Women's educational crusade
1, Women's Educational Crusade is eradicating all aspects that hinder education for young women and girl children.
2, We are adopting "operation 90-90-90".
That is, 90℅ of vulnerable communities are targeted.
90℅ of young women and girl children in those vulnerable communities are sensitized, trained and empowered with meaningful education.
90℅ of those trained are followed up until graduation.
3, At global scale, the same approach is remodeled to cover a larger space.
This is done with all stakeholders brought on deck (the Vulnerable young women & girl children, funding partners, other partners in activity, leadership of targeted host communities and the team of Crusaders).
We are organizing Training of trainers and later networked for information sharing during execution.
All stages of the project cycle are reported to stakeholders until exit. This will breed understanding, bonds, trust, efficiency and better results.
To reduce illiteracy for young women and girl children, especially in vulnerable rural communities and developing countries .
We live in Agbokim refugee settlement, Nigeria.
Here, 70℅ of young women are vulnerable or school Dropouts .
Globally, the percentage is about 40℅. However, the scale is much higher in Rural communities & developing countries as compared to urban areas & developed countries.
Causes for their underscholarization range from economic, to cultural , environmental and political.
Parents of children in these vulnerable communities prefer girl children to marry earlier so they may use bride price to sponsor the rest of their families especially the boy children who are considered "retirement benefits".
Culturally, their boy counterparts are considered for the ranks of next of kin. Parents think they are empowering them for their generations. This school of thoughts is a hindrance for girls' education.
Also culturally, Muslims communities don't value education for girl children. This perception demands a lot of sensitization and advocacy for meaningful change to be realized.
Politically, leadership policies don't advocate, encourage , protect, Support or subsidize education of girl children.
We are demanding and enforcing bills in their favour because they too feel that pain of marginalized humans.
Our methodologies are simply in execution.
1, Get all stakeholders on deck.
2, Organize regular Sensitization meeting.
3, Indentify the vulnerable communities.
4, Conduct a baseline survey to determine vulnerability.
5, Do more door to door Sensitization.
6, Organized more training workshops to Sensitize the need of education for young women and girl children.
7, Get the vulnerable enrolled into schools.,
8, Empower those enrolled into schools with all basic studying tools... Books, computer, internet, and allowances for movement.
9, Monitor them regularly as they study to ensure they get to graduation.
10, Assist them after graduation to seek volunteering or paid jobs.
11, Ensure they also become change makers or Crusaders for the education of young women and girl children of the world, especially in Rural communities and developing countries.
Our target is the Young women and girl children within the refugee population of Agbokim plus its environs.
We are regularly meeting and working in a participatory effort to bring change and or eradicate odds that are affecting education for the young women and girl children in these communities.
We are optimistic that, their level of literacy would add up. They would eventually get better jobs, better salaries , better livelihood and be fully empowered to face the realities of our increasing competitive world.
If we empower the young women and girl children, then we have empowered the world.
- Increase the number of girls and young women participating in formal and informal learning and training
To increase the number of young women in schools, with "operation 90-90-90".
90℅ vulnerable communities would be targeted.
90℅ young women and girls in vulnerable communities would be sensitized, trained and empowered.
90℅ trained will be followed until graduation.
1, Get to all stakeholders.
2, Organize Sensitization meetings
3, Indentify vulnerable communities.
4, Conduct baseline survey.
5, Do door-to-door Sensitization.
6, Organized workshops
7, Equip & enroll them into schools
8, Monitor & evaluate until graduation.
9, Assist them after graduation.
10, Make them NEW change makers or Crusaders.
start-up is small to gather challenges, solutions, and field experiences.
- Growth: An organization with an established product, service, or business model rolled out in one or, ideally, several communities, which is poised for further growth
- A new business model or process
Our unique innovative approach.
We can't say with a straight face that other competitors are not doing well to reducing illiteracy for the young women and girl children of the world. We are all partners in activity and should appreciate others, because together we continue to supplement and or close gaps in operation.
What makes this solution unique, is our "operations 90-90-90 crusade"
The steps in accomplishing this crusade are also very unique in operation.( See steps 1- 11 above)
The purpose is to identify clearly those communities affected, sensitize them to change perception , get more young women and girls children equipped and enrolled into schools until graduation.
The systems are changing from paper base to digital technology, we are getting basic study gadgets that would enhance their learning process.
