UrbanSpark SpA
An online Classroom platform will be implemented focused on teaching ICT and digital marketing with proposed activities and achievable challenges as the training progresses. The trainings will be presented in video capsules associated with each of the topics, starting with what are ICTs, where are ICTs used, what is the impact of ICTs on our daily lives, what are the fundamental principles of marketing, what It is digital marketing, how to develop marketing campaigns, useful tools for marketing, Tools for Instagram, Facebook, website development with Wordpress and SEO. With this educational technological solution, the competitive development of women will be leveled to overcome existing barriers, seeking to encourage them to develop their own business and carry out digital marketing to insert themselves in companies in the area or to promote their own businesses that need their services.
Reduce the digital and technological gap between men and women. A gap is access to computers and Internet connection, according to people's sociodemographic characteristics. Another is related to the intensity and variety of uses and is determined by the capacities and abilities generated by individuals to use the equipment and resources of the new technological paradigm.
The second gap affects women more intensely since they are in a clearly disadvantaged position since they make more restricted use and carry out activities that require less technological skill. Understanding the process by which this second digital gender gap has been configured and persists is crucial for designing strategies that can reverse this disadvantageous insertion of women in the digital economy.
Greater and better participation of women will generate benefits for society as a whole. Their training in the ICT area will enhance creativity, skills and competitiveness in the technological sectors, in addition to increasing the existing capacities in the countries of the region, achieving the critical mass of ICT professionals more quickly, which will facilitate development of the national and regional digital economy.
The implementation of a Classroom-type online platform focused on teaching ICT and digital marketing with proposed activities and achievable challenges as the training progresses. The trainings will be presented in video capsules associated with each of the topics, starting with what are ICTs, where are ICTs used, what is the impact of ICTs on our daily lives, what are the fundamental principles of marketing, what It is digital marketing, how to develop marketing campaigns, useful tools for marketing, Tools for Instagram, Facebook, website development with Wordpress and SEO.
Finally, a database will be incorporated with the registry of all the women who are part of this platform, which will be followed up to measure the impact of their new skills and their incorporation into the creation of a community, which It will have the objective of constant support among women and will enable a communication channel to share both experiences and business opportunities.
In Latin America, women present an unemployment rate of 7.9% and men 5.6%. This difference is maintained despite the need of women to enter the labor market. Women are in a more precarious situation and with lower remuneration. In the different occupational categories, men have a much greater presence. Women participate in a smaller proportion in salaried work and one in ten (10.7%) is employed in domestic service, while for men this percentage is minimal (0.5%).
With this educational technological solution, the competitive development of women will be leveled to overcome existing barriers, seeking to encourage them to develop their own business and carry out digital marketing to insert themselves in companies in the area or to promote their own businesses that need their services. This will strongly impact them by achieving mastery of technological tools and will favor their confidence and the well-being of their family, strengthening the ability to believe in themselves and to transmit to their peers the breakdown of certain paradigms that have been carried on for generations, since Thanks to the creation of a community, they will see that they will never be alone again and will have the support of their peers.
- Strengthen competencies, particularly in STEM and digital literacy, for girls and young women to effectively transition from education to employment
The main problem is the digital gap between marginalized men and women, since they present, comparatively, a lower level of technological skill, which means that women do not have the same technical training as men, since although they have a lot of potential , this is not exploited or developed due to the lack of opportunities and paradigms present throughout society, this is why our platform will allow women to be leveled and supported in topics related to ICT and Digital Marketing, overcoming barriers and paradigms through of learning
- Prototype: A venture or organization building and testing its product, service, or business model
- A new application of an existing technology
It integrates through video capsules the content addressing it through practical activities which will be evaluated in a qualitative and quantitative way with a focus on the maximum performance and learning of our student body. You will be given advice and support on this path of entrepreneurship. In addition, part of our innovation consists of the integration of a database that will be used to build a community of women entrepreneurs with skills in ICT and digital marketing, so that we can continuously monitor and establish a contact network that It offers them a window of opportunities, in this way, the women with whom we work will have information about job opportunities, updates, industry needs, ventures that need visibility, among others.
