Digital Designing
In Uganda, the curriculum encourages teaching practical skills however, it is not done due to the struggle for higher performance in academic. Learning is made more theoretical therefore; it makes girls and young women with Learning Disabilities obtain low grades which discourages many to drop out of schools hence early marriages, lack practical skills then enter the world of competition as dependents, jobless and job seekers.
Teaching girls and women practical skills in Digital Designing will arouse interest, aid memory and widen the scope of graphic design education in Uganda to equip them with skills to combat the alarming unemployment rate among women thereby competing for jobs in the growing Digital Graphic Design market. More so, if this solution is scaled globally, it will provide girls and women with learning Disabilities higher paying jobs that will help boost economic growth as it increases the country’s annual per capita income.
Failure of girls and young women with Learning Disabilities to acquire marketable practical skills for global competition, Uganda, has limited funds in that marketable practical skills are taught at higher levels like universities where marginalized learners cannot have access to reach. Currently, there isn’t a program that specifically teaches graphic design pedagogy right from junior to secondary; only a few aspects of design are interwoven with in art education in secondary. The reasons being;
- Lack of access to computers to teach learners how to use design software.
- Lack of materials, equipment and qualified professionals to teach graphic designs.
- Lack of adequate knowledge in design leads to set back and neglect of the government since policy makers do not value graphic design education.
Globally, developing countries have gone far concerning Digital Designing however in Uganda we are lagging behind and when it comes to communities where RASDO works, girls and young women lack knowledge about technology.
Worldwide 10% of the population is affected by Specific Learning Disabilities such as dyslexia, dyscalculia and autism translating to 2 or 3 pupils in every classroom. In Uganda, there is no proper research indicating girls and women affected with Learning Disabilities.
Digital Designing is an artistic way of creating info graphic, report or digital illustrations. It is hands on activity that encourages a favorable learning environment, aids memory and arouses interest for quality education. Digital Graphic Designing is composed of different packages like;
- Publication graphic design
- Art and illustration for graphic design
- Visual identity graphic design
- Packaging graphic design
- Motion graphic design
Acquiring such a skill will lead to production of business cards, logos, labels, animated logos, posters, flyers, T-shirt designs, book cover designs, branding and so on. Carrying out Digital Designing, there is need to follow the following processes;
- Working closely with our mother ministry of Education for offering this training and expansion of the school.
- Designing a curriculum, securing equipment and installation of a computer lab with the required Hard and software for graphic designing.
- Recruiting and training of personnel who will girls and young women with Learning Disabilities.
- Engaging communities through advertisements to enable girls and young women with Learning Disabilities to enroll for training. Different designs use different hard and software however, some of the technologies are computers, printers, heat press machines and many more.
The solution targets girls and women with Learning Disabilities. Learning Disabilities are neurological disorders affecting one or more cognitive processes in dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia and sometimes Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder.
Rise And Shine Dyslexic Organization is working under the goal of bringing together learners with Learning Disabilities, parents and professionals through sharing information to minimize social and economic effects with learners having learning disabilities, related challenges and help them to re-gain their self-value and reintegrate into families, the world of work and the general society at large. RASDO has got a learning center for children who cannot cope with inclusive education by teaching them using Individualized Education Program.
Through this, RASDO recognized the challenge of girls and young women lacking development of practical skills using digital yet some have the skill of graphic designing. Secondly, many parents demand for teaching their children marketable practical skills using technology. Due to country lock down, there hasn’t been much engagement but we have used the information got from parents when several times contacted for teaching practical skills using technology.
Content delivery will be less academic but more practical to aid memory, arouse interest and use the program for pronunciation and spelling of words.
- Strengthen competencies, particularly in STEM and digital literacy, for girls and young women to effectively transition from education to employment
Failure of girls and young women with Learning Disabilities to acquire marketable skills has hindered their success financially because they cannot stand in for global competition of highly paid jobs however, introducing Digital Designing will strengthen competencies in digital literacy and allow acquisition of practical skills in graphic designing for girls and young women to transition from education to employment.
