M-raise is communal cyclic Technology Spotlight that closes both maternal risks and financial gap using mobile data that prevents many vulnerable women and children in lower income settings from accessing essential health services in advanced health facilities in sub Saharan Africa through maternal ventured teams using maternal and newborn champions. M-raise is the solution, M-raise puts vulnerable mother at center of champions of maternal and newborns and cares her pregnancy and raise the newborn together using cyclic entrepreneurial ventures. M-raise is changing the trajectory of Africa's child and maternal mortality by putting women first with tangible mobile technology so that the world’s most at risk and vulnerable women and newborns are primarily discovered and timely managed.
In the Sub-saharan Africa Where Tanzania is located Maternal and Newborn mortality is highly linked to Poverty.
- 94% of all maternal deaths occur in low and lower middle-income countries.Sub-Saharan Africa and Southern Asia accounted for approximately 86% (WHO) of the estimated global maternal deaths.
- Globally 2.5 million children died in the first month of life in 2018. There are approximately 7 000 newborn deaths every day,
Many poor women affected by gender violence, earlier marriage, teenage pregnancy, HIV and distance to find services occupy about 90% majority mortalities in Sub Saharan Africa. Poverty prevents many women and children from accessing basic care like clinics timing, vaccination schedules and advanced care to specialized settings, Diseases traps more maternal communities back into poverty, more difficulties and hardships, their access to advanced healthcare facilities is limited because of financial gap. 90% all maternal deaths are from developing world where POVERTY is the main indirect cause. Our solution bridges both maternal risks and financial gap that prevents women and children in lower income settings from accessing essential health services in advanced health facilities.
M-raise is the cyclic repetitive solution,M-raise puts vulnerable mother at centre of champions of maternal and newborns and cares her pregnancy and raise the newborn together using cyclic entrepreneurial ventures.For example:Ngindura 14 is HIV positive and school dropout adolescent first time pregnant mother from Mtepwende village in south Tanzania,Ngindura Joined M-raise on June 2018 using her daily usable cell phone and see experienced maternal teams and maternal ventures to her localities and around,Ngindura Selected to join venture that reflects her maternal indicator ( HIV+Positive mothers) and receive cyclic fund from m-raise as membership share generated by 150 ventures in their localities to grow their entrepreneurial venture,The team mentored Ngindura with all gestational schedules, checkup,vaccinations,medications and screening without missing) while raising income for their venture which offered 30% of income generated by the their venture to cover Transport,Food,medical cost including her surgery),Venture offers 10% of the income generated during his membership to help her during immunization schedules,child hospitalization and associated costs like transport,food etc.Her baby is 2years,HIV-Negative,with all vaccinations up to date and normal developmental malistones,Ngindura is a new CHAMPION,who is mentoring HIV+ mothers in her cycle using their entrepreneurial venture that serves and support every mother and her child under-5
Sadly, for those women and children affected by POVERTY and VIOLENCE in many impoverished communities the risk of easily preventable maternal and child mortality is always high. Through M-raise a mother who was abandoned, HIV+, conceived at teenage are able to join champions at their nearby localities and involve in income generation ventures that support them from being financially stable, champions act as mentor for them when comes to pregnancy, labor, delivery or lactation and anything between pregnancy and age under 5 like antenatal vaccination, is highly supported through cyclic engagement.Through M-raise even HIV+ mothers through their cycle can follow up their ARV treatment and share their experiences to new members of cycle, without stigma or fear, The cycle support and save for and by itself.
- Support the mental and emotional health of women throughout pregnancy and after childbirth
Vulnerable Pregnant women affected by Poverty, violence, teenage pregnancy, HIV, GBV and other forms of stigma or discrimination are mentally and emotionally affected increasing their risk to both maternal complications and newborn mortality, Many women and children in these forms are pushed back to poverty and diseases. Using daily used cellphones Our solution (M-raise) puts vulnerable mother who is at risk, at center of similar champions of maternal and newborns who cares her pregnancy and raise the newborn together using entrepreneurial ventures which improves their emotional relationship, shares experiences and generates income to cover basic needs including associated medical costs.
