic agriculture; it is done globally through artisanal means from grass root organizations.
The problem of transitioning industrial agriculture to organic cannot be left in the hands of untrained farmers or shareholders or of the commercial interests. It must be an organized effort supported by mainstream organizations. The report mentioned above was written seven years ago. How much has changed sine then? It is worse in every aspect.
The recent pandemic corona virus is an example of what the world faces in the near future with poor nutrition. People do not die from an inert virus but from the over-reaction of the weak immune system that attacks the very same cells it is meant to protect.
The development of a new and innovative technology is paramount for change. It must be encouraged, supported and enhanced throughout the world. The demand is high and the need is great.
- Children & Adolescents
- Elderly
- Rural
- Urban
- Poor
- Low-Income
- 1. No Poverty
- 2. Zero Hunger
- 3. Good Health and Well-Being
- 4. Quality Education
- 6. Clean Water and Sanitation
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 13. Climate Action
- 15. Life on Land
- Ecuador
- Ecuador
Currently our solution serves a multitude of communities in different parts of Ecuador in the provinces of Carchi and Imbabura. We have prepared a document on how to produce the compost and sent it out to many people on the internet. It is difficult to estimate but the current number is about 100 people.
In another year the number will increase to 400 farmers who we are actively working with in multiple communities. It is difficult to scale using artisanal methods because it takes a tremendous amount of communication, which requires intensive time to task and can only be done on a one to one basis, with only a few exceptions.
Within 5 years, the number will be in the thousands if we continue with the artisanal method and hundreds of thousands to many millions if we can get funding for a production laboratory.
Our near-term goal is to get funding for a modern production laboratory that can produce hundreds of thousands of liters of biological stimulants every month for tens of thousands of hectares of land within Ecuador. We want to produce a specific microbiological solution for each plant cultivated in Ecuador, that can also be used for the same plants anywhere in the world. Another part of the same plan is building a School of Regenerative Agriculture for Latin America based on our innovative thinking.
Within three years of the establishment of the laboratory and school, we will work with laboratories in other countries around the world in strategic alliances to produce and distribute the microbiological solutions per plant.
Our 5-year plan has several parts. The first is to have this technology widely accepted, used and enhanced in every agricultural country in the world. A successful, cost effective microbiological stimulant will help them transition to organic production rapidly. All producers want this now and the demand will be even greater if there is an economic crisis that makes it difficult to purchase expensive chemical or other biological products. Our solution will cost 70% less than any combination of products being used today for any crop.
The second part of the five year plan is to create a new model organic farm with adjacent technologies to further enhance the farmers ability to intelligently use the soil, the weather, choosing the right crops based on climate change, alternative energies, software program, instruments and tools.
The only barrier to accelerating this technology globally is funding and there are several reasons for this.
One of the reasons is that most of the research and development money is being used by the big monopoly multinational corporations to create profitable products with no regard to the impacts on humans or the environment. This is a very powerful lobby for research dollars. The same is true for universities since they get much of their grant funding by the same corporations. The same is true for government agencies. When they do this type of research, it is very narrowly positioned and is unconnected to commercial reality, so farmers would never know about it.
The second reason is one of access. This technology requires an understanding of how true agriculture works, the science. We have tested the artisanal methods and are using it every day and we can attest to its incredibly ability. We have developed a product with an artisanal laboratory with even better results but lack the funding to continue. Very few investors have the time or inclination to try to understand how the plant and soil at together. In addition, most investors are hard to be introduced. Foundations require a network introduction by someone known even though they all have web sites, they require a personal introduction.
Lastly, we are located in Ecuador where the interest rates for loans are very high, at 10-15% and require collateral. We could never meet those terms.
We have to find funding and we are aggressively seeking funding working with organizations in Ecuador that are working with banks in the US and Europe. We have written formatted profiles with an introduction letter and a detailed business plan to recover the investment within 5 years.
We have taken two approaches to the business plan, one is scalable for the world and the other a modified version for a limited approach that requires less funding.
In the last several years we have talked to many Non Governmental Organizations and other organizations that supposedly have money, only to find out that they were scams. The correct path is to work with the top banks on the world that are also interested in a new world based on organic agriculture.
- Hybrid of for-profit and nonprofit
There are seven people on the team with each having a specialized function yet all of us complement each other wish skills, experience and collaboration. None of us are paid and none of us are interested in a lucrative opportunity. we all want to make the world better and only expect to be paid a salary with benefits.
