Gambetiando, from Impact Hub Medellín
UNICEF has defined a Child Friendly City (CFC) as a “local system of good governance committed to fulfilling several girls’s rights”, including :
- Influence decisions about their city
- Express their opinion on the city they want
- Participate in family, community and social life
The problem is that we are trying to develop CFCs all over, without even asking girls what they think or see.
Gambetiando is an innovation-based platform which improves health and wellbeing in communities in Medellin, using amongst several tools, an AI powered platform based in health and wellbeing “challenges” to be proposed by organizations and decision makers in the urban sphere, so girls that acquire skills can qualify to solve the challenges available in the platform (see demo)
By actively engaging girls from less developed neighbourhoods in their personal development and making them aware of their impact on their surroundings, Gambetiando causes an exponential and sustainable transformation.
Several forms of girls participation in city initiatives are limited to manipulation, deception and decoration. Consequently, youth in urban areas is active but not directly engaged in all activities performed by the municipalities. Girls should be more frequently involved to raise their social accountability towards their city and allowed to actively contribute their time.
Health and city planners fail to create meaningful opportunities for youth to have a voice in community and health affairs, not realizing that a youth friendly planning strategy can offer unique insights, creative solutions and enrich decision-making processes and outcomes.
Communities and city systems haven ́t been able to increase the interest of young residents in development related matters and usually miss a simple reality: young people have the most intimate knowledge of the area being planned and it is young people who will be affected the most. Following, the scope we calculate for our solution:
Medellin population distribution by age 2019 (Source: Mayor of Medellín).
Age # %
- 10-14 158,128 6.20%
- 15-19 168,638 6.61%
- 20-24 180,295 7.07%
- Total 507,061
Population composition of vulnerable adolescents is 62.07% (Source:
Total population = 314.377 (507,061 x 62.07%). 50% girls = 157.188 total
Gambetiando offers existing solutions in a unique combination which results in a strong long-term impact. Our solution massifies the process of solving urban challenges that respond to the needs of health and wellbeing in communities, using an artificial intelligence engine based on user archetypes, able to predict their affinity between organizations and adolescents. In detail:
- Organizations in the city propose urban challenges in the platform
- Girls use the virtual self-learning model: step-by-step guides, tutorials, mentoring, workshops and virtual sessions of co-creation with other adolescents, before they propose solutions
- Using an artificial intelligence model of archetypes, based on the profile girls create, we match adolescents with challenges and identify who is compatible with whom.
- The AI engine will learn, with time, how to produce better matches, so better solutions are proposed to city realities. Adolescents start to propose solutions
- We incorporate gamification as a tool to incentivise adolescent´s participation. They get several rewards such as badges, visibility, memberships, etc.
- Through this dynamic data is created. Reports with demographics, interests, future projections, areas of knowledge, ideas, themes, preferences, validations, etc, are mapped out.
- Data allow us to understand urban dynamics and girls preferences so actions can be drafted and implemented in communities
We target young girls from vulnerable communities in the city, from strata 2 and 3 (strate source:, between 10 - 15 years old. We engage them through a methodology comprised of 3 steps:
First, the Soccer in field program serves as the way to engage the adolescents in a common platform, using soccer as a relevant interest in their lives. It ́s purpose is to have them connected in a constant dynamic with 2 training sessions per week, where they improve their health and wellbeing.
Second, Entrepreneurship workshops are the tool the program uses to connect girls with the needs in their communities, allowing them to understand the role they can have, whilst acquiring hard and soft skills to become entrepreneurs in the future. The workshops are a powerful way to break paradigms, mitigate stereotypes and inspire them to propose solutions in an out-of-the-box fashion.
Third, through Mentoring sessions that happen, girls work deeply into leadership concepts and capacity building.
The 3 steps help us to understand girls needs and tailor the methodology approach so they are constantly met.
- Reduce the barriers that prevent girls and young women—especially those living in conflict and emergency situations—from reaching key learning milestones
There is a lack of true involvement and empowerment of girls in community dynamics.