We are putting incentives at their disposal in the form of movement costs. This should increasing efficiency for the project... Yes, very Certain .
We are ensuring this effort remains sustainable and impactful. We are regularly monitoring, evaluating and assisting graduates to pick up volunteering or paid jobs to support livelihood.
Education would continually equip young women and girl children especially in rural areas with better knowledge and skills. We are educating them to fetch for themselves , others, and contribute in developing the communities
This unique approach is also putting more emphasis on vocational training...that easily puts food on the table.
With more practical skills, they are quickly fitting into the contemporary and competitive job market.
Women's educational Crusade is making use of existing technology especially for the computer hardware and software.
We are making provision of low cost or affordable laptops to all young woman and girl children that are finally enrolled into schools. We are however taking into consideration the properties with respect to the softwares needed to be installed for learning.
We are making available the internet key to every beneficiaries in tertiary education. This would assist them connect / network with the rest of the world, share ideas and research online.
Moreso, we are installing to the laptops , basic softwares needed to facilitate their learning process.
We are seeking support from organization that produce these hardwares / softwares. #Togetherwecan facilitate and make this a success. I am very certain this continually would work for our young women and girl children of the world.
We have seen advanced communities of the world adopting "operation one child one laptop" ... USA for example has already adopted this and results are wonderful.
This has already helped empowered so many kids in schools.
"Operation one girl child one laptop" fits well into this solution.
- Audiovisual Media
- Crowdsourced Service / Social Networks
- GIS and Geospatial Technology
- Internet of Things
- Software and Mobile Applications
Our Theory of change :
As we empower the young women and girl children, we have empowered the world.
Therefore, our world would be a better place when women represent 50℅ or more of our contemporary leadership cycle, job market and the Entrepreneurs.
This thinking is already reducing or eradicating gender bias in our urban communities and develop countries. This is also empowering our young women and girl children to fit into our ever increasing competitive world that has for centuries been men-dominated.
- Women & Girls
- Infants
- Children & Adolescents
- Elderly
- Rural
- Peri-Urban
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Refugees & Internally Displaced Persons
- Minorities & Previously Excluded Populations
- Persons with Disabilities
- 1. No Poverty
- 2. Zero Hunger
- 4. Quality Education
- 5. Gender Equality
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 10. Reduced Inequalities
- 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
- 16. Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
- 17. Partnerships for the Goals
- Nigeria
- Ghana
1, Initially , we are serving a small group of about 50 persons to gather better experiences from every challenges in operation.
Efficiency is increasing as we repeatedly get involved with same operations or solution.
2 , In one year, we are serving about 100 persons.
3, In fives years, we should be serving about 300 or more persons.
After a great mastery of every process involved during the past four years, the increasing numbers aren't any big problem anymore.
However, the challenge depends on the resources available to accomplish each project cycle smoothly.
Our goal is to finally see 90℅ of our communities with young woman and girl children identified.
90 % of these young woman and girl children in those vulnerable communities are sensitized to change perception, equipped with basic needs, and enrolled into schools.
90℅ of these young women and girl children enrolled into schools are monitored , evaluated until graduation. They are assisted in job search after graduation to create more impact and sustainability. We are encouraging them to start as volunteers to gather more experience or market their skills to organizations, institutions, and enterprizes.
We are sure these graduates too will become new Crusaders or change makers for the education of other young women and girl children of the world
In five years time, we are running functional offices with more paid staff in all communities of operations. These offices are acting as focal points for efficiency and service delivery. We are very results oriented.
Our partners should be regularly updated clearly on how the operations are being executed...from our blog, Facebook, LinkedIn , Twitter , and many others.
There should be reporting at all stages of execution until the end of each project cycle.
They range from cultural to economic , political and environmental.
We are doing all it takes to educate people especially in those communities that restrict education or have culture that hinder young women and girl children from going to school. This is a great challenge to accomplish. Its has to do with change of humane perception.
There is need for a transportation equipment to move around and get solution executed smoothly. sponsors are needed at many stages to assist in financing.
The cost of running our office and staff Stipend need financial assistance.
We may not be able to have all hardwares and software free from partners, we are putting in extra money to supplement costs.
Incentives in the form of transport costs to students is also needed. This is another financial load.
We are tempted to make small donations "if need be" to leaders of communities to attract their interest or permit us facilitate the process easily. This has proven to be the case especially in rural areas and developing countries.
