Education for Powerful Future
Empowerment of young girls is closely linked to the opportunities they have in education, health and political participation. The role played by rural girls and young women in the economic development has not been assigned sufficient. Women face gender specific barriers in access to education, health , women have little control over resources of here houses and community at large. Women are often under privilege for their work, and the data on literacy rates, enrollment and drop rates in primary education life expectancy. We are aiming to improve the education and economic condition of the rural women. Capacity building and skills development, the project will be implemented in six counties of Fangak State for duration of 24 month, 100 identifiable women groups will be trained to change their saving habits and creation of skills business group. Improvement in the health situation professional and technical, social skills of 100 women. awareness
we want to solve educational problems that facing our young girls and women, by encouraging enrollment turn out and elimination of girls schools dropout. teacher and educator training, envisage to empower women to become self reliant through formation of groups. the project will be implemented will the full cooperation of the women beneficiaries from the targeting areas. women leadership involvement will be considered for encouragement of the beneficent. it shall strive on their participation. the awareness program would be followed up by health checklist, eyes care campaign for young children and other tests including DE-worming program that affecting their educational development, the program will include Parent Teachers Association (PTAs) training session. capacity building training on girls child education concepts and group stabilization. once the young group are formed and identified training programs shall be conducted for the group members on values respect of self help education development. through out the project duration education teams must be established by making their serving regular and strengthening their lending operation . literacy and numeracy classes should be conducted-and attended by all members of educational department. meetings must be held regularly, preferably every week the project must be mandatory to all educational sectors who.
the solution is bases on education awareness, there is ample evidence that improvement in girls education benefits the status of the family and empower the country declaration of free education for all. it urged access to and improvement in quality education of girls and women.the gender gap is big in south Sudan in the levels of literacy of the girl child. schools enrollment, school dropout and opportunity for vocational training , there is a need to educate the public mothers about value of girls child education and the entire community status. there is clear fear of educating girls that is related to sexual exploitation and violence against women education and vocational training centers should be establish with modern technology and be connected with anti poverty reduction programs. integrated child care programs should be connected with primary education. we should focus on education protection by creating child friendly space survival and development of girls child special school for developing skills in nutrition, cooking sewing hospitality, home economic activities. child development Centers should be set up in all villages for girls child from (6-19) years all. the gap in girls education is attributed to resistance of parents unfavorable attitudes towards coeducation, poverty
the solution will impact the selected and the entire community of Fangak state. its aims to improve the education and economic and health condition of the young women and girls. the program will improve girls child education by provision of skillful training material. it will solve schools girls enrollment by creating new learning spaces in selected areas.the project activities will empowered women in rural areas. it will reduce fear that related to sexual abuse and domestic violence against women by conducting training and destination of right messages to the community. the scheme will reduced public economic pressure by giving training skill in cooking sewing, home economic activities. education awareness campaign will give clear understanding about the girls child education in advancing of social justice. girls education should be ensured by incentives such incentives will give meaningful continuation of young girls in educational classrooms. it will achieved education sustainability in the poor communities who are seeing education intern of time wasting. after the end of the project enrollment of girls in primary will increase, less dropout. we will mobilize and harness the power of community at large to combat against social justice including child right to education, rights to be developed.
- Increase the number of girls and young women participating in formal and informal learning and training
a girl is the full circle within here is the power to create nature and transform the nations. we recognized for the first time that girls and women in general are not just as equal citizens but as agent of economic and social change that start first with education. in this juncture we are going to increase access to primary education of the disadvantaged slum girls. and increase the enrollment of girls in the primary level, by encouraging parent to attentively seeing the future of girls in the classrooms.opportunities for training, opening new training centers to accommodates the urgent need.