Our solution enable girls to participate in the program, recognising their potential to promote urban health solutions. We are aiming to have a 50-50 boys-girls distribution at all times and there are several indicators we constantly measure to evidence this (% of goal achievement):
- % Participacion of girls in the project (109%)
- % Participants who recognize soccer as a sport that can be practiced by any gender (100%)
- % Boys and girls who minimize thier usage of sexist or "macho" phrases, sayings, and attitudes (105%)
- Growth: An organization with an established product, service, or business model rolled out in one or, ideally, several communities, which is poised for further growth
- A new application of an existing technology
Gambetiando offers existing solutions in a unique combination, which results in a strong long-term impact on the health of young girls. It does this through the combination of technology, workshops and training on different key impact development issues.
Our program is unique because:
- We improve health in 3 dimensions: physical, emotional and mental
- We target an age group which is often neglected (10-15 girls)
- We promote inclusion of women as they are traditionally left out of soccer, entrepreneurial and IT development
- The program supports family environments and engagement of community leaders
- This programmed is designed so it can be scaled/copied/implemented easily on a global scale
- Our platform allows that:
- Both parts of the equation meet in the platform: decision makers and youth to propose and solve challenges
- A gamified approach enables participation and adds an entertaining driver of action that translates into more challenges and solutions proposed
- The AI based approach allows the platform to speed up its learning curve and match more smartly adolescent ́s talent with challenges
- Data is created in real time and reports can be made available in a timely manner, so all interested stakeholders can use it to develop preventative actions related to health and wellbeing in communities
Technologies like web development, gamification and AI are already implemented in many different environments, but we have transformed the way they can interconnect and interact in order to produce an impact based outcome, to enhance health and wellbeing in girls.
We use an AI powered platform based in “challenges” to be proposed by organizations and decision makers in the urban sphere, so girls that acquire skills can qualify to solve the challenges available in the platform, using a gamified approach.
This is a web technology platform. The platform connects organizations, educational institutions, adolescents and mentors, among other actors. It should be noted that we are not proposing just an e-learning platform, as our platform is only the channel, the link with which the variables are connected. We use an artificial intelligence engine, based on user archetypes able to predict their affinity with different challenges proposed by organizations.
The use of the platform's technological features, in addition to building your profile, identifying challenges and building projects, allow all users to access methodological tutorials, talks by experts in a specific field, reports for users, notifications, modules to co-create with organizations and users, visible recognition within the platform, interaction with other users, construction of girl´s resume by skills, abilities, achievements and motivations, personalized reports and opportunities agenda.
This methodology is based on Finnish, German, Japanese learning models, MIT and Stanford universities, Silicon Valley organizations and some methodologies of online education systems and the entrepreneurship ecosystem.
The technology has been recognized with: the Everis award in the Business Models in the Digital Economy category, the Ibero-American Company award given by RTVE Emprende, Gifted Citizen as international recognition for one of the 30 social entrepreneurship projects that can change the lives of people in the world, the award for the Best Startup in Latin America by the Startup Europe Awards; and has been in the first places of the awards: Best Edtech Startups World Enlighted, GSP Singularity, MIT Innovation, GlobalXEdTechAwards, Andicom / PWC, among many other national and international recognitions.
More than 80 Institutions of Higher Education and Institutions of Education for Work, 600 organizations and 40,000 users have used the platform, with more than 3,500 challenges, +3,000 solutions proposed for these challenges, in 20 cities.
