Women learning campaigns .
I am solving communities' myths and mindsets issue of neglecting girls and women abilities to learn.In this project, digital campaigns has been already started to raise awareness that girls and women are able to learn and develop their careers successfully.I have already created pages on famous social medias to spread information about women abilities to learn and succeed in their careers. These are both my Twitter and Facebook pages respectively ''https://twitter.com/learningfemales?s=08,https://web.facebook.com/Learning-for-Girls-and-Women-Campaigns-100184495035302/''. I have created these pages to raise awareness to people that girls and women are able to learn and succeed in their careers. By the end of at least three months of doing such campaigns on social media, girls and women will be inspired and learn better than they do. As a result, the world development starting in developing countries will go fast because girls and women will engage more in learning which will boost their careers.
I am solving poor and none learning of girls and women issue especially in developing countries starting in vulnerable communities.According to my experience, 60% of girls in refugees camps starting in Kiziba camp located in the Western province of Rwanda get married without doing higher education.Unfortunately, the problem is not only caused by lacking financial abilities to take further their education, but mostly that getting married is the most achievement to them.Unfortunately, some of them engage in illegal drugs and prostitution so to find money.I really want to change such mindset and raise awareness to the communities that girls and women can learn and succeed in their careers than they do. I will show them the impact of good learning including getting jobs and creating businesses.I will teach them that learning is a good source of preparing them to get money in a proper way after mastering new skills. As a result, girls and women will learn than they do, fortunately, communities will stop their mindsets that girls and women are able to learn and succeed in their careers.
My solution is raising awareness all over the world starting in developing countries that women can learn and develop their careers.To achieve that, I will share information and attractive presentations on social and mass medias that women are able to learn. Furthermore, I will include theaters of women who were very undeveloped, but now because of learning new skills they are developed in their careers. Actually, the problem of poor learning for girls and women lead them to face poverty which makes them always depending on either their husbands or families. Unfortunately, their families after they are married and even the ones they come from stay undeveloped because of their consistent dependency on them. The best solution to solve the problem is raising awareness in a way of encouraging them that they are the ones to lift them up in their learning and their career development journeys. I will use digital platforms including: Facebook,Tweeter, television, radios, flyers, posters and blogs to spread information. I believe that in a period of at least three months of raising awareness around the world girls and women with their families will stop sticking on the myths and let women learn than they do.
My solution is designed to improve the learning and careers development of girls and women. I currently do researches on their learning starting in vulnerable communities particularly refugees.In fact, 80% in Kiziba refugees' camp here in Rwanda of girls do not do tertiary education because their families expect them to get married after they finish high school. Women' lives will improve after being aware that their abilities of learning do not have to be limited by their societies' myths. Raising awareness through digital platforms will spread information to many people as possible.However, there are rural communities which do not know how to use social media like Facebook. For this case, I will create a group called Counseling Girls and Women for their learning journey starting in refugees camps here in Rwanda.In addition, I will include my testimony in one presentation for all camps so that women can know how far I have come and where I want to reach in my learning and career development journeys. As a result, girls and women will be inspired by my journey, they will change their minds and start their learning and succeed in their career development journeys.
- Reduce the barriers that prevent girls and young women—especially those living in conflict and emergency situations—from reaching key learning milestones
Girls and women learning is not as it should be because of communities' myths that they can not learn and get developed. Awareness of avoiding the myth have to be spread all over the world through medias to reach out to all people. With such technologies, information will reach to girls, women and their families that they have to learn and succeed in their careers. As a result, they will start learning new skills and develop themselves and even their families. I believe to measure the impact of my solution after three months of implementing the solution.
- Scale: A sustainable enterprise working in several communities or countries that is looking to scale significantly, focusing on increased efficiency
- A new application of an existing technology
My solution is innovative firstly because it is rare to spread information about girls and women learning abilities world wide.Due to the fact, there are no famous campaigns of encouraging women to learn better.In addition,my solution will reach out to vulnerable people, refugees and rural communities through a Counselling Girls and Women Learning community, CGWL. I will work with a group of counselors starting in refugees' camps found here in Rwanda. That community will be in charge of spreading girls and women abilities to learn better and develop their careers. In refugees camps, it is easy to meet girls and women because houses are tight. The counselors will reach out to them daily in a period of three months and evaluate the result of spreading information on the communities' myths about girls and women learning abilities. Frankly speaking, my solution is very unique because other non profit organizations don't focus on girls and women learning journey, most of them emphasize on the well-being and any form of violence they face.
