Innovation in Mobile industry
- Pre-Seed
We offer our customers the highest quality cell phone products and services. Its owner focuses on personalized service to his customers by offering convenience and rapid service. Additionally, Garbles Cellular has the technological expertise to assist customers in picking the product and service that best meets their needs.
GSM stands for "Global System for Mobile Communications." GSM is originally a European system and is largely being adopted today in the globe. Its greatest advantage, a technical one, is that the owner can use the phone all over the world since the system is used mostly anywhere. Market demand drives cell phone manufactures and service providers to offer new and improved services and functions in their cell phones. The demand for more visual interaction and entertainment with cell phones in the Japanese market, for instance, is great and as such, their phones are many years ahead of globe
Brand names are of little, if any, importance. The key to the buying decision on the part of the consumer is the salesman and the cell phone being in front of them. As has been pointed out in the Competitive Analysis section there are other sellers with similar brand names as those supplied by our Phones, Inc. which may even be less expensive. It is essential that the salesman point out the salient features and selling points favoring our products. Most importantly, our products must be available in the retail outlet, since whatever products our store carries are the ones.
Electrovibration technology will change the mobile touchscreen experience dramatically. You will be able to feel different kinds of texture. I know what you are thinking. The online shopping experience will go notches higher. Imagine shopping for clothes online without worrying about the texture and quality of the cloth.
We will invest $45,000 in our Phones, - Sales forecast displayed here is very conservative
We will invest $45,000 in our Phones, - mobile technologies can offer new means for empowering citizens and stakeholders by opening and enhancing democratic processes and mechanisms
We will invest $45,000 in our Phones, - expand access to information and communications channels
- Adult
- Lower middle income economies (between $1006 and $3975 GNI)
- Masters
- Female
- Urban
- Consumer-facing software (mobile applications, cloud services)
- Manufacturing & process optimization
Brand names are of little, if any, importance. The key to the buying decision on the part of the consumer is the salesman and the cell phone being in front of them. As has been pointed out in the Competitive Analysis section there are other sellers with similar brand names as those supplied by our Phones, Inc. which may even be less expensive. It is essential that the salesman point out the salient features and selling points favoring our products. Most importantly, our products must be available in the retail outlet, since whatever products our store carries are the ones
Soon, shoppers will simply wave their cell phone over the item they want and the charge will automatically appear on their cell phone bill. It’s happening in some cities overseas already. And right now, MasterCard and Motorola are testing out a similar program here in the States. Retailers have registers that will take the signal from the cell phone, and the purchase is automatically converted to a MasterCard charge. Buyers don’t have to sign anything. The scary part is what could happen when people lose their cell phones or have them stolen. There are lots of technical and logical.
Customers also want consistent, reliable, and easy-to-use service. As the speed of service increases, customer expectations grow, making friendly, easy, and solution-oriented customer service an important business trend. We expect to take full advantage of the trends described in the Market Analysis above, and try to penetrate the market with new innovations and gadgets — mainly with the younger generation, using advertisements and demonstrations. We shall also try to lure independent small sellers to join our effort.
- 9 (Commercial)
- For-Profit
- Pakistan
We will invest $45,000 in our Phones, Inc. to cover start-up costs. We will also invest an additional $50,000 when operation takes off in Dec 2018 with ECO GSM Funds. The table below illustrates funding sources for our start-up costs.Sales could very well increase at a much sharper rate than assumed in these conservative projections. Sharper sales will result in a greater need for funds in support of inventory and receivables. An over-draft line of credit with the bank will be an excellent cushion to fall back on. This is considered a very good time to start a new business. The economy is beginning its trek up, and consumer spending is up.
Sales forecast displayed here is very conservative — although we aim very high, we decided to show a very slow growth and revise the plan on a yearly basis. As a rule we expect to expand the volume much more rapidly. we shall provide our sales force a clear tactical plan that is also aligned with management's strategic objectives. We shall constantly develop key measurements that mark the progress of financial estimates that guide our growth.
- Less than 1 year
- 6-12 months
- 3-6 months
- Human+Machine
- Literacy
- General Wellness
- Resilient Design
We deal in mobile business from all industries and markets are vying for a share of a large and ever-growing mobile pie including RIM, Apple, Microsoft, and Google. With a flood of large competitors, is there room to start a mobile phone business? Smart phones allow users to browse the Web, get GPS directions, listen to music, share photos and other forms of social networking, use email and run applications such as games and more. Opening a retail cell phone store is one route to get into the business. However, retail can be an expensive, competitive, low margin game Asap.
T-Mobile & O-Mobile