The following are some organizations that have implemented the technology in some of its phases, being legitimizers of its value: Nestlé, Avon, Unilever, Sura, Argos, Grupo Éxito, Grupo Corona, Haceb, Auteco, Comfama, Alianza Team Foods, Corbeta, Yamaha, Hermeco, Revista Semana, Brinsa, EPM, Grupo Uribe, Penagos Hermanos, TCC, ANDI, Sapiencia, Ruta N, Innpulsa, Mintic, Finnova, Everis, Microsoft, Reúne, Presidencia de la República, Coltejer, LFS, Protección, Polikem, ISA, Terpel, El Portal, Universidad Medellín, U EAN, UPB, U Piloto, Pascual Bravo, U Rosario, U de la Sabana, Salazar y Herrera, U Nacional, ITM, U de Antioquia, UNAB, U Autónoma, CESDE, CENSA, ITM y Colegio Mayor.
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
- Big Data
- Software and Mobile Applications
- Activity 1: To increase the fitness of up to 1.500 adolescents
- Immediate outputs: 70% adolescent achieve +5% increase in fitness in standardised fitness test bi-annually
- Longer-term outcomes: girls are healthier in their community
- Activity 2: To guide up to 1.500 adolescents to develop socio-emotional skills
- Immediate outputs: Self-evaluation shows qualitative improvement for +50% of adolescent in emotional-control and self-awareness
- Longer-term outcomes: girls are more capable to deal with community challenges
- Activity 3: To educate up to 1.500 adolescents on the SDGs
- Immediate outputs:
- 80% young people can identify one link between SDG 3 and 11 and their daily life
- 95% adolescent participants are aware of the SDGs
- Longer-term outcomes: SDGs are an integral part of adolescents education
- Activity 4: To empower 1.500 adolescents through entrepreneurship workshops and mentoring for leadership
- Immediate outputs:
- 80% of adolescents ideate a social enterprise to impact SDG 3 or 11
- 10% increase in number of participants who would consider entrepreneurship as a viable career path
- Longer-term outcomes: girls become community changemakers and lead its transformation
Logical links between activities
The Soccer in field program serves Gambetiando as the way to engage the adolescents in a common platform, using soccer as a relevant interest in their lives. It´s purpose is to have them connected with a constant dynamic in their weeks (the trainings), so they get to know more of the program and their peers and also, to develop an initial and basic socio-emotional skills framework. Then, social entrepreneurship is the tool the program uses to connect adolescents with the needs in their communities, allowing them to understand the role they can have, whilst acquiring hard and soft skills to become entrepreneurs in the future. Leadership mentoring itself is then the stage of the program in which adolescents start to see themselves as change-agents.
Evidence to support the existence and strength of those links:
Our balanced scorecard is the main tool for us to collect, translate, input and organize impact information. It comprises 4 main blocks:
- Performance (P)
- Soccer field training (FT)
- Social entrepreneurship (SE)
- Mentoring (M)
Please see our program balanced scorecard here
- Women & Girls
- Children & Adolescents
- Urban
- Low-Income
- Refugees & Internally Displaced Persons
- Minorities & Previously Excluded Populations
- 3. Good Health and Well-Being
- 4. Quality Education
- 5. Gender Equality
- 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
- Colombia
- Colombia
The program serves 165 adolescents for 1 full year. We plan to grow to 323 adolescents in year 2 and to 564 in year 3. In 5 years we will be attending 825 beneficiaries. We asume that we retain the 90% of previous year adolescents and we grow a 20% each year in new beneficiaries.
We plan to expand the program to another 2 secondary cities in Colombia: Cali and Barranquilla. We envision Gambetiando as a national platform for health development in girls. Thus, we want to use the experience already created to enhance the program reach. The rough steps to develop are:
- Map vulnerable communities in each city (2 months)
- Target specific neighborhoods (1 month)
- Develop relationship with local leaders and schools (3 months)
- Launch a community call to gather the first cohort (1 month)
- Implement soccer, entrepreneurship and mentoring methodology (12 months)
Replicating the programs (soccer, entrepreneurship and mentoring) and the contents that we already have, will be done through standardized processes (manuals) for each module. We will hire accordingly.
The scope we want to reach is 3 Gambetiando programs in the country, which equals to around 560 adolescents as direct beneficiaries and around 1.500 indirect.
