Xertify - Digital Certificates
1. Educational Institutions have manual and bureucratic processes when dealing with their documents and the ones they give to their students, i.e. diplomas,
transcripts,etc. Also, there is a lack of data about students and graduates mobility and employability. This causes that the academic offer of universities does not match the demand of jobs.
2.For students, we give them a digital wallet in which they can store, share and request digital certificates. Also it works as a digital identity to surf in the internet. Plus, other ed market services and products.
For Ed Institutions, we offer packages of certificates and data analytics about student mobility.
For third parties, we offer free and instant verification.
3. We maker easier students and workers mobility within and between countries.
There are more than 3,5k higher education institutions in LATAM. Most of them still deal with register and admissions offices that use paper certificates for diplomas and transcripts. Also, they have bureoucratic and manual processes for issuance and verification of certificates.
A large part of the students of those institutions go abroad to pursue education. Others, get into job interviews. In any case, they require their transcripts and diplomas.
Xertify offers solution for the higher education insitution and for more than 13 Million students that are enrolled in higher education. In addition, Xertify offers solution for the students that have already graduated, so the number, goes way beyond that one.
Xertify improves the life of the register and admission offices in educational institutions. We have made more productive Universidad Javeriana in Bogota and American School Way. They gain about ten hours of productivity per week thanks to the use of Xertify to issue and verify certificates.
For students, they can save money on expensive transalations and apostilles because the certificates we issue are translated automatically. More important than that, they get their certificates instantly. They share them and they get verified for free. They have more visibility in the education and labor market.
We maintain a constant communication channel with our customers and users. We listen, we process the request and we keep updating the platform. More than 25 improvements have been done to the platform due to the feedback of our customers and students. It is a process that never ends.
Xertify Generator which automates the issuance of digital certificates.
Xertify Editor which allows our customers to edit templates.
Xertify Data Analytics which allows our customers to get information about student mobility.
Xertify Wallet which allows students to hold, share and request digital certificates.
We use Blockchain to support the security and privacy of the information. On the other hand, we use multiples code languages and servers.
- Provide equitable access to learning and training programs regardless of location, income, or connectivity throughout Latin America and the Caribbean
- Utilize data to better understand employer needs and better inform policy, resource allocation, and skills of the future
- Growth
We innovate by offering portability for students which increases and makes easier student and workers mobility.
Also, by offering automatic processes of document management for ed institutions they get more productive. We put them closer to Blockchain technology and help them exploit its advantages.
In addition, we offer data analytics about student graduates. With that information, educational institutions can improve their academic offer to match better the demand of jobs and studies.
Activities: Higher Ed institutions use Xertify Generator. Students use their Xertify Wallet.
Outcome: Higher Ed institutions increase productivity. Students, lower time and cost to get and share their academic information.
Short termoutcomes: Higher Ed institutions keep increasing productivity. They refer Xertify to other Higher Ed institutions. More Higher Ed institutions start using Xertify. Higher Ed institutions get data about student mobility. More students get digital certificates.
Long term outcomes: Higher Ed institutions offer an academic offer that fulfills the demand for jobs. Students and workers can move easier in their education and jobs. Also, they get a more updated education. The all economy wins by having a more capable workforce.
- Women & Girls
- Children & Adolescents
- Rural Residents
- Urban Residents
- Very Poor
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- Minorities/Previously Excluded Populations
- Refugees/Internally Displaced Persons
- Colombia
- Mexico
- Argentina
- Chile
- Peru
- Venezuela
- Colombia
- Mexico
- Argentina
- Chile
- Peru
- Venezuela
1. 10k + students.
2. 100k+ students.
3. 5m+ students.
We want to be the software that every university in Latam uses to manage their documents and the ones for their students.
We will be a large database that holds the information of all students and anyone can verify any student background with us.
We want to provide insights to improve the academic offer of the region and to fill the jobs with the right talent in companies.
