We are committed to tackle learning for girls and women,thereby mobilising them on the importance of education to the society today and even globally.Generally, girls and women prefer being engaged on different matters ,like: leadership opportunities,explore talents,skills and personalities,something that lots of people fail to understand, thus if this solution is scalled globally, it would atract atleast 70% of lives puting in mind that girls and women take the lead in numbers globally. Therefore,education is the only key that will lead girls and women to engage on different matters mentioned above.
The problem that we would like to solve is ensuring that both girls and women get access to education.In a research conducted by our team,we used samplin method to reach out girls and women in different communities in various parts of the world.Community wise,it was found that, the average scale is 78%. Globally,the scale was found to be a bit lower that is:69%as compared to community based scale. This was found to be true because there are more communities globally that provide equal education opportunity to both girls and boys as compared to single community.In a community whose total population of female persons is 600,000,it was found that 468,000 are uneducated which gives a 78%. The findings on the contributing factors to the problem include: lack of awareness on importance of education, culture e.g,in terms of value,early marriage,female genital mutilation:poverty and early pregnancies.
Mobilizing girl-child education embarks on basically talking to the girls and women one on one thus getting the direct outcome of their feeling and views instantly. However, it's process works on close and friendly communication with the administration concerned.this includes: Firstly, writting a letter to the administation asking them for permission to talk to the girls and women within his or her community, and permission granted .Secondly, we created awareness through writting posters, and thirdly, we made an arrangement and met the targetted population. Afterwards, we briefed them on the agenda that is: education, and gave them the questionnaires to fill in. Finally we gave them the opportunity to ask any area that they feel not included within the questionnaire.
Our solution is targeting the poppulation of girls and women locally and globally. Mobilisation keeps us moving on. Being our key solution,it enhances on engaging them in a forum discussion on matters pertaining to education and the problems they face.This will enable them to list the problems they face and from there we shall be able to understand their needs.Talking to them one on one gives room for them to give out their feeling and views about the problems facing them and what to be done too,this will easilly help us in developing solutions to the problems facing them. The most important aspect is the implementation of the solutions to the problems. This can be done through a proper coordination and collaboration with other bodies, such as:national government, county government, non-governmental organisations and local administration authorities. Thereafter, a follow-up must be done by the body incharge of the project, to ensure that the problems have been solved.
- Increase the number of girls and young women participating in formal and informal learning and training
In conclusion,the major contributing factor to the challenge was found to be lack of information on importance of education.Therefore, we did much on mobilizing both girls and women on the same (solution), giving them enough information on the importance of education,which finally made them have the urge to acquire education. This will definately make their number to increase in accessing both formal and informal education (dimension).
- Scale: A sustainable enterprise working in several communities or countries that is looking to scale significantly, focusing on increased efficiency
- A new application of an existing technology
The solutions that already existed before, touched majorly on barriers to the problems facing girls and women on education in different communities. Unlike in our case, the major contributing factor was found to be lack of ediquate information on education, even though other factors like; poverty, culture, among others were also found. Thus, our solution, which is mobilizing girl-child education,is basically alligned to the a new dimension of performance on increasing the number of girls and women in accessing both formal and informal education. Secondly, our solution was found to more efficiently be alligned to both dimension of increasing the number of girls and women in accessing both formal and informal education, as well as reducing barriers to girls and women in accessing education, as compared to already existed solutions that alligned to only one dimension of reducing barriers to girls in accessing both formal and informal education.
Our solution is a new application of an existing technology (solution) in learning for girls and women. Despite the previous solutions to the same problem, there was an increasing number of girls and women not accessed to education yet. Therefore, our team did inquire on the same, and actually found that, there was an aspect that was left behind by the prior solution developers, that is, lack of adequate information to girls and women on the importance of education, and how to mobilize the targetted population on matters regarding to education, as our team found as the most important factor that will definately make them have urge in education, and therefore ,will increase their numbres in accessing education. Basically, this solution is a new application of an existing technology, that failed to completely address major problem facing girls and women in the societies as well as globally in relation to accessing education.
The solution is less commonly used technology, as we said earlier that, early solution developers did not got the gist of the problem as they left the main aspect. But the solution has been used in few communities and found to be more effective as compared to the already existing solution, moreso in African and Indian communities. After this solution was enrolled in such communities, it was found that the number of girls and women accessing both formal and informal education doubled the number before. To justify, in Indian communities, a study on the same was conducted by M.D. Usha Devi, in his article, published by: Economic and Political Weekly., brought it clear that, this solution worked effectively as compared to the previous solutions developed.
