Scientific expeditions
Many girls begin to loose interest in mathematics and science as they transit from primary/elementary school to high school. As a result girls do not perform as well as boys at the end of high school in these subjects ending their prospects of pursuing courses in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). At college/university level the proportion of women taking STEM based courses is much smaller compared to men thus jobs in these areas remain male dominated.
The solution is to ensure girls remain interested in mathematics and science until they complete high school by taking them on physical and virtual expeditions to universities, industries and other institutions that are STEM based.
If scaled globally, the full potential of half the population that is not tapped will be utilized. As more women take up jobs that are based on STEM household incomes will increase.
Only about 35% of students in higher education undertaking STEM courses are female (UNESCO, 2017). According to the Ministry of Education in Kenya 42.1% of university students placed in universities between 2014 to 2018 were female. However in the same period the proportion of female students in universities was agriculture, forestry & fisheries 37.6, architecture 28.8%, computing 30.1%, manufacturing 20.7% and mathematics 35.9%. According to Economic survey of 2016 only 40.2% of the students enrolled in technical institutions in Kenya were female. Some of the contributing factors to low enrollment in STEM courses are; learner oriented such as self perception, stereotypes, interest, engagement; revolve around family such parental beliefs and expectations while others revolve around the school environment and society expectations (UNESCO, 2017).
The Scientific Expeditions is a process which aims to ensure girls remain interested in mathematics and science until they complete high school by taking them on physical and virtual expeditions to universities, industries and other institutions that are STEM based.
The first approach takes the female student to the physical location where there is current practice of science and technology. This can only reach a few students.
The second approach is to take science and technology to the high school student especially girls via the digital platform such as conferencing . This approach can reach many more girls.
The third approach is to send professionals in STEM to talk and interact with girls in high school to interact with them.
The target population is girls in high school within the age bracket of 13 and 18 years in Kenya. This is the age at which most girls loose interest in science and mathematics.
This solution targets girls in high schools which have consistently posted low grades in science subjects and mathematics for female students in the final year.
University of Embu has been hosting high schools students for a day for the last four years so that they have a feel of what goes on in the University. The University hosted 2500 students from 25 schools in 2020 and 1800 students from 18 schools in 2019.
Currently I teach science based courses at the University of Embu. Most of my students are male. I engage both the male and female students directly and indirectly to determine why we have few female students in science courses in the University.
Girls from the selected schools stay in the program for at least two years. This should be adequate time to sustain their interest in science subjects and mathematics, improve their performance and increase their chances of entering STEM based courses in the University.
- Strengthen competencies, particularly in STEM and digital literacy, for girls and young women to effectively transition from education to employment
The number of female students who study STEM related courses in Kenya remains far below the expected 50% of the population. Scientific expeditions provide an opportunity for girls to see and interact with professionals and technology in diverse population. The Scientific expeditions will increase the number of girls with interest and competency in STEM subjects at the end of high school. As a result more women can participate, be trained and pursue careers in the areas of science and technology.
- Pilot: An organization deploying a tested product, service, or business model in at least one community
- A new business model or process
Traditional approaches have been to have a career master or career mistress who guides the student on how to select subjects. As a result students have chosen subjects and eventually careers without actual exposure to what the job entails.
Scientific expeditions is a process that provides an opportunity for girls to actually interact with technology and professionals in STEM before making career decisions.
Internet tools and web conferencing are key to reaching more
girls as the scientific experience can be taken to girls via the internet and
there is no limit on how many girls can be reached.
Scientific expeditions is a concept that is already at work through what we call career week visits at University of Embu. High school students visit the University for a day and are able to visit different departments and interact with faculty members.
Many of the girls who visit the University during the career week have gone to take courses in STEM high school.
- Audiovisual Media
TTheory of Change/Logical Framework for Scientific Expeditions
Overall objective: To ensure girls remain interested in mathematics and science until they complete high school and transit to STEM based careers
Core activities
Taking female high school students to the physical location where there is current Core activities practice of science and technology.
Taking science and technology to the high school student especially girls via the digital platform such as conferencing .