To close a deal with an university takes time. The first and most important barrier are the business cycles of higher ed institutions. They are too long.
We are doing fine with any other category.
five years:
If we want to scale fast and big we will need to partner with governments to promote the use of our solution. Also, we will need to develop a faster and easier integration. We need to keep improving our technology. To make it fit better all the time.
We try different apporaches to customers. We keep shortening the sales cycle for universities. Before, it used to take us six months. Now we are in the 2-3 month benchmark to close a new university or ed institution.
The market change a lot. We are very resilient. We work on being able to change whenever we will need it. Our technology is made to work for every institution. We are becoming the rule. We want to be the standard.
Also, we are in constant communication with the Colombian government. Throught the office for innovation and Innpulsa. In Mexico, we work with the Secretary of State of Queretaro and we are also in conversations with Chihuaha Secretary of State.
- My solution is already being implemented in Latin America/Caribbean
We are already issuing digital certificates for the following institutions:
In Colombia: American School Way ( 1K USD/Month), Universidad Javeriana (15k/Year) and the Red Cross (6k/year)
Mexico: Secretary of State of Queretaro(10k/year)
Pipeline in Colombia: ECCI, Universidad Iberoamericana, Politecnico GranColombiano, Universidad del Quindio, Universidad de los Andes.
- For-profit
5 co founders full time.
1 software developer part time and 1 marketing employe part time.
We have been together for two years working very hard on this project. Everyone is committed 100% of their time to it. We believe on it.
On the other hand, we are a diverse team composed of software engineers, designers, UX designers, economists and industrial engineers. Our communication is very good. We have our own OKRs and KPIs that keep the team working towards the same goal.
Every member has his role in the company. Danny is a great CEO that has kept the team together and motivated.
None for now.
We tried the National Student Clearing House in USA. They are waiting for us to be bigger in Latam so then it could make sense to do a partnership.
For students, we give them a digital wallet in which they can store, share and request digital certificates. Also it works as a digital identity to surf in the internet. Plus, other ed market services and products.
For Ed Institutions, we offer packages of certificates and data analytics about student mobility. They are Xertify Light or Xertify Pro. About the price, the minimum price per certificate is currently at 0,90USD in all deals.
Ways to reach them:
-Xertify Light ( Packages of certificates): 100% online, pure agressive digital marketing.
-Xertify Pro ( API Integration): Introductions, recommendations, LinkedIn contacts, events and resellers.
For third parties, we offer free and instant verification.
Desired Revenue Structure :Xeritfy Light 80% and Xertify Pro 20%.
Cost structure: 40% Software development& maintainance of platform, 25% salaries&sales, 20% R&D and 15% Marketing&sales.
Price: Minimum price per certificate is currently at 0,90USD. We plan to increase it next year 50%.
As we get more name in the market, we can charge more for what we do and offer a better service.
Our path:
Year 1( With 500k of VC funding):1 MM USD total revenue/year
+1 MM Certificates issued
Market leader in LATAM
+1 MM Verifications in our website
1 Big partnership
Year 5: + 5MM USD total revenue/year
+10 MM certificates issued
+10 MM verifications in our website
Opening new business lines for digital certificates apart from education.
5 big partnerships
We need the education sector in LATAM to know about us. We need to let them know that our solution exist and that it will improve their life and the one of their students. This event will make us famous in the space. We need that fame to boost our sales and to let know other possible investors that we are here to help modernize the education sector in LATAM.
We need to sit with the decision makers of universities and with governments around LATAM to explain our vision of Xertify.
- Mentorship
- Incubation & Acceleration
- IP Registration
- Capacity Building
- Connection with Experts
- Funding
National Student Clearing House in the US. With them, we will improve the mobility between the US and LATAM students and workers.
ONU, Redcross and USAID. We want to help the migration population from Venezuela to be able to show proof of their academic skills. We need to reach universities there, thourgh a non profit organization, to help them digitalize their students academic history.
Along the way more will come to mind.