Caliper Educational Suppliers
In Zimbabwe, few students study sciences partly on the pretext that sciences are “hard subjects” and partly due to the associated costs. To a girl, the perception that sciences are hard subjects directly or indirectly implies that science subjects are for boys. On the other hand most parents are reluctant to commit substantial educational resources towards a girl child as it is regarded as a waste of money. Caliper Educational Suppliers is a STEM oriented organization which has partnered with a youth civic organization in order to create a tailored program targeted at young women. We will establish STEM centers and a young women network in science education to simultaneously tackle the lack of STEM resources and prejudices which hinder girls’ education in STEM. This strategy can immensely increase the nu
According to the Zimbabwe state media, The Herald, only 19% of the candidates that sat for their Advanced level exams were in STEM related subjects in 2015. A further analysis by the World Economic Forum,also revealed that, of this small fraction, only 19% of Zimbabwean women graduate in STEM related subjects. On a Global scale, about a third of female students study STEM related subjects according to a UNESCO report. Generally, the major driving factors in low uptake of STEM related subjects is cost and social conditioning. With our solution, our STEM organization seeks to establish fully equipped STEM centers open to the public. Within each center is a directorate dedicated to championing the increased participation of girls and young women in STEM. This center will thus address the lack of STEM learning resources at the same time tackling the fundamental social and cultural perspectives and practices underlying the low participation of women in STEM related subjects.
Caliper Educational Suppliers will establish a division called Caliper STEM Centers. The centers have two services; a mobile lab equipment service and an in-center laboratory. Within each center, there is a directorate dedicated to championing increased participation of girls and young women in STEM. This directorate will be run by our partner NGO who have both qualification and experience in dealing with gender related issues. The mobile lab equipment service will provide laboratory equipment to schools where the girls are being educated whenever the equipment is needed. Likewise, computing resources will be delivered to the schools whenever required. Those outside formal learning will attend their laboratory and computing sessions at the center. . Since the equipment will service a large cluster (consumables will be charged independently) the cost of running practicals will be very low. Pre-recorded video classes adhering to national curriculum will complement the few STEM teachers. The teachers will then come at specific times such as question and answer sessions or discussions. These projectors will be delivered to schools inorder to enroll more girls under STEM e-learning to ease overburdening teachers. Those outside formal learning will access these resources at the STEM centers.
The primary target are young women and girls both school going and those outside school. In our cultural setting, in most cases when resources shrink the girl child is sacrificed as she can be "married off". Also when tasks are perceived as tough women are segregated as they are regarded as weak. The need is thus women empowerment through availing material resources and demystifying entrenched gender biases. We will therefore provide material resources through Caliper STEM Centers. Strategic Youth Development Trust (SYDT), our local partner non-governmental organization (NGO), will provide a platform to combat gender biases which disadvantage girls and women from studying STEM related subjects. SYDT already has existing memorandum of understandings (MoU's) which allows them to operate and it is through these that we will specifically engage girls and young women in order to understand and tackle specific barriers to their involvement in STEM. Their findings will also feedback into the Caliper STEM Centers were they're expected to inform learning and create inclusiveness through gender responsive learning.
- Strengthen competencies, particularly in STEM and digital literacy, for girls and young women to effectively transition from education to employment
The challenge for girls education in STEM is two-dimensional, part is socio-cultural and part STEM education itself. Therefore our solution endeavors to attend to both. The creation of a young women STEM-focused network will identify and demolish socio-cultural barriers to women education in STEM. Whilst the cluster based learning model will greatly reduce costs inherent in STEM education. Pre-recorded video classes will ensure no human capital bottleneck in STEM education and wide access to STEM teaching.
- Prototype: A venture or organization building and testing its product, service, or business model
- A new business model or process
The "change that creates a new dimension of performance" does not come from a single discipline, rather it comes from encooperation of other disciplines in an idea to create a new dimension. The merging of STEM and humanities in this solution is the "bucket and rope" to the bottom of the problem regarding education of girls and women and their subsequent uplifting. Most other organizations approach the problem independently, "STEM people" simply contend with "supply the tools" whilst humanities mostly shout "remove the prejudices". We are doing both. Cost of establishing a science and computer lab is huge and hence even private colleges will either limit numbers of students into science classes or will make science learning more expensive. In our case, a cluster of schools will use the same resources; so the most expensive thing in this model is a good timetable. App learning resources requires one to own at least a smart phone, tablet or a computer. This app learning method is cost intensive, individual centric and the learning experience might have a huge dependence on the type of device the student uses. A video projector proposed in this solution allows for greater visual interaction which is key in teaching and group learning. Even more advantageous is that it does not require internet connection to view content. Computers will be available to all school going and out of school girls and young women, thus no need for individuals to purchase.