- Behavioral Technology
Globally, girls and women have faced many challenges that have not been completely solved. More annoying is the fact that, they are not in the position of accessing both formal and informal education as compared to an opposite gender. As early solution developers to the same describe the problem, their findings and solutions, the impact was not felt and the problem was still continuing to increase. This is because they did not get the gist of the problem, which is, lack of adequate information on importance of education in girls as well as women.
The solution therefore, will emphasize on mobilizing the girls and women on importance of education to them, through mentorship programme, encouraging them by motivative examples of successfull women in the world, and their achievements in life. This will actually make them gain compentency and develope the urge to get educated as witnessed in the article named above as an output/outcome.
When the solutions to the problem are implemented effectively, through a proper coordination and collaboration with relevant bodies, and a follow up is done to later by the body incharge, the number of girls and women accessing both formal and informal education will definitely double the original number before this solution was rolled out. This was seen by the time this solution was rolled out in some communities in Africa and India.
In a nutshell, we do recommend that, this solution to be considered most effective and to be implemented appropriately in order to address the problem facing girls and women on education matters globally. Hence, making them acquire adequate knowledge and skills that will make them compete with opposite gender as well.
- Women & Girls
- 1. No Poverty
- 2. Zero Hunger
- 3. Good Health and Well-Being
- 4. Quality Education
- 5. Gender Equality
- 10. Reduced Inequalities
- Kenya
- Uganda
- Ethiopia
- Rwanda
- Tanzania
Currently we serve 455 in Kenya and 200 in Ugnda, giving a total of 655 girls and women.
In a year time, we wish to serve over 1900 girls and women.
In five years time we wish to serve over 10,000 girls and women.
Our future goals include the following;
a) To reach and inform every girl and young woman about the importance of education globally.
b) To ensure that both girls and women have a great passion of acquiring, and can easily get access to both formal and informal educaton.
c) To ensure that every young girl and woman realise her educational goal, and be considered in the society or globally on matters related to development,decision making process and gender equality concerns.
d) To reduce any barrier that might be hindering them in realizing their educational goals.
In mobilizing girl-child education, we currently encountered the following barriers that existed,and would detor us from accomplishing our main aim in ensuring that both girls and young women get accessed to formal and informal education. These include:
a) Financial - in as much as our key solution was mobilization, the exact outcome was positive, as in they were able and willing to learn,though inadequate financial support to meet this need will make it hard for a couple of years.
b) Technical -the use of questionnare as a mode of getting the views of both girls and women was not easy considering that majority of them are not learned, and the language used is not understood by most of them,thus making it slow for us to get immediate views.
c) Legal - involvement in leadership opportunities as a view to both girls and women,we found out that they feel left out in this section, as a rule in various states.
d) Cultural - that great value possed on the opposite gender demorolizes girls and young women.Early marriage seen as a barrier too, and female genital mutillation for certain communities.
e) Market - most of them are not in a position to access information on what is taking place locally or even globally thus a limit in ability to access the information pertaining education.
Our team had set a plan to overcome these barriers as follows:
a) Financial - we tried to use whatever little we had to meet this challenge, by contributing from our salaries and our existing Kaboko Poultry Farming project,though this was not enough therefore we seek to acquire support from well wishers,national governments and donors from different parts of the world.
b) Technical - considering that most of the girls and young women are not learned and it was hard for them to understand the questions asked in the questionnare, we had to read and explain in details to them on what was recquired of them.
c) Legal - we created awareness to the government on our research about their views concerning their equal share on the leadership opportunities.
d) Cultural - we talked to the local authorities within the communities to give us chance to talk to the girls and young women, thereafter oppening a forum to them and their parents /guardians on the importance of education.
e) Market - we ensured that we provided important information concerning education to every girl and young woman,through relaying information to a represantative who will in turn communicate to them,contacting them in person and through progressive method (tell a friend to tell a friend).