- Pilot: An organization deploying a tested product, service, or business model in at least one community
- A new business model or process
Currently, In Tanzania there is no solution trying to do the way we do, Every woman who is vulnerable is not exposed through experienced champions who can guide and lead her for financial and health issues, many are struggling alone without such incredible experience that could change and serve their lives and those of their newborns. Some of competitors works in Dar es salaam and major cities where we don't work and their solution works through internet like Use of Applications and web based solutions. About 98% of vulnerable women in Tanzania do not own smart/ android phones, which support many android applications, they are old version normal cellphones users (nokia, airtel, techno etc),about half don't have phone at all, Through M-raise pregnant woman is registered using daily usable normal cellphone, even for those who lack the phone can fully impacted through ventures' maternal indicator that puts mothers with the same experience together. Our solution (M-raise) puts vulnerable mother who is at risk, at center of similar champions of maternal and newborns who cares her pregnancy and raise the newborn together using entrepreneurial ventures which improves their emotional relationship, shares experiences and generates income to cover basic needs including associated medical costs.
Using Simple tangible mobile technology which is characteristically in the population we save, M-raise uses Maternal Ventures and maternal Indicators to ensure that all pregnant mothers affected by earlier marriage, teenage pregnancy, gender based violence and HIV and physical disability are not striving alone to lift themselves out of POVERTY and from all issues related to reproductive health. Using USSD and SMS spotlight Similar mothers who shares similar experiences are integrated together using maternal indicators that help both mitigate the maternal risk and cutt-off financial barrier to access care.
Using her cell phone, Nokia 1280 Ngindura 14 who is HIV positive and school dropout adolescent first time pregnant mother from Mtepwende village in south Tanzania,Ngindura Joined M-raise on June 2018 using her daily usable cell phone and see experienced maternal teams and maternal ventures to her localities and around,Ngindura Selected to join venture that reflects her maternal indicator ( HIV+Positive mothers) and receive cyclic fund from m-raise as membership share generated by 150 ventures in their localities to grow their entrepreneurial venture,The team mentored Ngindura with all gestational schedules, checkup,vaccinations,medications and screening without missing) while raising income for their venture which offered 30% of income generated by the their venture to cover Transport,Food,medical cost including her surgery),Venture offers 10% of the income generated during his membership to help her during immunization schedules,child hospitalization and associated costs like transport,food etc.Her baby is 2years,HIV-Negative,with all vaccinations up to date and normal developmental malistones,Ngindura is a new CHAMPION,who is mentoring HIV+ mothers in her cycle using their entrepreneurial venture that serves and support every mother and her child under-5
- Internet of Things
- Software and Mobile Applications
We are dedicating at putting mothers themselves first to solve financial and maternal barriers once together using Usable mobile Technology that connect and raise maternal entrepreneurial ventures. M-raise is the cyclic repetitive technology solution,M-raise puts vulnerable mother at center of champions of maternal and newborns and cares her pregnancy and raise the newborn together using cyclic entrepreneurial ventures. Using champions of maternal and newborns more champions are born, and because of nature of entrepreneurial nature of our solution the financial barrier is highly minimized,Maternal ventures acts as platform to raise funds as well as platform for mothers who shares maternal indicators of risks to become on the same shadow of experiences and become champions, In doing so Many mothers from vulnerable communities faced by poverty, HIV, Violence, teenage pregnancy overcome the maternal and financial barrier which prevent them from accessing healthcare in lower income settings.
- Women & Girls
- Pregnant Women
- Infants
- Children & Adolescents
- Rural
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Refugees & Internally Displaced Persons
- Minorities & Previously Excluded Populations
- Persons with Disabilities
- 1. No Poverty
- 3. Good Health and Well-Being
- 5. Gender Equality
- Tanzania
- Tanzania
Currently M-raise has impacted more than 10,000 mothers and Newborns including those living with HIV, Obstetric fistula, disabilities, gender violence, teenage pregnancy, abandoned and those living in absolutely poor, We are expecting to Triple our impact in Next 2021 and reach 60,000 Mothers and Newborns impact in 2025.
In next 5 years we are planing to integrate maternal ventures' technology with maternal incubation center to support wide range of ventures across whole country, The Center will employ current approach to connect small business (Maternal ventures) run by teams high risk pregnant women from high vulnerable maternal communities.
