Fight for health education and environme
The problem that I am committed is the problem that woman and some children are confronted .so my solution was to help ,make donations to this people in order to allow them a little bit to take care of themselves .educate them on the importance of our ecosystems and environmental. Me and my organization we provide care through non-profit establishment ,by carrying out prévention médical assistance for orphaned children and street children,donate of computer materials in orphanage and some school , rehabilitation of tables benches , tables in the poorest place who woman and children can get opportunity,we helping children girls or boys out to school , we contributing to the Innovation of educational centers of street , orphaned children in each cities and villages
The specific problem that I am solving is the problem of people, woman, children and old people and more the education of woman who are not go to school .
my solution is to fight for health, education , environment and human Rights because it is the key of our life
My solution serve to improve the problem of the world who people are confronted nowadays
- Support the mental and emotional health of women throughout pregnancy and after childbirth
People must participate in social and humanitarian activités by engaging more for health and sensitive other people to protect themselves
- Growth: An organization with an established product, service, or business model rolled out in one or, ideally, several communities, which is poised for further growth
- A new application of an existing technology
My solution is to protect women, children against health problem and my solution is to make donations to this people in order allow them a little bit to take care of themselves
- Manufacturing Technology
My theory of change is interpreting, leadership and volunteer
- Women & Girls
- Children & Adolescents
- Poor
- 1. No Poverty
- 2. Zero Hunger
- 3. Good Health and Well-Being
20000 people
My goals was to help and make donations to vulnerable people
The barriers is to have a grant to make more
By partnership
- Other, including part of a larger organization (please explain below)
My relation with my organization is to glorify the world with our donations and our contribution to help people
20 people
Me and my team are committed to make a positive impact each year for the happiness of people in difficult and other
One young world, unicef and GIZ of German I accomplished their role that their permit me to help people with my idea
My business model is to help people
- Organizations (B2B)
The financial come from my partner in France, England and canada
I apply to solve because I am a young leader and volunteer and my dream is to help people ,woman, children to take care of themselves
- Product/service distribution
- Funding and revenue model
- Marketing, media, and exposure
I have a main goals : help ,make donations to sick people in order to allow them a little bit to take care of themselves.
Specific goals: facilitate the integrity of young students to participate in the learning of illetrate people who can neither read and write , come to the aid of the sick people in order to contribute to their social, physical and moral well being
I like to partner with many organization in the world
I want to obtain this prise in order to make many donations help people and improve my knowledge of young leader with my goals in health, education , environment and human Rights
I want that my team use the Innovation for women prize to advance my solution because it can permit us to have many ability
I am qualified for this prize because me and my team we committed many think in the health workforce such us donate materials to the disabled , participate in the construction of primary health center for street children, rehabilitation of health services in any villages
I am qualified for this prize because our organization defend the human rights with many organization and rehabilitation of center for the refugee