- Nonprofit
Our team that participated in the solution comprises of 20 people as provided bellow;
Full time staff =8
Part time =7
Other workers =5
Having gone through a couple of steps in finding a solution to the challenges making girls and young women not to get accessed to education, we believe that we are well positioned to deliver this solution as in:
a) Skills - Good communicational skills from our team that is verbal and none verbal has made it easy for us to reach both girls and young women letting them understand the importance of education. Most of our team members have done social community development and guidance and counselling making it easy for us to solve technical issues that might arise among the beneficiaries e.g. familly matters.
b) Background - This far we have reached,is from the dedication, hardwork, and volunteer from our team members and valuable friends. We have both skilled and experienced staffs who work under no supervision and using our motivative statement, " stand for something ", gave us encouragement to help vulnerable girls and women from the community and beyond. We started with small amount from our salaries contributions and grants from friends.The skilled staffs moreso on financial matters managed to budget with the little we had highlighting and implimenting first the majour important issues to be covered.
c) Experience - Our team had experienced individuals who had previously worked with other international bodies that faccilitates girl-child education e.g USAID aggencies. This made our work easier when it reaches on matters pertaining decision making, technical issues, problem identification and coming up with better solutions.
We do not partner with any organization currently.
The greater beneficiary segment of the bussines are the girls and women. In social and customer perception is to provide quality of chicken products, such as chicken meats and eggs. It also elevates the living standards of our customers,the communities surrounding and employees.
The surplus earned from the business sales of chicken products is majorly (50%) used to faccilitate the solution of mobilizing girls and young women to get access to both formal and informal education,the remaining 50% is used to pay the staffs working in the bussiness and also to maintain the business opperations.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
Originally, we started by contribution of capital among the five founders of the business,that was used majorly for site construction.Moreover,we also seeked for additional funds as grants from our friends that was used to purchase chicken,both boilers and layers, feeds and vaccines.The first sales made was re-invested into the bussiness as agreed upon by the founders.The business thrieved well till we had made enough profit that we decided to use outside the business,as in giving back to the society. Actually we started to assist five girls and two young women identified by the staffs. This was done through supporting them in paying their school fees. Henceforth, this idea emerged to grow after encquiring more about girls and young women not accessing education within that particular community. Moreover, girls were enrolled and now we have a total of 655 girls and young women who are beneficiaries to this project.As the number continues to increase,we have planned to seek for more donations and grants for expansion of both the business and our project,since member's contributions from salaries and the surplus from sales could not meet our targeted population in future.
Our team was more concerned on the rissing number of girls and young women not accessing education, as much as more researches have been done on the same and many barriers identified by such researchers.Therefore, we also did our research and found that, the main and core barrier to this challenge is lack of information on the importance of education to girls and young women,that will motivate them and finally make them have the morale of getting education despite other barriers.We found that other girls thrieved to go to school and managed even though they come from poor famillies and culture based communities,this is because they yearned to get education despite those barriers.The reason for our application is to make it clear to other solvers that the main reason why there is an increasing number of girls and young women not accessing education is the fact that, they lack information that definately motivates them to get educated.Bassing our mind on one of the Solve's core value that is optimism,we are sure that this chalenge is solvable on Solve.
- Solution technology
- Funding and revenue model
- Monitoring and evaluation
Our team would like to partner with, monitoring , evaluation and solution technology, as these two partners will be of more importance in furthering our skilled team on the emerging current issues that needs collaboration. Moreover, our team would also like to partner with funding and revenue model in order to help us reach our estimated goal of mobilizing girls and young women by increasing their number to access both formal and informal education through funding. As we mentioned earlier, our number continues to rise but we have inadequate fund and this will curb us to reach our goal. Therefore, we need more funding to make us realize our goal.
The organizations we would like to partner with, include :
a) Fact and Figures : Economic Empowerment| UN Women - Headquaters.
b) Gender Equality and Womens Empowerment USAID agencies.
c) Men Engage Alliance.
d) Adobe Foundation.
We would like the above mentioned organizations to assist in monitoring, evaluation and solution technology in furthering our skilled team on the emerging current issues that need collaboration.We also need funding and revenue model due to our inadequate funds and would therefore require financial support in order to reach our goal.
Our uniqueness in the research made by our team make us attain the qualification level as in, identifying the core barrier that makes girls and women not to get accessed to education, which we found to be lack of information on the importance of education that motivates them to yern for education.Our team will invest the prize majorly on mobilizing girls and young women, encouraging them and motivate their yern for education.This will be done by giving them stipend, faccilitating their education among others as listed on the estimated expenses discussed earlier.