Without the power of technology, my solution would not work. Due to the fact that, I will use campaigns on social and mass medias to spread information about girls and women learning. I will post information on Facebook,Twitter, television channels, radios,websites, newspapers and blogs to rise awareness. I think there is no any other way of boosting girls and women learning apart from raising awareness to motivate them. In addition, for rural and refugees' communities which don't regularly access social and mass medias I will use counseling communities to spread information about girls and women' abilities to learn. I am ensured enough that my solution is very tight to technology, without it girls and women can not get inspired and motivated to learn than they do.
There many examples that can express that the technology I use to implement my solution works. In fact,this link "https://app02.luiss.it/MagistraliInternazionali/" is a published on Facebook so that students who want to take further their education in different programs including Masters in Management can be aware that it is possible through Luiss International programs. Facebook which I have already used to raise awareness is very effectively to make my solution reach to as many people as possible.
In addition, several applications are done because of the use of Facebook, Twitter and many other medias. For instance, I have applied to work on MIT Solve global challenge, Learning for girls and women because I have got the application link through a MIT Solve website. So, as MIT Solve has used sharing its opportunity so that people can work on most global challenges is a good example that I can raise awareness of girls and women abilities through social medias, Facebook, Twitter, a blog and others.
- Crowdsourced Service / Social Networks
My solution has a long term impact on girls and women in the future. After raising awareness to them that they have to stand for themselves; they will learn at a high rate and develop their careers. To implement my solution, I will spread information on social and mass media explaining that girls and women are able to learn and succeed. Also, in rural areas and refugee camps starting here in Rwanda I will form a committee of counselors in charge of reaching out to girls and women in their homes. As a result, girls and women will change their minds because of being mobilized. In fact, in one of refugee camps here in Rwanda starting in 2013 girls and women are motivated to learn more skills. Due to the fact that they are starting to think out of box because poverty is increasing in the camp. I am ensured enough that they will like my idea of motivating them to learn and succeed than ever because they really want to develop themselves and their communities as well. Girls and women learning will take them to another level after the implementation of my solution world-wide starting in developing countries.
- Women & Girls
- 5. Gender Equality
- Rwanda
My solution will start serving 20,000 refugees in the camps found here in Rwanda. I will start operate in Kiziba, Gihembe, Nyabiheke, Huye, Ngarama refugees camps and in rural areas of Rwanda next year. In five years to come, I will be serving in some African and Asian countries by emphasizing off course in rural areas and refugee camps. However, I am not sure yet of an exact number of refugees and people from rural areas in Africa and Asia in five years to come, but still, I will conduct a big research by the end of December next year to know an exact number of people I will serve.
My goal within the next year and within the five years to come is to raise awareness about girls and women learning in Africa and Asia respectively. I will start to operate next year in Rwanda specifically in vulnerable communities which are refugees and people from rural areas. I will achieve such goals through the power of my communication skills in using social and mass media for all countries I will operate in. In fact,I created a Facebook and a Twitter page to spread information all over the world. But still, my very concerned target population are refugees and people from rural areas. Due to the fact that they are the ones who have high myths and mindsets that girls and women are not able to learn. So, people who will access my information on those social media will spread information to others. In addition, I will create a group of counselors in all countries that I will operate in to be ensured that even people who do not use social media or mass media get informed. I believe to raise awareness through my campaigns in many African and Asian countries which will motivate girls and women to learn than they do.
My only barrier I currently have is financial means for hiring counselors that I will work with in refugees' camps and in rural areas. I will need money to pay them for reaching out to girls and women in their houses. Also, I will need money to post flyers and post them on road in all countries I will work in. In addition, I will need money for transport and accommodation in African and Asian countries because I will have many travels to evaluate the effectiveness of my solution. Apart from cultural barriers, I believe in my cultural competency skills because last year I have traveled to Jordan with African and Asian youth for a training to boost our project management skills. So, I am ensured to be able to work or interact effectively with any person with any culture while implementing my solution. Otherwise, there is no any other barrier exists for me to accomplish my goals either in the next year or within five years to come.
Personally, I cannot afford the cost of paying the counselors that I will work with in refugees' camps and in rural areas. Also, I cannot afford to travel to African and Asian countries I will operate in no matter how much my salary can be. Furthermore,I can not be able to print flyers and post them on main roads in all countries I will operate in. Frankly speaking, I need a lot of money to implement my solution as it comes to impact communities in two different continents starting in Africa. However, I am planning to seek many partners which can fund my solution idea.In addition, I hope to use some of money to implement my solution that I could get at MIT Solve if my solution get selected as the best one.