- Concept: An idea being explored for its feasibility to build a product, service, or business model based on that idea
- A new application of an existing technology
educational innovation is borne out of a passion to deliver different, unique and something that awaken others creativity in the classroom is more satisfying the students. our innovation its involve all of our senses and creates new knowledge that didn't exist before. students of all ages need to learn by creating. this program helps to synthesize information and bring happiness and meaning into their educational experience. to create an innovative , open creative and trust place for students to grow take risks and feel comfortable in their own patterns of learning. we view culture as one of the most critical aspect to invite innovation and make the classroom as safe for all our children, to ask questions and fail in order to learn. we have change the mindset of our teachers, because most of them were trained to educate solely from the teachers point of view, but to change this types of delivery and makes their classroom more innovative , we think about our students as leaders so we are acting as guides rather than teaching contents and asking students to spill out the information. more importantly self reflection in the classroom is a way for educators to look back on their teaching strategies to discovery how and why there were teaching in a certain ways and how their students responded. we encourage them to ask open ended questions because its gives a various answers and lead to strong collaborations with all teaching methods it is important for teachers to.
the classroom is a dynamic environment, bringing together all students from different backgrounds with various abilities, standard , cultural and talent being a good teacher, therefore need , or requires the implementation of creative and innovative teaching styles in or to meet students needs. therefore, we introduce interactive whiteboard to display photos audio clips and videos as well as encouraging them to get out their seats with classroom experiments and local field visits to historical and heritages places. in addition we encourage students of mixed abilities to works together , by promoting small group class activities solving mathematical puzzles conducting scientific experiment , drama sketches. in our new teaching styles we encourage students to express their unique creativeness of doing poems have to rhymes. in our new curriculum we are teaching traditional dances using local instruments. last year we introduce mobile devices, such iPad can be used in the classroom for students to records results , takes photos downloads some important item relevant to the subject of the day-videos. or simply as a behavior management techniques, and incorporating educational programs. the teaching has major principles that create the foundation of learning , learner centered approach, whole students experience effective presentation in various formats and modalities , continuous friendly active communication ,collaboration and cooperation among the young students in various small-big groups strengthening the further interrelated outcome for the students. the teacher need to know the student,s father and their social status. this help the teachers and educators to identified any.
- Materials Science
- Women & Girls
- 5. Gender Equality
- South Sudan
- South Sudan
- Nonprofit
corner stone salvation has number of twelve staffs and five volunteer making total number to seventeen in (17) their names as follows.
- Bouth Choul = executive Director
- Rose Ngot = Program officer
- William Nyang Admin & finance
- James Ran = field Coordinator
-Marry Gai logistics
-lucia Bukech Community facilitator
-Terraza Peter community mobilizer
-Peter James Hygiene promoter
- Manyang Pathat =Hygiene promoter
-Mayiel Wich Deng education field officer
- Micheal Choul Toruk health Officer
-Andrew Louth Chany Sanitation officer
and five other volunteers
Corner stone salvation is faces by significant challenges in the field of education in general and girl child education in particular. Gender equity and quality education among the grave challenges. The goal and objectives is to strengthen education system in south Sudan. The country has the worst indicators for girl’s education in the world. Girls are more likely to drop out compared to boys. This condition is alarming since the young women are likely to die during first childbirth, than those who completed primary levels. The most complicating things is that out of (10)) teachers only one is female teacher. Female teachers are important to serves as positive influence for girls to enroll and stay in schools. In order to overcome or removes barriers of girls education is to joined the global partnership for education sustainability. Establishment of teacher training centers for new teachers capacities building. Creation of child friendly and learning space, public awareness about positive results of child education. Encouraging parents and guardian to trust and help girls to accomplished their educational potentialities. This year we enrolled 480 students from p1up to p8, we are motivating them to see the positive part of learning, the school is equipped with technological inputs computer lab and other learning material. In the five year to come the enrollment will increase up to 2400 students. The level of awareness will rise and the entire community will realized the value of educated girls. with sorrows to mention that the girl child education percentages.
- Funding and revenue model
partnership creation and consolidation is always characterized by manual respect and understanding. based upon an assertion of status and authority differential and the formalization of procedures. so partnership are a frequent occurrence in the nonprofits organisation, the positive partnership can last for much longer and can extremely advantageous this are four ways to ensure that your partnership improve organization for a long time. its increase your funding, those organisation with large finances and development departments is the one take care of some of your projects. and support you to learn more about the development issues. partnership build small NGOs capacities sharing works and give new opportunities to young organizations so as you start sketch out your partnership , you first think of ways you can use that alliance to help less experiences employees lead and learn and involve in meetings for that matter. in this way we are looking.
we can partner with save the children international, UNICEF and other international organizations who are saving children all over the World their partnership can strengthen our capacities in child services delivery.