Sending professionals in STEM to talk and interact with girls in high school
Knowledge awareness, change in behavioral practices, perceptions/beliefs.
Career choices informed by interaction with professionals
Informed choice in selection of subjects.
Verifiable indicators
Number of students who visit STEM universities, research institutions and industry.
Number of girls who attend meetings.
Number of schools who participate.
Number of talks given by STEM professionals Security logs for visitors.
Critical assumptions
Availability of funds
Willing host institutions
School management will allow students to participate during the school term
Availability of willing mentors
School management will allow students to participate during the school term
Overall impact: Increased number of girls who choose STEM based courses and enter the job market
- Women & Girls
- Low-Income
- 4. Quality Education
- 5. Gender Equality
- 10. Reduced Inequalities
- Kenya
- Kenya
Currently the University of Embu reaches about 2000 students in a year. The University would like to reach out to more girls in the next five years unto 100,000 girls in Kenya subject to availability of funding. Unlimited number of girls can be reached globally through the digital platform.
Goals for the next one year
The current efforts are reaching out to only one region in the country. In the next one year we would like to reach two additional regions in Kenya.
Goals for the next five years
To reach at least 2000 girls in every county in Kenya
To be able to reach an unlimited number of girls in the world through the digital platform.
1. Existing barriers include financial limitations. Funding from the government for extension of Kenya is limited therefore only a few girls are being reached.
2. The current program runs on the existing institutional infrastructure and human resources. The core function of the University is teaching and research. Academic staff are full time employees whose main job description is to teach and carry out research. Therefore only a limited number of activities can be carried out.
3. The concept of taking high school students to visit universities is new and is yet to be widely accepted. Some school managers view the expeditions as an activity that wastes time that could be better spent in the classroom.
1. Financial limitations can be overcome by fundraising for the Scientific expeditions for girls solution. Current funding is not adequate for expanding the program beyond the current scope.
2. Capacity building, training and recruitment of full time staff especially in ICT and logistics to manage the program.
3. Awareness raising on the importance of of the activities will help to popularize the program.
- Nonprofit
not applicable
Currently all the 100 academic full time staff members participate directly or indirectly as part of service to the community.
The academic team is supported by 10 administrative staff to organise student visits.
The team is multidisciplinary with experts in Education and Science. A number of academic members of faculty have been trained in Kenya and outside the country including the developed countries.
The University of Embu has scientists of high standing who are widely published in high impact journals.
We currently partner with both local and international organizations. The two teachers unions have a documented partnership with the University of Embu. Thee support of high school teachers unions is crucial in delivering the solution.
The University of Embu is a public institution that is funded by the government of Kenya.
We provide services to high school students by leveraging on the existing structures in the University. We provide information on STEM courses and give the girls in high school an opportunity to make informed career choices.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
By fundraising for donations and grants.
Solve can help us to overcome:
1. Financial limitations through funding.
2. Capacity building of ICT infrastructure and staffing so that we can reach more girls.
3. Improve our thought and planning process through interaction with other Solvers and mentors.
- Product/service distribution
- Funding and revenue model
Product/service distribution
We seek partners or support to help us reach more girls.
Funding and revenue model
We seek funding to upscale the work in Kenya and globally.
We do not have specific names in mind but we would like to partner with any organizations, faculty or Solve members who are interested in increasing the number of girls who enter STEM careers.
Kenya is home to 494,585 refugees as per UNHCR March 2020 statistics. Most of these refugees are in Dadaab and Kakuma refugee camps.
Refugees are a disadvantaged group. Girls who are refugees are further disadvantaged in accessing quality education. Some of the girls are from minority conservative societies and have no exposure to women who are role models in STEM careers.
Our team will prioritize reaching out to girls in refugee camps.
Scientific expeditions seeks to use technology especially ICT to reach girls in Kenya and the rest of the world with comprehensive information on STEM education and careers.
The main focus of Scientific expeditions is to promote STEM education for girls and consequently STEM careers for women.
Our team will use the GM prize to increase the number of women choosing and staying in STEM courses in the University.
Scientific expeditions promotes STEM education which lays the foundation for A.I related courses.
Our team will use the prize money to ensure more girls enter careers related to A.I