eden women organisation
we are commuted to solving a problem of poor health care services given to pregnant women,new mother's and the new born.this would be solved through domcilar services.The domcilary equipes the new mothers with knowledge of how to maintain themselves that is to say keep personal hygiene,feed well that helps to reduce on expenditure on treatment of complications and diseases,healthy growth of the new born can be achieved,these give room to spend on developments .
we are working to solve the problem of poor health especially infections that affects very many of the new born it has been a great challenge as may of the mothers some times loose thier babies and develope complications that has even caused some to die and globally about 5 million sufferwhile 95 % of the locals suffer some of the factors that contribute to this are lack of proper antnental care,poor hygienic practices .
Domicilary is the care given to new born and the mother from the hospital at 0hour to the 24th hour that proceeds up to the home for 7 days.during domiciliary monitoring is done by the midwife to check for any complications in the within the 24 hours then at home the mother is educated on how to bath ,feed and maintain herself and the baby according to the environment she is in .After the delivery of the mother a midwife is assigned to help the mother until home by the hospital management the midwife is to check on the wellbeing daily for seven days .
we are working to improve on the lives of new mothers and the newborn.Having friendly dialogues with the new mothers gives us opportunities to understand their needs ,in the dialogues we ask them of what they think to help them have better servicea
- Expand access to high-quality, affordable care for women, new mothers, and newborns
Many of the new mothers and their babies suffer infections and complications that arise after birth because they do not know how to maintain themselves so domiciliary enables the offer of quality services since it is done by well trained and qualified midwives who offer quality services that is needed
- Pilot: An organization deploying a tested product, service, or business model in at least one community
- A new application of an existing technology
Dimcilary is unique in away that there is close interaction between the mother and the health worker that gives way for direct tackling of an issue with the mother because of the friendly relations of the well trained and qualified midwives.Besides that the health worker is also able to know how the home environment of the women are that help the health department to come up with better disease and infection preventive measures that the women are taught to practice as such the women are directly involved in the move to improve merternal health
Domcilary this is the care given to the new mothers and the newborn from the hospital to home .In the hospital the midwife monitors the condition of the mother and the new born to check for the health of the mother and the new born after 24 hours they are discharged to home and followed by the midwife to give the mother the necessary guide lines she needs to have a healthy living this is done for seven days where she is taught.The midwife is assigned by the hospital and well followed to ensure the work is good,she is followed up by the records and reports she brings.
te solution uses a widely used technology that has been used in some of the cities in good private hospitals like kuluva hospital and govern ment hospitals like aria regional refaral hospital that has mostly been done by the nursing students as their practice they are assigned a mother to follow up to home to give her the necessary guide lines on how to manage her self and the new born this is done for seven days and later the reports of the work is given to the hospital foe better plans
- Behavioral Technology
Domcilary is our solution to the poor health which we expect to have an impact mostly through the midwives as they talk to and interact with the mothers they cause a behavioural change from not practicing good hygienic practices to practicing like keeping the code of the new born clean,bathing well,keeping the shelters clean and so on that many have neglected.And as the midwives go up to home they contribute a lot in implementation because the families enforce health practices easily if they hear from the health worker.
We expect our solution to have an impact becausethere is close interaction between the health worker and the new mothers and as such their issues are tackled directly by the right persons
- Pregnant Women
- Rural
- Poor
- 1. No Poverty
- 3. Good Health and Well-Being
- Uganda
currently we are serving a population of 1083 in one year to come we will be serving 2075 because of the high birth rates we will be serving a population of 3249 that may triple the current population
To reduce the death rate of new born and the mothers to minimal.this can be done through domcilary practice that equips the new mothers with full knowledge of what to do like good hygienic practices that avoid contraction of diseases and later complications
To extend the domcilaryservices to the whole region.that can be done
The major burries we have is limited finance to carry out the domcilary since to work with the well trained and qualified pesonels require better payments and giving them good transport to reach very many homes is expensive because we do not have the money to buy a means yet .The technicality is also a challenge especially in the community with the village health team as many of them are not well trained yet they are more close to the community
To adrees the technical barrier we can use money where we hire a traineer to train the village health teams that will be done by bringing the village health team per village together teaching them how to do the health work and enge the women in hyginic practices and donate to them the first aid kits to use in cases that they can handle.we will pursue funds from donations which we will use to pay and purchase a transport means for the the midwives they will use tobgobto the homes of the mothers,these means will be parked at the health centers after use the means will not be allowed to be for personal use.
- Nonprofit
ten fully time staff,Eighty village health team,four medical workers who are part timing.six contractors
we have different qualifications like the leadership skill,adminstrative ,financial management,procurement management,program coordination,medical workers and social workers.all these have good educational background from recognised institutions in Uganda.The medical worker who has worked in the medical field for nine years,a person who has lead for twelve years,the finance manager who has worked for five years in other successful work places.so we have a team who are well experienced and have a knowledge of what to do in a right way because of the work experiences they have.
we are currently partnering with mutual associate initiative organisation .We cooperate in lobbing funds together and also do carry out some activities in supporting the communities like lobbing to carry out research finding on corona virus,Supporting the minority of the community by providing for them hand washing facilities,advocati
We mainly aim on the new mothers and the new born to whom we provide domcilary service that is done by assaigning a midwife to a newmother and the new born feom the hoapital immediatly after delivery and then followed home for seven days during this the mother is educated on what to so to keep her aelf and the baby healthy The new mothers need this service because they need to understand the ways of maintaining themselves well through the right proceedurs
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
We will mainly bring in funds through donations and grants this can be through sending proposals for donations and following what they require to get the funds
Solver team can help us overcome financial barriers that can be done through funding us this willbenables us to get get qualified tecnical people like the medical workers ,we will also get transport means to facilitate the work of the midwives and support the VHT to assist in implementation of hygienic practices in the community
- Funding and revenue model
To extend quality service to millions of people in the whole district.This can be done through hand in hand work that is to say to be funded at the right time and provide the services to the right persons in the right time for quality to be achieved and working with all the health centers in the district so as to reach many of the people as possible
MIT faculty,who can help us through funding us and giving us guidelines on how to advance with better ideas on the services to be given to women .This will enable us to easily reach many people easily especially when we have the transport means, money to motivate the health workers,money to fund the women income generating activities and the VHT
Using the peize we will use to aquire other things that are tangible and can motivate the women to be open to the midwives like bars of soap,pads,baby kits and so on .we are also going to fund their income generating activities so the they can run them better and use the money to cater for their needs and their babies.
We are qualified because the work of domcilary closely involves the government health workers like the midwives who are assigned by the hospital administration and also the VHT health teams who work with the local community in the department of health .we will fund the VHT to improve on their efficiency in the community and donate first aid kits to them to handle health issues in the community,