We see 3 main barriers / challenges:
- Recover normal activity after Covid19: as you know, the current situation has required from Gambetiando to adapt fast to a pressuring and uncertain reality. We developed a framework called “Virtual Gambetiando”, in order to use current resources and maintain the engagement with the adolescents.
- Duplicating the number of adolescents every year: the program is planned to grow a 100% in the second semester 2020. This moment will require putting in practice all the learning´s, structures and capacities that have been built so far. New soccer courts, new communities and realities will be part of the new and exciting phase in Gambetiando, as our impact in the city will grow as well.
- Retention of the program: we witnessed a couple of months back how retention from 2019 – 2020 was a challenge. Around 30 adolescents left the program and as was identified, 90% of the cases were due to intra-urban displacement from families, motivated by security and economic related struggles.
We decided to create a program called "Gambetiando Virtual". We focused on contacting boys and girls of the program, sending audios and videos with greetings, self-care tips, exercises and other activities that allow the project to continue having a social impact on the population with strategies ranging from self-care, social isolation, opportunities at home, exercise and psychosocial activities, but above all, generating knowledge and effective intervention. We ́d like you to take a look of the material that is currently being created here
Program growth & retention:
Actions were implemented in order to make the program stable again, such as one to one calls, deciding to implement 100% of the entrepreneurship and mentoring modules within the same calendar year (avoiding this way the break in December), etc. Other actions:
- We will create specific KPIs for technology implementation, partnerships health, innovation development, the participation and empowerment of adolescents, parent’s involvement. This will be done from June on, once the program has completed 1 year of implementation.
- We will be developing a programmatic framework for Gambetiando, based in the first year of implementation, as project design have not been sufficiently formed and detailed at the moment. This will enable learning’s from doing the project, through careful monitoring and documentation, to be included in the project practice.
- We will enhance the spaces to include the voices of adolescents themselves. We are creating a pool of outstanding adolescents to get more involved in the program as guides and leaders for new beneficiaries.
- For-profit, including B-Corp or similar models
Full time:
- 1 project director
- 1 project coordinator
- 1 project assistant
- 1 in field soccer coordinator
- 2 specialized psychologist
- 2 specialized soccer trainners
Part time:
- 1 Administrative coordinator
- 1 Marketing coordinator
- 1 Community coordinator
- 1 volunteer
- We have a board of advisors
- We have a equity holders assembly
Regarding the lead organizations:
Impact Hub is one of the world’s largest networks focused on building entrepreneurial communities for impact. It is a home to the innovators, the dreamers and the entrepreneurs who are creating tangible solutions to the world’s most pressing issues. We have more than 15 years implemeting impact programs in +50 countries, +100 locations, delivered by +16.000 members. Get to know of our impact in 2019 here :
- Locally:
- Globally: http://www.bepartofthechange.i...
In the 3 years FPF have run their social football programme, they have noted strong indicators of success 1) they have been oversubscribed, indicating that they have built community trust, reputation and seen to offer a valuable service 2) 90% participant retention rate indicating that the adolescents themselves are engaged and find value in the programme
Regarding Project director: Sebastián Bustamante González
Sebastian is a Management Engineer from the Colombian National University, currently ranked as the second best university in Colombia (source:
He is also an MBA and Master in Business for Entrepreneurs, from the European School of Management and Business of Madrid and has studies in City Health Diplomacy from the Graduate Institute Geneva
He has over 16 years of experience in the private, educational, social and entrepreneurial sectors with extensive track record in sustainability, innovation, partnerships management, business development, consultancy, sales, scaling and project management
In this lapse of time he has earned 11 national and international awards as an entrepreneur and he has helped to co-found 3 currently operating companies.
Gambetiando has created a multi-sector partnership, aiming to develop a combination of capacities and tools, able to deliver value within communities, with a strong purpose for gender balance. Through a diverse set of processes such as soccer, education, entrepreneurship, skills building and mentoring, the consortium deliver its value, whilst using technology as a key component to innovate, in order to create knowledge and data, allowing us to measure our impact in the Sustainable Development Goals.
