South Sudan Women Education Empowerment
Culturally and in families, females have been given a second priority when it comes to education and those that should be successful. In Africa, the women challenges have been increased un-civilization, lack of school, and governance challenges which causes war. In a level ground, girls can fight this battle. The project is intended to level the ground through girls’ education by developing modern primary and secondary school. In a global scale, no matter the cultural, family and biological challenges faced by ladies, with education that can be able to compete favorably.
Female gender discrimination is the problem that the project is solving. In Africa, culture has put females as the second gender. In South Sudan, the youngest country in the world, this has been the case for long time. Government has put measures to ensure gender equality but cultural and family challenges has pull behind the effort. In South Sudan, the challenge has been throughout the country and the project is serving the most affected areas. In a 15 million population in South Sudan, women are more than 7 million which is close to 50% of the population. Subjecting such to discrimination, this means that South Sudan growth will be deteriorated by half.
The solution is a modern girls’ primary and secondary school development. The solution offers the education weapon to help women compete favorably with their men counterpart. The project makes sure that from introductory education, it tracts their progress to primary, secondary and post-secondary education. With education, they’ll be able fit any economical, leadership and other positions in South Sudan and world economy.
The project serves the female gender. In South Sudan, 50% of the population are females. Culture have put them in discrimination that they themselves don’t understand. Born and raised in such a culture have made me understand the challenge and start projects that will bring equality.
- Increase the number of girls and young women participating in formal and informal learning and training
In South Sudan, which is in Africa, cultural practices brings the female gender and second priority gender together. If government efforts are not support, gender equality can be hard to achieve in the world's youngest country.
- Growth: An organization with an established product, service, or business model rolled out in one or, ideally, several communities, which is poised for further growth
- A new business model or process
South Sudan women Education Empowerment Program (SO-SWEEP), is an innovative project. Our team have new approaches for South Sudanese Girls and women education.
Our organization have decided to educates girls and women through Ancestral and practice technology.
We are going to hires tribal Chiefs for girls and women education's recruitment, registrations, support, monitoring, and regulations. Because South Sudanese believed strongly in tribes authorities (the Chief) than national and locals governments.
It is impressive and innovative new way of bright Africans girls and women to be educating without schools dropping, early child marry, child labors, child prostitution, gender neglecting, and child abuses. And it is the new ways to solve Africans gender and inequality problems. Therefore, the society of South Sudanese will be change and gradually attains peaceful equilibrium identity.
A modern girls’ primary and secondary school to uproot the culture of uneducated girls in South Sudan. Our organization is going to fights the war of gender and inequalities in South Sudan through Ancestral and practices technology. All girls and women who needs education will be recruited, registering, regulates, and observes by the tribal leaders (The Chiefs).
And the second registration will be done daily and monthly at schools by the teachers leaderships. Through this approach, there will be no Child early marry, child labors, child prostitution, abuses and abductions.
If MIT solve select us for grants, our Ancestral and practice technology for girls and women education will be absolutely powerful tool to solving girls and women education in South Sudan. It will be amazing and exciting practice that will change the broken windows society of South Sudan forever.
South Sudan have been affected by the Civil-Wars for so many years. As a result, people are now searching for better life, and safe environment. The only answer to young generation who are searching for better lives, is education. specially, for girls and young women.
The evidence for our Ancestral and practices technology in South Sudan was practiced during the Civil-War in 1983 to 2005. Tribes Chiefs were responsible for recruited Youths and registered them for military training. For Sudan People Liberation Arm/ Sudan People Liberation Movement/SPLA/SPLM.
The Rebel managed the Civil-War between the Northern Sudan and Southern Sudan. Because tribes leaders were responsible for registrations, coordination, and supporting youths.... It was not the Rebel leaders who were recruited, and registered the Youths to joint the war.
Our organization is going to fights the war of gender and inequality in South Sudan through Ancestral and practices technology. All girls and women who needs education will be recruits, registers, and observes by the tribal leaders (The Chief) with the helps of parents. The second registration will be done daily and monthly at schools by the teaching authorities.