Technology has developed such that a cheap science lab business can be run using small, cheap DIY kits such as Arduino uno micro-controllers, signal generators, oscilloscopes and others which costs at least tens of times cheaper than regular equipment. Also, the emergence of battery powered video projectors (as opposed to text projectors) has given us an avenue to maneuver the internet in rural areas and were internet costs are high. Cluster learning using these small DIY lab kits and projectors implies that the cost of STEM learning will be greatly reduced. Since most of these electronic equipment can be bought as components with clear instructionals, they can be assembled by students as part of learning.
This YouTube channel provides an independent objective assessment of DIY oscilloscopes vs regular lab oscilloscope. In our case, we are using a more advanced oscilloscope. For the purposes of education, these oscilloscope look and work as expected. Similarly, the signal generators are equally good for education of High School students. This video shows that these small kits are convenient for early electronics technicians, a group which encompasses our High School students.
- Audiovisual Media
Our approach is based on behavioral science organization management theory advanced by Naomi Ellemers which states that individuals and organizations mutually influence each other. Thus our solution provides a platform for support for girls and young women STEM education by creating a women tech hub which tackles the multifaceted challenges which hinder women involvement in STEM. In return we benefit from improved responsive teaching and an increased human resource pool. The young women network in science and tech education will also cultivate positive thinking and encouragement without outside pessimistic noises. It has been reported elsewhere that outgroups, in this case heavily male dominated STEM subjects have a negative influence on the few ingroups, in this case females. Therefore learning within a dedicated hub is expected to increase participation in discussions, practical work and other activities at a very critical juncture in a girls education. In the longterm, women will increase in confidence gained through experience and working in a positive environment and buttressed by good results fully cementing their place in the technology revolution. More women in previously male dominated fields will potentially attract other women and inspire young girls.
- Women & Girls
- Poor
- Low-Income
- 4. Quality Education
- 5. Gender Equality
Currently the prototype can serve 250 people
In one year it can serve 200,000
In five years 2,000,000
Within the next year, we are mainly looking to servicing the whole country including those in the rural areas. Our expansion plans include opening new branches on the model of the pilot Caliper STEM Center. In the rural areas, we plan to partner with boarding schools since boarding schools have accommodation. This means that for the surrounding rural community we can offer them STEM practicals during school holidays while resident on the boarding school. Mobile STEM labs can be offered in peri-urban settlements as they are partly rural but within a good distance from the main Caliper STEM Center which will be located in the urban area. All our equipment can run on battery power hence no need to physically connect to wall sockets for electricity. In order to have access to government run schools, we have since initiated contact with relevant ministries and we are working on a memorandum of understanding. We expect our partner organization to also have MoU's (currently they cover twelve districts in Zimbabwe) which also cover the whole nation in order to continue our community engagements.
In the next five years, we then expect to expand to countries in the Southern African (SADC) region outside Zimbabwe.
We currently lack financial resources to acquire sufficient kits throughout the STEM subjects in order to proceed to piloting stage. Some legal barriers exist as Caliper is yet to obtain a MoU with the relevant ministry of education in order to create school clusters were we can operate.
Financial Barrier: We continue to seek grants to capacitate our center. Currently, we have relied on personal funding and expertise to purchase the sole Physics kit and design the laboratory manual but though a great effort, it is insufficient to proceed to piloting.
Legal Barrier: We have already initiated the process of acquiring a MoU with the ministry of education. However, we still require at least two kits, one in Biology and one in Chemistry in order to proceed to finalization of the process.
- Hybrid of for-profit and nonprofit
Eight (8) full-time staff
Twenty (20) part-time staff
Ten (10) Contractors
The core of team comprise mainly science graduates who have at least five (5) years experience in different fields of STEM. We also have Mrs Muzondo-Chirova who co-leads the women tech hub (♀ech hub) from SYDT. She has nearly a decade of experience working with young people in different areas of the country and holds a degree in History and Developmental Studies. Mrs Gavaza will co-lead the ♀ech hub from the Sciences side. She holds a BSc degree in computer science and mathematics and currently studying towards a MSc in Strategic management. Mr Mujokoro, the team leader, is a university lecturer with experience of teaching Physics at university level and has supervised undergraduate Physics laboratories for over five years. Mr Madhovi and Ms Hungwe currently teach Physics and Chemistry at different schools both have BSc degrees in their respective fields. Mrs I Walters, will spearhead the Biological sciences. She holds a BSc in Computer Science and Biological Sciences and a MSc in Biological Sciences. Mr Dzinoreva has worked for Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) and has wide experience in the entire SADC education systems. He is a graduate of computer science and has successfully implemented projects such as ICT's for Education in various African countries. We have strong grounding in STEM and STEM education and we are very familiar with the challenges we intend to solve. In addition, our colleagues in SYDT have vast experience dealing with young people and the different issues that affect them.
We currently are partnering
Strategic Youth Development Trust (SYDT)
We have created a women tech hub (♀ech hub) in our STEM centers which specifically deals with girls and women in STEM and digital literacy. SYDT has experience in dealing with social, cultural and other challenges relating to young people in general and women in Zimbabwe.They have twelve MoU's with twelve districts in Zimbabwe which allows them to conduct meetings, campaigns and workshops with the community and other stakeholders which encompass their target groups. Our strategic partnership will allow SYDT to engage all stakeholders with girls and young women addressing their challenges to STEM education and encouraging them to join the Young Women in Stem Network under our ♀ech hub. Also, SYDT is empowered to inform STEM educators on gender inclusive teaching methods as they provide a safe space platform for interaction with young women and girls. Thus providing timely and important feedback.