Politically, Rural areas and developing countries practice a lot of "bottle-neck" or extortion. We are legalizing every attempt before any points of entry.
Environmental factors also make execution in many cases hard. The inadequate routes network in our rural areas and developing countries makes work very hard. But, we are reminding ourselves of "operation 90-90-90" that renders results. Yes , we are 90℅ or more results oriented at any one point.
With all hands on deck, these challenges should always be timely and smoothly handled.
From word rhetoric to action rhetoric, there is participatory effort from all stakeholders.(young women and girl children, team of crusaders, community leaders, sponsors and partners for same field operations.)
We are Networking with partners in operation , and sharing ideas in execution.
Politically, for "bottle-neck" or extortion. We are legalizing every attempts before any points of entry into communities.
Also We are demanding and enforcing bills in favour of the education of Young women and girl children, because they too feel that pain of marginalized humans.
Culturally, we are Sensitizating more in Muslim communities. We are very prepared to change this perception in 90℅ of vulnerable communities via repeated advocacy.
We have a wonderful team that meets regularly to brainstorm , draft terms of references for field work, and evaluate past executed projects or missions.
During evaluation, We observe challenges and develop doable methodologies in execution.
We aslo observe what went on so well, what did not go so well and why during previous activities.
Together, We look for possible solutions to challenges before subsequent field work.
we love and protect each other, we trust each other, we support each other in project execution and daily life.
Our goal is to render results as a team..."Think-With" & "Act With others".
We believe better results will only be achieved through a combined effort.
Finally, we are "acting locally" but *thinking globally".
- Other, including part of a larger organization (please explain below)
Think- With , Humanitarian Support Organization.
(T-W, HSO)
The above name best describes our organization.
Its a non-profit Humanitarian Support organization meant to support and empower humanity especially the rural poor, the affected population, the Marginalized and the vulnerable communities of the world.
This Vision and Mission makes us a Humanitarian Support Organization.
We are having a small team of 10 persons.
Presently, we have a team of 7 experts and 3 volunteers. These 7 experts are full-time staff. The 3 volunteers are part-time paid staff.
We are adding the number of full-time staff when we eventually run new offices in other communities of operation.
We have a team of 10 persons. 7 full-time staff are experts with university degree and specialized skill set in project management cycle.
These Experts have also demonstrated great understanding of how humanitarian Support organizations function. The 7 experts have also served in Non governmental organizations in the past either as project assistants or field execution staff or volunteers.
Our 3 volunteers demonstrate passion with a Burning love for our activities.
We have a wonderful team that meets regularly to brainstorm , draft terms of references for field work, and evaluate past executed projects or missions.
During evaluation, We regularly observe challenges and develop doable methodologies in execution.
We aslo observe what went so well, what did not go so well and why during previous activities. Together, We look for possible solutions to challenges before any subsequent field work.
we love and protect each other, we trust each other, we support each other in project execution and daily life.
Our goal is to render results as a team.
Team work is therefore very important for our Think-With Humanitarian Support organization, because we believe better results will only be achieved through a combined effort.
Presently, we have no memorandum of understanding with any organizations.
We have some organizations in operation that we sometimes share challenges and solutions in application. We however, act individually.
Think-With , Humanitarian Support organization is offering services to the vulnerable, the poor , the Marginalized and the affected communities.
We are working together in a participatory effort to change their stories and possibly impact better livelihood in them.
We are also "molding" them to become new generation change makers or Crusaders for our vulnerable communities of the world.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
intiatially, we Supported the organization with contributions from members, and donors.
We are looking forward to getting bigger funders for this solutions.
We also dream to own sustainable businesses in a near future to permit us continue the dream of the organization smoothly.
We are optimistic, Solve would help our organization to overcome the barriers and eradicate challenges that have for centuries hindered the young women and girl children from acquiring formal education, especially in Rural communities and developing countries of the world.
We have diagnosed these challenges to range from cultural to economical, political and environmental. With hardworking, 90℅ of these odds are sure to be removed.
With support from Solve, we can run all steps of our operation 90-90-90 crusade smoothly and completely.
With Support from Solve, we can set-up more functional offices in all areas of operation to network , assist and act as focal points for efficiency / service delivery.
With help from Solve, Think-With, Humanitarian Support organization (T-W, HSO) will be a able to extend its offices from Nigeria to Ghana and also increase the number of staff in areas we serve. Its our goal to always timely, render the best results and impact more unto our Young women and girl children.