Impact Hub Medellín: Manager and project leader. In charge of the social entrepreneurship program and the mentoring framework.
Fútbol para el Futuro: Co-lead and operator of the in-field soccer training program, implementer of the values formation methodology.
Foundation BOTNAR: Based in Basel, Switzerland, the Foundation is the supplier of the funds and the economic capacity of the project.
EIR: Danish foundation, is our international partner to bring the 1st Global Goals World Cup to Medellin in 2020.
Inder: Technology implementation partner, RutaN runs with us the process of incorporating innovative IT models into the project.
RutaN: Facilitates the soccer courts needed to run the
program, and acts also as partner to create advocacy and enhance our reach.
ISUH: The International Society for Urban Health is the
technical advisor of the project, in charge of the monitor & evaluation processes
We don´t charge for beneficiaries to be part of the program. The value we offer to them relies in the following elements:
- Soccer training with values development: through 2 weekly trainings, adolescents understand the meaning of values such as respect, honesty and discipline, living them through soccer, so that they can be applied. Before and after each training, a workshop is held around the corresponding value.
- Social entrepreneurship workshops: adolescents understand the challenges and gaps that exist in their communities and are immersed through playfulness, creativity and expression, in the process of creating a prototype solution, for the need detected in the community. Teens break paradigms, challenge their worldview and strengthen their self-esteem.
- Leadership mentoring sessions: at this stage we begin to train adolescents in leadership notions and skills, so that they can understand their role as leaders in their family, social circle and community, based on their unique characteristics and conditions. We seek that they can see themselves as agents of change in the future and that they have the tools to lead.
- Gambetiando impact measurement platform with Artificial Intelligence technology: our impact measurement platform allows us to understand in real time the transformation process that adolescents are carrying out through the 3 modules previously described. The platform allows us to know the correlations between the different programs and to draw conclusions about opportunities for improvement.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
Sustained donations and grants are our main source of income.
Currently the program is self-resourced. We are in the process of consolidating the Impact Hub national growth strategy, through which we intend to open 2 more Impact Hubs in Medellin in the next year and also, 1 new Impact Hub in Cali and 1 Impact Hub in Barranquilla. Gambetiando then intends to be attached to this growth, as our social innovation program.
Also the process of building Gambetiando has enhanced our capacity to reach a diverse set of institutions, including public and private entities that have shown interest in supporting Gambetiando´s growth and reach. Local institutions as INDER (, RutaN ( and ACI (, as partners of the program itself, are also witnessing the process and transformation we are creating in communities, so they are becoming part of the pipeline of options we will analyze when scouting the resources to make it sustainable.
Replicating the programs (soccer, entrepreneurship and mentoring) and the contents that we already have, will be done through an standardized processes (sort of manuals) for each module, so there is consistency in the delivery across the staff that becomes involved in Gambetiando and its new expansions.
We consider Solve´s network as the main motivation and asset considered by us when deciding to apply. Being the USD 10.000 useful and relevant, it is the access to key stages and strategic opportunities the real differential factor of this competition.
We have certainty that belonging to the network will not only improve Gambetiando´s international profile but also, our positioning and weight as a solution capable of gaining attention and become appealing to international eyes. In particular, we are applying because:
- We need to recover normal activity after Covid19: we need partners that helps us understand how to best pivot and mitigate the impact the current crisis has
- We will be duplicating the number of adolescents every year: so assistance in scaling and growth management will be welcomed
- Retention of the program will be key in 2020_II: in this sense the personalized support from Solve staff and Members of Solve’s cross-sector community, is extremely relevant
- Scaling: the funding acquires in this aspect a special protagonism as the resources needed to triplicate our impact are not necessarily at hand
- Validation: us becoming part of Solve´s network will validate our product and methodology, give us insights that probably we are not yet aware of and push Gambetiando into a standard of excellence that will improve the program sustainability.