One major barrier we face in m-raise is that majority of high risk maternal communities lack cellphones, Our research suggested that 3/10 have a phone, this initially put some difficult on piloting the solution. This is a real situation in many women in sub-saharan Africa, where mobile subscription among poor women and those affected by violence is highly poor,
To overcome this major barrier of technology among our selected areas and Because of random research at Kihulungi village one of village in absolute poverty situation reveled that for the past 3 years for every 5 pregnant women living within 10 neighboring houses 1 had a own phone, 2 had shared phone and 3 had neither own a phone nor shared phone; During piloting we had two ways of testing M-raise:
One: Putting 3:6 Through One maternal venture which shared same maternal indicators 3 were phone owners and 6 were either who shares a phone or have no phone in One locality forming One maternal venture
Two: Putting 2:6 Through One maternal venture which shared same maternal indicators 2 were phone owners and 6 were either who shares a phone or have no phone in One Locality forming One maternal venture
The 3:6 Piloting had 96% outcome: The results showed that high risk pregnant women who are Non cell phone owner, can engage in cyclic maternal ventures effectively by using the available cellphone of members who shares the same maternal indicator eg HIV etc
- Hybrid of for-profit and nonprofit
M-raise has 17 staff members 8 of which are experienced nurses, 6 are full-time workers and the rest work on demand free of charge, Our solution generates income for its sustainability, through percentage of funded maternal entrepreneurial ventures.
Our team is made up with of Young nurses who believe in power of woman, We started M-raise because it fully fall in our respective professionalism, Because 14 out of 16 members are nurses we are capable of making this Project grow and impact many vulnerable women in Tanzania
We are partnering with:
Financial Institutions: SDF Women Southern BANK, The bank initially provided a primary grant to M-raise and this saved as initial capital to support 200 Maternal entrepreneurial ventures with 5-10 members who shares the same maternal indicator and Similar experiences.
Healthcare institutions; Local hospitals, RCH Clinics, who directly take care of all pregnant women, and newborn in-case of illness or delivery, This partnership enable M-raise beneficiaries to be recognized easily and get saved
Once a Pregnant mother join the M-raise for first time, she is asked to choose many among maternal entrepreneurial ventures which resemble her maternal indicator, Once the ventures's members accept she receives funding from M-raise, this is 30% of all maternal ventures income in her locality generated per month.The fund goes to her chosen venture to grow their business to generate more income, Each venture saves its income separately in daily, weekly, 2 weekly and monthly to M-raise, M-raise does not charge any cost from the ventures after its initial funding is replaced back but only relies on daily internal mobile money transfer costs, this Differentiate us from other community financial institutions which end financial relationship with the customer when dept is complete. M-raise tries to bridge this gap through providing continuous repetitive cyclic approach.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
M-raise sustain itself by its nature of maternal micro-funding and income generating venture that bilaterally cut off financial barrier and maternal risks that prevent pregnant mothers and newborn from accessing care in high risk communities
Solve is big platform for opportunities, including mentor-ship, technology and funding, we want explore all these. Because our solution addresses financial barrier to the vulnerable women, we would like to get more skills and support from organizations working with vulnerable women at risk. And because our solution is new in market we want to explore more from Solver 9 months Program. We believe this will not leave us as we are today.
- Solution technology
- Product/service distribution
- Marketing, media, and exposure
Solution technology- because of our nature of technology, and increased demand of the solution for the people we save in Tanzania, We aim to acquire how can we improve our local technology to global standards without compromising the needs of people we save majority who have no internet access or smartphones even cellphones, living in rural and unconnected areas.
Product/service distribution- Our solution needs to be distributed to all women living in extreme poverty, violence and HIV endemic areas, We need to broaden our distribution through partnership with organizations working to identify and support them, because of our nature of technology, empowerment, financial and maternal care linkage most partners choose us.
Marketing, media, and exposure- To mark massive impact of our solution needs both local and international media for marketing and exposure
We currently partner with four types of partners, we need to broaden this partnership to adopt global standards;
Mobile money institutions-to all smooth transfer of money between the ventures in cost effective manners that app-ply to our policy. Currently we adopt M-PESA owned by Vodacom, we aim adopting others like T-Pesa, Tigo Pesa and Airtel Money
Local healthcare facilities-To provide care of pregnant mothers and their newborn if ill health early detected by the Cycled ventures where champions raise a woman at risk.