Solve may also help locate sponsors towards liked service for our organization.
Finally, With solve as a partner, most of financial challenges will be solved. The support of solve and other sponsors to our organization is inevitable.
- Solution technology
- Funding and revenue model
- Legal or regulatory matters
- Monitoring and evaluation
- Marketing, media, and exposure
our Partnership Goal is to share ideas and resources to a solution that will see most of our young women and girl children of the world attending schools.
This partnership will eradicate bias in our communities, reduce misery , alleviate poverty and empower our young women and girl children to fit better into our contemporary competitive job Market.
These organizations: Charitas, UNHCR, Red Cross and Safe the children run liked services in the environs .
We shall continue to network with them and share experiences in project execution only for operations that need be.
However, We are acting individually without having direct influence from any external bodies that know very little about our organization or plans.
1, This solution is designated for refugees based in Agbokim and its environs, Cross River state, Nigeria.
2, Its our vision as a Humanitarian Support organization to see these affected communities socially integrated ( financially, culturally, politically, and economically ) into all daily aspects of our humankind societies.
Even though they are vulnerable, marginalized and segregated upon, we are empowering and intergrating them into the societal aspects.
Think-With Humanitarian Support organization(T-W,HSO) is working with partners to "kick-out" odds that have for centuries, prevented refugees from inclusion because of their ethnic background, political, religious and cultural affiliation.
3, Our "operation 90-90-90" crusade is advocating for social inclusion of refugees. We are also seeking and or enforcing bills ( locally or internationally) to Promote inclusion of refugees into all aspects of human society. Its not an easy task, but slowly and Surely we are getting it done.
Like advocacy for the education of Young women and girl children, the steps of refugee inclusion are easy and very crystal clear.
We are identifying these marginalized communities, Sensitizating via door to door and training workshops. We are also making sure words rhetoric are matched with action rhetoric.
We are results oriented. This is something Andan Prize for Innovation in Refugee Inclusion and many sponsors would love to see.
More women of the Agbokim community and environs need basic knowledge on the computer and smart phone technology.
We are already making sure more women know how to use the computer and online services because the world is slowly becoming a global village and contemporary technology is inevitable.
We are also training and encouraging women to own and manage personal emails, and social media applications.
We are matching their level of technological knowledge with the dynamic of our contemporary societies.
Its our vision is to see more women in our communities get jobs in facets of computing and smart phone.
Think-With Humanitarian Support organization(T-W,HSO) is working with partners to promote technological knowledge for women of our communities.
Our "operation 90-90-90" crusade is advocating for this already. We are also seeking and or enforcing local bills that Promote basic computer knowledge for womem.
Its not an easy task, but slowly and Surely we are getting it done. Because if "men can", "womem too can "
Like advocacy for the education of Young women and girl children, the steps are easy and very crystal clear.
We are identifying these marginalized women communities, Sensitizating them via door to door campaign and training workshops. We are also making sure word rhetoric is matched with action rhetoric by getting more women trained.
We are results oriented. This is something Innovation for Women Priz and many sponsors would love to see.
Many young women and girl children don't have the opportunity for formal education . Our rural communities and developing countries have Cultures, environmental, political and economic odds that for centuries have put hindrance on the education of girl children and young woman.
"If men can be educated, women and girl children too can" lets give both a chance.
The benefits for educating them are for the entire world at large...Empower them and they will contribute for development as well.
We are optimistic that, our world and generations would see social inclusion / gender equality especially for the Educational sector.
Our Approach:
1, Get all stakeholders on deck.
2, Organize regular Sensitization meetings.
3, Indentify the vulnerable communities.
4, Conduct a baseline survey to determine vulnerability.
5, Do more door to door Sensitization.
6, Organized more training workshops to Sensitize the need of education for young women and girl children.
7, Get the vulnerable enrolled into schools.,
8, Empower those enrolled into schools with all basic studying tools... Books, computer, internet, and allowances for movement.
9, Monitor them regularly as they study to ensure they get to graduation.
10, Assist them after graduation to seek volunteering or paid jobs.
11, Ensure they also become change makers or Crusaders for the education of young women and girl children of the world, especially in Rural communities and developing countries.
This is something The GM Prize on Learning for Girls and Women would love to see with other sponsors.