Our Team jobs will be focusing on constructions, supporting, feeding, hygiene, health, schools meetings, conferences, scholarships, reporting, and collections of pupils datum.
- Ancestral Technology & Practices
Theory of change: A positive change demands that no one should be left behind. That is why we have invested on the project to level the ground for women who appear to have been left behind. As they always say, educating a woman is educating a generation.
- Women & Girls
- Pregnant Women
- Children & Adolescents
- Rural
- Peri-Urban
- Urban
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- Refugees & Internally Displaced Persons
- Minorities & Previously Excluded Populations
- Persons with Disabilities
- 1. No Poverty
- 2. Zero Hunger
- 3. Good Health and Well-Being
- 4. Quality Education
- 5. Gender Equality
- 6. Clean Water and Sanitation
- 7. Affordable and Clean Energy
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 10. Reduced Inequalities
- 17. Partnerships for the Goals
- United States
- South Sudan
- United States
The project involves construction of one primary girl school and one secondary girl school. From stake holders’ assessment and community involvement, we decided that central equatorial and Jonglei states are the central place to serve more marginalized and poverty affected communities.
Primary school at central equatorial with be two stream and boarding from class four to class eight. Lowers classes (1-3) will host 30 pupils each with two stream so serving a total number of 180 pupils. Upper classes (4-8) will major in boarding students, with 8 classes, serving 35 students each, and 2 streams, there will be a total number of 350 students. This school will have 3, 120 beds capacity dormitories for the upper class students. This primary school will have 6 lower classes teaching staff and 15 upper classes teaching staff.
Secondary school at Jonglei state will be a full boarding, 3 streams school. Each class with host 35 students. With four classes of three streams, total number of students will be 420. We will build 3,145 beds capacity dormitories in the school. The school will be served by a total number of 20 teaching staff and 10 non-teaching.
The goal of the program is to level the education ground to ensure that women are empowered. Our objectives are:-
- 85% and more of girls transition from primary to secondary school.
- 85% and more of girls transition from high school to college, universities and vocational training.
- 50%-50% male to female competition in jobs, leadership and other areas.
- Sponsor the highest possible number of girls from marginalized communities and poor families.
1. The lack of funding is the major problem our organization facing here in the United States and in South Sudan.
2. South Sudan has been home to many issues ranging from Civil-Wars, tribal conflicts to food scarcity, flooding, women and children abduction, malnutrition health and the list goes. Millions of people have lost their lives and others are displaced.
A year after independence, continuing tension with the North is not the only challenge facing South Sudan. From the uncertain fate of the disputed territory and cross border inter-communal conflicts, to a lack of economic infrastructure and food insecurity, combined with a persistent failure to build successful institutions, South Sudan's beginning as an independent state is rife with dangers.
Negative ethnicity caused by the decades Civil-Wars in South Sudan is another the barriers exists on our road. Since the peace agreement reached between the North Sudan and South Sudan in 2005, tribal conflicts have have overwhelming all over the country. But we are going to overcome them because South Sudanese need education.
We will overcome lack of funding when South Sudan become stable. If peace come to South Sudan, we will get funding from our own farming. We are going to farms for the benefit of our girls and women. The States of Jonglei and Equatoria are agricultural productive areas. Also we will get support from locals and Federal government depends on the grants we applying annually.
The issue of negative ethnicity in South Sudan were not existed before the Civil-Wars. Negative ethnicity in South Sudan have been fueled by the Civil-Wars. We are very sure it will be reduces if Civil-War stop.
Our organization will plays it part by participating in peace building and reconciliation through education and tribal Chiefs leaderships. South Sudanese people believed in chiefs than government. That why we will invests our energies on tribal Chiefs for girls and women education. It is crucial and successful of shares Girls and women governance with tribal authorities.
- Nonprofit
We are not part of any large organization. We are Small non-profit organization trying to repairs and improves the livelihood for the wars torn communities in Jonglei State, South Sudan.