Digital Designing will help to aid memory and arouse interest in learning so as to increase number of girls and young women participating in formal and training in specific fields for the struggle of living no one behind.
- Pilot: An organization deploying a tested product, service, or business model in at least one community
- A new application of an existing technology
As an innovation, Digital Designing will equip girls and women with Learning Disabilities practical skills in access to online platforms such as motions, branding and exposure on how to interact with their clients online. Secondly, it plays the major role in creation of digital work available in many fields such as presentations, logos, animations and many more. More so, having an opportunity of not being stationed in one work place when doing some work because graphic design software is readily available on laptops or phones through apps which makes this solution an innovation.
The competitors are grouped as universities/institutions and organizations. The universities are; Makerere,, Kyambogo, Nkumba, Universal Institute of Graphics and Technology, Uganda Institute of Graphics and Technology and Digicon Academy. The organizations are Andela, Kafeero Foundation, and Upskill,
Use of Individualized Education Program and modification of the curriculum and content when teaching to suit individual learning needs for acquisition of practical skills will make this solution unique. Uniqueness is that Digital Design fundamentals will be taught right from Junior so that if any one drops out, she goes out of education system with a practical skill for sustenance and for those who haven’t been studying from RASDO Learning Centre will be enrolled regardless of any education background.
Technology that empowers Digital Designing;
Monitor is a computer device that helps graphic designers to design efficiently and in many cases a desktop computer can provide more powerful processor, memory and a larger display.
Digitizing tablet is a computer input device with an outstanding pressure sensitivity that enables the user to hand draw images, animations and graphics with a special pen-like stylus.
Printer is a device that sends out approved outputs on a hard copy.
Monitor calibrator is hardware and software program that adjusts the color that the monitor is displaying using a computer program and hardware that attaches on one’s monitor and reads the way colors are being displayed.
GIMP is a cross-platform image editor available for GNU/Linux,05 X with a free software.. It has a high quality framework for scripted image manipulation with multi-language support such as C, C++ and Perl.
Adobe illustrator is the undisputed grand viscount of vector graphics with a software application for creating drawings, illustrations and artwork using Windows and Mac OS computer.
Adobe InDesign is a desktop publishing software application for creating flyers, brochures and magazines. InDesign can be shared both in digital and print formats.
Core/DRAW is a vector-based graphics program originally developed by Microgrator, it is effective for the creation of engineering drawing and also offers function for graphic designs.
Xara Designer Pro X is the world’s most sophisticated high performance vector for all types of graphic design work such as vector illustrations, photo editing, web graphics and flash animations.
The following links can be used to show proof that technology identified for Digital Designing works;
The solution utilizes widely used technology because of different links approached and they all recommend the same technology as the widely used. The serial numbers put on the devices also indicate that it is widely accepted to be put on the market. Another indication is that the technology displayed on websites is the same technology devices recommended to be used worldwide.
The technology used in digital designing is widely used in universities/institutions, organizations, industries and companies. An example of an international institution where the technology is already in use is American Graphics Institute.
- Internet of Things
- Software and Mobile Applications
Business incubation
Public involvement
Teaching practical skills in Digital designing through modification of work
Receive training on management of resources, planning and research development
Gets opportunities in giving presentations, facilitation and mobilization
Girls and younger women with learning disabilities acquire digital designing skills in different packages
Scaling in management of the project effectively and efficiently
Public gains awareness and relief of their children being trained in digital designing skill
Short Term Outcome
Girls and young women with learning disabilities show ability to design and produce good products such as posters, websites and brochures
Organization shows a acquired skills in management of the project that is financially and resources
Public shows ownership and protection of the project
Long Term Outcome
Girls and young women join the competitive world and access jobs in order to reduce on unemployment rate and also train others digital designing skills
Other organizations in the field of girls and women admire to network with RASDO for knowledge and skills in digital designing
Public gets aware of RASDOs program in digital designing for girls and young women with learning disabilities
- Women & Girls
- Low-Income
- Persons with Disabilities
- 1. No Poverty
- 4. Quality Education
- 5. Gender Equality
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 10. Reduced Inequalities
- Uganda
- Uganda
Currently, Rise and Shine Dyslexic Organization has 30 children with Learning Disabilities in the Learning Centre both girls and boys who are the direct beneficiaries with 60 indirect beneficiaries who are the parents/guardians giving a total of 90 people.
