3rd World Education Rejuvenated
- Pre-Seed
Unless they are a child prodigy, very few young students in economically backward countries are empowered to learn from online tools provided by Educational Institutions. What if we had a link between 'e-teachers' and on-site NGOs willing to go to rural schools and educate them on how to use it?
Third world countries have a tremendous growing population of students. However, high-school students in rural areas are usually unaware that smartphones can educate. For example, Khan Academy, Stanford, MIT and other institutions provide tons of resources that are widely used in first world countries - but practically unheard in third world countries.
Young students need someone to inspire and help them find a vision. Students who come from such economically disadvantaged communities will have bad or no schooling - many even help their parents at work. If they are not given an initial push, millions may not go forward in life.
Educational Institutions cannot go and do it themselves. But a 'middle man' can!
If we use the internet to create a platform for world renowned institutions to connect with NGOs in third world countries who have willing volunteers, things can change! These institutions can then ask volunteers to go into rural schools, talk to teachers and students about these internet resources like Khan Academy etc. and show a quick overview on how to utilise the learning resources on an android smartphone.
Just like Uber connected cabs to pedestrians, we can connect teachers to volunteers and finally bridge the education gap.
Education is the most powerful tool today. The end goal is to inspire millions of students and give them a reason to dream.
If they get that initial push, I strongly believe that students from poor backgrounds will grab the opportunity and try out 'e-learning'. There are many resources on the internet. They can learn everything from playing a guitar to a computer science class from MIT. It can provide them the necessary skill sets for employment in their community.
Track who replies to our invitations to join our platform - Get at least 10 universities with e-education programs to join our platform.
Track who replies to our invitations to join our platform - Get at least 10 NGO in 3rd world countries to join our platform
Track who replies to our invitations to join our platform - Get online organisations like Khan Academy to join our platform
- Adolescent
- Lower middle income economies (between $1006 and $3975 GNI)
- Low-income economies (< $1005 GNI)
- Secondary
- Rural
- Middle East and North Africa
- Consumer-facing software (mobile applications, cloud services)
This is unique because it has never been done before.
There are numerous resources in the internet and there are numerous NGOs in the world. However, they have never had a platform to meet, give instructions and set goals. If it were possible to connect all of them, imagine the impact that is possible. It can create a gigantic change to the education sector. Best of all, the resources are already there, all that is needed is connectivity!
If the platform is effectively in place, NGOs can interact with hundreds of communities, schools and education industry leaders to promote education for the underprivileged students. They will be able to do this with the help of education experts across the globe ie. from MIT, Stanford etc.
All it takes is a spark from helpful volunteers and the dots will be connected by itself. After students understand how easy it is to use the technology, the poorest societies will see unimaginable progress.
The platform will be readily accessible to any willing 'e-teachers' and NGO to join through the use of the world wide web. These days, more and more people are gaining access to smart phones and internet usage so e-learning is bound to sky rocket with this initial push.
All an NGO has to do is make an account on our website/app and immediately get access to experts on the field. No monetary expense required - only time and energy.
- 1-3 (Formulation)
- Not Registered as Any Organization
- Kuwait
We are a team of high school students who learn at New English School Kuwait. We will mostly depend on donations from our parents to pull it off.
I, Kevin Mathew, am currently leading the team and got the idea after I interned at a NGO in India whose aim is to provide books to the poorest schools in India. I did this while on my Summer vacation there.
School examinations and university application deadlines.
- Less than 1 year
- 1-3 months
- 3-6 months
- Technology Access
- 21st Century Skills
- Literacy
- Online Learning
- Secondary Education
I am a volunteer in an NGO in India during my summer holiday (my home country), which helps provide books to the poorest schools in India and I have visited these schools. Many of these students do not have a clear vision of what they want to do and have no one to inspire them.
Our team and I are all high school students in Kuwait who want to make a difference. Last year, I have started a museum docent program (@nes_trdp) in school and I am a firm education activist.
We want to make a difference.
Our parents are the people who have agreed to fund it. We don't have any other partners yet.
Not sure.