Inter-national organizations-To support M-raise by ideas, technology, mentor-ship and funds, we have partnered with SSA Women Group in 2019 and Inter-nation Rise Centre, Indonesia we aim to add more partnership
Government, Our solution generates three kind of data, pregnant data, newborn data and hospital data, which improves governance and policy making, we want wide partnership with local government and ministry of health.
Poverty prevents many women and children from accessing basic care like clinics timing, vaccination schedules and advanced care to specialized settings, Diseases traps more maternal communities back into poverty, more difficulties and hardships. More than 10 million maternal and newborn deaths are linked to poverty and lack of access to basic care, for those pregnant women and newborn affected by Poverty, Violence, Stigma, Disability etc in many impoverished communities the risk of easily preventable maternal and newborn mortality is always high.
M-raise is the solution, M-raise puts vulnerable mother at center of champions of maternal and newborns and cares her pregnancy and raise the newborn together using cyclic entrepreneurial ventures. M-raise is changing the trajectory of Africa's child and maternal mortality by putting women first with tangible mobile technology so that the world’s most at risk and vulnerable women and newborns are primarily discovered and timely managed.
Our solution also bridges financial aspects faced many suffering women and newborn in Tanzania through using simple mobile technology. The solution has reached and impacted more than 10,000 lives of pregnant mothers and Newborn in Southern Tanzania. Today we have 650 Maternal ventures used by vulnerable mothers to raise healthcare fund, share experiences and rise their pregnancy and children once together. Through M-raise Vulnerable women and newborn affected by HIV, gender violence and absolutely poor, their chances of mortality is highly minimized, hence their humanity is celebrated healthy and wealthy.
Poverty prevents many women and children from accessing basic care like clinics timing, vaccination schedules and advanced care to specialized settings, Diseases traps more maternal communities back into poverty, more difficulties and hardships. More than 10 million maternal and newborn deaths are linked to poverty and lack of access to basic care, for those pregnant women and newborn affected by Poverty, Violence, Stigma, Disability etc in many impoverished communities the risk of easily preventable maternal and newborn mortality is always high.
M-raise is the solution, M-raise puts vulnerable mother at center of champions of maternal and newborns and cares her pregnancy and raise the newborn together using cyclic entrepreneurial ventures. M-raise is changing the trajectory of Africa's child and maternal mortality by putting women first with tangible mobile technology so that the world’s most at risk and vulnerable women and newborns are primarily discovered and timely managed.
Our solution fits better in prevention and fasten diagnosis among women and newborns in lower income setting where fashion and high technology tools does not work because of lack of internet and financial status for the people we save. Our solution also bridges financial aspects faced many suffering women and newborn in Tanzania through using simple mobile technology. The solution has reached and impacted more than 10,000 lives of pregnant mothers and Newborn in Southern Tanzania. Today we have 650 Maternal ventures used by vulnerable mothers to raise healthcare fund, share experiences and rise their pregnancy and children once together.
Poverty prevents many women and children from accessing basic care like clinics timing, vaccination schedules and advanced care to specialized settings, Diseases traps more maternal communities back into poverty, more difficulties and hardships. More than 10 million maternal and newborn deaths are linked to poverty and lack of access to basic care, for those pregnant women and newborn affected by Poverty, Violence, Stigma, Disability etc in many impoverished communities the risk of easily preventable maternal and newborn mortality is always high.
M-raise is the solution, M-raise puts vulnerable mother at center of champions of maternal and newborns and cares her pregnancy and raise the newborn together using cyclic entrepreneurial ventures. M-raise is changing the trajectory of Africa's child and maternal mortality by putting women first with tangible mobile technology so that the world’s most at risk and vulnerable women and newborns are primarily discovered and timely managed.
Our solution bridges also financial aspects faced many suffering women and newborn in Tanzania through using simple mobile technology. The solution has reached and impacted more than 10,000 lives of pregnant mothers and Newborn in Southern Tanzania. Today we have 650 Maternal ventures used by vulnerable mothers to raise healthcare fund, share experiences and rise their pregnancy and children once together. We are expecting to reach 60,000 high risk pregnant women, adolescent mothers and abandoned newborns by 2025. Through M-raise Vulnerable women and newborn affected by HIV, gender violence and absolutely poor, their chances of mortality is highly minimized, hence their humanity is celebrated healthy and wealthy.
Therefore M-raise improves maternal and newborn health in low- and middle-income countries, We hope many lives of pregnant women and their newborn at risk will be saved.