With the expansion of this project, in the next one year we shall enroll more 30 girls to join the Learning Centre that is; at junior level. The same year, more 30 young girls and women with Learning Disabilities from the community will be enrolled to join the program for a certificate. Therefore, in the first year we shall have 80 direct beneficiaries and 160 indirect beneficiaries totaling to 240 people.
In five years we shall have 400 direct beneficiaries and 800 indirect beneficiaries giving a total of 1200 people. In five years we shall have a total of approximately 510 girls and young women with Digital Designing skills. Due to the special teaching so that individual learning needs are catered for, first enrollment will be limited but it will go on increasing year after year and we assume to be bigger than that due to the demand from the community.
Our goals within the next year are;
- To secure a well-equipped computer Lab with Digital Designing equipment.
- To introduce digital designing skills to girls and young women with Learning Disabilities.
- To equip marginalized girls and young women with practical skills.
Within the next five years, our goals are;
- To increase the number of girls training in digital designing.
- To reduce on an employment rate for girls and young women with Learning Disabilities.
However, in the first year the goals can be achieved by lobbying funds in order to purchase equipment and support the learning institution.
Secondly, recruit qualified teachers who will equip learners with digital designing skills.
Lastly, there will be modification of the curriculum and content to cater for individual learning needs for acquisition of practical skills.
Within five years the goals will be achieved by creating campaign awareness to the public in order for the target group to come and enroll for the course.
Furthermore, guiding both learners and parents on how to start and access job opportunities.
By retaining some learners who have completed the course as workers which will in turn encourage others work hard and complete the course.
The barriers are grouped as follows;
Lack of funds to support the project takes off.
Lack of computers to enable learners have access and acquire digital literacy skills.
Lack of skilled teachers in digital designing who can teach learners
Negative attitude of some parents towards their children that they are retarding their financial status by wasting money on education
RASDO plans to overcome the barriers by lobbying funds to support the project of Digital Designing.
More so, recruiting skilled teachers to equip girls and young women better skills.
We are also planning to get International volunteers with Digital Designing skills teach our marginalized group.
We shall also overcome the barriers by sensitizing the public so as to develop positive attitude towards people with disabilities and also know their potentials.
RASDO has two laptops, one printer and one projector. We hope to pursue the following, the uses are indicated against each resource;
Monitor is a computer device that helps graphic designers in processing, storing and displaying work.
Digitizing tablet is a computer input device that is used to hand draw images, animations and graphics with a special pen-like stylus.
Printer is a device that sends out approved outputs on a hard copy.
Monitor calibrator is used to calibrate monitors so as to get a good color palate which is essential for top quality designs.
GIMP, is used to edit images.
Adobe illustrator is used create postcards, posters, and other visual designs which use text and images together.
Adobe InDesign is used to create flyers, brochures, magazines, newspapers, posters, business cards and stickers.
Core/DRAW, is used for creating logos, flexes, brochures, invitation cards and any kind of vector designing based on the lining.
Xara Designer is the world’s most sophisticated high performance vector for all types of graphic design work such as vector illustrations, photo editing, web graphics and flash animations.
- Nonprofit
The solution will have following number of staff for proper delivery of the service;
Six full time instructors, Four part time instructors, Six volunteers,
Two contractors, Two security guards, Two cooks, Two wardens, One project manager, One project coordinator and One Monitoring and Evaluation officer giving a total of twenty seven (27) staff members.