It will be used as a Google Classroom platform as technological support, for the establishment and delivery of online courses, while the database will be developed with the support of the MySQL platform.
There are platforms such as virtual classrooms of universities, MOOC platforms, web pages specialized in technological education such as Coursera, Platzi, Udemy, among others, where subjects relevant to digital marketing are taught and their courses are applied by students of all nationalities due to the Advantage of online distance learning.
- Audiovisual Media
- Crowdsourced Service / Social Networks
- Software and Mobile Applications
It will strongly allow narrowing the existing gaps, facilitating the path of entrepreneurship, because, in a changing and dynamic world, technology is positioned as a fundamental tool for entrepreneurs to spread their products or services, managing to connect with clients and prospects of consumers. In this line, women play an essential role, since they are increasingly participating in successful ventures globally. It is necessary to train specialists in marketing and technology, presenting new ways to take your business to the next level, focused on marketing and business positioning.
- Women & Girls
- Urban
- Poor
- 1. No Poverty
- 4. Quality Education
- 5. Gender Equality
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 10. Reduced Inequalities
- Chile
- Colombia
- Ecuador
The solution aims in its first stage to have a communal scope to test the first pilot and have feedbacks that can help us polish and improve the learning process and online teaching itself. The next step will be to cover the Santiago Metropolitan region, which we will complete in one year, and finally all the regions of Chile. This is completely possible, since having the advantage of working in an online mode, we will be able to reach the entire country instantly and through just one platform. Regarding population density, in Chile there are 19 million inhabitants, of which 50.7% correspond to women and 17% of them are in the ages of 5 to 24 years, this group being our priority focus. We hope to reach the Metropolitan Region in the first year because 40% of the country's inhabitants are found there and then in the following years we will expand with a focus on the other regions. The experience gained in these stages of project implementation will allow it to be expanded to other Latin American countries.
Our objective in the first year is to polish the teaching and learning processes related to ICT and digital marketing, since only through a quality and inclusive teaching process with women can we achieve the stated objectives. In the course of that year, the first versions of the program will be executed and we will begin a process focused on the dissemination of our platform to reach as many women as possible, and over the next few years, we plan to make strategic alliances with institutions education that allow us to reach more people and fully cover each region of the country and reach two other Latin American countries (Ecuador and Colombia).
- Nonprofit
The work team is made up of nine people, five women and four men. Three of these members work full time and six part time.
The profiles are diverse, engineers, technicians, audiovisual specialists all with relevant experience and who will contribute to the implementation of the proposed project.
The members of the work team have extensive experience in the development of products and services in the area of technologies and innovation. We have participated in the implementation of projects of different magnitude in which technologically innovative prototypes have been developed in the area of Information technology, robotics and home automation that have allowed the creation of new ventures. All the members have academic experience and have developed teaching and learning projects in different technological subjects. As a team we have implemented numerous training workshops for young people and we have gained significant experience in social and educational projects towards the community in different urban sectors. The team also manages information technology, the Internet of Things and maching learning and is always constantly updating its theoretical and practical knowledge of new technologies.
The members are well cohesive and we know how to work as a team. We are very committed to the objectives set out in the project presented and motivated to carry it out to benefit a significant number of women who live in very poor sectors of the city and give them the opportunity to undertake and generate their own income.
There is a strategic alliance with three organizations that have significant experience in Digital Information Technology and training. Members of these companies actively participate in the project presented. The first company called Cero Polvo SpA has implemented courses and conducted online training using digital platforms on the topics of business models and business plans. The second company is called SolarJump SpA, which has developed online trainings using digital platforms on the topics of robotics, home automation and smart technologies aimed at vulnerable youth. The third institution called CORPORACIÓN ONG PROCESOS works on projects of various kinds aimed at supporting impoverished sectors, implementing training to improve conditions to achieve job opportunities. The sum of all the experiences and knowledge of all the members of the indicated companies strengthen the implementation of the project and ensure its success.
Académico e Investigador - Jefe de Carrera Tecnología en Telecomunicaciones