1. What problem ru solving?
THE LACK OF A TEACHER is the cause of a lack of education, ONLY BECAUSE THERE IS A BELIEF THAT A TEACHER IS NEEDED TO LEARN THINGS and the ones promoting this are teachers. Self teaching methods is what schools should teach so that students learn to learn without the need for an actual teacher. GIVE A MAN FISH and HE IS DEPENDENT ON THE FISH PROVIDER, BUT TEACH A MAN TO FISH, AND HE CAN FEED HIMSELF. Teach a child to teach itself without a teacher, and there is no limit to their potential.
2. What solution proposed?
-- THE ESTABLISHMENT OF NEW METHODS FOR TEACHERS TO USE, to run their classrooms, and teach self teaching as mandatory.
3. How your solution positively change lives globally?
Faster, easier, cheaper learning and vastly increase an individuals potential with increased knowledge, retention and recall skills.
The specific problem of THIS Challenge I propose to solve, is the lack of TEACHERS in remote areas, and over crowded class rooms, and over worked teachers.
The scale of the problem in ALL communities and globally IS THAT TEACHERS HAVE A SPECIAL INTEREST IN... letting students be.. LESS THAN PERFECT STUDENTS, and instead accept their students lack of effort and therefore TRIES TO TEACH BY THE HAMMER IT IN METHOD OF REPETITION AND TESTING. Because to teach students to self teach is to teach them to NO LONGER NEED YOU AS A TEACHER.
How many people are affected? THIS CHANGE TO SCHOOL SYSTEMS should be implemented world wide, in any nation which has the wisdom to understand the benefits of MOSHENIAN SELF TEACHING.
Which factors contributing to the problem relate to your solution? TEACHERS... THEY CAN BE BOTH THE PROBLEM, AND THE SOLUTION, and by adopting these methods the work load which sits upon them should greatly decrease and the productive value of their work should increase greatly.
A PROPER STUDY METHOD, enforced by the teachers, allowing the students to learn how to self teach, self test, and REMEMBER IT ALL.
1) You must be willing to read. And do so.
2) You daily take detailed notes, and daily self test on old notes before adding new notes, DAILY REFRESHING forces the brain to move these daily refreshed details into LONG TERM MEMORY rather than be forgotten. And the more you re-examine your old notes, monthly, and yearly, the greater the level of retention and the easier it is to recall that information when needed.
Describe the target population whose lives you are working to directly and meaningfully improve. Who are they?
What are you doing to understand their needs, and how are you engaging them as you develop the solution?
I'm not, because if I go to a school principle and ask to speak to their students, they will treat me like a wacko.
I WAS THAT STUDENT, BORED IN SCHOOL, CONFUSED AS TO WHY SCHOOL IS SO LAME... until I learned the truth, after which I wrote 7000 pages in notes, and expanded my mind more than any school could ever of done for me.
How will the solution address their needs?
SELF TEACHING, is like teaching a man to fish... it sets them free to fish for themselves... to teach themselves anything they desire to learn.. without need of going to school, or taking classes, or suffering from the lack of... SCHOOL IS NICE AND HELPFUL but not mandatory and the belief that it is, is why so many suffer without an education.
BY ADOPTING THESE METHODS, the worst schools could produce the best students, because it is the students who do all the work.
- Increase the number of girls and young women participating in formal and informal learning and training
The only difference between genius people, and normal people, is how many times they must refresh the information before it becomes a long term memory.
The school systems must make this method a daily practice, running each class this way, during the first half students read and take notes, then during the second, they discuss their notes, and ask questions of the teacher based on these notes, everyday, year after year, such that by the time they graduate High school, they should be completely free of the need for a teacher, and be fully prepared for College.
- Prototype: A venture or organization building and testing its product, service, or business model