Our key customers are all school going students and adult women who wish to learn STEM related subjects and enhance their digital skills. Our core services are providing STEM learning resources for everyone, ICT programs for adult women and free counseling services for girls and women. These services are provided at either our STEM centers or delivered to a cluster of schools. These services are essential to personal development particularly in this 4th industrial revolution.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
Grants will form critical seed funding for the business. Afterwards, the equipment will be rented through Caliper STEM Centers to different schools. Part of the money raised will also be used in the capitalization of Caliper Education Suppliers which will sell fully assembled kits to schools and colleges which can afford them. Once both companies (Caliper STEM Center and Caliper Education Suppliers) are fully capitalized and operational, shares will be sold to raise capital for national and regional expansion. Aside from selling STEM kits we will also provide services in lab practical design and implementation and equipment servicing. Also, besides servicing schools, the STEM centers will enroll their own students from non-school going members of community and adult women. We will organize various workshops with successful individuals from STEM related professionals and business related workshops at the STEM centers. All these activities are expected to bring financial resources which will contribute to self-sustainability.
Our biggest challenge is funding. MIT Solve can assist us in capitalization of our project. Also the legal barriers to obtaining a MoU which can allow us open access to all public schools hinges on our ability to deliver ready made kits. Therefore, in addition to the USD$10,000.00 on offer,MIT solve also has other funding opportunities where our solution is relevant hence a chance to be fully capitalized through MIT Solve.
- Solution technology
- Funding and revenue model
Firstly, we wish to partner with an entity which has the capacity to fund our project. Also, we are already looking into the future of education and would like to have a partner who can assist us in developing artificial intelligence into teaching and compatible devices.
We wish to partner electronic equipment manufacturing companies who produce video projectors. Our plans are to customize some specs included in the projectors during manufacturing so as to accommodate our future developments.
We also wish to partner with MIT department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in developing artificial intelligence for teaching.
Our ♀ech hub is meant to ensure long-term sustainability of a good quality of life for women through access to cheap technology education and digital literacy. The ♀ech hub will also provide a gender responsive and gender inclusive platform thus removing auxiliary gender specific burdens which limits girls full participation in STEM. Thus our solution fills an important gap in the STEM education loop as it will actively focus on girls and women education at the same time provide important feedback to the educators. Our participating solution to MIT Solve under "Learning for girls and women" is only based on establishing a single STEM Center. The Innovation for women prize will go a long way in assisting us meet our set targets for national and regional expansion. We will be able to provide quality STEM education kits even to rural areas who otherwise never see a science lab while at the same time softening the vice-grip cultural system in those parts of the country.
Reaching out to vulnerable girls and women and identifying them is the first step in advancing their needs. Our ♀ech hub is specifically meant for purpose. The ♀ech hub will have two age group based branches specifically tailored to identify and solve challenges related to girls and women education in STEM. The GM Prize will be cultivated into ♀ech hub and its utilization will be dedicated to payment of education for vulnerable girls and women and funding their employment within our organization. In addition, not only does Zimbabwe has majority women, but the majority of these women are in rural areas where their activities are limited to their immediate surroundings. The GM prize can help in capacitating the women through the outreach operations of the ♀ech hub raising awareness to its functions and empowering women technologically.
Our ♀ech hub in our STEM centers has two branches, one of which is currently participating in the MIT Solve challenge for girls and young women (i.e. Young Women Stem Network) and the other called Platform for Adult Women. This platform leverages on the ICT equipment with the hub to provide digital education for entrepreneurial activities. The leaders of our ♀ech hub are young, digitally competent and highly exposed women who have both the capacity to develop, know how of and thrive on the digital skills. With this prize, we will be able to fund both outreach programs for increasing awareness of digital skills particularly in enhancing their entrepreneurial products and goods on the digital marketplace. Also, it will solely tailor digital education for women and fund field trips to tech companies in the digital area. We also envision using this prize to develop a phone application which can connect women to their different suppliers and potential customers. Some of the money will be used for marketing the application and recruit more women.
We will use projectors loaded with pre-recorded video classes to teach at our STEM Centers. We wish to improve this basic idea with a AI powered intelligent virtual assistant (IVA's) to help during question and answer when the teacher is not available. Already, IVA's have been used successfully in different areas such as commerce, weather report, music, home control systems they can no doubt be adapted for video e-learning with minor hardware and software adjustments to the current video projectors. This solution will spread the wings of STEM education to areas where there are no STEM teachers (they're on demand and so they usually prefer to work in the cities, mostly at high paying private colleges). Also, they can be useful for student only group learning particularly in disaster hit areas and during times such as these when places are locked down.