Sheldon Caref, MSc. is the team leader, an innovative thought leader and a scientific researcher in organic agriculture, an author of books, brochures and university courses on organic agriculture, organic nutrition and strategic alliances.
Dr. Saul Molina is scientific director and is the discoverer of biotargeting and biocatalyst protocols. He is an expert in biological crop control, a leading scientist in the German carbon sequestration project and a researcher in the area of crop pesticide resistance.
Dr. Ángel Leónidas Castillo Rueda has experience in Educational Management, is a Professor and director in educational institutions, Academic and Trainer of Proexcelencia, International Coaching Group and Provincial Director of Education of Imbabura.
Jeysonn Palma, MS. teaches and manages an experimental organic farm at the Carchi State Polytechnic University with experience in verifying organic products.
Carlos Moran, MBA. He will manage the production and shipping operations, he has experience as an industrial engineer in quality and production systems, university professor of food (product development) and administration (operations research) and manager of the food industry (liqueurs and preserves)
Rolando Navarrete, BS is the project finance manager with extensive experience in economic planning and strategic management, international consulting in innovative financial accounting instruments and development of artificial intelligence technology services.
Cristian Carrera is a lawyer and will lead Business Development with experience in coordinating agricultural communities with the execution, monitoring and evaluation of social and economic development projects and also representative of Ecuador Foundation for Social Development in Latin America and the Caribbean.
We are working with peasant farmers organizations but have not yet firmed up an agreement. We are socializing the concept with them now.
Our business model is to produce a microbiological solution for every crop cultivated in Ecuador and sell to all farmers with a sliding scale discount.
The production laboratory can produce 7 to 10 products per year and up to ten thousand liters of product per bioreactor per day. The product will be bottled in liter containers and sold directly to three different markets that are divided into segments within Ecuador. The poorest farmers, mostly women and their children, are the small shareholders that produce 70% of all vegetables, fruits, grains and nuts for local consumption. They deserve the greatest discount, a few points above the cost of production. They will buy the product because it is the most cost-effective solution for them.
The second segment are the producers that sell nationally and they are represented by community collectives and large growers. They would get a discount based on volume sales. They will buy the product because it works better than any competitive produce and is more cost effective.
The third group are the large plantations, owned by corporations and by wealthy individuals, they would pay full price. They will but the product because it will solve all of their pest problems and increase production yields.
All products will be patented globally to protect the business model. All profits will be either used to organically create more product or to build libraries and laboratories in high schools in rural areas. The leadership team will only receive a salary.
- Organizations (B2B)
Our technological solution is needed critically by the world for human nutrition to ensure an robust immune system, for the environment to regenerate all flora and fauna, to combat global warming by reducing nitrogen and carbon gases in the atmosphere and also through a an increased microbiome to sequester more carbon and for our water, through oxygenating the soil that uses 30% less irrigation.
Our hope is that Solve can help us advertise our solution or help us get funding. It is all about the science and technology and those that understand how true science when applied correctly produce the best technology.
- Funding and revenue model
- Board members or advisors
We would like to partner with any top 20 bank in the world, or any foundation dedicated to human health, the environment, global warming, impoverished women and children or any angel investor who sees the lucrative opportunity presented in this technological solution
Most rural farming is done by the women and children of the family unit.
The men are always looking for work outside of the family land, where they can make money in construction, local factories, day labor or by any other means. It is the women, by and large, who actually perform the work.
Most peasant family farms are 2-3 hectares and in order to do the work, it requires a delicate equilibrium of time to task for a great multitude of family budget that includes seeds, preparing the land, planting, irrigating, soil inputs, harvesting, taking the product to market, selling, developing agricultural knowledge, family gardens, managing the budget for healthcare, child education, equipment, maintenance, loans and community responsibilities. This is why most small family farms almost all include child labor.
Child labor is critical to an impoverished peasant family to make ends meet. It is also why most rural children never finish their primary education through high school. In Ecuador it is so common that one of the largest education programs is the continuing education for rural adults to finish high school.
By providing an economical, all in one soil input to the poorest rural families, it assures then that they will not be burdened by the high costs of the multinational products.
This product can improve family finances by $300-600 per hectare per crop which eradicate extreme poverty. Ecuadorian rural areas have an average income of $60-75 per month and there are 400,000 children with malnutrition.

Organic Agriculture Investigator, Author and Teacher