- Not registered as any organization
I work on my solution with another person called Karerangabo Gabriel, He is a Youth Researcher at Jigsaw with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, UNHCR like me. He is my colleague.
I with my colleague are inspired to develop learning of girls and women that is why we have come up with our solution. Also, we have critical thinking skills which made us thought so big to get our solution. Thank you.
None, there is no any organization I currently partner with. However, I will partner with some in the future while enlarging my solution world wide starting in Rwanda. Due to the fact that, I will need to work with successful organizations so that I can learn from them how they make their activities sustainable for the benefits of their participants.
Basing on the service I will provide to my target population, there is no revenue I need back. Due to the fact that, it is a charity work I will be doing to improve girls and women learning. The revenue I need back after motivating girls and women to learn well than they do is seeing them succeeding in their careers. I will be aware of that result in two years to come through an evaluation I will do by reaching out to girls and women who will get my information and learn better. Actually, girls and women need my information because they need to be motivated, they need to be aware that myths and mindsets of their communities do not have to limit them in learning. For instance, if a girl knows that after only graduating from secondary education she has to get married without doing tertiary education she needs information of inspiring her that she needs to take further her education and have a successful career as well. That is really needed for girls and women that either marriage myths of their communities or any other myth has not to limit them to continue their education and career journeys. I will inspire them through raising awareness to them by spreading information using social and mass medias. Also, I will create a group of counselors in refugee camps and rural areas starting in Rwanda to raise awareness to their communities because they have internet shortage issues.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
As I said previously, my work is not a business. It is a charity work. I will not be required to get benefit or revenue back. I will only measure the impact of my solution to my target population by seeking how many girls and women have become successful after being inspired and motivated by my information.
I am applying to Solve because I need to address poor and none learning issue of girls and women starting in developing countries.Also, because I want to receive nine months of personalized support from Solve's community of peers, funders and experts to advance my innovative work.Furthermore, I want to get $1,5 million as a prize. All of these results of working on my solution as an MIT Solve are my inputs to start the implementation of my solution to improve learning of girls and women.
- Solution technology
- Product/service distribution
My partnership goal is to find at least five partners in the next two years. To achieve such goal, I will start meeting with my successful networks who works in non-profit organizations to get information on how they have created partnerships with others.For instance, I have a referee who works in Refugees Support Network organization, I will start on her by asking her in which ways RSN has created partnerships with other organizations. I expect those partners to help me spreading my solution to as many people as possible starting from their beneficiaries. Also, I expect to learn from them how they get sustainable grants so that I can get them too to keep spreading information on girls and women learning.
I would like to partner with: Global Education Movement, GEM,Refugee Support Network, RSN, Adventist Development Relief Agency, ADRA and DAFI in Rwanda, Starting on GEM, it works on global education world wide in terms of empowering vulnerable youth from refugees communities and youth from low-income families to do tertiary education at no cost. RNS supports refugees and asylum seekers children to build hopeful futures through education in Europe. ADRA Rwanda offers scholarships to primary school graduates in refugees to do secondary in Rwanda.In addition, DAFI offers scholarships to competent high school graduates in Rwanda to do tertiary education. I will partner with them through some connections I already have who works in these organizations from GEM till DAFI respectively. I will professionally request meeting them through emails at either their headquarters or anywhere we can meet. In fact, it is easy to meet GEM's workers because I know even where it operates here in Rwanda and I have some of their workers' emails. So, I will request a meeting to meet one of its worker for a reason of partnering with it. The same to RSN, I even chart with one of its worker who is a Coordinator because she is my referee on my curriculum vitae. So, I will email her for a reason of scheduling a meeting to discuss how I can create partnerships with RNS.
I am qualified for this prize because I bring to the table an impact which comes to lift up girls and women learning. I will use some of my prize specifically to spread information to people that girls and women are able and that they do not have to be limited by some myths that are not able. Because of my solution's implementation, girls and women will become inspired and motivated which will lead them to learn than they do. They will start dreaming big rather than stay sticking to their communities'myths which will lead them to become successful in the future. Spreading information requires monetary investment, I will buy internet and have some travels to some African and Asian countries. I have choose to operate in these continents because it is where there are many girls and women limited by their communities'myths. For instance, in my community here in Rwanda 80% of girls believe that getting married is the most success in their lives whereas it is not. Unfortunately, most of them especially in rural areas and in refugees camps they finish only high schools and wait to get married. Spreading my information solution comes to make them understand how far they an reach in life if they take further their education. So, I will use my prize to spread information on Facebook, Twitter, radios and others. Also, I will travel to visit them for a reason of evaluating if they are getting my motivational information.

Youth Researcher
