Syrian refugee women and girls are underestimated by men due to their socio-cultural structures. Therefore, girls' education and women's work are not considered important by men. Girls get married at an early age, give many births and have children, and spend their lives under the sovereignty of money that their men bring. For this reason, they cannot socialize in the country in which they immigrate and isolate themselves and cannot adapt.When it is provided, refugee women and girls want to get education, learn, have a profession and gain economic independence. This app will provide a comfortable access for learning. It will also enable women to become economically and psychologically stronger. Their education levels will increase, they will realize their abilities and they will gain economic freedom through online market opportunity. The opportunities created by the application for social cohesion will support people's adaptation to the immigrant country.
The Syrian war, which started in March 2011, almost reached its 10th year. Since 2011, more than 5.5 million people have had to flee their country, according to UNHCR data. On May 2020, according to information provided by the competent authorities of Turkey, there were 3,579,008 registered Syrian refugees.Turkey, among the other countries in the world, is the most refugee hosting country.May 2020, In Turkey, according to the data of the Directorate General of Migration Management, the number of registered Syrian girls under the age of 18 is 801,458 and the number of women over the age of 18 is 849,768.According to some studies in Turkey, the marriage age of Syrian girls has dropped to the age of 11-12.When we look at Syrian girls in Turkey today, according to information that UNICEF received from the Ministry of Education, the number of girls enrolled in formal education is 316485 by March 2019. As it can be understood from these numbers, half of the Syrian girls cannot reach formal education. As it can be seen in AFAD's studies, 96.7% of women have no income, 86.9% of them do not have a profession.
Turkish women will be included in Turkish online lessons one day of the week, allowing Syrian women to practice Turkish language and chat. In addition, in order to ensure the attendance of the classes, women who attend these courses and who are successful will be given scholarships to encourage them. The girl entering Then, one-to-one study about the lesson will be done with the teacher at that hour. When women who participate in Turkish lessons who do handicrafts such as sewing, embroidery, painting, jewelry, but cannot sell them, share this situation in the live support line, they will be directed to the relevant link in the application. An online market will be created for them through this link. In this system, the psychologists who participate in the system voluntarily will be matched with the person requesting support.
Our solution serves the
Syrian refugee women and girls living in Turkey.While refugees have great
difficulties in their daily lives, the Covid-19 process and its effects will
further increase the difficulties. Through this application, women and girls
will have access to free language learning without paying any money and
fare. With this application, girls who have difficulties due to the
language barrier at school and whose motivation decreases because they fail,
will be successful in formal education by taking online course support. In
addition, scholarships will be provided to those who are successful in the
language course.
will economic independence with an online marketplace where their talents can
be converted into money. In this process, where social cohesion is very
important, speaking practice with Turkish women in the language course will
break the prejudice and provide the support of women to each other. Women and
girls who requested psychological support will have the opportunity to meet
with volunteer psychologists online.When women and girls get stronger in this
way, the problem of marriage at an early age will disappear.An economically
independent woman will have authority at home, which will result in a
noticeable drop in the rate of domestic
- Increase the number of girls and young women participating in formal and informal learning and training
According to information that UNICEF received from the Ministry of Education, the number of girls enrolled in formal education is 316485 by March 2019. As it can be understood from these numbers, half of the Syrian girls cannot reach formal education. As it can be seen in AFAD's studies, 96.7% of women have no income, 86.9% of them do not have a profession.Their education levels will increase, they will realize their abilities and they will gain economic freedom through online market opportunity. The opportunities created by the application for social cohesion will support people's adaptation to the immigrant country.
- Concept: An idea being explored for its feasibility to build a product, service, or business model based on that idea
- A new application of an existing technology
While the Covid-19 process affected the whole world, it actually affected more refugees who already have disadvantaged. This case, after closing schools in Turkey, brought that the children started to get education through the state television channel. While the language barrier for Syrian children is a big problem, this social isolation will further challenge the educational process of children. Children need reinforcement lessons with the program of the Ministry of Education. In addition, at home, the unemployment of men will increase the removal of girls from school and have them get married.While the Covid-19 process increases domestic violence due to social isolations and depression, domestic violence will increase for refugees who already experience economic hardships even harder.Having language problems brought Syrian people social adaptation problems. Hundreds of women and girls could not attend the language courses, the courses were far from home, and there was no money for commuting between home and courses. Same problems exist for general education of young girls too.
Syrian women and girls in all provinces of Turkey will receive services by accessing the application. This will make it easier for many women and girls to benefit from this service.This app will provide a comfortable access for learning. It will also enable women to become economically and psychologically stronger. Their education levels will increase, they will realize their abilities and they will gain economic freedom through online market opportunity. The opportunities created by the application for social cohesion will support people's adaptation to the immigrant country.
