TVET on Wheels
- Pre-Seed
High impact social investment solution that addresses the skills gap by improving skills, providing job prospects, and promoting safe industry practices. Creating sustainable livelihood whereby artisans are trained and assessed on a live work site–gaining knowledge, skills and first-hand job experience in a single course called ‘TVET on Wheels’
- What is your solution?
TVET on wheels is a high impact relevant artisan training employability solution addressing the skills mismatch in various industries like construction. This unique model will run in the middle of busy sites with specific trades being trained each month (including masonry, carpentry, plumbing, plastering & painting) and will also align with the construction timeline & the skilled labour needs of the project; in a just-in-time fashion. Arc Skills proposes to mobilize & train youth through use of technology in the delivery method i.e. delivery through PowerPoint, videos and other interactive tools & will include 30% theory & 70% practical training. The program will be taught adopting a holistic approach & will include lessons on personal development, grooming & hygiene. Further as part of inculcating positive life skills, the youth will be taught how to start saving and investing.
- How does it address the challenge question as posed?
The youth will receive accredited certification from international training partners. This will provide the trained youth enhanced livelihood, improve long term job prospects & create better remuneration options & will also reduce the risk of on-the- job injuries.
- If scaled, how will it effect change across the world?
It will create genuine sustainable social impact. The 21st century holistic development approach will enhance lives of millions of disadvantaged youth world-wide by providing them standardized training & international accreditation. Further, we will create a database link on our website & enlist the certified students on national database thereby creating a bridge between the employers & prospective job aspirants. Certification will act as double-edged sword, besides providing the trained youth employment opportunities it will also enable contractors to identify them in a search for skilled & internationally certified artisans.
Resolves unemployment issues thereby creating Youth engagement, empowerment & employability
Resolves critical skills shortage in sectors like agriculture and rural development, construction, manufacturing energy, etc that require a skills development system that produces EMPLOYABLE labor force particularly at the Artisan & Supervisory levels to sustain economic growth.
Resolves technology knowhow issues as the solution creates access to technology through use of E-learning, M-learning, live presentations.
Integrated life skills curriculum emphasizes on effective work habits, hygiene & healthy behavior, problem solving, enhancement of personal competencies, thereby making young people more self-motivated & productive & resolving high risk of problematic social behavior
Our solution will increase employability, increase self-sustenance, increase household income & also enhance the skills required for particular trade. It will provide proximal modern training facility that can meet skilled labour needs on a timely and consistent basis
The individual youth being trained, the contractor hiring these trained youth, the local community & society as a whole will benefit from this solution as it tackles unemployment issue & supports socio-economic growth.
Youth will be better able to access economic and social opportunities, share in economic growth, live healthy lives, and contribute to household, community, and national wellbeing.
Track the number of people who complete training including male female ratio & job placement percentage - Increases employability, increase self-sustenance, increase household income
Track the recognition of prior learning (RPL) for trainees thereby enabling gap analysis for customization of curriculum to maximize skills development. Track prior employment history & the training exam passing rate - Enhances the skills required for particular trade. It will provide proximal modern training facility that can meet skilled labour needs on a timely and consistent basis
Develop job related competencies for residents of local community & creating sustainable and mutually beneficial business environment - Supports socio-economic growth.
- Adult
- Low-income economies (< $1005 GNI)
- Short-cycle tertiary
- Non-binary
- Rural
- Sub-Saharan Africa
- Latin America and the Caribbean
- Civil engineering
- Consumer-facing software (mobile applications, cloud services)
- Digital systems (machine learning, control systems, big data)
Our solution is a unique model with internationally & locally accredited curricula that has employer driven course design & involves training of disadvantaged local youth through flexible modular program (30% coaching & 70 % practical training) on LIVE sites through state of the art equipments & technology. It is embedded with life skills curriculum & involves job placement. Arc Skills utilizes a completely customized & highly relevant intervention that directly aligns the technical skills to specific skills requirement of an area. The model has been utilized to promote Just-in-Time training solutions which increase the employability and productivity of trained youth.
The under-deserved communities are benefited through TVET on Wheels as it plays a vital role in human resource by creating skilled manpower enhancing productivity and improving quality of life thereby promoting safe industry practices.
- Enhancement of individual employability through enhanced relevance to labour market demands
- Improved productivity & living standards of the people
-improved business productivity through increased competencies of labour pool available
The component of technology is in delivery method – use of PowerPoint, videos and other interactive state of the art tools & equipment. This is unique especially in the middle of a busy work sites.
Carry out training in low-cost portable classrooms & work with contractors for mobilization of these trainees to work sites.
It will be offered as a free training program & will be run with support from big business houses as part of their CSR efforts.
Carry out recruitment drives in association with partner contractors through continuous community engagement. Through close collaboration with contractors we will endeavor to conduct “Just-in-Time” training. This will ensure that the youth trainees are skilled with trades in immediate demand by the contractor.
Contractors will pay a small stipend to the youth being trained.
- 6-8 (Demonstration)
- For-Profit
- United Arab Emirates
propose to tie up with big business houses & government organisations to
support with finances as part of their CSR activity & also engage with
industry to facilitate placement opportunities for successful candidates. It will be a CSR
advancement through inclusion of local labour & a long-term sustainable
community engagement platform.
Arc Skills solution believes in creating sustainable livelihood while supporting projects with the supply of highly skilled artisans & developing local/international working partnerships by conducting the training in low-cost portable classrooms. This low-cost model enables scalability & continuous community engagement.
Further, we plan to strengthen the capacity of mentors and community youth advisors & also coordinate with youth serving organisations for improved efficiency & outreach to disadvantaged youth.
Political interference - being a community project, there is a high risk of political interference which could bring forth a number of challenges.
Regulatory- Non compliance with regulatory standards & requirements can led to denial of operational licenses. All partners must comply with statutory & regulatory requirements before the launch of training/
Other risk could include:
Trainee attrition of 10 to 15%
Lack of placement opportunities
Lack of commitment from partners
- 2 years
- We have already developed a pilot.
- We have already scaled beyond pilot.
- Financial Inclusion
- Income Generation
- Future of Work
- 21st Century Skills
- Lifelong Learning
Solve helps us in achieving our vision & commitment to society. At Arc Skills, we believe in transforming lives & workplaces. It is our vision to transform the lives of millions of youth worldwide through the provision of industry relevant and internationally recognized employability and productivity enhancement solutions to governments, organizations and individuals. Our passion to change lives and leave a positive social impact is something we share with most of our clients. This motivates our commitment to excellence in the delivery of world-class, internationally accredited training and skills development solutions.
Actis Project
Arc Skills (Implementation on Ground, assessment, training) + Actis LLP (CSR Funding) + Housing finance (Insurance Provision) + AVTEG (International Accreditation) + Laxmanbhai Kenya (Provision of construction site for training)
Lausanne Hospitality Consulting (LHC) Switzerland
Australian Vocational Training & Education Group-AVTEG
National Skills Academy for Retail UK
not applicable