- Funding and revenue model
- Monitoring and evaluation
- Marketing, media, and exposure
- Funding and revenue model: in order to scale the program and to create several other sources of income, so dependency in grants and donation is reduced
- Monitoring and evaluation: as we have already implemented an initial version of a Balanced Scorecard, measuring more than 50 KPIs, we need to deepen our impact measurement approach. The following are some actions in which we need support:
- We want to create specific KPIs for technology implementation, partnerships health, innovation development, the participation and empowerment of adolescents, parent’s involvement.
- We want to improve our health related indicators, and strengthen the way we collect data for this specific topic.
- Marketing, media, and exposure: we want Gambetiando to become a well recognized program, and to be positioned as an innovative platform for how it mixes soccer + entrepreneurship + mentoring + AI tech. And for this a marketing strategy is needed.
Solve partners
Scaling our program: BHP Foundation, BMW Foundation, Capital One, Johnson and Johnson and Tecnológico de Monterrey
Technology inclusion for adolescents: Cisco, Classroom, Inc, Uber.
Advocacy and public policy: Global Compact, Save the Children
Sports and eHealth add-ons to the program: Nike, Novartis Foundation
Solver teams
Dost Education: helping Gambetiando parents to turn their homes into early learning environments, using technology. This is key as virtuality will become a more needed resources in the post Covid times
EarlyBird: helping the program to assess reading disabilities in our adolescents, so further academic weak performance can be prevented
Blue Sky Analytics: using their air quality data and source emissions parameters, we can understand if a given soccer training is actually feasible in some days of the week. We also want to incorporate AI-powered platforms into the program
Supercívicos: using their collaboration approach, we can develop solutions to problems within communities and crowdsource funds to implement them
Century Tech: we could improve the learning outcomes of our methodology (entrepreneurship and mentoring) with their AI-powered platform
The Renewal Workshop: with the re-used textiles for a zero-waste system, we can produce the uniforms for the soccer training sessions
Khushi Baby: health records for last-mile settings are key for Gambetiando physical performance in adolescents
Kinedu: we can incorporate their tools for parents and caregivers to promote their child’s development
Tabshoura Tiny Thinkers: offline early-education content for vulnerable children can fill a gap in our beneficiaries, as several of them can´t access internet regularly
Colombia is host to more than 1.6 million Venezuelans, of whom more than half, almost 60 per cent, lack a regular status. Many of them face difficulties accessing essential services, such as health, education and employment. According to the Colombian Migration Authority, only 14 per cent of the Venezuelans in the country that currently hold a special stay permit are engaged in formal employment.
These aspects are key to guaranteeing the inclusion of Venezuelans in national systems, reducing their vulnerabilities and allowing them to contribute to the economy of their host countries.
At the moment we account for 15% of our beneficiaries as Venezuelans, who have arrived in Medellin and Colombia seeking for opportunities and inclusion. One key aspect of these families is how their children can access quality spaces and continue their educational process, which probably was interrupted due to the migration stage itself.
In Gambetiando we have acknowledged this reality and have opened the doors of the program so adolescents can be part of the reality. Adolescents from Venezuela enter the program as any other children, become part of the soccer training, entrepreneurship workshops and mentoring sessions. In this sense, we present the case of Jose, who embodies what the program is allowing him to reach. Please see the full case and his testimony here:
We will use the prize to engage more vulnerable refugee communities, funding their involvement in the program.
UNICEF has defined a Child Friendly City (CFC) as a “local system of good governance committed to fulfilling several women’s rights”, including:
- Influence decisions about their city
- Express their opinion on the city they want
The problem is that we are trying to develop CFCs all over, without even asking girls what they think or see.
Our approach to tackle the identified challenge is an AI powered platform based in health and wellbeing “challenges” to be proposed by relevant entities, public institutions and decision makers in the urban sphere in cities, so girls acquire skills and connections, to solve the challenges available in the platform, using a gamified approach.