Change can be useful in forming education reform strategies and in getting results. But through only in mind, hands and hearts of those who have a deep understanding of the dynamic of how the factors in question operate to get results. The main project will focus on educational change philosophy that are adequate in the field of girl child education. Academic standard an instruction of works assessment and accountability system need to be strengthen and developed. The need is to cope up with world education standard even though the challenges are many. For standard based instruction among the tools of system reform that are used in the classroom. The result involve developing communities of learners in which teachers and schools leaders works together to improve the learning condition and result of students in that specific school. We emphasis on learning collaborative culture stressing learning for all children not girls child alone. The change happen only when the team are action oriented learners by doing it’s or taking concrete measures, the commitment to continue improving the education obstacles. The ultimate outcome of the change, is to change attitudes, tools and system, for system change to happen on large scale we need schools learning from each other. the cited above organization has good experience in team of child education,child health child-welfare
South Sudanese history is one permeated with conflict. Indeed, prior to its 2011 independence, the country was at war with its northern counterpart, Sudan. This resulted from a failed promise that the region would be granted the right to political participation. This discrimination was predominantly based on religious differences. Indeed, there is a distinction between the Muslim-majority north and Christian south. Since 2011, however, bad governance and failed nation-building have plunged the country into turmoil once again, this time resulting in a, still ongoing, civil war. Whatever agreements were reached were quickly upset by the different warring parties roaming the country. The permanence of this disarray translates into difficult conditions for the 13,026,129 South Sudanese. Indeed, the country’s human development index is 0.388, ranking it 187th in the world. This is explained by 50.6% of the country’s population living under the poverty line, a meager 27% literacy rate and a life expectancy of only 56.3 years. the civil war resulted into mass displacement and some flee the country i to neighboring Country some now who. so the Country now has eight different location for Internal Displace Persons (IDPs).Good six years with out any form of education since starting their displacement the prize can advance their education skills and help their children to have that most needed services. the education services, can help children to coup up with their trauma,if we can support them with the services they can help themselves in the future to come unless we support their need.
its our organization main motif to help women who are in need and help them. secure a better future with the responsibility of all their rights its a fact of dignity and matter of respect to help endless women all across the country with any kind of injustice happening to them. we are ready to take any steps to help them and take all responsibilities that includes their health education legal matters or their employment. our main objectives is to empower the women living with tough lives longing for support they deserves , its is our motto to see these women treated harshly in many areas in the country having better life in places where they are left abused uneducated. its our main duty to raise their spirit and help them live as an equal in their society and make them believe that they are not meek creatures. and motivate them towards their goodness. those being treated as a waste of space , those which are thrown acid on their faces and forced to do things against their wills. its our ultimate aim to make sure that those women secure a better future., with their rights protected very well that what we strive to be an organization of women at their best helping other women to be their best. as a volunteer organization of business and professional women we feel unequally qualified to help women and girls live their dreams with honesty and manual respects and gender equality further the
Girl child education program intended to address the constrains of girl participation, retention and achievement at school and society, these include financed and socio-economic factors, such early marriages and force marriages as well as the devastating impact of sexual transmitted disease on girls and their families members. The program is to provide comprehensive support for girl’s education in the form of learning up to secondary levels and beyond.We are intended to ensure access to educational opportunities and are geared to need within the project area.Lack of opportunity created by the absence of clear educational s services on the other hands can not only cause despair but destruction of once life. Hence, quality education is a sound investment that provides economic,health, social and civic returns that will last for generation. Access to quality education is one of the best ways to prevent child labor, early child marriages and child trafficking from rural to urban areas.The children of educated methods have highest survival rate better health and nutrition and more likely to attend and success in school. Good education is one of the most effective preventive gun against hygiene and diseases reduction which is prevalent in the project area. Young girls with little or no education are than twice as likely to contracted sexual transmitted disease as those who have completed secondary level of education.example basic education can transform the lives of girls and women providing them with great appreciation of their own potential and rights as well as expanded employment opportunities.
empowerment through life cycles, reproductive health is a life times concern for both women and men, from infancy to old age 45 support programming tailored to the different challenges they face at different time in life. beneficiaries details number of beneficiaries , process for identification selection. we can approach rural women through self help groups and formation of health groups. this is of the project depends on the women selected to compose one unit of working groups in the health awareness and health implementable measures among them.
Executive Director