Our Solution Currently have 7 Members:
We are all volunteering,no one get pay now.
1. Abraham Cheluel ( Executive Director, Full Time)
2. Micheal Arok Yak ( President, Full Time)
3. Awut Garang Aleer ( Assistant Accountant, HR, Part Time
4. Awak Bior Ajang ( Accountant, HR, Part Time
5. Thon Garang ( Information and Technology, Part Time)
6. Priscilla K. Deng ( Secratary, Part time)
7. Rebecca Yar Kuany ( Recruiter, part Time).
At the ages of six and seven in 1987, we became the Lost Boys of Sudan during the Second Sudanese civil War. Our parents were taken away and we were left to fend for ourselves, in a war zone. We were forced to survive with solely the clothes on our backs. We were refugees and had to learn how to accomplish the important tasks of growing foods, building shelter and learning to survive in a hostile environment where violence was an everyday part of life. I can still vividly remember young boys crying out for their parents who were not going to return.
Through these experiences we became the brothers, friends, and through necessity health care and psychologically providers with ourselves at the Lost Boys camps. We arrived in the United States in May of 2001-2003, after living through the horrors of Sudan. We knew that we had a bright future ahead of us. Shortly after arriving in the United States of America, many of us decided to make theirs foray into many education fields by becoming psychologists, Teachers, Engineering, Medical doctors, Social workers, Retails managers, Cashiers, Registered Nurses, RN, Nursing Assistants, Physicians assistants and Non Profit organizations leaders.
We are the better team to solve South Sudanese girls and women education problems because we have understood our gender cultural problems. And because for our surviving backgrounds, our Years of working experiences with non-profit organizations, and our high education levels in the United States.
We do not have partners now. But we are hoping we will have many partnerships soon when we starts our works.
Dr. John Garang Green City Foundation is a nonprofit organization registered in the United States of America.
It is the partnership business that gives its services in the field of social, economic and environmental development industry in South Sudan.
The mission of our organization is to progressively create economical sound infrastructure and healthy environment by taking the smart town to the village.
The Vision: We envisage a future where the quality of peoples’ lives have been transformed economically and socially in line with internationally set standards.
We intend to grow in the infrastructure development and township planning industry by
implementing and executing refined processes and strategies as well as by utilizing expertise
to offer highest Quality services and professional work. Through strategic planning and
extensive research, we will expand our business in many folds to other regions in South Sudan.
Our Product and Services:
- School
- Agriculture (upstream and downstream, including agribusiness and processing)
- Environment
- Ecosystem Services
- Health
- Energy & Access to Energy
- Water
- Public space
- town
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
Our Organization path to financial sustainability is bright. We will generates more money for girls and women education when peace return to South Sudan through two ways:
1. We will generates more money through farming. Each school will be granted large farm for school feeding and financial supports.
2. South Sudan locals and Federal governments will support Girls and Women Education Empowerment Program by funding primary and secondary teaching when peace come. Because girls and women are truly golden to make South Sudan peaceful state if we educates them.
The purpose of applying to Solve's grant is to helps Dr. John Garang Green City Foundation to conduct women education empowerment program in South Sudan. The program is aimed at helping women, from the small age, up to adolescence and maturity acquire modern education.
The objective of the program is to make women educated, fairly competitive to their male gender counterpart and can confidently and clearly argue their agenda through the power of education.
The program is based on the historical and current suffering women undergo due to lack of knowledge. Funding in the amount of $352,800 is requested for land purchase, girls’ school building (an ultra-modern secondary school and primary school), food and uniform purchase and teaching costs.
- Monitoring and evaluation
The project will be evaluated with completion of each activity and check whether everything is within the budget. On full project completion, we will need helps of conduct a yearly review. Project success will also be noted by increased number of women competitiveness in South Sudan and other global economies.
Any organization that we shared values, mission, and vision can be our partner. However, we do not have partners now.