Skills MatchMaking in DUO
- Pre-Seed
A replicable matchmaking system between unemployed youngsters with migrant background and experienced seniors 50+/retirees supporting the youngsters in their job search
DUO for a JOB matches young jobseekers from diverse backgrounds with people over 50 years old, having a professional experience who will support them in their job search and skills development.
Qualitative matching is essential because it enhances soft skills necessary for employability: leadership, autonomy, cultural knowledge, self confidence, etc. To ensure a maximal compatibility we use high number of criteria: hard & soft skills, professional experience, network, personality and availability.
Furthermore, the enhancing of the matching quality increases positive outcomes on the short & long term. In the short term the beneficiaries find a job, internship or a qualified training. On the long term the programme solidifies their position on the European labour market and help them through the long of their career development.
Organisationally speaking it increases the capacity of DUO for a JOB to welcome more beneficiaries. Indeed the automatisation and pre-matching of candidates increases the quality of the duo, ease the follow-up by our coordination team and free more time to create additional duo's.
By developing an unified and replicable matchmaking software, DUO aims to replicate its solution to other regions presenting the same specificities and thus enhancing skills development internationally, ease professional and personal integration, general well-being for the current and future generations in other words.
Increase employability of youngsters by enhancing soft skills development through one-to-one coaching and qualitative matching. With our matchmaking technology we ensure an optimal match between profiles based on a long list of hard and soft criteria (un-processable by human beings).
Based on evaluations, 70% of our mentees declared having acquired the needed soft skills for their future employment: leadership, autonomy, cultural knowledge, self confidence.
Twelve months after their coaching, 55% of our mentees found a job and an extra 22% found an internship or qualifying training. This is twice as much as the socio-professional integration for young people who did not benefit from the program.
By enhancing our matching system we aim to:
1) Increase Positive outcome by 10 %
2) Increase the number of beneficiaries per year by 20%
3) Expand the program to 7 cities within 5 years
The impact will be to double chances of employment for young jobseekers with a migrant background (refugees, former unaccompanied minors), aged between 18-30 years old and holding different education levels (from no education to Phd).
The matching programme will first only be available internally to be further accessible to the whole DUO-community.
Follow-up of our beneficiaries and alumni (monthly update) through encoding in our CRM-system
- Increase positive results (jobs, internships, education & qualified trainings)
Tracking through our CRM-system and additional development tools created
- Increase creation and improve coordination of duos (from direct support to creation of new tools improving soft & hard skills )
Tracking new skills learned through evaluation process - Renforce the skills development
- Adult
- Male
- Female
- Non-binary
- Urban
- Europe and Central Asia
- Digital systems (machine learning, control systems, big data)
- Management & design approaches
Our solution is the first matchmaking software aiming to increase employability for this category of population through 1-2-1 mentoring and coaching (in Belgium and Continental Europe). It processes all hard and soft skills of mentors and mentees and propose highly qualitative matching which will lead to the empowerment of young migrant unemployed people.
Our matchmaking programme is based on evaluated soft and hard skills, personality characteristics, personal history and experience. An individual interview/questionary of 2 hours is led by coordinators with any participants prior to their admission in the program and enable us to capture a wide range of parameters. Based on the specific needs of the young beneficiaries, the program will find the most adapted mentors who will be able to help the beneficiary develop his/her strengths and weaknesses.
In first instance the solution will be internal and used for matchmaking purpose only. Secondly, it will develop to a free external peer-2-peer platform, enabling our beneficiaries to create and take profit of a strong network.
- 4-5 (Prototyping)
- Non-Profit
- Belgium
The organisation has historically always been funded by private donors and foundations. Their contributions reach around 80% of our full annual budget and are pledged on 3 to 9 years support. Amongst philantropic initiatives supporting us we find the Stavrios Niarchos Foundation, Epic Foundation, King Baudouin Foundation, Bernheim Foundation, Pulse Foundation, Fonds Baillet-Latour. The matchmaking solution being part of our growth and increasing-impact plan, its financing is part of our global fundraising strategy (increasing private partnerships and developing public financial support).
Shift of internal priorities and affectation of budget (not earmarked) to other projects. Ex: new HR positions needed and taking the lead on matchmaking software development. This is one of the reason why we try to secure funds on that particular project.
- 3 years
- 12-18 months
- 12-18 months
- Financial Inclusion
- Future of Work
- 21st Century Skills
- Lifelong Learning
- Refugee Education
Our core business is, before anything else, about human, relationship, sense of accomplishment, integration, social cohesion. We believe that technology can help us dupli/triplicate our impact (qualitative and quantitative). We are however social innovator before being tech innovator. The support of a community of experts who could help us translate our needs into technology, the vision of professional who could see possibilities we do not, is to us priceless. Solve would litteraly open a world of possibilites to us and help us build a difference for the youth of today and tomorrow.
We work in close collaboration with a company of developers (Think Peaks) which has developed the first pilote of the solution and continue on developing additional functions.
Based on explained criteria, could be seen as competitors any organizations proposing mentoring
Marketing & Communications Officer