This is an app. When this application is downloaded to the phones over the internet, they will meet with a live support line.Those who apply for live support will be directed to these consultants based on their age. Applicants will receive support from educational consultants for problems such as school enrollment, equivalence, language learning, and reinforcement lessons for school. Formal education will be encouraged and online classes will be opened to support Turkish language learning of these people.
Turkish women will be included in Turkish online lessons one day of the week, allowing Syrian women to practice Turkish language and chat.
The girl entering the application will wait for a return from the live support after writing her age, the lesson and the subject she wants to take. The time of the lesson will be sent as a message to the phone that the girl calls. Then, one-to-one study about the lesson will be done with the teacher at that hour.
An online market will be created for them through this link. Here, the woman who sells the product will be paid for the amount of the product. Psychological problems and support requests will increase by refugee women and girls who have many difficult processes experienced and the Covid-19 process added on them. In this system, the psychologists who participate in the system voluntarily will be matched with the person requesting support. Those who need support will be provided with online support.
- Software and Mobile Applications
Hundreds of women and girls could not attend the language courses, the courses were far from home, and there was no money for commuting between home and courses. Same problems exist for general education of young girls too. Although opening hundreds of language courses for these women who have been in Turkey for nearly 10 years, there are still a large number of women and girls who can not access these courses and facilities. While refugees have great difficulties in their daily lives, the Covid-19 process and its effects will further increase the difficulties.Syrian women and girls in all provinces of Turkey will receive services by accessing the application. This will make it easier for many women and girls to benefit from this service.Through this application, women and girls will have access to free language learning without paying any money and fare. The absence of a babysitter in these families with many children is a major obstacle to the development of women. Even girls are often out of school to take care of their siblings and help with housework. With this application, girls who have difficulties due to the language barrier at school and whose motivation decreases because they fail, will be successful in formal education by taking online course support. In addition, scholarships will be provided to those who are successful in the language course.Women will gain their economic independence with an online marketplace where their talents can be converted into money. In this process, where social cohesion is very important, speaking practice with Turkish women in the language course will break the prejudice and provide the support of women to each other. Women and girls who requested psychological support will have the opportunity to meet with volunteer psychologists online. This is a great opportunity for women because hundreds of women do not apply to any institution with the concern that the people around them can hear that they are going to an institution .
- Women & Girls
- Children & Adolescents
- Poor
- Refugees & Internally Displaced Persons
- 1. No Poverty
- 4. Quality Education
- 5. Gender Equality
- 10. Reduced Inequalities
- Turkiye
0 -500.000 - 1.500.000
The name of our project is “Hope and Future” application. This is an app. It will be enough to create a center in Istanbul to manage this application. Syrian women and girls in all provinces of Turkey will receive services by accessing the application. This will make it easier for many women and girls to benefit from this service.
an app that can be installed on the phone. need the app and money
I must win the contest to find resources for my project.I need support for my dreams.this is an app installed on the phone. we need software infrastructure and money
- Not registered as any organization
In this live support line, there will be two a person 24-hour who speaks Arabic
Turkish teacher-3 person
math teacher - 1 person
science teacher - 1 person
social studies teacher - 1 person
online market manager - 1 person
project coordinator - 2 person
technical crew - 1 person
accountant - 1 person
we have been working with refugees for years. we observed their problems very well.We have done academic studies on this subject.we carried out joint studies with many institutions.
Syrian refugee women and girls are underestimated by men due to their socio-cultural structures. Therefore, girls' education and women's work are not considered important by men. Girls get married at an early age, give many births and have children, and spend their lives under the sovereignty of money that their men bring. For this reason, they cannot socialize in the country in which they immigrate and isolate themselves and cannot adapt. It is up to us to change this cycle. When it is provided, refugee women and girls want to get education, learn, have a profession and gain economic independence. This app will provide a comfortable access for learning. It will also enable women to become economically and psychologically stronger. Their education levels will increase, they will realize their abilities and they will gain economic freedom through online market opportunity. The opportunities created by the application for social cohesion will support people's adaptation to the immigrant country. Women and girls can pursue their dreams as strong individuals because they will realize their own power.
It will be enough to create a center in Istanbul to manage this application. Syrian women and girls in all provinces of Turkey will receive services by accessing the application. This will make it easier for many women and girls to benefit from this service.
with project funders and donors
Innovative Approach: The solution includes a new technology, a new application of technology, a new business model, or a new process for solving the Challenge.
Scalability*: The solution can be scaled to affect the lives of more people.
- Solution technology
- Funding and revenue model
- Board members or advisors
- Legal or regulatory matters
- Monitoring and evaluation
I believe that people's lives will be better with the support of my project.my project needs to be supported and developed.I need professional support
we can use it for the needs of the Project.
we can use it for the needs of the Project.
we can use it for the needs of the Project.
we can use it for the needs of the Project.