Our proposal massifies the process of solving city challenges that respond to the needs of health and wellbeing in communities, using an artificial intelligence engine based on user archetypes, able to predict their affinity with different challenges proposed by organizations and institutions.
Through our platform, girls get empowered, their voices are heard and solutions to urban challenges arise from their reality. Data is created in real time and reports can be made available in a timely manner, so all interested stakeholders can use it to develop preventative actions related to health and wellbeing in communities.
The prize would allow us to improve the tech itself, make the platform more user friendly and develop an "app" so this same innovation can be used in several other platforms and in a wide variety of locations.
Gambetiando is overall a learning experience. In many cases, our program is the only structured educational framework girls from the community have. Their education process is carried by 3 steps:
- Soccer training in values: Through 2 weekly trainings, adolescents understand the meaning of values such as respect, honesty and discipline, living them through soccer.
- Social entrepreneurship workshops: Girls understand the challenges and gaps that exist in their communities and are immersed through playfulness, creativity and expression, in the process of creating a prototype solution.
- Leadership mentoring sessions: At this stage we begin to train girls in notions and skills in leadership, so that they can understand their role as leaders in their family, social circle and community, based on their unique characteristics and conditions.
The methodology is based on Design thinking and its several steps: empathizing, defining, ideation, prototyping, feedback, make it known, carry out the idea.
There are several indicators we constantly measure to evidence this (% of goal achievement):
- Participacion of girls in the project (109%)
- Participants who recognize soccer as a sport that can be practiced by any gender (100%)
- Boys and girls who minimize thier usage of sexist or "macho" phrases, sayings, and attitudes (105%)
Regarding our virtual platform, we build skills in girls through a virtual training with more than 80 institutions of education with +1.000 virtual courses taken so far.
We will use the prize to engage more girls in the communities we are already in and to fund their involvement in the program.
The field of urban planning is increasingly recognizing youth as an important stakeholder group, and there are actions to directly involve youth in planning processes. Because youth is in many aspects different from adults, the practice of youth participation needs special consideration and is usually not understood nor implemented. It is usually hard to acknowledge and value the capacity of youth to participate and the impacts this can deliver in their communities.
Health and city planners fail to create meaningful opportunities for youth to have a voice in community and health affairs, not realizing that a youth friendly planning strategy can offer unique insights and creative solutions and enrich decision-making processes and outcomes. Through the voices of youth and emerging adults, decisive and significant input for the development of the city strategy may be provided.
We use an AI powered platform based in health and wellbeing “challenges” to be proposed by relevant entities, public institutions and decision makers in the urban sphere in cities, so adolescents acquire skills and connections, to solve the challenges available in the platform, with a gamified approach. The following is the process the platform works by:
Organizations in the country propose urban challenges in the platform.
Adolescents use the virtual self-learning model: step-by-step guides, tutorials, mentoring, workshops, question-solving webinars and virtual sessions of co-creation with other adolescents, before they propose solutions.
Using an artificial intelligence model of archetypes, based on the profile adolescents create, we match adolescents with challenges and identify who is compatible with whom. The AI engine will learn, with time, how to produce better matches, so better solutions are proposed to city realities. Adolescents start to propose solutions to available challenges.
We incorporate gamification as a tool to incentivise adolescent´s participation. They get several rewards such as badges, access to Impact Hub incubation programs, coworking space, visibility, memberships, etc.
Through this dynamic data is created. Reports with demographics, interests, future projections, areas of knowledge, ideas, themes, preferences, validations, etc, are mapped out.
Data allow us to understand urban dynamics, so preventative actions can be drafted and implemented in communities by the organizations that proposed the challenges.
The prize would allow us to improve the tech itself, make the platform
more user friendly and develop an "app" so this same innovation can be
used in several other platforms and in a wide variety of locations.

Partnership Manager