Problem statement: UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) has reported that 85% of the world's adults lack basic reading and writing skills. That's 757 million adults, and two-thirds of them are women. A big problem for our world.
The scale is much higher in our Rural communities and developing countries.
Vision: Adults constitute the integral part of our societies. We need to educate them. Eventually, they would contribute in their own significant ways to community development.
Mission: Promote adult literacy for the refugee population by eradicating hindrance and enforcing bills in their favour.
1, Our team is doing more in-house researching and sharing ideas with partners in operation.
2, Having regular volunteering for this advocacy and education.
3 Working with communities leaders to promote adults literacy. We are teaching them reading, speaking, writing and listening.
4, We have applied for books from sponsors to set up a library to promote adults literacy.
5, Our technological innovation is teaching them to use smart phones, tablets and the computer. Eventually, many adults would be able to send and receive emails, and use most online social media applications like Facebook, WhatsApp messenger.
impact & goals : Adult literacy is empowering adult in the refugee communities of Agbokim.
Visible indicators: Today, Many adults within our refugee communities can read, write, use Microsoft tools like words, excel, PowerPoint, and publishers. We are educating them to use many basic applications of the computer.
This is something the Gulbenkian Award and many sponsors would love to see.
Technology is a very important part of our contemporary empowerment scheme.
We are promoting literacy with innovative technologies. We are teaching Young women, girl children, adults to use smart phones, tablets and computers for learning purposes.
We are in search of sponsorship especially in the field of technology to continually drive these Humanitarian support activities smoothly, successfully and to a larger extend.
Recently, our number of beneficiaries capable of sending and receiving emails have increased greatly.
Today, More of Our young women and girl children are using online applications like Google search engine , Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and WhatsApp messenger.
Think-With, Humanitarian support organization (T-W, HSO) was created for humane Support activities.
For the past three years or more, we have directed much efforts towards assisting, alleviating , training and empowering livelihood in vulnerable communities.
We are optimistic our world and its generations would continually see social inclusion & gender equality in every facets of daily life.
We are working for and with the underprivileged and the marginalized communities.
Our areas of operation also include Quality water, hygiene/sanitation, health for all, HIV/AIDs advocacy, Covid-19 sensitization and many more.These activities make us a Humanitarian support organization.
We are supporting the population with Our "operation 90-90-90" crusade. Usually, Our steps are very easy for execution. See below.
Get all stakeholders on deck.
Organize regular Sensitization meeting.
Indentify the vulnerable communities.
Conduct a baseline survey to determine vulnerability.
Do more door to door Sensitization.
Organized training workshops to Sensitize more.
Get the vulnerable enrolled and trained with most needed skills.
Empower beneficiaries with all basic tools...Books, computer, internet, and allowances for movement.
Monitor and evaluate them regularly to ensure they get basic knowledge to drive their own goals.
Assist them after training to create business ideas, and Visions.
We are Ensuring Beneficiaries tell their success stories and also become change makers or Crusaders for the world, especially in marginalized, underprivileged Rural communities and developing countries of our world.
Problems solving:
With all hands on deck, challenges are always timely and smoothly handled.
From word rhetoric to action rhetoric, there is participatory effort from all stakeholders.( Representatives of all segments of the population, team of crusaders, community leaders, sponsors and partners for same field operations.)
We Network with stakeholders during operation , and for ideas sharing in execution.
Politically, we are legalizing every attempts before any points of entry into communities.
Also We are demanding and enforcing bills in favour of projects for marginalized, vulnerable and affected communities because they too feel that pain of being humans.
Culturally, we are Sensitizating more in communities with odd practices.
We are very prepared to change perception in 90℅ of vulnerable communities via repeated advocacy.
We have a wonderful team that meets regularly to brainstorm , draft terms of references for field work, and evaluate past executed projects or missions.
During evaluation, We observe challenges and develop doable methodologies in execution.
We aslo observe what went on so well, what did not go so well and why during previous activities.
Together, We look for possible solutions to challenges before subsequent field work.
we love and protect each other, we trust each other, we support each other in project execution and daily life. These are our core values.
Our goal is to render results as a team...
"Think-With" & "Act With others".
We believe better results will only be achieved through a combined effort.
Finally, we are always "acting locally" but *thinking globally".
These are activities and innovative technologies the AI for Humanity Prize and many sponsors would love to invest in... Yes.