Since we are in the field of Special Needs Education our team has ability to handle learners with learning disabilities. Most members of the team have worked with girls and women for over 10 years in different sectors; they hold Bachelors, Diploma and some of who are Educational assistants. Our Team is conscientious with social development work, extensive experience in community-led, bottom-up approach to programme design, development, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and learning. They all have the capacity to build and develop training materials for a broad range of community intervention.
Currently Rise and Shine Dyslexic Organization has no partners
regarding digital designing however, when the project takes off we shall
be in position to partner with digital companies professional advice.
Otherwise our partner organizations in the field of learning disabilities such as Center for life long learning among others will work closely with RASDO to mobilize and refer girls and young women for digital designing training.
Rise And Shine is an organization in education sector dealing with stake holders like professionals, parents and people with Learning Disabilities. The organization carries out the following services;
- Advocacy
- Education
- Guiding and counseling
Through education, we carry out campaign awareness the public about Learning Disabilities which is done in conferences, workshops and public gatherings. We also teach children with .Learning Disabilities who cannot cope with inclusive setting using Individualized Education Program. Through this, RASDO generates money to run its programs. Guidance and counseling is done when helping both parents and children to cope with the situation there are in, offering carrier guidance and when making referrals.
The services are important to people because they get more informed about Learning Disabilities, get knowledge which reduces on illiteracy in people and get equipped with skills in certain fields so as to access jobs hence reduce unemployment.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
RASDO’s path to financial sustainability will be as follow;
(a). Income-generating activities:
- Young women joining for certificate will pay 30% of the structured tuition and this money will be used for maintenance.
- Money generated from the Learning Centre as fees, 20% will be used to sustain the project and the rest will remain to support the organization to support its activities.
- We shall also sell some products such as cards made by our students in support for the project.
(b). Grants
- RASDO will continue to seek for financial assistance from other supportive charitable organizations and agencies.
To secure funds in order to support the marginalized girls and young women whose poverty line is behind the bar due to failure to acquire marketable skills and those who try get equipped with less paid practical skills.
Secondly, receive access to over $ 2 million prize funding for 2020 challenge to enable the Digital Designing project take off and benefit many Ugandans.
More so, to receive mentorship and strategic advice from Solve and MIT networks to enable us run the project smoothly.
To join a supportive community of peers, funders and experts to help advance our innovation through MIT Solve’s nine month program.
- Solution technology
- Funding and revenue model
- Board members or advisors
- Marketing, media, and exposure
Technology in Uganda is developing gradually but with low influence to a girl child and young women, partnering with people in this will give RASDO opportunity to gain more skills in dealing with technology and access to modern equipment in Digital Designing for better delivery of the solution.
For funding and revenue model, RASDO needs to solicit funds to see that the project sustain because partners can offer both financial or material support or refer us to capable funders and other revenue models for the benefit of many Ugandans especially women in future.
We need board members or advisors for knowledge sharing, exposure and networking.
We need partners in marketing, media and exposure to sell RASDO and its activities to other parts of the world through media and other channels.
We need to meet MIT faculty for technical advice in the field of Digital Designing and also to make a request from them for identification of skilled volunteers in Digital Designing who can come to Uganda for promotion of this solution.
Nakibirango Jesca BED- Special Needs Education Kampala International University specializing in Mental Retardation, holds a Dip in Special Needs Education Kyambogo University, International Master Practitioner Spark of Life - Australia, General Secretary and a member of Makindye Division Civil Society Organizations (MADCSON). She is one of the founders and promoter of Rise And Shine Dyslexic Organization (RASDO), She is the Chair Person who initiated the struggle to campaign for children with Learning Disabilities and there after started Munyonyo Learning Centre to support people more so school going age with neurological disorders using individualized learning and transcribing during their Examinations at all levels . Jesca has been a presenter and speaker on issues concerning Special Needs Education (Neurological disorders) forums both national and International level to advocate for them. Jesca is a mother who is concerned with the pain of a special needs learner especially those with Learning Disabilities.
With this information, I think l qualify to be considered on GM Prize on Learning for Girls and Women.
Executive Director