Learnix: Experiential Learning and career sampling
- Pre-Seed
Learnix is a platform allowing youth to sample different career paths with experiential learning at employers in junior positions - guiding their life choices, and providing opportunities to connect with employers who wish to make an impact with their corporate social responsibility.
Disadvantaged youth may be a victim of information asymmetry (not knowing what opportunities they’re unaware of) and may lack access for pathways towards those opportunities.
These youth may not respond well to traditional schooling which is abstract and need to see the outcomes and possibilities of their work to be engaged. Experiential learning, connecting them with their futures grounds their learning and allows for deeper levels of understanding – and may motivate them in their schooling to perform well.
Furthermore, by sampling multiple junior pathways, students will have a better ability to think laterally and critically with better adaptability.
Learnix is a commercial solution which has gathered interest from organisations such as EY and Optus to engage their employees with structured development. Corporates constantly look to improve their communities, and are best resourced to provide opportunities for junior work. Their size will be inspiring for youth to work at. We wrote white papers about facilitating experiential learning – and have built some adaptive e learning technology already as well: https://youtu.be/TVlaXO9PC4w
We have also won a lot of educational partners looking to make experiential courses. We believe short vocational learning will serve youth well to find their place in the world.
Youth will be able to access a platform with public 'role templates' in any service line of work.
Starting at junior levels which partner organisations are sponsoring, they will be able to sample different career paths before committing to a university degree - leading to higher motivation and confidence for them to stay at school after seeing the outcomes.
Organisations will be able to not only act on their corporate social responsibility strategically, but have a new avenue to attract talent - whilst improving employee engagement with the Learnix platform.
Track number of students who finished short vocational courses and went on to gain work experience through Learnix. - 120 youth placed into junior positions by our first year of launching.
Number of customers open to sponsoring study and offer work experience for youth learners on Learnix. - 20 vetted organisations are piloting Learnix to invest into disadvantaged youth.
Educational partners - number of courses created; their quality, and reputation, and pedagogical appropriateness. - Short, vocational courses created for growth industries at a junior level which youth can participate in
- Upper middle income economies (between $3976 and $12275 GNI)
- Lower middle income economies (between $1006 and $3975 GNI)
- Secondary
- Bachelors
- Urban
- US and Canada
- Consumer-facing software (mobile applications, cloud services)
- Digital systems (machine learning, control systems, big data)
We have built some adaptive e learning technology to maximize learner success online:
We believe educational technology should reflect how humans learn - and therefore have pushed towards an experiential learning model at settings which will inspire learners.
The solution is both social and commercially minded - there are a lot of business use cases for Learnix, meaning we can achieve scale and traction in a sustainable manner.
In closely working with enterprises and educational institutions, role templates will be constantly updated with validated information on how anyone can access great job opportunities.
At underserved communities, disadvantaged youth aren't aware of the opportunities which the world presents and may be pessimistic about their chances of earning a career.
We are allowing them to get exposure early on, with roadmaps and online courses that are practical with tangible outcomes to their lives.
This will be the first-time education for these youth have led to a return and will likely inspire them, and their peers to keep learning.
Going into a sponsored junior position, opens up an avenue for experiential learning, networking - whilst allowing employees at enterprises to do social good.
The training will be sponsored by corporates who wish to improve their branding and attract 'overlooked' talent.
Whilst the course work will be predominantly online, learners who go on to 'junior work' will be able to gain practical in person experience at these corporate firms.
The learners will be inspired, and encourage others in their communities to pursue the opportunity Learnix provides. No other solution links learning to tangible career outcomes like Learnix for youth. And none will be as inspiring and cause sustainable, behavioral change at the community level.
- 4-5 (Prototyping)
- For-Profit
- Australia
As a commercial solution, we are getting traction with businesses looking to improve employee engagement and make continual professional development seamless.
We will attempt to maximize revenue - with discounts available for sponsoring youth - however, will likely need to raise investment once we gain solid month on month growth.
Our first raising step will ideally be at an accelerator such as Muru-D or Edugrowth.
Whilst two (of three!) of our team are technical in nature, as we are young, we would likely need mentorship to make Learnix's impact phenomenal.
As a young business, winning enterprises (who are best resourced to sponsor youth in junior positions for their CSR) may be difficult as sales cycles could go anywhere between 3 months - 2 years. However, they will likely be 3-5 months on average.
- 1 year
- 3-6 months
- 6-12 months
- Future of Work
- 21st Century Skills
- Lifelong Learning
- Online Learning
- Post-secondary Education
The mission of Learnix is to make lifelong learning, seamless. We believe for us to succeed, educational technology must serve learners and humans with best pedagogical practices in mind - not push their own agenda.
We are hoping to make a big social impact, to make our business human, socially good - and become a world class team in the process through mentor ship.
We will take advantage of the program by asking lots of questions and be relentless to talk to undeserved, international communities as well as for pilot referrals!
Think Change Grow: Ex Google managers who provide executive leadership and emotional intelligence courses.
Academy Xi: Provides short, vocational courses for skills of the future.
PLS Australia: A nationwide provider of accounting tuition to professionals.
BU Coaching: Provides programs for resiliency and growth mindset, mental health.
Substitutes could be MOOCs - although they could form part of our junior role templates.